
2. Children were admitted into the Church under the Law by Circumcifion, much more under the Gospel by Baptifm.

3. They have a Right to it, for the Promise is made to them, Act. ii. 39. And they are holy, 1 Cor. vii. 14. And reckoned among Believers, Matt. xviii. 2, 3, 4, 6.

4. The univerfal Church's Practice is clear for it.

OBJECTION. There is no exprefs Command for it.

ANS W. I. Whole Houses were Baptized: The House of Lydia, the Jaylor, Crifpus, Stephanus.

2. There is no Command nor Example for Women to receive the Sacrament.

3. There is for Infant-Baptifm by our Saviour. Πορευθέντες ἂν μαθητέυσατε πάντα τὰ ἔθνη, βαπο TiCortes dulés, Matt. xxviii. 19. So Markx. 13, 14.

II. Godfathers and Godmothers.

Queft. 1. Why are they called Godfathers and God


Because they prefent you to God in Baptifin, wherein you are made the Children of God.

Hence called by the Latins, Compatres and


Queft. 2. Why do they give you your Name? Because you have your Chriftian Name only at your Baptifin, which they bring you to s


and therefore, when you are received into the Church, it is fitting that they that bring you fhould give you your Name as Chriftians, Luc. i. 59. Impofition of Names, is an Argument of Power and Dominion; and therefore Mafters used to give new Names to their Servants; as Jofeph, Gen. xli. 45. in Egypt; Daniel, Dan. i. 7. in Babylon; and fo the Three Children. In Baptifm we are admitted into Chrift's Service. The Jews had alfo a Godfather at Circumficion, called PD, Sufceptor.

Queft. 3. What need is there of Godfathers and
Godmothers in Baptifm?

They were always used in the Chriftian Church. Tertullian, Lib. de Baptifmo, makes mention of them as univerfally practifed: He calls them Sponfores. No Church but ufeth them at this Day,

1. As Witneffes.

1. De Jure. Of the Right the Child hath to Baptifm by being born of Chriftian Parents, and fo within the Pale of the Church.

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De facto. Of what is done. That they were really and truly Baptized, as in all Contracts of any Value; tho' there be Twenty People by, you will have Two or Three in a particular Manner to be Witneffes to it, 2 Cor. xiii. 1.

2. As Sureties; giving Security to the Church, that the Child fhall be brought up in the Chriftian Faith. The Parent is bound to do it by Nature, they by Promife. He is as Principal, they as Sureties, Sponsores, Sufceptores, Fide juffores.

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3. As Proxies or Subftitutes, by whom the Child promifeth to keep the Law, 2 Pet. i. 4. They Promise in the Child's Name, Heb. viii. 10. As by the Civil Law, a Guardian may fwear in the Name of a Minor, and both by Common and Civil Law, a Child is bound to perform many Contracts made by its Guardian. A Guardian may contract for his Pupil for his Benefit.

Queft 4. What Ufe to be made of this? 1. Hence we learn, That to be a Godfather, is not only a Kindness to a Friend, but a great Act of Piety towards Chrift: An honourable Thing.

2. How much we are bound to ferve God, when we fo folemnly vowed and promised it at our Admiffion into the Chriftian Religion by our Proxies, 2 Cor. v. 17. Rom. vi. 4.

III. The Effects of Baptifin,

Wherein I was made a Member of Christ, a Child of God, and an Inheritor of the Kingdom of Heaven.

I. A Member of CHRIST.

Queft. 1. What is it to be a Member of Christ? It is to be of the Church which is his Body. Chrift hath a Twofold Body:

1. A Body Natural.

2. A Body Myftical: Which is the Church whereof he is the Head, Col. i. 18. Eph. i. 22, 23. Eph. iv. 15, 16.

Queft. 2. How are we made Members of Chrift in Baptifm?


By being then admitted into his Church, Rom. vi. 5.

By Baptifm alfo we all come to be acted by the fame Spirit that is in the Head, and are fo made living Members, 1 Cor. xii. 13.

Queft. 3. What use is to be made of our being
Members of Chrift?

1. It is a great Comfort to us: For by this it is that we are Partakers of the Merits and Mediation of Chrift for Mankind, 1 Cor. vi. 14. Col. iii. I.

2. We should hence learn to Love one another, 1 Cor. xii. 12, 25, 26.

3. We fhould learn from hence to live Soberly and Chaftly, I Cor. vi. 15. Yea, wholly devoted to God, I Cor. vi. 19, 20.

II. A Child of GOD..

Queft. 1. How are we made the Children of God in Baptifm?

1. Not by Generation. Only Christ was so, μονογενής.

2. But by Regeneration. Because we are then born again of Water, and of the Spirit, who is God. Therefore we are faid to partake of the Divine Nature, 2 Pet. i 4. Hence we are called Sons of God, Job. i. 12. And call God, Father, Matt. vi.9. Job. xx. 17. Rom. ix. 4. Gal. iv. 5. ̧

Queft. 2. What Ufe are we to make of this, that we are made the Children of God?

1. We fhould hate and avoid all Sin; becaufe offenfive to our Father, and contrary to our Natures, 1 Job, iii. 9. c. v. 18.

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2. Honour and revere God as our Father, Mal. i. 6. 1 Pet. i. 17.

3. We fhould truft on him for his Care of us, and Provision for us, Matt. vi. 31, 32. And therefore fubmit to his Will and Pleasure in all Things, Heb. xii. 9.

4. We fhould imitate our Father in all Acts of Love and Kindness to one another, Matt. v. 44, 48.

5. We fhould ferve and obey God from a Principle of Love and Affection, and Delight, Rom. viii. 14. Job. viii. 47.

Quelt. 3. What Privileges have we by being the Children of God?

1. We can call God, Father; which is an extraordinary Privilege, Rom. viii. 15. And fo partake of the Spirit of God, Gal. iv. 6. 2. All Things fhall work together for our good; for our Father difpofeth of them, and he hath promised they fhall, Rom. viii.


3. We are hereby made Heirs of God, and Coheirs with Chrift, Rom. viii. 16, 17. Gal. iv. 7. Hence is the Third Benefit we receive from Baptifm, we are made Inheritors of the Kingdom of Heaven: That is, We are put into a State of Salvation, have a Right and Title to the Crown of Glory, are Heirs of Heaven; and unlefs we difinherit our Selves by the wilful Commiffion of known Sins, we shall moft certainly hereafter be admitted into the actual Poffeffion of it.


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