


"François Petrarque, fort renomme entre les Poëtes Italiens, discourant en un epistre son voyage de France et de l'Allemaigne, nous raconte que passant par la ville d'Aix, il apprit de quelques Prestres une histoire prodigeuse qu'ils tenoient de main en main pour tres veritable. Qui estoit que Charles le Grand, apres avoir conquesté plusieurs pays, s'esperdit de telle façon en l'amour d'une simple femme, que mettant tout honneur et reputation en arriere, il oublia non seulement les affaires de son royaume, mais aussi le soing de sa propre personne, au grand desplaisir de chacun; estant seulement ententif à courtiser ceste dame: laquelle par bonheur commença à s'aliter d'une grosse maladie, qui lui apporta la mort. Dont les Princes et grands Seigneurs furent fort rejouis, esperans que par ceste mort, Charles reprendroit comme devant et ses esprits et les affaires du royaume en main: toutesfois il se trouva tellement infatué de ceste amour, qu' encores cherissoit-il ce cadaver, l'embrassant, baisant, accolant de la meme façon que devant, et au lieu de prester l'oreille aux legations qui luy survenolent, il l'entretenoit de mille bayes, comme s'elle eust esté pleine de vie. Ce corps commençoit deja non seulement à mal sentir, mais aussi se tournoit en putrefaction, et neantmoins n'y avoit aucun de ses favoris qui luy en osast parler; dont advint que l'Archevesque Turpin mieux advisé que les autres, pourpensa que telle chose ne pouvoit estre ad

The soldier, the statesman, the courtier, the maid,
Alike the proud leman detest;

And the good old Archbishop, who ceased to upbraid,
Shook his grey head in sorrow, and silently pray'd
That he soon might consign her to rest.


A joy ill-dissembled soon gladdens them all,
For Agatha sickens and dies.

And now they are ready with bier and with pall,
The tapers gleam gloomy amid the high hall,
And the strains of the requiem arise.


But Charlemain sent them in anger away,
For she should not be buried, he said;
And despite of all counsel, for many a day,
Where array'd in her costly apparel she lay,
The Monarch would sit by the dead.


The cares of the kingdom demand him in vain,
And the army cry out for their Lord;
The Lombards, the fierce misbelievers of Spain,

venue sans quelque sorcellerie. Au moyen dequoy espiant Now ravage the realms of the proud Charlemain,

un jour l'heure que le Roy s'estoit absenté de la chambre, commença de fouiller le corps de toutes parts, finalement trouva dans sa bouche au dessous de sa langue un anneau qu'il luy osta. Le jour mesme Charlemaigne retournant sur ses premieres brisees, se trouva fort estonne de voir une carcasse ainsi puante. Parquoy, comme s'il se fust resveillé d'un profond sommeil, commanda que l'on l'ensevelist promptement. Ce qui fut fait; mais en contr' eschange de ceste folie, il tourna tous ses pensemens vers l'Archevesque porteur de cest anneau, ne pouvant estre de là en avant sans luy, et le suivant en tous les endroits. Quoy voyant ce sage Prelat, et craignant que cest anneau ne tombast en mains de quelque autre, le jetta dans un lac prochain de la ville. Depuis lequel temps on dit que ce Roy se trouve si espris de l'amour du lieu, qu'il ne se desempara de la ville d'Aix, où il bastit un Palais, et un Monastere, en l'un desquels il parfit le reste de ses jours, et en l'autre voulut estre ensevely, ordonnant par son testament que tous les Empereurs de Rome eussent à se faire sacrer premierement en ce lieu."- Pasquier. Recherches de la France, liv. vi. c. 33.

This very learned author has strangely mistaken Aix in Savoy, the real scene of the legend, for Aix-la-Chapelle. The

And still he unsheathes not the sword.


The Soldiers they clamour, the Monks bend in prayer
In the quiet retreats of the cell;
The Physicians to counsel together repair,
And with common consent, one and all they declare,
That his senses are bound by a spell.


