An Historical Development of the Present Political Constitution of the Germanic Empire, 第 1 巻

T. Payne and son, 1790



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95 ページ - See, I have this day set thee over the nations and over the kingdoms, to root out, and to pull down, and to destroy, and to throw down, to build, and to plant.
114 ページ - BOOK to contain a greater number of inhabitants, but capable of affording protection to their effects, and thofe of their neighbours who might take refuge there in times of neceffity. Any other motives than thofe of neceffity would have availed but little to diveft the people of their averfion to live in towns ; but the experience of other advantages which this inftitution produced, foon taught them to change their opinion ; and of courfe therefore the number of towns continually 1 increafed.
281 ページ - Cologne fliould fit alternately one on his right hand, and the other on his left, according to the diocefe, or diftricl of the Arch-Chancellor, where the Imperial court happened to be held.
112 ページ - ... confirmation of their BOOK Lorraine and Germany, in the years 923 and 935, was now reftored, by more than one treaty with the King of France, to its former ftate. But we are principally indebted to this reign for the change which took place in the interior parts of Germany by the foundation of towns ; for before this period, excepting the caftles on the mountains, the feats of the nobility, and convents which happened liberty to trade, &c. from the Dukes of Bavaria. When King Henry held a fynod...
114 ページ - ... approbation. We have no particular account of any other regulation which might have been made, to encourage the population of the towns, and promote their trade ; much lefs are we acquainted with the number and fituatioo of the particular towns then founded.
63 ページ - Parliament pafled during the reign of that Queen, were, for that reafon, applicable to the affairs of Hanover ? Yet an opinion has even lately prevailed, that Charlemagne was the fucceflbr of Juftinian, and therefore the Juftinian code of laws was equally as valid in Germany as at Rome. In fupport of this was adduced the prophecy of Daniel concerning four monarchies, the laft of which, which was to endure till the end of time, was the Roman empire, transferred from the Greeks to the. Franks. In...
xiii ページ - ... but at the fame time more with relpeft to the modern than preceding times." The author was informed of her Majefty's defire in May 1785. In the month of March of the following year, the prefer.t work was publilhed.
95 ページ - Church rested on him ; that all Archbishops and Bishops were subject to the Pope, from whom they derived all the power they enjoyed ; that it was his prerogative to excommunicate both kings and princes, and to declare them incapable of reigning. The decrees of councils were falsified ; no less than fifty forged decrees were added to the Council of Nice, and the sense of other passages, in which the patriarchs of Alexandria and Constantinople were placed on an equality with the Bishop of Rome, was...
5 ページ - Lufatia, Bohemia, Moravia, and fince the feventh century, Stiria, Carinthia, and Carniola : — the other fort of countries are fuch, whofe inhabitants were originally Germans, as Lower Saxony, Franconia, Swabia, and the greateft part of Weftphalia. This interior part of original Germany has this advantage over almoft all the other countries of Europe ; that no foreign nation has been able firmly to eftablifh itfelf there for any length of time. The Romans could never eftablifh their dominion on...
xii ページ - Another circumftance, which may have no fmall tendency to recommend the work which I have attempted to tranflate, is that it was originally written at the exprefs defire of our moft gracious QUEEN. Her Majefty, anxious for the welfare of her native country, and defiring to contribute whatever might have the fmalleft tendency towards it, exprefled a...
