
he may dwell at greater length on the Evidences, the Doctrines, and the Duties of the Christian Religion. Since the commencement of this Native Service the congregation has varied from 12 to 25, and although it is a matter of regret that so few of those Hindoos who have rejected idolatry appear disposed to give their countenance to the public worship of One God, yet the respectability, intelligence, and seriousness even of this small congregation, are very encouraging circumstances, and will, it is hoped, lead to a more general public profession of religion by Hindoo Unitarians. All the individuals composing it understand English, and almost all have received an English education. They attend from Sunday to Sunday at a fixed time and place, of their own accord, without any other motive or inducement but the desire to

receive religious instruction. Through out the service they join with reverence in the prayers addressed to God and listen with attention to the instructions delivered. And the occasional essays or abstracts which they prepare of the Discourses they have heard, the pertinent answers which they generally give when examined, and the further inquiries they make on the subject which has been treated, show that they both comprehend what has been said to them, and that they take a deep interest in it. Mr Adam, however, regrets that his other indispensable engagements have permitted him to give only a very limited degree of attention to this Native Service and to native labors generally, and grounds on this fact a strong appeal for a coadjutor in his Missionary and Ministerial duties. The place of meeting is one of the apartments in the range of buildings occupied by Rammohun Roy's Anglo-Hindoo School in that quarter of the city called Simlyah.

It is very ill adapted to the purposes of public worship and instruction; but the Committee have reason to believe that the natives who attend the service, contemplate opening a subscription amongst themselves and their friends for the purchase of ground and the erection of a Native Chapel, to be appropriated to the worship of the One Living and True God.' (To be continued.)

Installation at Charlton.-The Rev. Edward Turner was on Wednesday, June 18th, installed as pastor of the First Congregational Church and Society in Charlton. Introductory Prayer, by the Rev. Mr Noyes, of Brookfield; Reading of the Scriptures, by the Rev. Mr Alden, of Marlborough; Sermon, by the Rev. Mr Walker, of Charlestown; Installation Prayer, by the Rev. Mr Rev. Mr Thompson, of Barre; Right Huntoon, of Canton; Charge, by the Hand of Fellowship, by the Rev. Mr May, of Brooklyn, Conn.; Concluding Prayer, by the Rev. Mr Osgood, of Sterling.

Installation at Salisbury and Ames bury.-On Wednesday, June 25th, the Rev. David Damon was installed as pastor of the Congregational Church and Society in Salisbury and Amesbury. Introductory Prayer, by the Rev. Mr Osgood, of Sterling; Selections from Scripture, by the Rev. Mr Loring, of Andover; Sermon, by the Rev. Dr Thayer, of Lancaster; Prayer of Installation, by the Rev. Dr Andrews, of Newburyport; Charge, by the Rev. Dr Parker, of Portsmouth; Right Hand of Fellowship, by the Rev. Mr Lincoln, of Fitchburg; Address to the Society, by the Rev. Dr Flint, of Salem; Concluding Prayer, by the Rev. Dr Lowell, of Boston.


RUSSIA AND TURKEY.-The emperor of Russia has undertaken the war against Turkey with great vigor. He has employed more than 300,000 men in this service, and has followed in person the movements of the main army. This army has crossed the Danube, and after taking several towns and fortress

es of some importance, has advanced to the Balkan mountains, and laid siege to Chumla, a strong and populous town which guards one of the passes of the mountains, and also to Varna a town on the coast of the Black sea. A division of the army has captured Brailow, after an obstinate siege, and a bloody assault,

and another division has advanced to Silistria, and begun the siege of that fortress. Two Russian armies have entered Asiatic Turkey, and begun their conquests there. One of them crossed the Kouban, on the eastern side of the sea of Asoph, and by the aid of a fleet from the Crimea, has captured Anapa, a strong town with a Turkish garrison, in Great Abazia. The other army, which had lately effected the conquest of two Persian provinces, has entered Turkish Armenia, from the side of Persia, taken Kars by storm, and at the date of the last accounts, was threatening Erzerum, the principal town in that quarter of Turkey. The accounts from Constantinople, in regard both to the efforts made for the defence of the country, and the advances towards negotiation with the allied powers, are somewhat contradictory. The prevalent tenor of these accounts, however, is, that the spirit of the people seems to be broken, and that there is very little enthusiasm in the efforts which

are made for the national defence. The ambassadors of Great Britain, France, and Russia, were on the point of meeting at Corfu, for the purpose of negotiating on the affairs of Turkey, and it was reported that the Turkish government had agreed to accede to the terms of the treaty of London, of July 6, as a condition of the mediation of the allied powers in terminating the present controversy.


