
treats across the Rhine, 658; or-
dered to his own Estates; death,
681: mentioned also, iv. 32.
Broglio, Maréchal, at Rossbach, v. 189,
194, 204, 206; the two extreme
points of his career, Rossbach and
the fall of the Bastille, 215; at San-
gerhausen, 221; fight of Sanders-
hausen, 384 n.; at Frankfurt-on-
Mayne, 405; repulses Ferdinand
at Bergen, 408-410; at Minden,
445-453; vehemently manœuvres
against Duke Ferdinand, vi. 41-45 ;
lays hold of Göttingen, 136; de-
feated at Langensalza; loses his
winter magazines, 161-164; gets
into quarrel with Soubise, and is
defeated by Ferdinand at Velling-
hausen, 197-201.

Bromley's Collection of Royal Letters,
i. 225 n.

Browne, General, born German, iii.
184; tries to defend Breslau, 206;
a superior soldier, 220, 222, 235;
back to Glatz, 267; at Mollwitz,
317; in Bavaria, iv. 95; in Italy, 250,
251 n., 268; in Bohemia, 557, 564;
enthusiastic help to him, 568;
marches to the relief of the Saxons,
568-570; battle of Lobositz, 572-
583; retreats to Budin, 582; will
try it another way, 586; arrives at
Lichtenhayn, 588; hears nothing
from the Saxons, 593; a right
valiant soldier and man, 593, 594;
recommends Loudon, 609; securing
posts in the Metal Mountains, v. 15;
has to retire suddenly to defend
Prag, 16, 18, 22; altercations with
Prince Karl, 24; battle of Prag, 31,
36, 39; mortally wounded, 40; his
last counsel, 44; death, 45, 75, 106:
mentioned also, iii. 179, 182, 286.
Brühl, Count, ii. 34; iii. 350, 516; no
friend to Friedrich, iv. 20, 83; re-
gards him with perfect hatred, 87,
91, 156, 161, 192; twelve tailors
always sewing for him, 91; great
schemes against Friedrich, 164, 191,
192, 194; cannot keep his secret,
195; rage yellower than ever, 208;
doom of nations governed by
Brühls, 212, 217, 555, 592, 604;
Brühl a much-illuminated man,
220, 221; afraid of Friedrich, 499,
505; plots to set the Czarina
against him, 506-508; Prussian in-
vasion, 543; withdraws with Polish
Majesty to Pirna, 550, 551, 564,
596; communicates with Browne,
588; goes to Warsaw, 601; Brühl's

property alone respected by the
French, v.219; enmity to Friedrich,
379; death, vi. 386, 395; his vora-
city for lands in Poland, 401.
Brühl, Madame, iv. 608.
Brummel, Beau, iv. 463.
Brunswick-Bevern, Ferdinand Albert
Duke of, ii. 379, 496, 501, 547. See
Elizabeth Christina; Karl Duke
of; Bevern.

Brunswick, Hereditary Prince of,
dashes out of Fulda on the Reich's
folk, v. 406, 408; drives out the
French post at Gohfeld, 447, 452;
marches into Saxony to aid Fried-
rich, 581; drives the Duke of Wür-
temberg out of Fulda, 583, 586; at
Korbach, vi. 40; at Emsdorf, 41;
Kloster Kampen, 136-139;
prised by Broglio, 163; generally
had command of the English
troops, 204; in the Bavarian War,
600 mentioned also, 447, 691.
Brunswick. See Anton Ulrich; Chris-
tian of.


Buccon, General, killed at Torgau, vi.

Buchholz, ii. 422; cited, i. 408 n.,
490 n.; iv. 39 n.; vi. 286.
Buch, Johann von, i. 139.
Buchwald, Frau von, v. 154, 156.
Buddäus, cited, i. 270 n.
Buddäus, Dr., iv. 307.
Buddenbrock, General, ii. 211, 226,

300, 408, 431, 435, 567; at Chotu-
sitz, iii. 568, 570, 571; at Sohr, iv.
183-185 mentioned also, vi. 639.
Büderich, Camp at, iii. 123.
Budget, Fixed, value of a, iii. 41.
Bülow, General, with Friedrich at

Liegnitz, vi. 59; at Camp of Bun-
zelwitz, 192, 212.

