

a false notion wherewith he was unhappily blinded." "O, the excellent man!" cried Cyrus, never forget the last advice he gave you."

9. When the conversation was ended, Cyrus, before they parted embraced them all, as in token of a perfect reconciliation. This done, they got into their chariots, with their wives, and went home full of gratitude and admiration. Nothing but Cyrus was mentioned the whole way; some extolling his wisdom, others his valor, some admiring the sweetness of his temper, others praising the beauty of his person and the majesty of his mien. "And you," says Tigranes, addressing himself to his lady, "what do you think of Cyrus' aspect and deportment ?" "I do not know," replied the lady, “I did not observe him." Upon what subject then did you fix Upon him that said he would give a thousand lives to ransom my liberty."

your eyes





1. The ambition of Cæsar and of Pompey had now evidently the same object; and it seemed to be the only question in those degenerate times, to which of these aspiring leaders the republic should surrender its liberties. The term of Cæsar's government was nearly expiring; but to secure himself against a deprivation of power, he procured a proposal to be made in the senate by one of his partisans, which wore the appearance of great moderation, namely, that Cæsar and Pompey should either both continue in their governments, or both be deprived of them, as they were equally capable of endangering the public liberty by an abuse of power.

2. The motion passed, and Cæsar immediately offered to resign, on condition that his rival should do so; but Pompey rejected the accommodation; the term of his government had yet several years duration, and he suspected the proposal to be a snare laid for him by Cæsar. He resolved to maintain his right by force of arms, and a civil war was

What strong expression of her gratitude did she make to her husband? What proposition did Cæsar make?-Did Pompey accede to it?

the necessary consequence. The consuls and a great part of the senate were the friends of Pompey. Cæsar had on his side a victorious army, consisting of ten legions, and the body of the Roman citizens, whom he had won by his liberality. Mark Antony and Cassius, at that time tribunes of the people, left Rome and repaired to Cæsar's camp.

3. The senate, apprehensive of his designs, pronounced a decree, branding, with the crime of parricide, any commander who should dare to pass the Rubicon, (the boundary between Italy and the Gauls) with a single cohort, without their permission. Cæsar infringed the prohibition, and marched straight to Rome. Pompey, to whom the senate committed the defence of the state, had no army. He quit ted Rome, followed by the consuls and a part of the senate, and endeavored hastily to levy troops over all Italy and Greece; while Cæsar triumphantly entered the city, amidst the acclamations of the people, seized the public treasury, and possessed himself of the supreme authority without opposition.

4. Having secured the capital of the empire, he set out to take the field against his enemies. The lieutenants of Pom pey had possession of Spain. Cæsar marched thither, and subdued the whole country in the space of forty days. He returned victorious to Rome, where, in his absence, he had been nominated dictator. In the succeeding election of magistrates, he was chosen consul; and thus invested, by a double title, with the right of acting in the name of the republic. Pompey had, by this time, raised a numerous army, and Cæsar was anxious to bring him to a decisive engagement. He joined him in Illyria, and the first conflict was of doubtful issue; but leading on his army to Macedonia, where they found a large reinforcement, he gave battle to Pompey in the field of Pharsalia, and entirely defeated him. Fifteen thousand were slain, and 24,000 surrendered themselves prisoners to the victor, A. U. C.* 705, B. C. 49.

What decree did the Roman senate pronounce at this time?What did Pompey, as Cæsar advanced to Rome ?--With what title was Cæsar invested, after returning from Spain ?—At what battle was Pompey defeated?

* Anno Urbis Conditæ, or year of building the city.


1. As the armies approached, the two generals went from rank to rank, encouraging their troops. Pompey represented to his men, that the glorious occasion, which they had long besought him to grant, was now before them; “and indeed," cried he, "what advantages could you wish over an enemy, that you are not now possessed of? Your numbers, your vigor, a late victory, all ensure a speedy and an easy conquest over those harassed and broken troops, composed of men worn out with age, and impressed with the terrors of a recent defeat. But there is a still stronger bulwark for our protection than the superiority of our strength-the justice of our cause. You are engaged in the defence of liberty, and of your country. You are supported by its laws, and followed by its magistrates. You have the world spectators of your conduct, and wishing you success. On the contrary, he whom you oppose is a robber and oppressor of his country, and almost already sunk with the consciousness of his crimes, as well as the bad success of his arms. Show, then, on this occasion, all that ardor, and detestation of tyranny, that should animate Romans, and do justice to mankind.”

