

Pag. 194. lin. 7. from the bottom, the multipli-

cation-fign x is twice inferted instead of the ad-


P. 215. col. 2. 1. 35-45. "The printer of

this paper [that from which we took the article] is

very furry for having inferted a paragraph, in a

letter from an officer on board the Voluntier pri-

vateer, at Gibraltar, in the Chronicle of last Tuef

day, containing a pretended account of a conver-

fation between Lord A. and Capt. G.; which he

is authorised to declare is entirely falfe and ground.

lefs; no fuch injurious converfation having ever

paffed between them; his Lordship having always

had and expreffed that good opinion of Capt. Gar-

diner, which his late gallant behaviour has fo well

proved him to have deferved." Lond. Chron. May 6.

P. 238. c. 2. l. 3. from the bottom, for 86, read

76.-The fum of the number of rebels executed

is wrong; but the particulars, in the two lines

immediately following, are right. To this num-

ber is now, to be added, Dr Archibald Cameron,

who was executed June 7. 1753, upon the act of

attainder which took place July 13. 1746. [viii.

269. XV. 251. 278-281. 657.]

P. 276. c. 2. 1. 46. for two read three. The

youngest of the ladies, Mifs Mary, is unmarried.

P. 331. c. 2. l. 2. for June 19. in fome copies,

read June 23.

P. 332. c. I. l. 6. for heir apparent read pre-

fumptive beir.

P. 362. l. 7. from the bottom, for 1.689921

read 1.444154: A correction fent us by the au-

thor of the piece.

P. 425.c. 2. 1. 2. from the bottom, for 22d read

20th. This was an error in the gazette.

P. 502. c. 1. l. 33&c. "The affertion, that the

Biscay language is the fame as the Irish, was en-

tirely new to me; and therefore I applied to a

friend, an Irishman, who understands the Irish,

and has refided at St Sebaftian in Biscay. He af-

fures me, that he never perceived the leaft con-

nection or affinity between the two languages.

He often went over the whole province; but

where the country-people could not understand

the Spanish, he was as much at a loss to make

himself be understood as any other foreigner.

Before he left the country he had acquired a flock

of words in the Bifcay language fufficient to afk

for neceffaries; but even in them he found no

affinity with the Irish; and though there are al-

ways many Irish priests and others refiding in

Bilboa and St Sebaftian, yet the connection of

the two languages was never perceived. My

friend gave me a full defeription of Biscay; and

wrote me down feveral words in the language of

that country; which being fuch as exprefs things

that do not depend upon the viciffitude of fashion,

and have no connection with the Spanish, I here

infert, that any gentleman may compare them

with the Irish, viz. odola, blood; oguia, bread;

turri, a spring or fountain; guison, man; gorri,

red; echea, houfe; barri, new; andria, woman;

farra, old; ibay, river; zabal, wide; ederra,

handsome; bat, one; bi, two; bira, three; lau,

four, &c. C. D." Gent. Mag. Of. 1758.

P. 551. c. 1. l. 46. for all read wo.

P. 625. c. 2. between . 17. & 18. add, [A

bufhel of wheat, Winchefter measure, weighs

59 lb. 1 oz and a boll of wheat, Linlithgow

measure, weighs 241 lb. 9 oz. Avoirdupois.]

P. 627. c. 1. l. 6. for 1 s. read 5's.

C before the the baze covers; and place the General Title-page, and the General Contents, &f.

the Magazine for January.

Place the PLATES fo as to front the following pages.

[blocks in formation]

The map of the country between Crown-
point and Albany

French coafts

[blocks in formation]






HISTORY. A fummary or recapitulation of
the public affairs of laft year 1-18.
-Swedish memorial in juftification of their in-
vading the Pruffian dominions 31. The Pruf
fan answer is. Austrian account of the battle
of Liffa 34. A revolution in Bengal 37. Treaty
between the British and the new nabob 38.
-The King's meffage, and the supply there-
upon granted for the Hanoverian army 39.
-Refolutions of the Irish Commons 40.
-State of the Edinburgh charity-workhouse
40. The Edinburgh fociety premiums, and
the perfons to whom they are adjudged 43.
An effay towards a character of the King of

POETRY, &c. Three anthems intended to

have been fung in the Edinburgh revolutionclub on the King of Pruffia's birthday 19. A fong in honour of that monarch ib. On viewing the eclipfe on his birthday 20. A monody on the death of the Duke of Hamilton ib. To the memory of Mr Allan Ramfay ib. An ode writ by the King of Pruffia after the battle of Rofbach 21.


