


as we trust the wisdom of thy councils, as they

6. Thirty dollars for the best piece of fancy pat

seek for Divine derection, will be enabled to distern for vests, to Mrs. Martha P.Graham, as above


Impressed with a grateful sense of the religious privileges we enjoy under the present government, we submit this highly important cause of suffer ing humanity, which is peculiarly near to our hearts, to thy most serious consideration, thus then thou mayst become an instrument in the hand of the ALMIGHTY in promoting his gracious designs respecting the inhabitants of the earth.


Clerk to the meeting this year.
The prince returned the following answer :
I am deeply sensible of the calamities which ne
cessarily attend a state of war.

It would therefore, be most grateful to my feel ings to observe such a change in the views and con duct of the enemy as would admit of the cessation of hostilities, consistently with a just regard to the i portant interests which have been committed to my charge, and which it is my indispensable du ty to maintain.

I reflect with great satisfaction on the religious privileges secured to you by the wisdom and bene volence of the laws, and you may rest assured of my constant protection.

7. Thirty dollars for the best piece of cotton cloth, suitable for pantaloons or small cloths, to Mrs. Sarah M.Carty Mason, of Hollin Hall, Fairtax county, Virginia.

8. Ten dollars for the best pair of knit or woven tockings of cotton or thread, to Mrs. Mary Anderson of Montgomery C. H. Mary'ind.

9. Thirty dollars for the best piece of hem: en cr flaxen sheeting to Mrs. C Kimbol of Fredericktown, Maryland.

10. Thirty dollars for the best piece of hempen or flaxen shirting to Mrs. Margaret Knode of Washington county, Maryland.

11. Thirty dollars for the best piece of hempen or flaxen table linen, to Mrs. Maria Louisa Nourse, of Georgetown, district of Columbia.

12. Twenty dollars for the best piece of twilled bagging, of hemp, flax, or cotton, to Mrs. Neeld, of Montgomery, Maryland.

13. Thirty dollars for the best piece of bed ticking of flax or cotton, or part of all or either, to Mrs. Sarah McCarty Mason, of Hollin Hall, as above.

14. Twenty dollars for the best three horse ploughs to b eak up heavy ground, to William Thornton, of Montgomery county, Maryland.

15. Ten dollars for the best two horse plough to break light lands, to James Brown of Montgomery

Columbian Agricultural Society. County, Maryland.

From the Agricultural Museum.

The fifth semi-annual exhibition of the Colum bian Agricultural Society, was held in that elegant lot of wood land belonging to Mr. Thomas Beall, Esq. of Geo of this place.

16. Ten dollars for the best weeding plough to go with one horse, to Solomon Cassedy of Alexandria, District of Columbia.

The exhibition of domestic manufactures was highly gratifying in point of number of articles, va

The hon. Joseph Kent, the hon. John Talliafer
ro, of the house of representatives and the hon.riety, beauty and quality.
Thomas Wo thington of the senate of the United
States, and Clement Brooke and John Threlkeld,
Esqrs, were appointed judges of sheep.

John Davidson, John C. x, Thomas C. Wright, Wm. G. Ridgeley, Wm. Stewart, Esqrs. judges of manufactures,

Isac Pierce, Emmor Bailey, John Neeld, David Frame and Joseph Canbey, E qrs. judges of ploughs.

And premiums to be paid in plate, were by them

awarded as follows

Prem um 1. S xty dollars for the best two toothed gen. John ram lamb of the fine wooled breed-To Mason, of Annslostan I-land, District of Columbia, for his full blooded merino tam Golden Fierce of

imported father and mother from the Spanish flock

of the duke of Infantado.