Then with relics protected, and confident grown,
And telling devoutly his beads,

The good old Archbishop, when this was made known,
Steals in when he hears that the corpse is alone,
And to look for the spell he proceeds.


He searches with care, though with tremulous haste, For the spell that bewitches the King; ruins of a building said to have been Charlemain's palace Its margin with mystical characters traced, And under her tongue for security placed, At length he discovers a ring.

are still to be seen on the Lake of Bourget.



Ir was strange that he loved her, for youth was gone by, Rejoicing he seized it and hasten'd away,
And the bloom of her beauty was fled:
"Twas the glance of the harlot that gleam'd in her eye,
And all but the Monarch could plainly descry
From whence came her white and her red.


Yet he thought with Agatha none might compare,
And he gloried in wearing her chain;

The court was a desert if she were not there,
To him she alone among women seem'd fair,
Such dotage possess'd Charlemain.

The Monarch re-enter'd the room;
The enchantment was ended, and suddenly gay
He bade the attendants no longer delay,
But bear her with speed to the tomb.


Now merriment, joyaunce, and feasting again
Enliven'd the palace of Aix;

And now by his heralds did King Charlemain
Invite to his palace the courtier train

To hold a high festival day.


And anxiously now for the festival day
The highly-born Maidens prepare ;
And now, all apparell'd in costly array,
Exulting they come to the palace of Aix,
Young and aged, the brave and the fair.


Oh! happy the Damsel who 'mid her compeers

For a moment engaged the King's eye! Now glowing with hopes and now fever'd with fears, Each maid or triumphant, or jealous, appears,

As noticed by him, or pass'd by.


And now as the evening approach'd, to the ball
In anxious suspense they advance,

Hoping each on herself that the King's choice might fall,

When lo! to the utter confusion of all,

He ask'd the Archbishop to dance.


The damsels they laugh, and the barons they stare,
T'was mirth and astonishment all;

And the Archbishop started, and mutter'd a prayer,
And, wroth at receiving such mockery there,
In haste he withdrew from the hall.


The moon dimpled over the water with light
As he wander'd along the lake side;

But the King had pursued, and o'erjoyed at his sight,
"Oh turn thee, Archbishop, my joy and delight,
Oh turn thee, my charmer," he cried;


"Oh come where the feast and the dance and the song Invite thee to mirth and to love;

Or at this happy moment away from the throng
To the shade of yon wood let us hasten along...
The moon never pierces that grove."


As thus by new madness the King seem'd possest,
In new wonder the Archbishop heard;
Then Charlemain warmly and eagerly prest
The good old man's poor wither'd hand to his breast,
And kiss'd his long grey grizzle beard.


"Let us well then these fortunate moments employ !" Cried the Monarch with passionate tone: "Come away then, dear charmer,., my angel,, . my joy,

Nay struggle not now,.. 't is in vain to be coy,.. And remember that we are alone."


"Blessed Mary, protect me!" the Archbishop cried; "What madness has come to the King!"

In vain to escape from the Monarch he tried,
When luckily he on his finger espied

The glitter of Agatha's ring.


Overjoy'd, the good prelate remember'd the spell, And far in the lake flung the ring;

The waters closed round it, and wondrous to tell, Released from the cursed enchantment of hell, His reason return'd to the King.


But he built him a palace there close by the bay, And there did he love to remain ;

And the traveller who will, may behold at this day
A monument still in the ruins at Aix

Of the spell that possess'd Charlemain.
Bath, 1797.


"Les Catalans ayant appris que S. Romuald vouloit quitter leurs pays, en furent très-affligés; ils déliberèrent sur les moyens de l'en empêcher, et le seul qu'ils imaginèrent comme le plus sûr, fut de le tuer, afin de profiter du moins de ses reliques et des guerisons et autres miracles qu'elles opéreroient après sa mort. La dévotion que les Catalans avoient pour lui, ne plut point de tout à S. Romuald; il usa de stratagème et leur échappa."-St. Foiz, Essais Historiques sur Paris, t. v. p. 163.

