Galileo Galilei and the Roman Curia, tr. by mrs G. Sturge, 第 115 号1879 |
26th February 5th March according accused afterwards appear arguments Cardinal Barberini Cardinal Bellarmine Castelli Catholic centre Church Ciampoli cloth command Comp conclusion condemned contrary to Holy Copernican system Copernican theory Copernicus Crown 8vo defend Demy 8vo despatch to Cioli Dialogues diurnal motion double motion earth moves ecclesiastical Eminence Fanano Father favour Firenzuola Florence Francesco Barberini Galileo Galilei Galileo's letter Galileo's trial Gherardi's Documents Grand Duke held heresy heretical Holy Congregation Holy Office Holy Scripture Holy Tribunal imprimatur injunction Inquisition Inquisitor Inquisitor at Florence June learned letter to Castelli letter to Galileo Marini Niccolini Niccolini's despatch Palace papal passage person Pieralisi Pope Post 8vo proceedings Professor published recantation reply Riccardi Roman Roman curia Rome scientific sentence Siena Signor Galileo summoned tion torture truth Tuscan Urban VIII Vatican Wohlwill words writing wrote
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