There was a greater number of sheep shewn than at any former meeting of the society,especially of the fine wooled breed. It was manifest to every one, hat merino sheep may be brought to as great perfection in the states adjacent to the Potomac, as in any country in the world, where an attempt has been made to raise o: keep them. The full blooded merino sheep and those of the higher crosses, exhabited for premium, and shewn as specimens of sheep yeaned and raised in this country, were decidedly preferable to those imported from Spain or any other part of Europe, in almost every essential or desirable quality, in size, in beauty, in quantity of wool, and not inferior in fineness of wool,

None of the sheep had been previously washed, The weight of the wool, it may be supposed, was increased by the dampness of the day. This may 2. Forty dollars for the second best two toothed have been the case, but not to any considerable extent. Almost every sheep that was offered for preram lamb of the fine wooled breed, to his excellency mium, was brought to the ground under cover in a Ed. Lloyd of Wye, Talbot county, late governor cart, waggon or something of the kind, and most of of Maryland, for his full blood merino ram lamb, them had been carefully housed from wet for seve Talbot, of imported father and mother, from the ral weeks before, in order to keep them clean--and Paula flock of the Prince of Peace.

The following are the weights of the sheep:

3. Sisty dollars for the best two toothed ram lamb great precaution was used in weighing them clean. of the long wooled breed; to George Calvert, Esq. of Prince George's county, Maryland, for his long wooled ram lamb of the Persian breed; crossed on the sheep of the country,

4. Forty dollars for the second best two toothed ram lamb of the long wooled breed; to William Marbury, Esq of Georgetown, District of Columbia, for his half blooded merino ram, of col. Hum phrey's stock; crossed on the North Friezeland breed.

5. Thirty dollars for the best piece of cotton cloth, suitable for womens' dresses, to Mrs. Martha P. Graham of Dumfries, Virginia.

1st. Of those which obtained premium. General John Mason's merino ram lamb, Golden Fleece, which took the first premium for fine wool: carcase 93 lbs. 6 oz. fleece 10 6-total, 103 12.

Governor Lloyd's merino ram lamb Talbot, which took the second premium for fine wool: carcase of 123 lbs. 6 oz. fleece 13 10-total, 137.

George Calvert's ram lamb of the Persian breed, crossed on the country sheep, which took the first premium for long wool: carcase 108 lbs. 4 oz. fleece 12 6; total, 120 10.

2d. Of the unsuccessful competitors of the fine wooled


J. Mason's Marquis: carcase 110 lbs. 8 oz. fleece 11 14-total 122 6. Roger Brook's: carcase 88 lbs. 5 oz. fleece 8-information shall be attainable, we shall notice the

total 96 11.

total 91 12.

-total 107 8.

William Marbury's ram lamb, half blood merino, evils which follow an excess of increase above the crossed on the North Friezeland breed which took productions of the earth. From this inquiry, we the second premium for long wool: carcase 157 lbs. shall hope to deduce some conclusions, gratifying 8 oz ficece 11 14-total, 169 6. not only to the heart of every American, but to that of every true philanthropist. The emigrations which are constantly taking place from one state to another, will, of course, not come within the object of this review; but as far as the means of correct average yearly addition to our population, by the Basil Brooke's: carcase 82 lbs. 5 oz. fleece 97-influx of settlers from other countries: and endeavor to shew to what further extent this may be alLawrence Lewis's: carsase 95 lbs. 8 oz. fleece 12 lowed or encouraged, without subjecting our government to the cruel necessity of closing the door Gov. Lloyd's D. Manual: carcase 122 lbs. fleece to the only asylum, which the tyranny and rapacity of the despots of the old world have left, to the 10 8-total 132 8. P. B Key's carcase 123 lbs. fleece 8 12.-oppressed and afflicted members of the human famiIv. If, in the course of this review, we shall find Thomas Peter's: carcase 145 lbs. 8 oz. fleece 9 1 occasion to agree with Mr. Godwin, in referring most of the miseries of mankind, to human laws and institutions, we beg to be explicitly understood 3d. Of the unsuccessful competitors for the long as not wishing to meddle with the polit cal opinions of Mr. Malthus, whose essay, whatever may Bernard Gilpin's: carcase 67 lbs. 13 oz. fleece 9 4 be his principles, has been the result of much laborious research, and ingenious philosophical specuRoger Brooke's: carcase 124 lbs. fleece 9-totallation. If he does not at all times succeed in convincing his reader, he, at least, manages his arguGovernor Lloyd's: carcase 145 lbs. 8 oz. fleece ment with the polite liberality of a scholar and a

total 131 12.

