
any other Equivalent, or in virtue of any fubfequent Treaty or Agreement, it being folely founded upon the Principles of unexampled Amity and Confidence which have during fo many Ages fubfifted between the Crowns of Great Britain and Portugal. And it is further agreed and ftipulated, that Tranfports bona fide fuch, and actually employed on the Service of either of the High Contracting Parties, fhall be treated within the Ports of the other on the fame Footing as if they were Ships of War.

His Britannic Majefty does alfo agree on His Part to permit any Number of Ships belonging to His Royal Highness the Prince Regent of Portugal, to be admitted at one Time into any Port of His Britannic Majesty's Dominions, and there to receive Succour and Affiftance if neceffary, and be otherwife treated as the Ships of the most favoured Nation; this Engagement being also reciprocal between the Two High Contracting Parties.


The Inquifition or Tribunal of the Holy Office not having been hitherto established or recognized in Brazil, His Royal Highness the Prince Regent of Portugal, guided by an enlightened and liberal Policy, takes the Opportunity afforded by the prefent Treaty to declare fpontaneoufly in His own Name, and in that of His Heirs and Succeffors, that the Inquifition shall not hereafter be established in the South American Dominions of the Crown of Portugal.

And His Britannic Majefty, in confequence of this Declaration on the Part of His Royal Highness the Prince Regent of Portugal, does on His Part engage and declare that the Fifth Article of the


Treaty of One thousand fix hundred and fifty-four, in virtue of which certain Exemptions from the Authority of the Inquifition are exclufively granted to British Subjects, fhall be confidered as null and having no Effect in the South American Dominions of the Crown of Portugal. And His Britannic Majefty confents that this Abrogation of the Fifth Article of the Treaty of One thousand fix hundred and fifty-four, fhall alfo extend to Portugal upon the Abolition of the Inquifition in that Country, by the Command of His Royal Highness the Prince Regent, and generally to all other Parts of His Royal Highness's Dominions where He may hereafter abolish that Tribunal.


His Royal Highness the Prince Regent of Portugal, being fully convinced of the Injuftice and Impolicy of the Slave Trade, and of the great Difadvantages which arife from the Neceffity of introducing and continually renewing a Foreign and Factitious Population for the Purpofe of Labour and Industry within His South American Dominions, has refolved to co-operate with His Britannic Majefly in the Cause of Humanity and Juftice, by adopting the most efficacious Means for bringing about a gradual Abolition of the Slave Trade throughout the Whole of His Dominions. And actuated by this Principle His Royal Highness the Prince Regent of Portugal engages that His Subjects fhall not be permitted to carry on the Slave Trade on any Part of the Coast of Africa, not actually belonging to His Royal Highness's Dominions, in which that Trade has been difcon

tinued and abandoned by the Powers and States of Europe, which formerly traded there, referving however to His own Subjects the Right of purchafing and trading in Slaves within the African Dominions of the Crown of Portugal. It is however to be distinctly understood, that the Stipulations of the prefent Article are not to be confidered as invalidating or otherwife affecting the Rights of the Crown of Portugal to the Territories of Cabinda and Molembo (which Rights have formerly been queftioned by the Government of France), nor as limiting or restraining the Commerce of Ajuda and other Ports in Africa (fituated upon the Coast commonly called in the Portugueze Language the Cofta da Mina), belonging to or claimed by the Crown of Portugal; His Royal Highness the Prince Regent of Portugal being refolved not to refign nor forego His juft and legitimate Pretenfions thereto, nor the Rights of His Subjects to trade with those Places, exactly in the fame Manner as they have hitherto done.


The mutual Exchange of Ratifications of the prefent Treaty fhall take place in the City of London within the Space of Four Months, or fooner if poffible, to be computed from the Day of the Signature thereof.

In Witnefs whereof We the Underfigned,
Plenipotentiaries of His Britannic Ma-
jefty and of His Royal Highness the
Prince Regent of Portugal, in virtue of
Our respective Full Powers, have figned



the present Treaty with Our Hands, and have caused the Seals of Our Arms to be set thereto.

Done in the City of Rio de Janeiro, on the Nineteenth Day of February in the Year of Our Lord One thoufand eight hundred and ten.


L. S.









Signed at Rio de Janeiro, the 19th of February 1810,


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