

For JULY, 1811.

A New Series.


The Twenty-First Number.


Ir example is more valuable than pre-,, derives additional charins from the mild cept, even in morals and philosophy, because more forcibly instructive, what preference does it claim when employed for the elucidation of science and of art! Or, when adding to the evanescent image of precept its own permanent and embodied form, it gives purity to instruction, lives in our feelings, and while it awakens admiration, excites every imitative power! This reflection we conceive not only to be generally just, but of universal application, and to include among its objects even the elegancies of social life, as well as the minor walks of practical ethics, and seems to supersede all necessity of apology for our intention to extend the biographical department of LA BELLE ASSEMBLEE, and enrich our future Numbers with such exemplary portraitures as shall appear to us at once the most desirable and most useful to our fair readers.

and respectable tenor of her private life.

Ungrateful as unfounded is the continental opinion that no nation is so prejudiced in its own favour as the English; an opinion which our prompt and liberal encouragement of foreign talent ought long since to have removed; an opinion for which the excess of English generosity to exotic genius, in whomsover it is found, ought to suffuse with the blush of shame the cheeks of every foreigner that harbours it.

This acceptable acquisition to our work we commence with recording the talents and virtues of a lady whose public and professional character, we are happy to say,

That English liberality, however great, has been exorbitantly extended towards the present object of our biography, we would not, however, be thought to imply. Though we do not profess to be among those who are lost in equal admiration of whatever Madame Catalani performs, we are nevertheless fully awake to all her vocal excellencies; can be astonished with, though not prepared to extol, those flights which none but herself can reach, those eccentricities which only herself can achieve, and do not affect to withhold our wonder, even

where we cannot yield our commenda- maturity of voice, which is rare because it


is perfect, and the extent of which surpasses the limits hitherto assigned to the organs of the most fortunate. Nature, he adds, seems to have wished to supersede in her favour those ordinary laws which she has imposed on herself, in regulating the structure and limits of the human larynx, and in addition to the charms peculiar to the female voice, had bestowed on her all the advantages of artificial instrun.ents. This flattering critique he closes with the assertion that she united in Eerself all the great qualifications which excite our admiration when separately distributed to others; that her voice was equally astonishing both in the high and low cadences; and that it was no less re

for strength and compass-but of this more anon.

Madame Catalani, a native of the mild regions of Italy, where music is inherent almost in the atmosphere, was born about the year 1782; her parents, respectable in their sphere, were resident in the Papal territory, and having, even in infancy, discovered her soul of harmony, determined that instruction should develope the buds of genius, in hopes of happy maturity. Such was her progress in musical science, that as early as the age of sixteen, she was judged qualified for the first parts in the serious Opera of her native soil; and though on her first appearance she had to contend against some of the first singers of that time, singers who were improved by practire, accustomed to the stage, and support-markable for flexibility and sweetness than ed by public favour, yet the extraordinary powers of her voice, even at that period, enabled her not only to acquire, but to maintain a high musical reputation. Talents of such high promise were soon known over the whole Continent, nor was she permitted long to remain on the Italian || stage, where music, though so much admired, is not so highly rewarded as in other countries; for an engagement of a very flattering nature induced her to visit the Court of Portugal, and there, in the city of Lisbon, those wonderful powers which || nature has bestowed on her were sedulously cultivated, and nearly brought to their greatest perfection. During a residence of five years in that city, she dedidated all her leizure hours to the musical instructions of the well known and much admired Crescentini, a singer of extraordinary science, and considered even as a prodigy in musical execution.

Though it is our intention to enter more critically into her professional powers at the close of this sketch, yet we cannot avoid giving here a tribute to her early excellence, from the pen of a Parisian Journalist, who had witnessed its display at Lisbon. This critic tells us, that he does not announce one of the little infantine prodigies which astonish only because they are out of season; one of those forced products of the hot-house which seems valuable only because they out-run nature. He declares that he speaks of a talent in its full

We may judge of the estimation she was held in at Lisbon, from the fact that her last engagement there was for 3,000 moidores annually, besides a benefit; the salary alone being £4,050 sterling. She was not only also highly admired by the Princess of Brazil, but also honoured with her friendship; and when to the great regret, of the Portuguese, she was induced to quit Lisbon for Madrid, that Princess gave her the most flattering introduction and recommendation to the Queen of Spain, who always treated her with innumerable proofs of the most flattering and gracious condescension; indeed she met with the greatest distinction from the whole of the Spanish Court, and becanie also most deservedly a favourite with the people.

From Spain she went to Paris, where her reception was equal to her talents, and there we believe that she formed her matrimonial engagement with Monsieur Valle, braque, and then first added the Madame to her name, in lieu of Signora, though she chooses still to be distinguished by that name under which she first electrified the musical world. There she is said to have softened the iron temper of Napoleon himself, who, as a mark of his admiration, is said to have settled upon her an annuity of 1000 livres, a fact, however, for which we cannot vouch.

In England, however, her fame had long

been known, and the Managers of the Opera House were particularly anxious to indulge the public curiosity; but it was not until the latter end of 1806, that their laudable object could be accomplished, on account of the then perturbed state of continental communication. We may also add, that Madame Catalani's acceptance of the first engagements, was a convincing proof. not only of her confidence in the future effects of her transcendant talents, but of her reliance on the taste and generosity of the British public, as her first salary was only £2000, not more than the half of her annual salary at Lisbon.

but it was something whimsical that Perini, who was engaged as her double, though inured to our climate, thought proper to be delicate also, and one of her vindicators in a fashionable Journal, went the length of asserting that Madame Perini had certainly as much right to be taken suddenly ill as Madame Catalaui!