-total 154 9.

-total 77.



9 1-total 1519.

wooled breed.

the purest spirit of benevolence and philanthropy; and that he has anxiously endeavored to promote the interest and welfare of the community, and to increase the happiness and harmony of society.

gentleman; and we cannot refuse him the expresThere were other sheep exhibited that were either sion of our firm belief, that he has been guided by not shorn and weighed, or no certain account could be obtained of the weights; but from the weights above it is sufficiently evident that the merino sheep exceeded the long wooled breed not only in quality of wool but in quantity, and on an average were very little inferior in weight of carcase.

May 22, 1812.


Our country is, in many respects, so differently situated from any other on the face of the globe, that it is almost impossible to apply to it, the operation of principles, which naturally grow out of a philosophical view of the common state and coudition of mankind; without the acknowledgment of exceptions which must invalidate any general conAn Analytical Review of an Essay on the princi-clusion: hence, the impropriety, of trusting to imple of population," with some remarks more pecu larly applicable to the present and probable future state of the United States..

Malthus on Population.


pressions made upon us by the ingenuity of foreign writers, most of whom in respect to the United States, are governed either by erroneous views or sinister motives. We shall esteem ourselves happy if the present labor shall contribute to eradicate a single prejudice, or, in any manner, strengthen the general feeling of independence.

[CONTINUED FROM PAGE 67.] Having followed Mr. Malthus, rather minutely, through his consideration of the various checks to population, in every quarter of the globe,and which, we have seen, he has reduced to the three general The United States, geographically considered, heads of, moral restraint, vice, and misery; we have been made to consist of three grand divisions, come, now, to his examination of the divers expedi denominated the north eastern, middle, and southents which have been recommended, or which havejern states. The first division, or that which is from time to time, prevailed in society, to lessen the commonly called New England, comprehends Verevils arising from the principle of population; and to mont, New Hampshire, Massachusetts, including an exposition of his own views,in regard to their mi- the district of Maine, Rhode Island and Connecti tigation. But this part of our author's labor, has cut; the second division comprehends New York, been already, so frequently and so ably criticised by New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Delaware, Ohio, Indihis own countrymen, that scarcely any thing is left ana and Michigan territories; the third division to be said; and as his arguments and reasoning are includes Maryland, Virginia, Kentucky, North Cachiefly founded pon the condition of society in rolina, South Carolina, Tennessee, Georgia, Loui Europe, we are but little concerned in their sound-siana, and the Mississippi territory, to which may ness or their futility. We shall, therefore, here now be added West Florida.

close our analysis of Mr. Malthus, and take a The first division (or the five states composing slight review of the United States; in the course New England) contains according to the best autho of which we shall endeavor to prove, that we are rities 46 millions of acres; over which in 1790 was far removed from the operation of those evils, which spread a population of 1,009,522 souls, in 1800, it has been contended, so powerfully threaten the 1,233,011, and by the census of 1810, 1,471,973.— system of equality recommended by Wallace,Con- So that for the last twenty years the population apdorcet, Godwin and others. pears to have received an addition of no more than

For this purpose we shall briefly examine the 462,451 souls; a smallness of increase which must state of society, the manners and customs of the appear extraordinary to those who are unacquainted different states and territories of the United States; with the constant emigration from these ste to and the means within their power, of escaping the the other parts of the union. The inhabit ret of

[ocr errors]

this portion of the United States are, perhaps, the the same state; yet we conceive the operation of most hardy and robust race of men in the world, and those causes would be too slight to effect any consi are proverbially skilful in the management of do derable variations in the general conclusion. mestic concerns, and in the various means of pro With this view of the resources of the states of curing subsistence. The great number of schools New-England, it would be a subject of curious established throughout New-England at the public inquiry, to discover the causes of the frequent miexpence (an example of spirited liberality which grations of their inhabitants to the other parts of the we should be rejoiced to see followed in every sec-union. Indeed, there is scarcely a spot on the ha tion of our country) has diffused the blessings of bitable globe which has not been visited by some of knowledge among the people, more generally than these enterprizing people; and very few, where perhaps in any other part of the world. The ob some of them may not be settlnd. This insatiable servance of religious duties is every where strictly attended to; and notwithstanding all that foreign hirelings have said and written to degrade the character of the people, in no part of the world, are the virtues of benevolence and liberal hospitality more generally practised.

