
ries their antiquity to a point extremely remote; and is in some degree sanctioned by the discovery of two stone coffins, one containing an earthen pot filled with ashes and arms, bearing a legible date, A. D. 727 ; the other dated 936, and filled with the bones of a man of gigantic size. These coffins were found in the foundation of what was, but has long ceased to be, the chapel of Riddell; and as it was argued, with plausibility, that they contained the remains of some ancestors of the family, they were deposited in the more modern place of sepultre, comparatively so termed, though built in 1110. But the following curious and authentic documents warrant most conclusively the epithet of ancient Riddell. 1st, A charter by David I. to Walter Rydale, sheriff of Roxburgh, confirming all the estates of Liliesclive, &c. of which his father, Gervasius de Rydale, died possessed. 2dly, A bull of Pope Adrian IV. confirming the will of Walter de Ridale, knight, in favour of his brother Anschittil de Ridale, dated 8th April, 1155. 3dly, A bull of Pope Alexander III. confirming the said will of Walter de Ridale, bequeathing to his brother Anschittil the lands of Liliesclive, Whettunes, &c. and ratifying the bargain betwixt Anschittil, and Huctredus, concerning the church of Liliesclive, in consequence of the mediation of Malcolm II. and confirmed by a charter from that mon

arch. This bull is dated 17th June, 1160. 4thly, A bull of the same Pope confirming the will of Sir Anschittil de Ridale, in favour of his son Walter, conveying the said lands of Liliesclive and others, dated 10th March, 1120. It is remarkable, that Liliesclive, otherwise Rydale, or Riddel, and the Whettunes, have descended, through a long train of ancestors, without ever passing into a collateral line, to the person of Sir John Buchanan Riddell, bart. of Riddell, the lineal descendant and representative of Sir Anschittil. These circumstances ap. peared worthy of notice in a Border work.

As glanced his eye o'er Halidon-Ver. 30, p. 30.

Halidon was an ancient seat of the Kerrs of Cessford, now demolished. About a quarter of a mile to the northward lay the field of battle betwixt Buccleuch and Angus, which is called to this day the ikirmish Field. See the fourth note on this Canto.

Old Melros' rose, and fair Tweed ran-Ver. 31, p. 31.

The ancient and beautiful monastery of Melrose was founded by king David I. Its ruins afford the finest specimens of Gothic architecture, and Gothic sculpture, which Scotland can boast. The stone of which it is built, though it has resisted the weather

for so many ages, retains perfect sharpness, so that even the most minute ornaments seem as entire as when newly wrought. In some of the cloisters, as is hinted in the next Canto, there are representations of flowers, vegetables, &c. carved in stone, with accuracy and precision so delicate, that we almost distrust our senses, when we consider the difficulty of subjecting so hard a substance to such intricate and exquisite modulation. This superb convent was

dedicated to St. Mary, and the monks were of the Cistercian order. At the time of the reformation, they shared in the general reproach of sensuality and irregularity thrown upon the Roman churchmen. The old words of Galashields, a favourite Scottish air, ran thus:

O the monks of Melrose made gude kale


On Fridays when they fasted
They never wanted beef nor ale
As long as their neighbour's lasted.

*Kale, Broth




When silver edges the imagery,

And the scrolls that teach thee to live and die. Verse 1, p. 33.

The buttresses ranged along the sides of the ruins of Melrose, are, according to the Gothic stile, richly carved and fretted, containing niches for the statues of saints, and labelled with scrolls, bearing appropriate texts of scripture. Most of these statues have been demolished.

Saint David's ruined pile-Ver. 1, p. 34.

David the first of Scotland, purchased the reputation of sanctity, by founding, and liberally endowing, not only the monastery of Melrose, but those of Kelso, Jedburgh, and many others, which led to the

well known observation of his successor, that he was a sore saint for the crown.

-Lands and livings, many a rood, Had gifted the shrine for their souls' repose.-Ver. 2, p. 34.

The Buccleuch family were great benefactors to the abbey of Melrose. As early as the reign of Robert II. Robert Scott, baron of Murdieston and Rankelburn (now Buccleuch,) gave to the monks the lands of Hinkery, in Ettricke forest, prò salute animæ. sua-Chartulary of Melrose, 28 May, 1415.

Prayer know I hardly one;

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Save to patter an Ave Mary,

When I ride on a Border foray.-Ver. 6, p. 36°

The Borderers were, as may be supposed, very ignorant about religious matters. Colville, in his Parenesis, or Admonition, states, that the reformed divines were so far from undertaking distant journies to convert the Heathen, " as I wold wis at God that ye wold only go bot to the Hielands and Borders of our own realm, to gain our awin countreymen, who for lack of preching and ministration of the sacraments, must, with tyme, becum either infedells. or

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