
embrace him, exclaimed-“ Heigh, my dear William! what has brought you home so soon?" His father and mother both observing a sudden paleness on his cheeks, anxiously inquired what was the matter?


5. Young Penn, with his characteristic firmness, replied→ I am expelled from the University!" Pale as a blighted lily, poor Mrs. Penn stood like a speechless statue; while the admiral, clasping his hands and rolling his eyes as if he had suddenly beheld half of his fleet blown up by the Dutch, exclaimed Expelled from the University !" "Yes, sir," replied William, "they have expelled me."-" Expelled you, do you still say, child," continued the agitated admiral-" a child of mine expelled from an English University! why! what (uttering a passionate exclamation) could have been the cause?""Why, sir," answered William, "it was because I tore their dresses from off the shoulders of some of the students."-Here the admiral, with cheeks swollen of anger, and a voice shrill as a boatswain's whistle, exclaimed "You tore the dresses from off the shoulders of some of the students! why"-uttering an oath-"what had you to do with their dresses ?"—" Why," answered William, "their dresses were so phantastical and unbecoming the dignity of Englishmen and the sobriety of Christians, that I felt it a duty to my country and conscience to bear my testimony against them. And moreover, I was assisted in it by Robert Spencer and John Lock, and other discreet youths of the college." 6. To this introduction succeeded a long dialogue between the admiral and his son on his expulsion from college, and the causes which led to it. The latter expatiated much on liberty of conscience and his new lights in religion, while the former feelingly, and sometimes with anger, remonstrated against his conduct; but all without producing any agreement of opinion or external reconciliation. At length the admiral told him he might have till the next morning to consider of it, whether to return to the university and make such concessions as would secure his re-admission, or be banished from his father's house. Upon this, he retired to a room with his mother, whom he had little difficulty in reconciling to himself; and, in case he should be driven from the house of his father, she advised him to go immediately into Buckinghamshire, and live with her mother, until his father's anger should be appeased.

7. On the next day, as soon as breakfast was over, which was passed in silence, the admiral took his son into the study and inquired what was his determination. With all the meekness yet firmness of an honest Quaker, William replied, that he had "turned his thoughts to the light within; and that while he felt, with exceeding affection, how much he owed his earthly father, he owed still more to his heavenly, and therefore could never offend him, by sinning against the light, and endangering his own soul.' -"Well, then, you will not go back to the ESTABLISHED CHURCH!" replied the admiral, angrily."While my convictions remain, father, I can never leave the Quakers." Well, then, sir," rejoined the admiral, almost choked with passion, "you must leave ;" and ordered him instantly to quit the house. Deeming it fruitless to reply or remonstrate, William took up his hat and went out of the house, without uttering a word.

8. William, according to the arrangement made by his mother above named, directed his course to Buckinghamshire. His grandmother, being apprised of the cruel treatment he had received, was the more lavish in her kind attentions to him. But he was not long to remain in the elegant mansion of this esteemed relative. The admiral, as predicted by his excellent wife, soon relented, and sent for William to return home. A more gentle policy was to be pursued he was to be sent to Paris, under pretence of learning the French language; but in reality, to be kept out of sight and hearing of the despised Quakers. He was loaded with letters of introduction to the nobility of that fashionable metropolis, and every means was attempted to occupy his attention with other objects, so that no time would be left for religious speculations. The result far exceeded the most sanguine expectation; for, on his return from Paris, William was the admiration of his friends, having obtained a perfect knowledge of the French language, and acquired all that elegance and fascination of manners for which that people are so justly celebrated.

9. The admiral, delighted with the change that had taken place in William's appearance, introduced him at court; carried him about as in triumph among his illustrious friends,

What severe measures did his father take with him on his expul sion?

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and for fear he should relapse into his old gloomy ways, as he termed them, he resolved to send him over at once to Ireland, to take the management of an estate that had lately fallen to him in the neighborhood of Dublin. And to ensure him a full round of dissipation, his pockets were filled with letters from the admiral's court friends, introducing him in the most flattering terms, to the lord lieutenant, and other distinguished characters of that large city. On his arrival, he applied himself very diligently to the settlement of his estate; visiting and spending his intervals of leisure in the society of the lord lieutenant and his friends, who paid uncommon attention to him as an amiable young man, and the only son and heir of sir William Penn, high admiral of the British navy. While perusing a Dublin paper one evening, his attention was caught by a NOTICE, that, one of the people called Quakers was to preach in the Market House, the next day." Although William had, for some time, conformed to the established church, yet he had never lost his partiality for the Quakers; and therefore immediately resolved to go to meeting.