desire to wander certainly does not proceed from either of the two great causes of emigration which are observed to operate in other countries, namely, excessive population or barrenness of soil: And still less can it be ascribed to those unhallowed cau ses which have heretofore driven the wretched inhabitants of France and her colony and which continue to drive the oppressed natives of Ireland, to seek an asylum in other countries, from the tyranny of their fellowmen.

The soil, in general, produces abundantly every thing necessary to the subsistence or to the comfest of man. The quantity of beef, pork, sheep, butter, cheese, potatoes, barley, poultry and vari ous other articles of provision, annually raised ex We confess ourselves unable to account for it sa. ceeds the consumption, by more than the value of tisfactorily, upon any general principle, and shall, ten millions of dollars. Woollen and cotton cloths therefore, leave the investigation, which is certainly of every description; silk, thread, leather, shoes, an interesing one, to those who have more leisure &c. &c. are manufactured in almost every family; and better opportunities of prosecuting it.

(To be concluded in our next.)

Defence of New-York..

We have heard much of the exposed situation of New-York, though large sums of money have been expended to fortify and protect that important city. It is true, that since the batteries of Copenhagen were forced by the stratagem and valor of Nelson, assisted by the unprecedented duplicity of the whole transaction, that the general confidence of the people in fortifications of any kind to resist a powerful fleet, has been considerably lessened. Yet, being assured that the works at New-York have been executed in the very best manner, mounting a great number of the heavi est cannon, and well manned by a gallant people; and knowing that in the city of New-York are several regiments of well-disciplined artillery, ready on an emergency to aid their defenders, at a moment's warning, and able to supply any number of men that can be usefully employed-and, added to all these considerations, when we ob serve that the command of the post is confided to a brave veteran, possessing the entire confidence of the soldiery and the people among who he is stationed, with the following pleasing results of the experimental firing had at that place on Friday the 14th inst. we hope and believe, if the British shall attempt to force the works they will pay dear for their temerity.

indeed, a farmer is rarely seen with any article of clothing not the immediate produce of his own or his neighbor's industry. Every acre of land, well cultivated, will yield abundant subsistence to one person, or, more plainly speaking, every ten acres will yield subsistence to ten persons. Thus, it is by no means extravagant to say, that this portion of the United States would furnish the means of subsistence to forty-five millions of persons. At the rate of increase which has been observed to take place for the last twenty years, a period of more than sixteen hundred years must elapse before the population would be increased to that amount, and consequently before it would be necessary to call into operation any of the preventive checks.But as we cannot take into consideration the emigrations which now take place to the other states, it will be proper to add their amount to the annual increase. The population of the United States, generally, according to the calculations of Mr. Blodget, is found to increase at the rate of three per cent. annually. At this rate, therefore, which we believe to be as near the truth as possible, it will require a period of something more than a thousand years, to bring the population of New England up to the means of subsistence. The foreign migrations to this country from 1784 to to 1804, inclusive, at period which comprehends the three great disturbances in Ireland, in France, and in her colonies, amounted to no more than seventy thousand souls, or an annual average of 3,500; which would be to the yearly increase nearly as 1 to 32. Thus it ap- "The hulk purchased by his excellency the governpears that the five states composing New England or, for the purpose of affording the artillery an opmay continue to admit an annual addition of more portunity of practising in firing, was yesterday anthan thirteen hundred foreign settlers to their pop-chored in the bay, about 1000 yards from the shore, ulation for nearly nine hundred and fifty years to and equi-distant from Castle Williams and the Batcome; beyond which period, it is presumed, the tery. The firing was commenced from the right of most zealous philanthropist will hardly think it general Morton's brigade, about 2 o'clock, P. M. necessary to extend his calculations. In estimating from 6, 9, 12 and 18 pounders. The number of shot the increase we have taken the rate observed to ap fired by the brigade, was about 130, of which about ply to the United States generally, because we be 3.4ths entered the vessel, although the object that lieve it will be found upon examination, that the presented was comparatively small, being the stern foreign and domestic emigrations make the only of the vessel only. The Veteran Corps, commanded important difference in the results of the individual by captain Delamater, fired several shot from a long states. Certain local causes may, no doubt, affect 19, which raked the hull repeatedly. the developement of the principles of population, so The detachment from the brigade on duty in the asm furnish a more favorable result in one state West Battery fired about 40 shot, nearly all of which then another, or in one part more than another of damaged the hulk, and several passed directly