2. Cæsar, on his side, went among his men with that steady serenity, for which he was so much admired in the midst of danger. He insisted on nothing so strongly, to his soldiers, as his frequent and unsuccessful endeavors for peace. He talked, with terror, on the blood he was going to shed, and pleaded only the necessity that urged him to it. He deplored the many brave men that were to fall on both ŝides, and the wounds of his country, whoever should be victorious. His soldiers answered his speech with looks of ardor and impatience; which observing, he gave the signal to begin. The word on Pompey's side was, Hercules the invincible; that on Cæsar's, Venus the victorious. There was only so much space between both armies, as to give room for fighting; wherefore, Pompey ordered his men to receive the first shock, without moving out of their places, expecting the enemy's ranks to be put into disorder by their motion. Cæsar's soldiers were now rushing on with their usual impetuosity, when, perceiving the enemy motionless, they all stopped short, as if by general consent, and halted in the midst of

their career. A terrible pause ensued, in which both armies continued to gaze upon each other with mutual terror.

3. At length, Cæsar's men, having taken breath, ran furi ously upon the enemy, first discharging their javelins, and then drawing their swords. The same method was observed by Pompey's troops, who as vigorously opposed the attack. His cavalry, also, were ordered to charge on the very onset, which, with the multitude of archers and slingers, soon obliged Cæsar's men to give ground; whereupon, Cæsar immediately ordered the six cohorts, that were placed as a reinforcement, to advance, with orders to strike at the enemy's faces. This had its desired effect. The cavalry, that were but just now sure of victory, received an immediate check; the unusual method of fighting pursued by the cohorts, their aiming entirely at the visages of the assailants, and the horrible disfiguring wounds they made, all contributed to intimidate them so much, that, instead of defending their persons, their only endeavor was to save their faces. A total rout ensued of their whole body, which fled, in great disorder, to the neighboring mountains, while the archers and slingers, who were thus abandoned, were cut to pieces.

4. Cæsar now commanded the cohorts to pursue their success, and advancing, charged Pompey's troops upon the flank. This charge the enemy withstood for some time with great bravery, till he brought up his third line, which had not yet engaged. Pompey's infantry, being thus doubly attacked in front by fresh troops, and in rear by the victorious cohorts, could no longer resist, but fled to their camp. The right wing, however, still valiantly maintained their ground. But Cæsar, being now convinced that the victory was certain, with his usual clemency, cried out, to pursue the strangers, and to spare the Romans; upon which they all laid down their arms, and received quarter. The greatest slaughter was among the auxiliaries, who fled on all quarters, but principally went for safety to the camp. The battle had now lasted from the break of day till noon, although the weather was extremely hot; the conquerors, however, did not remit their ardor, being encouraged by the example of their general, who thought his victory not complete till he became master of the enemy's camp.

5. Accordingly marching on foot, at their head, he called upon them to follow, and strike the decisive blow. The op

horts, which were left to defend the camp, for some time made a formidable resistance, particularly a great number of the Thracians, and other barbarians, who were appointed for its defence; but nothing could resist the ardor of Cæsar's victorious army; they were, at last, driven from their retrenches, and all fled to the mountains, not far off. Cæsar, seeing the field and camp strewed with his fallen countrymen, was strongly affected at so melancholy a prospect, and could not help crying out, to one that stood near him, “They would have it so." Upon entering the enemy's camp, every object presented fresh instances of the blind presumption and madness of his adversaries. On all sides were to be seen tents adorned with ivy, and branches of myrtles, couches covered with purple, and side-boards loaded with plate. Every thing gave proofs of the highest luxury, and seemed rather the preparatives for a banquet, the rejoicings for a victory, than the dispositions for a battle.

6. As for Pompey, who had formerly shown such instances of courage and conduct, when he saw his cavalry routed, on which he had placed his sole dependence, he absolutely lost his reason. Instead of thinking how to remedy this disorder, by rallying such troops as fled, or by opposing fresh troops to stop the progress of the conquerors, being totally amazed by this unexpected blow, he returned to the camp, and, in his tent, waited the issue of an event, which it was his duty to direct, not to follow. There he remained for some moments, without speaking; till, being told that the camp was attacked, "What," says he, are we pursued to our very entrenchments ?" And immediately quitting his armor, for a habit more suitable to his circumstances, he fled on horseback to the river Peneus; giving way to all the agonizing reflections which his deplorable situation must naturally suggest.

7. Here he took ship, and proceeded to the Amphipolis; where, finding his affairs desperate, he steered to Lesbos, to take in his wife Cornelia, whom he had left there, at a distance from the dangers and hurry of war. She, who had long flattered herself with the hopes of victory, felt the reverse of her fortune, in an agony of distress. She was desired by the messenger, (whose tears, more than words, pro

Where had Pompey left his wife Cornelia ?

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