GREECE.-Ibrahim Pacha has entered into a stipulation with the admirals of the combined squadron of the allied powers, to evacuate the Morea, and to return to Egypt with all his army, as soon as transports for that purpose can be procured from Alexandria. messenger has been sent to demand these, and the evacuation was expected to take place about the 1st of September. The Turkish troops which were in possession of the fortresses, were not included in the stipulation, and they would continue to hold those places. It was expressly stipulated, that Ibrahim should take away no prisoners, but that all Greeks held in captivity in the Morea should be set at liberty. Ibrahim declined negotiating for the restoration of the prisoners who have been carried to Egypt and sold into servitude, but it is stated that an agent is to be sent by the French government, accompanied by a naval force, to demand

of the viceroy of Egypt, the restoration of all those prisoners. A military expedition has been fitted out in France, a part of which, consisting of about 8000 men, sailed from Toulon in August, for the Morea, to free from the foot of the enemy, such parts of that country as are yet held by the Turks. It is expected that one of the first acts of the Ambassadors at Corfu, will be to prescribe the limits of the new Grecian state, and that they will make other arrrangements for determining the character of the government and ensuring the tranquillity of the country. Count Capo d'Istria had received pecuniary aids from some of the allied powers, and he expected them from others. He had made some progress in organizing the departments of the government, but all efforts which had been made in military enterprises had been feeble, and had not been attended with any brilliant success.

PORTUGAL.-An assembly, convoked by Don Miguel as the Three Estates of the kingdom, has declared him the lawful sovereign. He has therefore assumed the exercise of absolute authority, in his own right, and independently of the Constitution, which he had previously, in the capacity of Regent, sworn to support. The whole kingdom has submitted to this usurpation. The inhabitants of Oporto, with many distinguished individuals in other parts of the kingdom, for a short time endeavoured to maintain the Constitution and to resist the invasion of their rights, and of those of their lawful sovereign; but the party of Don Miguel was found too strong to be resisted. The Constitutional army suddenly dispersed, Oporto was occupied by the troops of the usurper, many of the Constitutionalists fled into Spain and other countries, and great numbers have been thrown into prison, and have suffered the most grievous persecution. The government of Madeira maintains its allegiance to its lawful sovereign and to the Constitution, and has sent back to Portugal the new governor, appointed by Don Miguel. A military and naval force is fitting out at Lisbon, to reduce this island to submission. The Azores have acknowledged Don Miguel, and received their new governor.



tween Brazil and Buenos Ayres still continues, but it is prosecuted languidly. Negotiations for peace were still pending, at the last dates from Rio Janeiro, but with little prospect of a successful result. The republic of Colombia has thrown herself unreservedly into the arms of Bolivar, who has thrown aside the forms of the Constitution, and undertaken to administer the government according to his discretion. He has also declared war against Peru, which country had committed the double offence, of throwing off the yoke imposed upon them by him, and of sending an army into Upper Peru, to relieve the

people of that country from the military government which he had established there, under the name of Bolivia. The city of Lima suffered severely on the 30th of March last, from a terrific earthquake, which destroyed a great number of churches and other buildings, and cut off many lives. In Central America, at the date of the last accounts, the two hostile parties had agreed to the conditions of a peace, but some difficulty arose, on the part of one of the commanding generals, in ratifying the treaty. We are yet to learn whether the country has been restored to a state of tranquillity.


DIED, in this city, July 7, HENRY HILL, Esq. aged 91.

Mr Hill possessed traits of character, which deserve to be remembered and imitated. He was a religious man; not fanatical or superstitious, but reverent and devout. His piety was not an austere, gloomy, repulsive principle, but a calm, cheerful, happy emotion. It was a feeling of reverence for the divine character, of submission to the divine will, of respect for the divine

Those who only saw him oc-
casionally and of course knew him
but superficially, might have conclud-
ed that a heart so light and playful,
I could not have been the residence of
any deep and serious feeling.
they knew not the man. If piety con-
sists in melancholy and gloom, then he
had no just claim to the virtue. But if
it consists in an habitual sense of God's
presence and inspection, in reverence
of his character, in gratitude for his
mercies, in resignation to his appoint-
ments, and in an observance of all the
ordinances of religion and means of
grace, then he had a claim to the char-
acter of a religious man. Contentment
dwelt in his bosom, and the accents of
praise and thankfulness to God were
ever upon his lips. 'His enjoyments,'
he was accustomed to say, 'had been
many; his pains and afflictions few.'
While recounting the gifts and mercies
of providence, he would exclaim, I
have been one of the happiest of men;
I have had everything to make me so;

the best of friends, and the best of all
God's blessings.' He was remarkable,
too, for his equanimity and patience.
It was difficult to ruffle his temper, or
disturb the uniform tranquillity of his
mind. He bore suffering and affliction,
as a Christian should bear them, with-
out a repining thought or a complain-
ing word. Lying as he did for many
months, feeble and helpless, he exem-
plified, in his last sickness, some of the
finest traits of the christian character,
and taught all around him a lesson of
patience, of contentment and of grati-
tude, which will never be forgotten.
He was a kind hearted and benevolent
His charity beginning at home,
his numerous relatives found in him at
all times a steady friend and unfailing
benefactor. Under his hospitable roof
they found a joyful welcome-and ma-
ny who had no claims of brotherhood
found there a peaceful asylum.