through her. Several heavy shot from Castle Wil- the line of the army, shall receive the pay, clothing liams also bored her.

The firing continued about two hours when the vessel was perceived to be on fire, occasioned, it is presumed, by the red hot shot, fired by col. Curte nius' regiment, and which were heated m á travel ling forge,attached to the brigade, or by the shot from Castle Williams*

and subsistence allowed to a private soldier, for as many waiters as they shall actually keep, not ex. ceeding the number allowed by existing regula tions," those officers who actually keep waiters not of the army, will be allowed to draw money in lieu of clothing and subsistence--the clothing will be estimated at the contract price, to be fixed by the commissary-general, and subsistence will be estimated at 20 cents per ration, conformably to the act of April 12th, 1812.

After the firing had ceased, a number of officers and many citizens went on board, and on examina tion, it evidently appeared, that almost every shot had done considerable injury as there was not a The proper vouchers for officers claiming allowplace about the vessel four feet square which had ances under the foregoing provisions of the act, will not been struck or perforated by the shot. The be the certificate of the officer that he actually emmizen mast was nearly cut through about two feet ployed and kept in service the number of serabove the deck the fore mast and main-mast had vants charged, not of the army; and that he did not, received several balls, (apparently six pounders) and during the term so charged, keep or employ as waitthe pumps and bowsprit were much shattered. ers or servants, soldiers from the line of the army.


Prize Money.

This experiment has abundantly evinced the utility, judgment and practical knowledge of the artillery corps, and affords the most satisfactory proof| that if any emergency calls for their services, they United States' ships-When the prize is of equal will be rendered in a manner which will reflect ho- or superior force to the vessel making the capture, nor on themselves and prove eminently efficient in it shall be the sole property of the captors-if of inrepeiling the enemies of our country. [Merc. Adv. ferior force, shall be equally divided between the UnitYesterday, agreeably to public notice, the firing ed States and the officers and men making the capat an anchored ship in this harbor took place. We ture. The act regulates the proportion in which the have learned from an authentic source, the follow- officers and men shall divide the prize money. All ing result: public ships in sight at the time of making price, shall share equally. $20 to be paid by the United States for each person on board an enemy ship at the commencement of an engagement, which shall be burnt, sunk or destroyed by any United States' vessel of equal or inferior force. All prize money accruing to the United States is solemnly pledged as [Morn. Post. a fund for payment of pensions and half pay, should Another paper says-A large proportion of the the same be hereafter granted; if this fund be insuf. unsuccessful shots were well directed, and shewed ficient, the faith of the United States is pledged for that the troops required a very little experience to the deficiency; if more than sufficient, the surplus enable them to present a result still more creditable is to go to the comfort of disabled mariners or such to them than is afforded by this experiment, which as may deserve the gratitude of their country. exhibits an average of nearly 4 to 1 in favor of their All these provisions flow from the act of April


guns took effect

Castle Williams




The Fort at the Battery
The artillery do.











13, 1800.

A few of the shots last fired from the 1st regiment Letters of Marque and Reprisal.-The prize moof artillery were heated, and were successful in set-ney to accrue only to the owners, officers and crews ting the hulk in flames, of the privateer-to be distributed according to any We congratulate our fellow citizens on the evi written engagement between them--and if there be dence they afforded that we are possessed of adenone, then one moity to the owners, and the other quate means for the defence of our harbor, and that it depends with ourselves whether New York shall become any time the victim of British rapacity.

to the officers and crew. 2 per cent. on the nett amount of prize money, &c. to be paid over to the collectors, as a fund for widows and orphans and dis abled seamen. The same proviso, about $20 premium as above.

