

END. 1742-1744. (p. 591-759.)

I. Friedrich resumes his Peaceable Pursuits-II. Austrian Af-
fairs are on the Mounting Hand-III. Carnival Phenomena in War-
time-IV. Austrian Affairs mount to a Dangerous Height-V. Bri-
tannic Majesty fights his Battle of Dettingen; and becomes Supreme
Jove of Germany, in a Manner-VI. Voltaire visits Friedrich for
the Fourth Time-VII. Friedrich makes Treaty with France; and
silently gets ready-VIII. Perfect Peace at Berlin, War all round.

(Vol. IV. contains Books XV.—XVII.)

Chlum: Friedrich cannot achieve Peace-XII. Battle of Sohr-
XIII. Saxony and Austria make a surprising Last Attempt-XIV.
Battle of Kesselsdorf-XV. Peace of Dresden: Friedrich does march


(p. 235-493.)

his World of Enemies coming on-VI. Death of Winterfeld-
VII. Friedrich in Thüringen, his World of Enemies all come-
VIII. Battle of Rossbach-IX. Friedrich marches for Silesia-
X. Battle of Leuthen-XI. Winter in Breslau: Third Campaign
opens-XII. Siege of Olmütz-XIII. Battle of Zorndorf-XIV.
Battle of Hochkirch.

SEVEN-YEARS WAR. 1759-1760. (p. 389-639.)

I. Preliminaries to a Fourth Campaign-II. General Dohna;

Dictator Wedell: Battle of Züllichau—III. Friedrich in Person
attempts the Russian Problem; not with Success-IV. Battle of
Kunersdorf-V. Saxony without Defence: Schmettau surrenders
Dresden-VI. Prince Henri makes a March of Fifty Hours; the
Russians cannot find Lodging in Silesia-VII. Friedrich reappears
on the Field, and in Seven Days after comes the Catastrophe of
Maxen-VIII. Miscellanea in Winter-quarters, 1759-60-IX. Pre-
liminaries to a Fifth Campaign.

(Vol. VI. contains Books XX. and XXI.)


I. Prefatory-II. Repairing of a ruined Prussia-III. Troubles in Poland-IV. Partition of Poland-V. A Chapter of Miscellanies -VI. The Bavarian War-VII. Miller Arnold's Lawsuit-VIII. The Fürstenbund: Friedrich's Last Years-IX. Friedrich's Last Illness and Death.


VOL. I. Portrait of "The Little Drummer"-Maps of CleveJülich and Baireuth-Anspach.

VOL. II. Portrait of "Fredericus Wilhelmus"-Plan of Camp of Radewitz-Map of Journey to the Reich-Maps of Cüstrin, Philipsburg, and Kingdom of Prussia.

VOL. III. Portrait of "Frédéric II, Roi de Prusse, Electeur de Brandebourg"-Plans of Battles of Möllwitz, Chotusitz, and Dettingen-Map for First and Second Silesian Wars.

VOL. IV. Portrait of "Frederike Sophie Wilhelmine, Margravine of Baireuth"-Plans of Battles of Fontenoy, Hohenfriedberg, Sohr, Kesselsdorf, and Lobositz-Plan of Camp of Pirna-Map for Second and Third Silesian War-Facsimile of Secret Letter of Instructions.

VOL. V. Portrait of "Friedrich II. König in Preussen, ætatis 58"-Plans of Battles of Prag, Kolin, Rossbach, Leuthen, Zorndorf, Hochkirch, Minden, Kunersdorf, and Maxen-Map for Siege of Olmütz-Map for Third Silesian War.

VOL. VI. Portrait of "Friedrich II. König von Preussen, ætatis 73"-Plans of Battles of Liegnitz and Torgau-Map of Bunzelwitz, Burkersdorf, and Reichenbach Country-Map for Third Silesian War-Map of Kingdom of Prussia.


ABEL, D. Otto, cited, ii. 445 n.
Abercromby, at Ticonderago, v. 382.
Académie des Sciences of Berlin, i.
370, 621.

Achard, M., ii. 574.
Achilles, v. 236.

Acre, Siege of, i. 109.