10. On the rising of the preacher to speak, whom should his eyes behold, but the smooth and placid countenance of his old friend Thomas Loe, whose preaching at Oxford produced such an effect on his mind? nor was friend Loe less surprised to discover among his auditors the university student, who two years before professed to be a proselyte to his preaching. This circumstance, connected with an interview at the close of the meeting, revived some of the most interesting recollections, in each of their minds-a free interchange of which caused young Penn again to resolve on conformity to the doctrines of the Quakers. His intercourse with the Irish nobility accordingly ceased, which, together with the cause of it, was immediately communicated to his father. The admiral was more enraged, if possible, than before; and wrote at once, for William to return without delay. His spirits were at first, as might have been expected, much depressed by this letter; but the depression was only momentary. Religion soon administered her cordial. On his return home, he firmly maintained his full persuasion of

For what did his father send him to Paris and afterwards to Ire land? What was the occasion of his being recalled from Ireland, ?

the Quaker doctrines, and his determination to follow the dictates of his own conscience, which caused his father a second time to banish him from his house.

11. At this time, young Penn was about eighteen years of age. On leaving Penn's Dale, he proceeded to London forthwith. His first inquiry, on reaching it, was where he might find some of the "people called Quakers." He was directed to the house of one George Whitehead, an eminent minister of that denomination of christians. It so happened there was a meeting that day at Whitehead's house. This was a most desirable event to Penn, who went in, took his seat with them, and, after relating his trials, of which, however, they had before heard, was formally acknowledged by them as a member of their Society. He did not become a preacher with them for six years from this time; but he immediately commenced the vindication of their sentiments by writing, and for one of the first of his productions was committed to prison. Nor was this the only instance of the like persecution. Indeed, he became so accustomed to it, that on one occasion of his being condemned to the tower, when a file of soldiers was ordered to guard him thither, Penn sarcastically said to the Judge-" Thee need not send thy soldiers—send thy boy, I know the way."

12. When William Penn was in prison the first time, the admiral returned from sea in consequence of declining health. With a broken constitution, his spirits had undergone a corresponding change. Learning that his son was in confinement, on the next day after his arrival, he employed a friend to effect his release. William, apprehending the cause of this sudden alteration in his father's feelings, hastened home without delay. On their first meeting, a perfect reconciliation to his conduct was declared by the father, who entreated that he would no more leave him. Although young Penn had made other engagements for spending his time, he still deemed it a duty and a dictate of his religion, to administer as far as in his power to a sick parent. These services of filial duty, however, were not long needed; for in the year 1670, his father died, aged only forty-nine. By this event, William Penn became owner of a very handsome estate, sup

What then became of William Penn ?-Under what circumstances did his father become reconciled to him?

posed to be worth at that time 1,500l. sterling per annum, equal to 15,000 dollars now, besides a demand on the CROWN, for loans made by his father, to the amount of 16,0007. sterling, equal, as money now goes, to two hundred thousand dollars.

13. In consequence of some difficulty in recovering thre debt due from the crown, and a desire to provide a place where his Quaker brethren might be free from religious persecution, he proposed to receive in payment from the British government for the debt due to him, that tract of land in North America, lying west of the Delaware river and north of Maryland, now called Pennsylvania. His proposition was accepted, and king Charles II. with little delay drew up and presented Penn with a deed, saying in his jocose manner-'Well, friend William, you'll see in this paper that I have done something handsome for you. Yes, man, I have given you there a territory in North America, as large as my own island of Great Britain. And knowing what a fighting family you sprung from, I made you governor and captain general of all its coasts, and seas, and bays, and rivers, and mountains, and forests, and population. And now in return for all this, I have but a few conditions to make with thee."


14. William Penn begged the king would let him know what they were." Why, in the first place," replied Charles, you are to give me a fifth of all the gold and silver you may find there. But as you Quakers care but little about the precious metals, I don't count on much from that quarter. In the second place, friend William, you are to be sure not to make war on the nations without my consent. But in case of a war you are always to remember that you are an Englishman, and therefore must never use the scalping-knife. In the third place, if any persons of my religion, the honest Episcopalians, would wish to come and settle in your Quaker province, you shall receive them kindly; and if they should at any time invite a preacher of their own, he shall be permitted to come among you. And moreover, if they should like to build what we call a church, (but you a steeplehouse,) you will not forbid it." William Penn smiled and said that FRIEND CHARLES, for so he often called the king,

What property did the father of William Penn leave him?-How did he obtain a title to Pennsylvania ?

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