Bülow, Mamsell, ii. 121, 134, 260, 276.
Bünau, cited, i. 101 n.

Buonamici, cited, iii. 619 n.; iv. 251 n.
Burgoyne, Brigadier, in Portugal, vi.
242, 243.

Burke, Edmund, iv. 314.
Burkersdorf Heights, Storming of, vi.


Burk, Lieutenant, in Portugal, vi. 242.
Burney's, Dr., account of his visit to
Voltaire, vi. 526-529.

Burns, Robert, i. 473.
Büsching, cited, i. 101 n., 302 n., 356 n.;
ii. 408 n.; iii. 34, 61 n., 237; iv. 414,
122 n.; v. 20 n.; crude authenticity,
ii. 406, 408 n.; Russian Mission, iii.
279; at Petersburg, vi. 266; hom-
aging to Czar Peter, 270; sees the
Czar on horseback, 271; tumult

and revolution, 276-280; Nüssler's
Interview with the King, 352-355;
a dull, though solid, accurate kind
of man, 353; interviews with
Queen Ulrique, 509-511; gets a
new Town Schoolhouse for Berlin,
511 mentioned also, 499, 639.
Bussy, Sieur de, vi. 204, 235; con-
ducts Choiseul's negotiations with
Pitt, 235.

Bute, Lord, v. 155; vi. 143, 146, 237,
239, 244; his shameful peace, 298,
315, 316, 326.

Butturlin, Feldmarschall, to command

the Russian Army in Silesia, vi.
181; will not venture upon Fried-
rich at Bunzelwitz, 189, 190; alter-
cations with Loudon, 192; returns
homewards, accelerated by General
Platen, 193-195; sends reinforce-
ments to Romanzow at Colberg,
210; returns to Poland, 231.
Byng, Admiral, i. 499, 559; iv. 531,
532; burnt in Effigy, 548.

CADIZ, blockade of, iii. 619.
Cæsar, v. 243, 265; vi. 82.
Cagliostro, vi. 684, 696.
Calas, Widow, v. 618.

Callenberg, Gräfin von, iii. 295, 557.
Calmet, Dom, iv. 455.

Calonne, Controller-General, vi. 682.
Calvin, i. 377, 507; ii. 278.
Camas, Colonel, i. 483; sent to the
French Court, iii. 7; to Glatz, 219,
224; death, 328.
Camas, Madame, Friedrich's great re-
spect for, i. 483; iii. 328; his Let-
ters to, ii. 521; vi. 135, 171, 262,
264; her death, 386.

Cambrai, Congress of, i. 500, 561.
Cameron, Dr. Archibald, iv. 467; exe-
cuted, 468.

Cameron of Lochiel, iv. 467.
Cameron, Dr., vi. 559.

Campbell, cited, i. 499 n.

Campbell, John, Duke of Argyle, iii.

Campitelli, General, marches to join

Soltikof, v. 538.

Campitellis, vi. 317.

Canada, English and French in, iv. 472.
Candidatus Theologiæ, a, and the King
of Prussia, i. 420.
Cannabich, Pastor, iv. 301.
Carlos II. of Spain, i. 60.
Carlos III. of Spain, ii. 328, 489; King

of the Two Sicilies, 491, 548; iii.
621; iv. 278 n.; v. 622; a diligent,
indignant kind of man, 625; de-
clares war against England, vi. 205,

206, 235, 236; quarrels with Portu-
gal on account of England, 240-243.
Carlowitz, Captain, at Prag, iv. 57.
Carlyle, cited, vi. 683 n.

Carmer, Silesian-Chancellor von, vi
604 n.

Carmichaels, the Scottish, iii. 585.
Caroline, Queen, i. 229, 527; ii. 74,
125, 143, 164; a beautiful Bran-
denburg-Anspach Princess, i. 546;
refuses the Catholic Kaiser, 547;
ii. 376; Friedrich's Letters to, 44,
122; visit to her foolish Son, 619;
modest stoicism and death, 620:
mentioned also, iii. 373.