Adalbert's, St., attempt to convert

Preussen to Christianity, i. 78, 113;
iii. 168.

Adams, Johann, Burgermeister, com-
plains of French rapacity, v. 223.
Adams, John Quincey, cited on Silesia,
iii. 491.

Adams of Boston, 'American Cato,' vi.

Adelung, cited, iii. 136 n.; iv. 5 n.; v.

7 n.

Adolf Friedrich, Prince, iii. 733, 735;

marries Princess Ulrique, 736; King
of Sweden, vi. 470; his death,

Adolf of Nassau, Kaiser, i. 191.
Agamemnon's Sceptre, i. 3.
Aguesseau, Chancellor d', iv. 290 n.
Ahlden, Castle of, i. 34, 529, 538, 634;

the Ahlden Heritage,' ii. 76, 103.
Ahlden, Die Herzogin von, i. 36 n.
Ahremberg, Duke d', iii. 661, 746; at

Dettingen, 670; iv. 4, 71, 94, 106;
gone all to hebetude, 171; at Sohr,
186; at Eger, v. 17, 18; Leuthen,
262; Hochkirch, 356, 368; beaten
by Prince Henri at Pretsch, 554.
Aix-la-Chapelle, Charlemagne at, iii.
600; Treaty of, iv. 276, 277, 471.
Akakia, Doctor, Voltaire's, iv. 430;
publicly burnt, 435.

Alba, i. 253.

Alberoni, i. 450.

Albert Achilles, Kurfürst, i. 214, 216;
how he managed the Bishop of
Bamberg, 218.

Albert Alcibiades of Baireuth, i. 232;
a kind of Failure of a Fritz,' 255,
261, 279.
Albert, Archbishop of Maintz, i. 222;

memorable Sale of Indulgences,
223; at the Diet of Augsburg, 240.
Albert Friedrich, Second Duke of
Preussen, i. 292; his marriage, 294;
overclouding of mind, 296; death,


Albert I., Kaiser, harsh and ugly, i,

143, 144; assassinated by his ne-
phew, 145.

Albert Henry, Prince of Brunswick, vi.

Albert, Hochmeister, i. 244; difficul-
ties about homage to Poland, 245;
getting deep into Protestantism,
249; Hereditary Duke of Preussen,
251, 281; his second Wife; death,

Albert, Prince, of Brunswick, iv. 157 ;
killed at Sohr, 184.

Albert, Prince, of Saxony, vi. 319.
Albert II., Kaiser, i. 192, 233; vi. 568.
Albert the Bear, the great Markgraf
of Brandenburg, i. 90; origin of
name, 95; descendants, 154.
Alderfeld, cited, i. 438 n.
Alembert, D', iv. 489, 490; letters
from Voltaire to, v. 617, 618;
meets with the King at Geldern, vi.
360; declines the post of Perpetual
President, 367; letter to Madame
du Deffand, 367; recommends Hel-
vetius to Friedrich, 368; leaves
Potsdam, 384; becomes Friedrich's
chief correspondent, 521-523; writes
to him of his interview with Kaiser
Joseph, 562; his death, 674: men-
tioned also, 451, 367 n.
Alexander, v. 244, 265.
Alexius, Czarowitz, ii. 378.
Algarotti, ii. 663; one of the first

beaux-esprits of his age, iii. 59;
with Friedrich at Strasburg, 62;
mission to Sardinia, 226; at Bres-
lau, 444; position with Friedrich,
iv. 384, 457; death, vi. 386: men-
tioned also, iii. 21, 44, 90, 204, 266.
Almon, cited, v. 72 n.

Alphonso, King of Castile and sham
Kaiser, i. 128, 131.

Alsace, iii. 669.

Altenburg, ii. 213.

Althan, Count d', vi. 455.

Altranstadt, Treaty of, iii. 171, 188.
Amber, i. 77.

Ambitious, question for the, iii. 345.
Amelia, Dowager Empress, iii. 490.
Amelia, Princess, of England, i. 528;
ii. 632; iv. 364; vi. 141.
Amelia, Princess, of Prussia, i. 539; in
pecuniary trouble, iii. 647; Abbess
of Quedlinburg, 740; at Berlin Car.

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