
Where lights like glories fall,


And the sweet choir sings, and the organ rings,

Along the emblazoned wall.

7. This was the bravest warrior That ever buckled sword;

This the most gifted poet

That ever breathed a word;
And never earth's philosopher
Traced, with his golden pen,

On the deathless page, truths half so sage,
As he wrote down for men.

8. And had he not high honor?
The hill side for his pall;

To lie in state while angels wait
With stars for tapers tall;

And the dark rock pines, like tossing plumes,

Over his bier to wave;

And God's own hand, in that lonely land,

To lay him in the grave;

9. In that deep grave, without a name,

Whence his uncoffined clay

Shall break again - most wondrous thought!

Before the judgment day,

And stand with glory wrapped around

On the hills he never trod,

And speak of the strife that won our life

With the Incarnate Son of God.

10. O lonely tomb in Moab's land,
O dark Bethpeor's hill,

Speak to these curious hearts of ours,
And teach them to be still.

God hath his mysteries of grace-
Ways that we cannot tell;

He hides them deep, like the secret sleep
Of him he loved so well.

1 STALK'ING. Stealthily walking in search of prey.

MUFFLED. Having something wound round so as to render the sound low or solemn.

called the transept. The transept
divides the long aisle into two un-
equal parts, the longer of which
is called the nave, and the other
the choir.

CHOIR. A band of singers in church
service; also, the part of a church
where the singers are placed.
EM-BLA'ZONED. Adorned with ar-
morial ensigns or badges.

8 MN/STER TRĂN'SĚPT. A minster is a monastic or a cathedral church. The ground plan of minsters is usually in the form of a cross, with 5 one long aisle and a short one crossing it. The cross aisle is 6 IN-CAR'NATE. Embodied in flesh.




1. THE motives to intellectual' action press upon us with peculiar force, in our country, because the connection is here so immediate between character.and happiness, and because there is nothing between us and ruin, but intelligence which sees the right, and virtue which pursues it. There are such elements of hope and fear, mingled in the great experiment which is here trying, the results are so momentous to humanity, that all the voices of the past and the future seem to blend in one sound of warning and entreaty, addressing itself not only to the general, but to the individual ear.

2. By the wrecks of shattered states, by the quenched lights of promise that once shone upon man, by the longdeferred hopes of humanity, by all that has been done and suffered in the cause of liberty, by the martyrs that died before the sight, by the exiles whose hearts have

been crushed in dumb despair, by the memory of our fathers and their blood in our veins, - it calls upon us, each and all, to be faithful to the trust which God has committed to our hands.

3. That fine natures should here feel their energies palsied by the cold touch of indifference, that they should turn to Westminster Abbey * or the Alps, or the Vatican,† to quicken their flagging pulses, is of all mental anomalies the most inexplicable. The danger would seem to be rather that the spring of a sensitive mind may be broken by the weight of obligation that rests upon it, and that the stimulant, by its very excess, may become a narcotic3.


4. The poet must not plead his delicacy of organization as an excuse for dwelling apart in trim gardens of leisure, and looking at the world only through the loopholes of his retreat. Let him fling himself, with a gallant heart, upon the stirring life, that heaves and foams around him. He must call home his imagination from those spots on which the light of other days has thrown its pensive charm, and be content to dwell among his own people. The future and the present must inspire him, and not the past. He must transfer to his pictures the glow of morning, and not the hues of sunset.

5. He must not go to any foreign Pharpar or Abana‡ for the sweet influences which he may find in that familiar stream, on whose banks he has played as a child, and mused as a man. Let him dedicate his powers to the best interests of his country. Let him sow the seeds of beauty along that dusty road, where humanity toils and sweats in the sun. Let him spurn the baseness which ministers food to the passions, that blot out in man's

* WEST-MIN'STER AB'BEY. A church in London, where there are monuments to many of England's great fen.

† VAT'I-CĂN. A palace and museum of art in Rome.

PHÄR PAR AND ĂB'A-NA. Names of rivers in Syria. See 2 Kings v. 12.

soul the image of God. Let not his hands add one seduc. tive charm to the unzoned form of pleasure, nor twine the roses of his genius around the reveller's wine-cup.

6. Let him mingle with his verse those grave and high elements befitting him around whom the air of freedom blows, and upon whom the light of heaven shines. Let him teach those stern virtues of self-control and self-renunciation, of faith and patience, of abstinence and fortitude,

which constitute the foundations alike of individual happiness, and of national prosperity. Let him help to rear up this great people to the stature and symmetry of a moral manhood. Let him look abroad upon this young world in hope and not in despondency.

7. Let him not be repelled by the coarse surface of material life. Let him survey it with the piercing insight of genius, and in the reconciling spirit of love. Let him find inspiration wherever man is found; in the sailor singing at the windlass'; in the roaring flames of the furnace; in the dizzy spindles of the factory; in the regular beat of the thresher's flail; in the smoke of the steamship; in the whistle of the locomotive. Let the mountain wind blow courage into him. Let him pluck, from the stars of his own wintry sky, thoughts, serene as their own light, lofty as their own place. Let the purity of the majestic heavens flow into his soul. Let his genius soar upon the wings of faith, and charm with the beauty of truth.


ting to the intellect.

Mental; rela- | 3 NAR-COT'Ic. A chemical agent producing sleep or stupor.

A-NŎM'A-LIES. Irregularities; devi- WIND'LASS. A machine for drawing

ations from rule.

towards itself heavy burdens.



[Nathaniel Hawthorne was an American author, remarkable for his original genius and the transparent beauty of his style. He was born July 4, 1804, and died May 19, 1864. This lesson is taken from a work written by him, called the Whole History of Grandfather's Chair. An old man is represented as possessed of a curious old chair, which had been brought to New England with the earliest settlers from Europe. His grandchildren ask him to relate the adventures of this chair; and in doing so, he tells them anecdotes of men distinguished in early New England history, into whose hands he imagines the chair to have successively passed.]

1. CAPTAIN JOHN HULL was the mint-master of Massachusetts, and coined all the money that was made there. This was a new line of business; for, in the earlier days of the colony, the current coinage consisted of gold and silver money of England, Portugal, and Spain. These coins being scarce, the people were often forced to barter their commodities instead of selling them.

2. For instance, if a man wanted to buy a coat, he perhaps exchanged a bear-skin for it. If he wished for a barrel of molasses, he might purchase it with a pile of pine boards. Musket bullets were used instead of farthings'. The Indians had a sort of money, called wampum, which was made of clam-shells; and this strange sort of specie was likewise taken in payment of debts by the English settlers. Bank bills had never been heard of. There was not money enough of any kind, in many parts of the country, to pay the salaries of the ministers; so that they sometimes had to take quintals' of fish, bushels of corn, or cords of wood, instead of silver or gold.

3. As the people grew more numerous, and their trade, one with another, increased, the want of current money was still more sensibly felt. To supply the demand, the General Court passed a law for establishing a coinage of shillings, sixpences, and threepences. Captain John Hull was appointed to manufacture this money, and was to

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