Carr, cited, i. 32 n.

Carteret, Lord, i. 449; iii. 405, 608,
659, 668; conferences at Hanau,
684; replies to Pitt's threat of re-
signation, vi. 238: mentioned also,
iv. 39, 97, 243, 464; v. 64, 65.
Carzig, ii. 331, 340.
Carthagena, Expedition against, iii.
139, 382, 390.

Casano, Bridge of, i. 368, 397.
Casimir IV., King of Poland, i. 233.
Casimir. See Culmbach; Poland.
Cassimir V. See John Cassimir.
Castéra, cited, vi. 413 n.

Castries, Marquis de, defends Wesel,
vi. 137-139.

Catechisms, Theological, i. 507.
Catharine II. of Russia, i. 91, 155 ; ii.

[ocr errors]

186; iv. 516, 521; one of the cle-
verest of young ladies, 522; her
married life, vi. 256; rapid sue-
cession of lovers, 257, 413; books
about her, 258; becomes Czarina
of Russia, 259; shocked at Colonel
Hordt's treatment, 268; misgivings
about her husband's fate; graci
ous attentions to Hordt, 274; dis-
cerns that either Peter or she must
fall, 275; conspires for his destruc-
tion, 277-281; manifesto against
Prussia; afterwards withdrawn,
282; treaty of alliance with Fried-
rich, 388; difficulties with Poland,
395; virtual sovereign of Poland,
and intends to keep so, 411; &
kind of she-Louis Quatorze; never
in the least a Cat or a Devil
towards Poland, 411, 412; makes
Poniatowski king, 413, 414; gets
impatient of the Dissident Ques-
tion, 419; locks up the refractory
Bishops, 421 (see Turk War); en-
mity to Maria Theresa, 467, 475;
sumptuously entertains Prince
Henri, 471-474; proposes dismem-
berment of Poland, 474; her share

in the partition, 477, 479, 492;
mediates on the Bavarian Succes-
sion question, 600, 601; forms alli-
ance with Kaiser Joseph, and hopes
to get Constantinople and a new
Greek Empire, 634, 635 : mentioned
also, 256 n., 629, 655, 671.
Catherine, Wife of Czar Peter, i. 453;
at Berlin, 454, 457, 569.
Catherine-Alexiewna, formerly Sophie-
Frederike of Anhalt-Zerbst, iii. 736.
Cathcart, Charles Lord, iii. 385.
Catholic Religion, mournful state of,
iii. 82.

Catt's, De, first interview with Fried-
rich, iv. 490; enters his service,
493; at Breslau, v. 269; Hoch-
kirch, 370; surprise at Friedrich's
Sermon on the Last Judgment,'
395; introduces Zimmermann to
the King, vi. 500-505.
Caulaincourt, v. 275 n.
Caumartin, M., ii. 581.
Cellamare, Ambassador, i. 451.
Chalmers, cited, vi. 143 n.
Chapelle, La. See Bachaumont.
Charlemagne, i. 69; iii. 601.
Charles XII. of Sweden, i. 184; ii. 478;
arrives suddenly at Stralsund, i.
426; his surprising career, 427,
437, 450; desperate defence of
Stralsund, 435; assassinated at
Frederickshall, 438; last of the
Swedish Kings, 439; Treaty of
Altranstadt, iii. 171, 188, 259. See
Karl XII.

Charles Amadeus, King of Sardinia,
iii. 350.

Charles Edward, the Young Pretender,
iii. 743.

Charles Emanuel, King of Sardinia,
iii. 618, 620, 722.
Charlotte, Queen, ii. 103, 424, 615;

her Father, 612; Ancestress of
England, iv. 298; Princess of
Mecklenburg, vi. 172; letter to the
King of Prussia, 173-175; question
of authenticity, 176.
Charlotte. See Philippina.
Charlottenburg, i. 44, 51; George I.
at, 534.