St. Foix, who is often more amusing than trust-worthy, has fathered this story upon the Spaniards, though it belongs to his own countrymen, the circumstances having happened when Romuald was a monk of the Convent of St. Michael's, in Aquitaine. It is thus related by Yepes.

"En esta ocasion sucedio una cosa bien extraordinaria, porque los naturales de la tierra donde estava el monasterio de San Miguel, estimavan en tanto á San Romoaldo, que faltandoles la paciencia de que se quisiesse yr, dieron en un terrible disparate, á quien llama muy bien San Pedro Damiano Impia Pietas, piedad cruel: porque queriendose yr San Romoaldo, determinaron de matarle, para que ya que no le podian tener en su tierra vivo, alomenos gozassen de sus reliquias y cuerpo santo. Supo San Romoaldo la determinacion bestial y indiscreta de aquella gente: y tomo una prudente resolucion, porque imitando á David, que fingio que estava loco, por no caer en manos de sus enemigos, assi San Romoaldo se hizo raer la cabeca, y con algu nos ademanes, y palabras mal concertadas que dezia, le tuvieron por hombre que le avia faltado el jugzio, con que se asseguraron los naturales de la tierra que ya perpetuamente le tendrían en ella: y con semejante estratagema y traça tuvo lugar San Romoaldo de hurtarse, y á cencerros topados (como dizen) huyr de aquella tierra, y llegar á Italia á la ciudad de Ravena."-Coronica General de is Orden de San Benito, t. v. f. 274.

Villegas, in his Flos Sanctorum (February 7th), records some of St. Romuald's achievements against the Devil and his imps. He records also the other virtues of the Saint, as specified in the poem. They are more fully stated by Yepes. "Tenia tres cilicios, los quales mudava de treynta en treynta dias: no los labava, sino ponialos al ayre, y á la agua que llovia, con que se matavan algunas inmundicias, que se criavan en ellos," f. 298. "Quando alguna vez era tentado de la gula, y desseava comer de algun manjar, tomovale en las manos, miravale, oliale, y despues que estava despierto el apetito, dezia, O gula, gula, quan dulce y suave te parece este manjar! pero no te ha de entrar en provecho! y entonces se mortificava, y le dexava, y le emblava entero, ó al silleriço, ó á los pobres."

There is a free translation of this poem, by Bilderdijk, in the second volume of his Krekelzangen, p. 113.

ONE day, it matters not to know

How many hundred years ago, A Frenchman stopt at an inn door: The Landlord came to welcome him, and chat Of this and that,

For he had seen the Traveller there before.

"Doth holy Romuald dwell
Still in his cell?"

The Traveller ask'd, "or is the old man dead?
"No; he has left his loving flock, and we
So great a Christian never more shall see,"
The Landlord answer'd, and he shook his head.
"Ah, Sir! we knew his worth!

If ever there did live a saint on earth!.. Why, Sir, he always used to wear a shirt For thirty days, all seasons, day and night;

Good man, he knew it was not right For Dust and Ashes to fall out with Dirt! And then he only hung it out in the rain, And put it on again.

"There has been perilous work With him and the Devil there in yonder cell; For Satan used to maul him like a Turk. There they would sometimes fight All through a winter's night,

From sun-set until morn,

He with a cross, the Devil with his horn; The Devil spitting fire with might and main Enough to make St. Michael half afraid : He splashing holy water till he made His red hide hiss again,

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And the hot vapour fill'd the smoking cell. This was so common that his face became All black and yellow with the brimstone flame, And then he smelt,.. O Lord! how he did smell!

"Then, Sir! to see how he would mortify
The flesh ! If any one had dainty fare,
Good man, he would come there,

And look at all the delicate things, and cry,
'O Belly, Belly,

You would be gormandizing now I know;
But it shall not be so!..

Home to your bread and water.. home, I tell ye !'"

