Proceedings of the Institute of Radio Engineers, 第 11 巻The Institute, 1923 |
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adjusted alternating current altho amperes amplifier amplitude anode band capacity carrier carrier wave cathode characteristics coil components condenser connected constant continuous wave coupling curve cycles Deal Beach detector diagram direct current effect efficiency electron tube energy FIELD INTENSITY Field Strength Measuring filament filed grid leak harmonics hybrid coil inductance input INSTITUTE OF RADIO interference issued kenotron loop method micro-volts per meter miles modulated wave N. Y. Claims Nauen obtained ohms operation oscillations output phase pick-up device plate circuit plate current plate voltage pliotron potential power tubes primary produced Published quency radiation RADIO ENGINEERS radio frequency radio receiving apparatus RADIO TELEGRAPHY radio telephone ratio reactance receiving set receiving station reception resistance resonance ship short wave shown in Figure shunt signal static telegraph tests thru tion trans transmission tuning turbances vacuum tube variation voltage volts Washington watts wave length wire York
567 ページ - ... of the Bureau of Standards of the United States Department of Commerce that capacity and tendency would still exist.
457 ページ - Published by permission of the Director of the Bureau of Standards of the US Department of Commerce.
293 ページ - W 2^W 2nW which shows that the ratio of energy stored to energy dissipated per cycle is — times the ratio of reactive power to watts.
219 ページ - ... km.) using wave lengths of 350 to 400 meters as now employed in broadcast transmission. The curve shows night to day variations of the order of 100:1 or a power ratio of 10,000:1. This means, for example, that it would require 10,000 times more power to "get thru...
298 ページ - BCA is calculated as tho choke and blocking condenser were not present. This circuit may be equivalent either to a pure resistance or to a resistance and reactance in series.
193 ページ - At the transmitter station the master oscillator, very carefully shielded to maintain constant frequency, operates into a two-stage amplifier, the last stage being fifty watt tubes, and from there into a bank of six radio frequency power tubes, each with a rating of 250 watts plate dissipation. Speech to modulate this radio frequency output enters from a telephone line and is applied to a speech amplifier the output of which operates into a bank of 250 watt modulator tubes in parallel. Thus both...
69 ページ - URSI, was founded in 1919 as a medium for worldwide cooperation in radio research. The aims of the Union are to promote the scientific study of radio communications; to aid and organize radio research on an international scale; and to facilitate agreement upon common methods of measurement and the standardization of measuring instruments. The...
193 ページ - ... permits the transfer of received signals back to the wire line. The radio station operates, therefore, generally as a telephone repeater arranged for twoway operation with two repeaters. At the ship stations, because of the small amount of space involved, transmitting and receiving was accomplished on the same antenna at different frequencies in the two directions. Because of the better receiving conditions on the shore the proper transmission balance was obtained by making the output of the...
36 ページ - ... increase in range made possible when all the power of a given station is utilized in the side-band. Of the various ways in which this suppression may be accomplished, the simplest is by the use of a so-called balanced modulator as shown schematically in Figure 3. Carrier frequency from the source C is applied to the grids of two vacuum tubes in the same phase, while signal currents, indicated at S, are applied to the two in opposite phase. The two plate circuits are differentially connected with...