Chasot, Lieutenant, fights a duel; is
introduced to Friedrich, ii. 528,
567; becomes Prussian Major of
Horse, iii. 718; Lieutenant-Colonel,
iv. 151, 457; affront on his Aus-
trian friend, 298, 299; Voltaire's
Hirsch affairs, 349, 350, 392: men-
tioned also, vi. 189.

Châteauroux, Madame de la, iii. 459,
701, 716, 727; her Ministry, iv. 4;

with Louis XV. in the Nether-
lands, 5; dismissed, 11; death, 14.
Châtelet, Madame du, ii. 592, 605;
not invited by King Friedrich, iii.
55; hope disappointed, 85; her re-
lation to Voltaire not so celestial
as it once was, 119, 702; with
Voltaire on a visit at Sceaux, iv.
257-264; intrigue with M. de St.
Lambert, 265, 266; death from
child-birth, 284, 285: mentioned
also, iii. 633, 648; iv. 251.
Châtelet, Marquis du, in Maillebois's
Army, iii. 499; at Dingelfingen,
654, 658 mentioned also, iv. 265,
285, 321.

Chauvelin, M. de, iv. 393.
Chesterfield, Lord, ii. 143, 158, 265;
iii. 758; iv. 275, 295, 465; cited,
268 n.
Chétardie, Marquis de la, ii. 535, 541;
iii. 255.

Chevert, French Brigadier, at Prag,
iii. 642, 643; General, at Hasten-
beck, v. 128; Meer, 383 n.
Chivalry Orders, Era of, i. 111.
Chlum, Camp of, iv. 155.
Chlumetz, ii. 438.

Chodowiecki, i. 447; ii. 213; his En-
gravings, vi. 547 n., 607 n.

Choiseul, Duc de, French Minister of
Foreign Affairs, v. 391, 539, 541,
594; implicated in publication of
Euvres du Philosophe de Sans-
Souci, 601; tries to make mis-
chief between Pitt and Friedrich,
610, 611 letter from Voltaire,
617; vi. 6; issues peace pro-
posals, 169; succeeds Belleisle as
War-Minister, 171; spasmodic ef-
fort towards Hanover, 197, 200;
artful negotiations with Pitt, 204-
206, 235; intrigues with Poland and
Turkey, 430, 459; his death, 673.
Chotusitz, Battle of, iii. 566, 579; topo-
graphy of, 575.

Christian Ernst of Baireuth, ii. 362.
Christian Ernst of Saalfeld-Coburg,
ii. 215.

Christian of Anhalt, i. 313, 330.
Christian of Brunswick, i. 329, 331.
Christian II. of Denmark, a rash, un-

wise, explosive man, i. 269, 273.
Christian IV. of Denmark, i. 331, 344.
Christian Wilhelm Archbishop of Mag-
deburg, i. 331, 340.
Cideville, M. de, iii. 94, 635.
Cimburgis, i. 221.

Clairaut, the Mathematician, letter
from Voltaire to, v. 617.
Clamei, Meadow of, ii. 82, 86.

Clarendon, Earl of, iv. 205.
Clayton, General, iii. 660.
Clemence, Princess, Wife of Prince
Clement, iii. 530.

Clemens, Engraver, vi. 680 n.
Clement August. See Köln.
Clement, the Hungarian Swindler, i.
485, 498.

Clement, Duke of Baiern, iii. 527.
Clement, Prince, Nephew of Elector
of Köln, iii. 530.

Clement XII., Pope, iii. 134.
Clement, Duchess, protests against the
Austrian attempt on Bavaria, vi.
570, 873; writes to Friedrich, 574;
counsels and aids Görtz in the mat-
ter, 576.

Clermont, Prince de, iii. 241; succeeds
Richelieu, v. 213; beaten by Fer-
dinand at Crefeld, 311; dismissed,

Cleveland, Duchess of, i. 166.
Cleve, Wilhelm Duke of, i. 294, 302;

his Heritage Settlement, 303;
death; his Son's tragic career, 304.
Cleve, Duchy of, i. 300; a naturally
opulent Country, 302; disputed
Heritage, 305, 310, 322, 347, 600;
ii. 240; occupied by Spanish and
Dutch troops, 318, 322; Friedrich
Wilhelm's interest in, 488, 567, 599;
ii. 76, 239, 447, 625.