"But," quoth the Traveller, "wherefore did he leave
A flock that knew his saintly worth so well?"
"Why," said the Landlord, "Sir, it so befell
He heard unluckily of our intent

To do him a great honour: and you know,
He was not covetous of fame below,
And so by stealth one night away he went."

"What might this honour be?" the Traveller cried; "Why, Sir," the Host replied,

"We thought perhaps that he might one day leave us; And then should strangers have

The good man's grave,

A loss like that would naturally grieve us,
For he'll be made a Saint of to be sure.
Therefore we thought it prudent to secure
His relics while we might;

And so we meant to strangle him one night." Westbury, 1798.


"The people at Isna, in Upper Egypt, have a superstition concerning Crocodiles similar to that entertained in the West Indies; they say there is a King of them who resides near Isna, and who has ears, but no tail; and he possesses an uncommon regal quality, that of doing no harm. Some are bold enough to assert that they have seen him."Brown's Travels.

If the Crocodile Dynasty in Egypt had been described as distinguished by a long neck, as well as the want of a tail, it might be supposed that some tradition of the Ichthyosaurus, or other variety of the Præadamite Crocodile, was preserved in those countries.

No one who has perused Mr. Waterton's Wanderings will think there is any thing more extraordinary in the woman's attack upon her intended devourer, than in what that enterprising and most observant naturalist has himselt performed. He has ridden a Crocodile, twisting the huge reptile's fore legs on his back by main force, and using them as a bridle. "Should it be asked," he says, "how I managed to keep my seat, I would answer, I hunted some years with Lord Darlington's fox-hounds."

There is a translation of this ballad by Bilderdijk, published in his Krekelzangen, 1822, vol. ii. p. 109., before the second part was written.


"Now, Woman, why without your veil?
And wherefore do you look so pale?
And, Woman, why do you groan so sadly,
And wherefore beat your bosom madly?"

"Oh! I have lost my darling boy,
In whom my soul had all its joy;
And I for sorrow have torn my veil,
And sorrow hath made my very heart pale.

"Oh, I have lost my darling child,
And that's the loss that makes me wild;
He stoop'd to the river down to drink,
And there was a Crocodile by the brink.

"He did not venture into swim,
He only stoopt to drink at the brim ;
But under the reeds the Crocodile lay,
And struck with his tail and swept him away.

"Now take me in your boat, I pray, For down the river lies my way, And me to the Reed-Island bring, For I will go to the Crocodile King.

"He reigns not now in Crocodilople,
Proud as the Turk at Constantinople;
No ruins of his great City remain,
The Island of Reeds is his whole domain.

"Like a Dervise there he passes his days, Turns up his eyes, and fasts and prays; And being grown pious and meek and mild, He now never eats man, woman, or child.

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"Betwene the Cytee and the Chirche of Bethlehem, is the felde Floridus, that is to seyne, the felde florsched. For als moche as a fayre Mayden was blamed with wrong and sclaundred, that sche hadd don fornicacioun, for whiche cause sche was demed to the dethe, and to be brent in that

place, to the whiche she was ladd. And as the fyre began to brenne about hire, she made her preyeres to oure Lord, that als wissely as sche was not gylty of that synne, that he wold help hire, and make it to be knowen to alle men of his mercyfulle grace: and whanne sche had thus seyd, sche entered into the fuyer, and anon was the fuyer quenched and oute, and the brondes that weren brennynge becomen white Roseres, fulle of roses, and theise werein the first Roseres and roses, both white and rede, that every ony man saughe. And thus was this Maiden saved by the grace of God."-The Voiage and Traivaile of Sir John


NAY, EDITH! spare the Rose; . . perhaps it lives,
And feels the noontide sun, and drinks refresh'd
The dews of night; let not thy gentle hand
Tear its life-strings asunder, and destroy
The sense of being!.. Why that infidel smile?
Come, I will bribe thee to be merciful;
And thou shalt have a tale of other days,
For I am skill'd in legendary lore,

So thou wilt let it live. There was a time
Ere this, the freshest, sweetest flower that blooms,
Bedeck'd the bowers of earth. Thou hast not heard
How first by miracle its fragrant leaves
Spread to the sun their blushing loveliness.