The ECLIPSE of the moon, as obferved at Lon-
don and near Edinburgh 21.

The trial of Lt-Gen. Sir JOHN MORDAUNT.
Lifts of the members of the court-martial, and
of the evidences 22. The charge ib. Thier-
ry the pilot's examination ib. Mr Sec. Pitt's
depofition 23. An account of the expedition ib.
A fummary of the evidence concerning the
practicability of an attempt 28. Extracts
of the General's defence ib. and of the judge-
advocate's remarks 29. The judgment ib.
LISTS, TABLES, &C. Captures by the British
46. Accounts of a naval engagement off Cape
François 47. Captures by the French 50.
Marriages and Births ib. Deaths 51. The
Duke of Hamilton's death, family, and fune-
ral ib. Lord Windfor's epitaph 52. Prefer-
ments 52. General officers ib. Admirals 53.
Quantity and value of linen ftamped for fale in
Scotland in 1757 ib. Prices of grain and
meal ib. Edinburgh mortality-bill.
of christenings and burials for 1757, in feve-
ral places ib. New books, with the prices 54-
Foreign books, with a fhort account of each 55.



A fummary or recapitulation of the T feems to be generally agreed, that the race of the ancient Sophis of PERSIA has been for a confiderable time extinct. Ever fince the death of the famous Thamas Kouli Kan, who fupplanted and ruined that family, and was himself afterwards affaffinated by his own relations in 1747, that kingdom has fuffered all the calamities of a destructive civil war. A fucceffion of competitors to the throne has fprung up, but no one has been able to establish himself in it. During the year whofe history we are to recapitulate, very few advices have arVOL. XX.

PUBLIC AFFAIRS of the year 1757. rived from thence; and thefe, fuch as they were, have not much attracted the attention of Europeans, who have had more important affairs among themselves to fix their thoughts upon. Early in the year we were told, that Ifpahan, the capital had again changed its master, Azad Kan having driven Carem Kan thence, and once more attained the poffeffion of that city; that Huffein Kan had withdrawn to Miffendroon; that Carem Kan was mafter of Schiras; that almost every city and town had an oppreffive lord; and every petty governor acted like an



abfolute monarch. According to advices killed on the fpot; the rest of his army from Baffora, dated in the end of May, was difperfed, and the greatest part of very little had been done for twelve them inlifted with the conqueror. Azad, months before. Azad governed in the who with difficulty made his escape to capital by a deputy, having returned him- Tauris, threw himself, with a body of felf to his own country, to quell fome re- men, into a fortrefs called Roumia, where bellious fubjects. Carem, for fome time, he had placed his wives and his treasure. confequent to his defeat, lay inactive at He did not remain long quiet there. Schiras; but afterward laid all the Di- Forced to feek a safer retreat, he took gheftan countries under contribution, and fhelter, taking what treasure he could proceeded even to Dooreck, an ancient carry away, with a prince of the Curdes, Perfian city, bordering upon the territo- father to one of his wives, upon the ries of Baffora. In Dooreck one Schach frontiers of Turky, near the city Van, Soloman had long enjoyed an uninter- where he expected to be out of danger; rupted fway. But Carem having, in that city, which is fituated upon the lake March laft, demanded of him 5000 to. Actamar in Armenia, being very strong. mans to pay his troops, on the Schach's and its caftle paffing for impregnable. refufal, he marched against him with a Akiaré Beig, his father-in-law, who, confiderable body of troops, laid wafte properly speaking, is but the ringleader his country, and obliged him to give of a gang of robbers, the Curdes living triple the fum he demanded at firft, be- altogether by robbery, and upon their fides cattle and provifions of all kinds to cattle, feeing him preparing to remove a great value. Carem took his route with his treafures to Turky, did not dethence through the Deftroof countries, liberate long what to do; but after mawhence he drained fuch confiderable king him a laconic fpeech, "Why should fums, and fo increafed his army, which you carry fo much riches into Turky? was faid to confift of 30,000 men, well It is better that I should have it than the provided, that it was thought he intend- Turks," ftripped him of every thing, ed once more to vifit Ifpahan.-But the and fent him away with only one fermoft particular account of the affairs of vant. Azad, with this wretched equiPerfia, was contained in a letter from page, retired to Van; from whence, haAmfterdam, of Nov. 8. in fubftance as ving nothing to carry away with him, he follows. The valt empire of Perfia is proceeded with great speed to Bagdat, divided between four princes, two A- where he arrived the 13th or 14th of guans, and two Perfians. Azad Kan Auguft. The Bafhaw, informed of his reigns over the country from Ifpahan to arrival, prepared an apartment for him, the frontiers of Turky. Achmet Kan with a view to retain him in his fervice, poffeffes Candahar and Machat, or Cho- as long as the unfortunate prince fhould rafan. Carem Kan rules over the coun- think proper to tarry with him. A try on the other fide of Ifpahan, viz. Georgian prince, [we fuppofe Heraclius, Schiras, Kerman, and the gulf of Perfia. who formerly made a figure in Perfia as Ghilan on the Cafpian fea is the portion a victor in fome battles, and] who at the of Mahomet Huffein Kan, who paffes head of 4000 of his fubjects, all Chrifor the weakest of the four; but affitted ftians, had fhared in Azad's overthrow, by his new fubjects, who are naturally had taken fhelter, in the middle of July, brave, hardy, and induftrious, begins to at Bagdat, with thirteen of his men, beplay a part that will foon make him be ing all that remained of the 4000, was confidered as a principal actor. In May received by the Bahaw with all poffible laft, Huffein fell upon Azad, near Caf marks of diftinction, though it be agreebin in Irac, the refidence of many of the able to neither the customs nor religion ancient kings of Perfia. As the latter of the Mahometans to pay great honour was attacked unexpectedly, and his army to Chriftians. Mahomet Huffein being, engaged in defiles, and in the paffage of by the defeat of Azad, mafter of more a river, he had no fewer than 12,000 than half the monarchy of Perfia, will