Of his habits of life, I think it useful
and proper to mention his unparalleled
It was a temperance
so habitual and complete, that some
would denominate it abstemiousness.
It was an abstinence, too, not merely
from excess in one particular, but in
all. During a long life he abjured al-
together the use of distilled liquors, and
ever rose from his table with an unsat-
ed appetite, and consequently with a
clear head and a tranquil mind. Diffi-
cult as it is to determine with certainty
the causes of longevity, there can be
little doubt that the deceased was es-

sentially aided in reaching so advanced an age, by his uniform equanimity and temperance. Having no anxiety of mind, and cherishing within him none of the common causes of disease, he lived on without any violent shock being offered to his system; and when he fell away, it was the inevitable decay of nature, the ruin of mortality. He was a healthy, active, vigorous man for upwards of ninety years, because he was at peace with God and his own conscience, and because he never transgressed the bounds of moderation. The result was, the singular fact, that he never summoned a physician to his aid, and never permitted one to approach him, in his professional capacity.

As to his religious sentiments, Mr Hill was a decided Unitarian. Educated a Trinitarian and a Calvinist, he was led by the study of the bible alone, to embrace a more just and liberal theology. Familiar with the scriptures, and well acquainted with the arguments of the controversy, he took delight in avowing and vindicating the simple truths of Unitarian Christianity. He understood religion too well, and felt it too deeply, to be exclusive and bigoted. He was remarkable for his tolerance and charity. When inquiring the character of an individual, he never thought of asking what were his theological opinions, or at what church he worshipped; but his sole question was, Is he good? Has he the christian spirit?' In his own family, persons of different religious persuasions lived together for years in harmony and peace; and he was accustomed to speak of this as a delightful evidence that true and genuine religion may be found everywhere, among all sectsthat religion which is peaceable, gentle, easy to be entreated, full of mercy and good fruits, without partiality, and without hypocrisy.'

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The principles of Unitarian Christianity, which occupied his mind and heart in health and in prosperity, cheered him in the time of affliction, and supported him when on the bed of

sickness and in the near prospect of death. His trust was in the free love and unpurchased mercy of his heavenly Father, as they are revealed to us by his blessed Son. He had no ecstasies and no raptures in his last hours, but he looked forward with a tranquil and humble hope, to the time of his departure.

Such was the life, such was the death, of this excellent old man. He lived long and he lived well. He has now gone to his fathers in peace. He has been buried in a good old age." To his relatives and his numerous friends he has left behind him pleasant recollections and consoling hopes.


"Why mourn ye that our aged friend is dead? Ye are not sad to see the gathered grain, Nor when their mellow fruit the orchards cast, Nor when the yellow woods shake down the ripened mast.

Ye sigh not when the sun, his course fulfilled, His glorious course, rejoicing earth and sky, In the soft evening, when the winds are stilled,

Sinks where his islands of refreshment lie, And leaves the smile of his departure spread, O'er the warm colored heaven, and ruddy mountain head.

[blocks in formation]

'His youth was innocent; his riper age


Marked with some act of goodness every day; And watched by eyes that loved him, calm and Faded his late declining years away. Cheerful he gave his being up, and went To share the holy rest that waits a life well spent.

That life was happy; every day he gave

Thanks for the fair existence that was his; For a sick fancy made not him her slave,

To mock him with her phantom miseries. No chronic tortures racked his aged limb, For luxury and sloth had nourished none for him.

And I am glad, that he has lived thus long, And glad that he has gone to his reward; Nor deem that kindly nature did him wrong, Softly to disengage the vital cord. Dark with the mists of age,it was his time to die. When his weak hand grew palsied, and his eye Bryant.

ERRATUM.-Page 259, eighth line from the bottom, for fate,' read' fall.'



VOL. V.-No. V.




[A friend has put into our hands the following letter to Cotton Mather, written in 1725-6 by his correspondent in England. The original is in the Library of the American Antiquarian Society at Worcester, and the copy from which we print was made by C. C. BALDWIN, Esq. the Librarian.]


'Ottery,* March 10, 1725–6.


'Your most kind and welcome letter of the 31st December 1724, came too late to my hand to return you my thanks for it by the ships that went to New-England the last spring. But though the intervals be so long, I am unwilling to drop so excellent and grateful a correspondence; for it gives me an mon joy to receive a letter from your hand; and your last letter was a double pleasure as it enclosed another from my most valuable namesake, though it tempted me, I fear, to some degree of pride, that we had one of the family left, that deserves a better character than any of the same name on this side the water. But enough of this, lest I lead him into the same temptation.

'I return you my hearty thanks for such variety of useful composures as you are pleased to send me; and in particular for the Life of your dear and admirable parent, now with God, who was so long a burning and shining light in this dark world.

* Ottery is a market town in Devonshire.

VOL. V.-NO. V.


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