Cleve, Friedrich at, receiving Homage,
iii. 49.

Clogenson, Commentator on Voltaire's
Letters, cited, iii. 704 n: mentioned
also, v. 612.

Clubs, i. 111.

Clue, De la, Admiral of the Toulon

Fleet, v. 509.

Cobenzl, Count, at Berlin, vi. 552, 586;
at Congress of Tetschen, 601.
Coblenz, ii. 254.

Cocceji, jun., marries Barberina, iii.
753; with Collini at Berlin, iv.
315; at Hochkirch, v. 365 n.
Cocceji, Samuel von, iii. 753, 755;

Chief Prussian Law-Minister, iv.
242, 243, 272; finishes his Law-
Reform, 288-290; Voltaire's Law-
suit, 351; washes his hands of the
sorry business, 355.
Cochius, ii. 683, 687.

Coehorn's Masterpiece, iv. 269.
Cogniazo, cited, iv. 144 n.; v. 106 n.;

on the Camp of Bunzelwitz, vi. 188:
mentioned also, 591 n.

Coigny, Maréchal de, iii. 681, 696, 742;
at Stockstadt, iv. 6; guarding Bris-
gau, 71, 75.
Colberg, Russian siege of, v. 342, 343;

[blocks in formation]

Columbus and the Atlantic, iii, 5.
Comines, Philippe de, vi. 457.
Condé, Prince de, vi. 312.
Conflans, Admiral, v. 510; his fleet

utterly ruined by Hawke, 589-594.
Conrad of Hohenzollern, i. 97; becomes

Burggraf of Nürnberg, 101; ii. 220.
Conrad of Thüringen, i. 119; ' whip my

Abbot?' 120; plunders Fritzlar; re-
pentance and Teutsch-Ritter vows,

Conradin, Boy, last of the Hohenstauf-
fens, i. 127, 129.
Conservatism, iii. 337.

Constantine of Russia, vi. 634, 635.
Constitutional Government, iii. 373.
Contades supersedes Clermont, v. 312;
against Ferdinand in the Rhine
Provinces, 383-385; defeated at
Minden, 445-453.

Conti, Prince de, joins the Army for

relief of Prag, iii. 625; with Brog-
lio at Wolnzach, 653; driven from
Deggendorf, 655; Army for Italy,
742; in the Middle-Rhine coun-
tries, iv. 71, 94, 106; retreats across
the Rhine, 159, 160; to be a Ge-
neral-in-chief of the grand Inva-
sion-of-England Army, v. 593; De
Ligne's opinion of him, vi. 453.
Conway, Fieldmarshal, at Langensalza,
vi. 165; account of King Friedrich
at Potsdam, and at his Silesian Re-
views, 535-543; kindly entertained
by Lord Marischal, 537, 541.
Cook, Captain, at Quebec, v. 560.
Cookery, spiritual, i. 19.
Cope, General, iii. 680, 745.
Cöpenick, ii. 285.

Cöper, Secretary, v. 485; vi. 361.
Coram, Captain, iv. 474.

Corn, La, in America, iv. 475, 476.
Cornwallis, Colonel Edward, iv. 474,

Cornwallis, Lord, vi. 679.
Cossack brutality, v. 318, 460, 487;
vi. 97.

Cothenius, Dr., iv. 363, 392, 399, 437.
Councils, Church, i. 48; Council of
Constance, 186, 190.
Courage, ii. 382.

Courland, Duke of, ii. 363. See Anne

Courten, Chevalier de, at Berlin, iv. 86.
Coxe, cited, i. 537 n. ; ii. 328 n.; iv. 80 n.
Cramer, cited, ii. 37 n.

Craven, Lady, i. 229; ii. 107; vi. 439,

Crébillon, iv. 256.

Crécy, Battle of, i. 168; v. 207.
Crefeld, Battle of, v. 311, 312.
Creutz the Finance-Minister, i. 440;
ii. 396.