[ocr errors][ocr errors][ocr errors]

foon reunite the acquifitions made by Carem his Perfian competitor, the latter not being in a condition to refift him; and there is no appearance that Achmet will come on purpofe to trouble him, from Candahar and Chorafan, provinces feparated from the rest of Perfa by a defert of more than forty days journey. Befides, it is affured, that this prince is marched to India with all his forces, where he has made an irruption like that which the famous Kouli Kan formerly made. According to letters from Derbent, by the way of Afiracan, received at Petersburg in December, the army of Huffein having marched in September laft from Tauris in order to meet the army of Ali-Kan, [whether a new competitor, or one of the other three under a different name, is not faid], a bloody battle enfued between them, in which the former was entirely defeated; the vanquished left 7000 dead in the field, and retired in great confufion towards the frontiers of Georgia, where they plundered all the country round.We have chofen to give a pretty full account of the affairs of Perfia in this fummary, as most of them were omitted in our monthly collections last year, when feveral articles were poftponed to make room for affairs more generally interefting.

In recapitulating the affairs of Europe, we thall begin with GERMANY, as we did in our former fummary, that region continuing to be the fcene of the molt interefting tranfactions. And as the period at prefent under review has there produced a greater number of very important events than have happened in any one country within a fingle year fince the commencement of this work; as more battles have been fought between combatants greatly unequal in numbers, with remarkably different iffues, and more blood has been fpilt, than perhaps can be found during the like space for a great way backward, we hope for the indulgence of our readers, though this fummary fhall exceed the ufual bounds. We fhall fee a prince, juftly styled the great defender of the Proteftant caufe, doomed to deftruction by a formidable com bination of above half the powers of

Europe, furrounded by their numerous armies, making the moft vigorous efforts against them all, bearing fucceffes with great moderation, and difafters with very uncommon ftrength of mind, when abandoned by all the world finding refources in himself and his loving fubjects, acting in perfon as it were in dif ferent places at once, oppofing the undaunted bravery of himself and his troops to the vaftly fuperior crouds of his foes, and in the end of the campaign undoubtedly confounding them by his repeated and amazing victories. But to proceed :

The differences that had fo long fubfifted between their Britannic and Pruffian Majefties, were accommodated by a treaty concluded at Westminster in January 1756. By that treaty, the King of Pruffia renewed his guaranty of the fucceffion of the houfe of Hanover to the British crown, engaged to pay off the refidue of the Silefia loan due to Britifh fubjects, and promised to oppose the entrance of any foreign troops into Germany; and the King of G. Britain renounced all his rights to the principality of Eaft Friefland, that had long been a subject of difpute between the two monarchs, and renewed his guaranty of Silefia, which had been formerly ceded to Pruffia by the Emprefs Queen of Hungary. In May following, the courts of Vienna and Verfailles, which had for many ages been at enmity, and whofe interests feemed to be incompa tible, ftruck up a treaty of alliance and friendship. This treaty contained a mutual guaranty of the whole dominions of the two fovereigns, with a ftipulation of furnishing 24.000 men, or an equivalent in money, in cafe either of the contracting parties were attacked. 'Tis faid, that the treaty between G. Britain and Pruffia induced the Empress-Queen to this conjunction with France, fo unnatural, and fo aftonishing to all Europe.