There dwelt in Bethlehem a Jewish maid, And Zillah was her name, so passing fair That all Judea spake the virgin's praise. He who had seen her eyes' dark radiance How it reveal'd her soul, and what a soul Beam'd in the mild effulgence, woe to him! For not in solitude, for not in crowds, Might he escape remembrance, nor avoid Her imaged form which followed every where, And fill'd the heart, and fix'd the absent eye. Alas for him! her bosom own'd no love Save the strong ardour of religious zeal, For Zillah on her God had center'd all Her spirit's deep affections. So for her Her tribes-men sigh'd in vain, yet reverenced The obdurate virtue that destroy'd their hopes.

One man there was, a vain and wretched man, Who saw, desired, despaired, and hated her, His sensual eye had gloated on her cheek Even till the flush of angry modesty Gave it new charms, and made him gloat the more. She loathed the man, for Hamuel's eye was bold, And the strong workings of brute selfishness Had moulded his broad features; and she feared The bitterness of wounded vanity That with a fiendish hue would overcast His faint and lying smile. Nor vain her fear, For Hamuel vow'd revenge, and laid a plot Against her virgin fame. He spread abroad Whispers that travel fast, and ill reports

That soon obtain belief; how Zillah's eye,
When in the temple heaven-ward it was raised,
Did swim with rapturous zeal, but there were those
Who had beheld the enthusiast's melting glance
With other feelings fill'd:..that 'twas a task
Of easy sort to play the saint by day
Before the public eye, but that all eyes
Were closed at night; . . that Zillah's life was foul,
Yea, forfeit to the law.
Shame.. shame to man,

That he should trust so easily the tongue
Which stabs another's fame! The ill report
Was heard, repeated, and believed,. . and soon,
For Hamuel by his well-schemed villainy
Produced such semblances of guilt,.. the Maid
Was to the fire condemn'd.

Without the walls,

There was a barren field; a place abhorr'd,
For it was there where wretched criminals
Receiv'd their death! and there they fix'd the stake,
And piled the fuel round which should consume
The injured Maid, abandon'd, as it seem'd,
By God and Man. The assembled Bethlemites
Beheld the scene, and when they saw the Maid
Bound to the stake, with what calm holiness
She lifted up her patient looks to Heaven,
They doubted of her guilt. With other thoughts
Stood Hamuel near the pile; him savage joy
Led thitherward, but now within his heart
Unwonted feelings stirr'd, and the first pangs
Of wakening guilt, anticipant of Hell.
The eye of Zillah as it glanced around
Fell on the slanderer once, and rested there
A moment like a dagger did it pierce,
And struck into his soul a cureless wound.
Conscience! thou God within us! not in the hour
Of triumph dost thou spare the guilty wretch,
Not in the hour of infamy and death

Forsake the virtuous! They draw near the stake,.. They bring the torch!... hold, hold your erring hands!

Yet quench the rising flames!.. they rise! they spread!

They reach the suffering Maid! oh God protect
The innocent one!

They rose, they spread, they raged; . . .
The breath of God went forth; the ascending fire
Beneath its influence bent, and all its flames
In one long lightning-flash concentrating,
Darted and blasted Hamuel,.. him alone.
Hark! . . what a fearful scream the multitude
Pour forth!.. and yet more miracles! the stake
Branches and buds, and, spreading its green leaves,
Embowers and canopies the innocent Maid
Who there stands glorified; and Roses, then
First seen on earth since Paradise was lost,
Profusely blossom round her, white and red
In all their rich variety of hues;

And fragrance such as our first parents breathed
In Eden she inhales, vouchsafed to her
A presage sure of Paradise regain'd.

Westbury, 1798.

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