
1. So as to be fenfible of it.
2. Acknowledge.

3. Be forry for it.

4. Make use of all means to prevent it.
1. Apply your felves to Chrift the Phy-
fician, Luke v. 31, 32.

2. Ufe his Remedies, Faith and Repen

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1 CHRON. xxviii. 9.

And thou Solomon my Son, know thou the God of thy Father, and ferve him with a perfect heart, and with a willing mind: for the Lord fearcheth all hearts, and underftandeth all the imaginations of the thoughts: if thou feek him, he will be found of thee, but if thou forfake him, he will caft thee off for ever.


E that would ferve GOD uprightly, must first endeavour to know him perfectly: Or, a right Knowledge of GOD is neceffary to our Performance of right Service to him. 1. What of GOD fhould we know? 1. His Existence, Heb. xi. 6. 2. His Effence, Exod. iii. 14.

3. His Perfons, Job. v.7. Mat.xxviii.19. the Father, Chrift, the Son,Redeemer, God-Man, the Holy Ghost, the San&tifier.

4. His Attributes.

5. His Works, of Creation, of Providence.

..6. His

6. His Word wherein,

1. Fundamental Truths.
2. Divine Precepts.
3. Precious Promises.
4. Dreadful Threatnings.

2. How fhould we know this God?

1. Clearly.

2. Diftinctly.
3. Practically.

4. Experimentally.

3. Why should we know him in order to our ferving him? Because unless we know


1. We cannot serve him.
2. We will not ferve him.

3. We must not ferve him.

1. We would not ferve him if we could.

2. We could not ferve him if we would, Heb. xi. 6.

3. We ought not to ferve him though we both could and would, Prov. xxi. 4, 27. and xv. 8.

USE I. Reproof.

1. Such as do not know him.

2. Such as do not defire to know him, Job

xxi. 14.

3. Such as do not only not defire to know him, but defire not to know him. 4. Such as do pretend to defire, but do not endeavour to know him.


1. Labour to know him, and to frequent the Means to know him.

2. Teach him your Children and Servants. VOL. I. 3. Nev


3. Never give over learning to know him, 'till you can serve him with a perfect Heart and willing Mind.

II. 'Tis a Chriftian's Duty not only to know GOD, but to ferve him with a perfect


בְלֵב שָׁלֵם .Heart and willing Mind בנפש חפצה

1. What is here meant by ferving him?
1. Our doing his Work, what he com-

2. Our therefore doing it because he has
commanded it, Eph. vi. 5, 6.

2. What by ferving him with a perfect Heart, Ecclef. ix. 10.

1. The utmost of our Strength.

2. The conftancy of our Endeavours always at his work.

3. The integrity of our Intentions in his


3. What by a willing Mind.

1. A defire of it, 2 Chron. xv. 15. Ifai. xxvi. 8.

2. A love to it, Deut. xi. 13, 22.

3. A delight in it, Pfal. cxix. 16, Pfal. xl. 8.

4. Why fhould we serve him fo?

1. Why serve him?

1. Because we are his Servants.

1. By Creation.

2. By Redemption, 1 Cor. vi. 20.
3. By Covenant, Heb. viii. 10.

2. We feed daily upon him.

3. We only manage thofe Talents he hath entrusted us with, Luke xix.13. 2. Why with a perfect Heart and willing


1. Because he minds the Heart more than the A&t. And,

2. He accounts all other Service as no Service, Ifa. i. 11. and lxvi. 3. fer.

vi. 20.

3. As differvice to him, Prov. xxviii. 9.

USE I. Information. Hence I note,
1. The infinite Mercy of GOD in Christ.
2. The great difficulty of Godliness and Chri-

3. The high Dignity of godly Chriftians.

II. EXHORTATION. Who will be GOD's Servants? Confider,

1. Who it is you should serve.

2. What Service he expects, even perfect, free and true.

3. What Wages he proffers.

2 PARA L. Xxxv. 25.

And Jeremiah lamented for Jofiah, &c.



Tated Feafts, Easter, Pentecoft, Tabernacles, the New Moon, Numb. xxviii. II. first Day of the Civil Year, or Tifri, Numb. xxix. 1. Lev. i. 23, 24. The Feaft of Trumpets. Fafts appointed by GOD himself, Fejunium a deo injunčtum, Lev. xvi.

By Men, Zech. viii. 19. the 4th Month when the City was broken up, Jer. xxxix. 2. and lii. 6, 7. the 5th, when the City was overthrown, 2 Kings xxv. Fer. lii. 12. and the Temple burnt, Zach. vii. 3. the 7th, when Gedaliah was flain, 2 Kings xxv. 22. Zach. vii. 5. Fer. xli. 1. the 10th or Teboth, when the City began to be besieged, 2 Kings xxv. 1. fer. lii. 4.

Befides these publick, there are fome private Fafts twice a Week, Luke xviii. 12. Thursdays when Mofes went up to Mount Sinai, and Mondays when he came down. This they pretend was ordained by Ezra, or in his time.

The Faft of the 4th Month, Ecclefiaftical Tamuz, about our June, on the 17th Day, because the daily Sacrifice ceafed on that Day; the Law burnt, an Idol fet up in the Temple, and the City broken up.

The Faft of the fifth Month, on the ninth Day, about our July, because the Temple was this Day burnt, wherefore they then read Job and the La


The Faft of the 7th Month Tifri, on the third Day, about our September, becaufe Gedaliah was then flain, and his Death was the cause of many evils.

The Fast of the tenth Month, on the tenth Day of the Month, about our December, for the City befieged.

Feftum Encaniorum celebratum fuit die 25 Cafleu five Novembris ob templum & altare tunc dedicatum, a Juda Macchabao, 1 Macchab. iv. 59. Joh.

X. 22.

Feftum Purim celebratur die 14 & 15 menfis Adar,* five Februarii noftri, quoniam Judai per totam Alfueri ditionem iftis diebus a confpiratione Hamanis “libe


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