When difputes arofe between Britain and France with refpect to the limits of their refpective poffeflions in North America, a confiderable time before the event which gave occafion to the treaty between the courts of Vienna and Verfailles, his Britannic Majefty, dreading that France would attack his electoral dominions,

dominions, though in his electoral capacity he had no difpute with that crown, made a requifition of the fuccours promised by the Emprefs-Queen, but received no fatisfactory anfwer, tho' he thought he had reason to expect the moft effectual affiftance from that princefs, confidering that he had formerly lavished his treasures and his troops, had facrificed the interefts of his kingdoms, and even expofed his facred perfon, to reinftate her in the poffeffion of the inheritance of her fathers [xviii. 489.]. About the time of making that requifition, a plan for diftreffing G. Britain was faid to have been propofed by the court of Versailles to the King of Pruffia, which the latter rejected with abhorrence; and a scheme that had been fome years fince concerted by the courts of Vienna, Petersburg, and Drefden, for ftripping his Pruffian Majefty of a great part of his dominions, was laid before the King of G. Britain, but rejected by that prince, whofe fentiments, as the King of Pruffia juftly obferves, are too noble and too generous to adopt fchemes incompatible with his good faith.

Soon after the figning of the treaty of Verfailles, the Prufian monarch, having got intelligence of the defigns of his enemies, took the alarm, and order. ed all his regiments to be made complete. Mean while the Emprefs-Queen ordered an army of above 50,cco men to affemble near Colin in Bohemia, and another, of 40,000, in Moravia. These warlike preparations occafioned a good deal of altercation between the two courts. The King of Pruffia infifted, that the Emprefs-Queen would formally engage not to attack him either that year or the next. Her answer was, That the parties were at peace; and that to contract an engagement of this nature, was to convert the peace into a truce. All means used for a reconciliation proved ineffectual. By this time the Empress Queen had got the court of Peterburg alienated from G. Britain, fo that the former refused to accept of the first payment of the fubfidy formerly ftipulated by the latter, and had effectuated a reconciliation of the court of

Petersburg to that of Verfailles, betwee whom a coldness had fubfifted for seve ral years.

All these things alarmed the King of Pruffia; and he conceived, that his only chance of fafety lay in taking the ftart of his enemies. Accordingly his troops, to the number of about 70,000, entered Saxony by three different routes, in the end of August 1756. The King of Poland, Elector of Saxony, foreseeing what happened, affembled all his electoral troops, and incamped them at Pirna, fouth of Drefden; whither he repaired himself with two of his fons, Sept. 3. the rest of the royal family ftill remaining at Drefden, the capital. The King of Pruffia entered Drefden on the 8th, and his troops invefted the camp at Pirna; his Polish Majesty refusing to withdraw his forces, or cause them return to their former quarters, and obferve a ftrict neutrality. As it was not easy to force the Saxon camp, the King caufer it be closely blocked up, in order tha by ftarving them they might be forcec to furrender. The blockade being formed, Marshal Keith was fent with a Pruffian army to the frontiers of Bohe. mia, to prevent any fuccours being fent from the Auftrian army to the Saxons. At the fame time an army of Austrians, under Marshal Count Brown, marched from the camp at Colin, along the Eibe, to meet the Pruffians. His Pruffian Majesty arrived at his army in Bohemia, Sept. 28. marched his troops forward, and came to a battle with M. Brown at Lowofitz, on the ift of Q&tober. Both fides claimed the victory; but the confequences made it evident, that the Pruffian pretenfions were beft founded. Soon after this action, the Saxon army, being disappointed of fuccours from Bohemia, having firft made a fruitless attempt to efcape, furrendered to his Pruffian Majefty, and most of the foldiers entered into his fervice, the officers being allowed to go to their respective places of abode, upon their parole not to ferve againft him. In confequence of this furrender, his Polish Majefty, attended by his two fons Xavier and Charles, fet out for Warfaw, the capital of Poland;


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