Crillon, Duc de, at Weissenfels, v. 192.
Crillon, jun., vi. 521, 522.
Crinoline, fashion of, vi. 333.
Crochardiere, M. de la, at Strasburg,
iii. 72.

Crochet, ii. 431.

Cromwell, what a German, might have
done, i. 261; Cromwell and his
Puritans, 264, 327, 355; his time,
iii. 378; his soldiers, iv. 283; his
worth to England, v. 65, 66; his
Ironsides, 260; Cromwell and At-
tila, vi. 481.

Cronström, Commandant of Bergen-
op-Zoom, iv. 270.

Crossen, ii. 461.
Croze, La, ii. 573.

Culloden, Victory of, iv. 124.
Culmbach, Margraf of, i. 225; Fried-

rich founder of the Elder Line,
229; Casimir, a severe, rather tru-
culent Herr, 231; Margraf George,
and his connection with the King
of Hungary, 232; gets the Duchy
of Jägerndorf, 235; noble con-
duct in the Reformation, 237; at
the Diet of Augsburg, 238; few
truer specimens of the Honest Man,
241; his Son and Brothers, 242;
troubles with Albert Alcibiades,
255; Diagram of the Elder and
Younger Culmbach Lines, 378 a.
See Friedrich George of.
Cumberland, Duke of, iii. 608; at
Dettingen, 668, 678; in the Ne-
therlands, iv. 112, 274, 275; at
Fontenoy, 113; at Culloden, 124;
disagreements with the Duke of
Newcastle, 529, 532; takes com-
mand of Britannic Army, v. 7; to
little purpose, 62, 115; aiming to
oust the Duke of Newcastle, 63;

opposition to Pitt, 69, 71; defeated
at Hastenbeck, 127; Convention of
Kloster-Zeven, 149; returns home,
and resigns his military offices, 150:
mentioned also, iv. 4, 92, 294, 364.
Cunningham's Friedrich's Last Re-
view, vi. 680 n.

Cüstrin, i. 287, 334, 337; Friedrich a
prisoner at, ii. 273, 282; Katte's
execution, 289; Friedrich's life at,
330; a rugged little town, with
strong castle, v. 320; town burnt
by the Russians, 316, 320-2.
Czarina. See Elizabeth; Catharine.
Czartoryskies, the Polish, vi. 417, 419,

Czernichef, General, prisoner at Zorn-
dorf, v. 343; with Soltikof in Si-
lesia, vi. 59, 73; marches on Ber-
lin, 88, 91, 95; with Loudon in Si-
lesia, 193, 214, 220; ordered home
by Czar Peter, 260; to join himself
with Friedrich, 261; with less ad-
vantage than he expected, 265;
joins with him at Lissa, 285; re-
called home, 291; generously stays
three days, 292, 299.

Czetteritz, General, taken prisoner
with his copy of Military Instruc-
tions, v. 631, 2.

DALRYMPLE, Major, at Berlin, vi. 552,
554, 696.

Dalwig, Lieutenant-Colonel, vi. 124,
212, 595.
Damiens, v. 7.

Danes, the, seize Schleswig-Holstein,
vi. 255, 256.
Dankelmann, i. 54.
Dante, i. 129, 145, 148.

Dantzig, not to belong to Friedrich, vi.
492; siege of, ii. 485, 504, 546.
Danz, Dr., iv. 307.

D'Arget, iii. 549; saves Valori from
Pandours, iv. 173; despatched to
Friedrich at Dresden, 222; letter
to Valori describing his interview
with the King, 222-226; taken into
Friedrich's service, 226, 241, 325,
337, 394.

Darlington, Countess of, i. 531; ii. 13,

Darmstadt, Landgravine of, visits the
Czarina with her daughters, vi. 521,
522. See Ernst Ludwig of.
Dashkof, Princess, vi. 275.
Daun, Leopold Graf von, iii. 654; un-

der Bärenklau at Stockstadt, iv.
7; advances to relief of Prag, v. 46;
retreats on hearing of the Prussian
victory, 56; order from Vienna to

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