Independent of the obstacles which the fortifications at the Narrows will present to the entrance of an hostile fleet, they would be compelled to encounter works in front of the city from which some huning dreds of balls can be thrown in a minute; and which, by a very little industry on the part of the citizens, can be aided by auxiliary batteries equally powerful and formidable with those already erected.

Army Regulations.

By the act passed 26th June, 1812, concernletters of marque, prizes and prize goods. [Eng.

Female Patriotism.

MRS. MARY PRUITT, wife of Mr. John Pruitt, of Abbeville district, is the mother of sixteen chil dren-fourteen sons and two daughters. Eight of the sons are on the muster roll, the eldest of whom The following regulations have been issued from commands a company in the 1st regiment of the the war office, by direction of the president of the militia of this state. Several of these children are United States : well settled and live comfortably on their own farms. Major generals will be entitled to six waiters-Mr. John Pruitt, the father, is an independent farbrigadier generals four-colonels three-lieutenant colonels two-majors two-hospital surgeons two -and all other commissioned officers one each.

And whereas by an act of July 6, 1812, it is pro vided that officers who shall not take waiters from

*No hot shot were fired from the Castle. Col. Cartenius fired 4, of which 3 lodged in the hull

mer, clear of debt, and enjoys ease and plenty amid the smiles of his family and the good will and esteem of his neighbors.

Lieutenant James Black was recruiting in the neighborhood of Mr. Pruitt, and the seventh and eighth sons, warmed by the sacred love of country, and glowing with patriotic zeal, evinced a disposition to enlist, Mr. Pruitt, though a revolutionary

Signed by order of the meeting,


soldier, and having at heart the honor and interest, ted to the President of the United States by the President, Vice. President and Secretary thereof. of his country, gave way to paternal affection, and hesitated about yielding his assent that his sons might enter the army; but, determined not to ex ercise his authority to prevent them, he sent Mrs. Pruitt, his wife, to the place of rendezvous, to use her influence on the occasion.


[Particularly requested insertion in this paper.]

Upper Canada.

The music commenced, and its influence on the sons was so visible to the mother that she abandon ed all opposition, and immediately addressed them The geography of this province being but little as follows: My children, I will not say one known among most readers, we have procured word, nor shed one tear to oppose your wishes-from a friend, (who has resided in places which ena go and serve your country like men." The boys ble him to learn the situation, settlements, &e. of Look the bounty, and she went home for their the southern section of that territory) the following clothes. When about to leave them she spoke to sketch. As it is two or three years since he left them as follows:-" My son, do not shed a tear and tha quarter, his recollection may fail in giving a I will not shed one-go in God's name and if you correct outline; but imperfect as it is, it will be fall in your country's cause I will not regret it-gratitying at this time: be virtuous, faithful and honest, and my fears are at an end."

"The village of Sandwich lies opposite Detroit, about one and a half miles below Detroit garrison, This conduct is worthy of imitation, and can and is situated on the bank of Detroit river. The not be too much admired and praised in the present country is settled along the river from lake St. crisis. The heroic firmness and public virtue of Clair (ten miles above Sandwich) to Malden, or the Spartan females is again realized in our day Amherstburgh, sixteen miles below. This part of and country. Let those who think lightly of female the country is handsomely situated: the land good virtue and patriotism read this and blush for shame. and unbroken, with excellent roads. In the revolutionary war our females acquitted themselves well, and so will their daughters of the present day. Anti Monarchist.

Voice of Patriotism.

There is

Fort Malden is situated on a point of land at the mouth of Detroit river, and commands a view of lake Erie and the main channel of the river. (Here are built most of the king's armed vessels for lakes Erie and Huron.) It is a port of considerable importance, and I believe the only fortification place between fort St. Joseph's near the mouth of St. Mary's river, (outlet of lake Superior) and fort Erie. 140 a considerable settlement on the river of Thames, which empies into lake St Clair, from the northeast, about 30 or 36 miles above Sandwich, composed principally of persons who have fled from the United States to escape justice. There are On motion the president proceeded to nominate the following gentlemen, to wit:-Doctor Falward D. Smith, col. Jolm B. Earle, col.everal settlements on the north side of lake Erie, Andrew Pickens, major John Taylor, doctor William Hunter, col but none of any importance except those about Obadiah Trimmier, Join Wilson, esq. Joseph Whitner, esq. capt. David Sloan and major Michael Dickson, a committee to draw up ceratin resolutions, expressive of the sense of this meeting, respect

At a meeting of a very large and respectable number of the inhabitants of Penticton District (S.C.) assembled in the Court-house on the 4th of July, 1812, to take into consideration the present critical situation of the airs of our country-General ANDREW PICKENS was unanimously appointed President, General RO BERT ANDERSON, Vice-President and SAMUEL EARLE, Se


ing the measures of government; who retired and in a short time

returned and reported the following resolutions, which were una nimously agreed to.

Long Point.

The land from Detroit to lake Erie, (on the American side) along Detroit river, is low and marshy, and mostly uninhabited. There are several islands Believing it to be the privilege of a free people to express their in Detroit river, some of which are inhabited.. sentiments upon the acts of their government, and deeming it their The distance from Detroit through Canada [from dety, on particular occasions, to make known those sentiments to that goverment, we feel ours Ives called upon by the present so-Sandwich to fort Erie] must be about 300 miles. lemn crisis of our political affairs to exercise that right-Although inhabiting the mountainous regions of our country and necessarily he roads are tolerable, though the country is new.. far removed from the more direct pursuits of commerce, we have, Formerly people travelling from Detroit to the notwithstanding, long viewed, with a keen sensibility, the unjusti-eastern states, went this rout in preference to going fable interruptions of lawful trade and deeply participated in the

laudable resentment of our injured fellow-citizens-Possessing a on the south side of lake Erie.

[Ontario Repository.

common interest, we feel a common concern; and where a part is A considerable proportion of the inhabitants optouched the sensation vibrates throughout the whole political body -The multiplied aggressions of the belligerent powers of Europe posite Detroit are French, with some English, are not unknown to us; nor have the numerous fruitless attempts, Scotch, ish, &c." to obtain a just redress, failed to excite in us a corresponding indig pation; but having a perfect confidence in the government of our own choice, we have been content to leave to their wisdom the adoption of the most proper means for defending our rights, and avenging our wrongs-At length we learn from the formal acts of the government that all hope of amicable redress, as it respects one of our oppressors, is at an end; and that the constitued autho rities of the nation have been compelled to resort to the last dread alternative-Therefore resolved,


A singular combination of character. When the duke o Sally was about to depart for 1st. That duly appreciating the blessings of peace we have long England as ambassador, in the year 1603, with a ed exertions of our government for its maintenance and preserva-very considerable retinue of gentlemen, a young tion consistent with a just regard to our national rights and digni- man by the name of Dervin, was presented to him ty; and that with the deepest regret we now lament their failure.

witnessed, with entire approbation, the various and long continu

2nd, That we have the most perfect conviction of the necessity by his father, with a request that he would endea und r which our government has been placed of declaring war vor to make him a man of worth; confessing how against Great Britain and her dependencies; and we solemnly

which we have been reluctantly forced.

3rd, That viewing the conduct of France as scarcely less hostile

pledge ourselves, with all our resources, to support the honor and ever, at the same time, it was what he dared not interests of our country in the prosecution of that contest into hope, from the natural vice of the young man's disposition. Sully's curiosity being excited, he stu than that of Great Britain, we are highly gratified by the doter-died the young man's character thoroughly, and wined resolution of manifesting an equal resistance to the violation has left the following account of it in his memoirs: of our rights by that power, unless a prompt and satisfactory repa- Let the reader represent to himself a man of a ge 4th, That a copy of the proceedings of this meeting be transmit- nius so lively, and an understandnig so extensive,

ration is made.

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