To give a detailed account of her residence here is certainly unnecessary; but we may observe that at first she was the object both of prejudice and suspicion; many aserting that her husband had been secretary to Bonaparte, &c. but these rumours were officially denied by Mr. Kelly. It must be confessed, indeed, that Monsieur Vallebraque's conduct was not at first of a nature to ensure esteem; great allowance ought, however, to be made for prejudice, and we must candidly attribute much of the flippancy complained of to his ignorance of English reserve, and to the familiar

At length her first appearance was announced for the 13th of December, 1806, the character of Semiramide, the same in which Banti had made her debut; and this, added to the general novelty, proved so powerful an attraction, that the house was crowded to an extraordinary degree at an early hour, in a manner hitherto unpre-style to which he had been accustomed on cedented. In order to give full scope to her powers, the original music of Bianchi was superseded by a new composition of Portogallo, expressly fitted to bring into action all her powers, both native and acquired; and this was followed by the most happy effect.

the Continent. The anecdotes of the Duke of R's garter, and of his brusquerie to a noble Marchioness, &c. &c. are too well known to require mentioning here.

Before we proceed to the investigation of her musical powers, it will not be irrelevant to notice her various engagements. Ou occasions of this kind it sometimes In 1808 she was to perform twice a week happens that where success is doubtful, in serious or comic Opera, for £5250, with the favour of the public has been insured two clear benefits; whilst Madame Dussek by some fortunate coincidence of dramatic was to perform in serious Opera, and to effect with the particular situation of the take the part of principal Bufla in case she performer; here, indeed, this was not need- should be ill and unable to perform. This ful, yet neither was it the less particularly engagement was indeed on a new principle, noticed when on her first entrée her con- for if the Managers did not pay her regufidante said, "Fear not!" And she ex- larly every night, she was at liberty to claimed, Timor non é!" It is not fear but employ her talents in other quarters, aud something more!" When diffidence is to hold herself no longer bound to them. seen united with extraordinary powers, it|| In 1809 difficulties arose respecting her is not surprizing that the two should comoperatic engagements. Mr. Taylor offered mand admiration; but, in short, her suc- her £6000 (together with three benefits), payable in two equal moieties in 1810 and 1811, for her performance for eighty nights in serious Opera only; this, however, she refused unless Miartiui, her brother, was

cess was

complete, her applause was indeed well earned, particularly in a Bravura and Cavating which enraptured many and as

tonished all.

On her appearance after the holidays, her fame was much increased, but the public were greatly disappointed by her frequent illnesses, owing to the action of our winter atmosphere on organs delicately framed;

engaged as first violiu. An engagement then took place with Mr. Harris, for CoventGarden, which the public feeling, expressed in what was called the O. P. row, induced the parties to forego. She has since given

her fascinating powers to the Opera, to || rapid in its succession, or scientific in its

University performances, to charitable institutions, and sometimes, as a wandering melodist, to the various provincial towns in the three kingdoms.

We must add, that Madame Catalani has always displayed a spirit of benevolence highly honourable to her; and though much clamour was endeavoured to be excited against her, for refusing to sing for the Middlesex Hospital, yet it must be recollected that her own Concert had long been fixed for that evening, and that she actually seat with her refusal a donation of twenty guineas to the charity.

What we have hitherto said of this unequalled performer has been dictated by that spirit of liberality from which we do not mean to depart; though we cannot suffer ourselves to be swayed by that blind prejudice which mistakes wonders for excellencies, and conceives every thing to be exemplary that is inimitable. We profess ourselves to be adherents of the old school, because according to our opinion it is the school of nature. We prefer expression to flourish, just and passionate intonations to rapid roulades, and cadences that touch and melt the soul to the eccentric and unintelligible trills and flights that may rouse a momentary astonishment but leave all the finer sensations of our nature unex


Music is a language-the dulcet language of the passions; extraneous distances, a vagrant series of semitonic intervals, and inapplicable rapidity of execution may surprise, and even startle, but will never extort the praise of those who wish to feel; who listen to the singer as the mellifluous illustrator of the poet and the composer, and who, while their ears are ravished with "the concord of sweet sound," are solicitous that the heart and intellect should share the enjoyment.

Madame Catalani, by the volatile extravaganzas and chromatic dissonances in which, we must in candour say, we think her too fond of indulging, seems to forget that melody, however sweet in its tones,

arrangement, when it ceases to appeal to the mind, forfeits all its higher pretensions to applause, resigns its best and proudest powers, and becomes as purely sensual as the most frivolous of human enjoyments.

If we felt these drawbacks upon the general excellence of Madame Catalani's performance at the Opera, how much more forcibly were we struck with them at the Oratorios! The modesty and grand simplicity of nature to which the great Handel has so faithfully adhered, was evidently neither felt nor understood by this extraordinary singer; too conscious of powers, the exercise of which nature and good sense would never suffer to intrude themselves in the sacred drama, she could not resist an ill-judged vanity, and what she dulcified with the native sweetness of her tones, frittered into frivolity with the idle flippancy of art.

The objections we have here made in treating of Madame Catalani's style, have not their source, we are convinced, so much in the want as in the neglect of judgmeut. In this opinion we are strongly supported by the excellency of her acting, as well as by the many and distinguished beauties of her vocal exertions. Her fine

portamento, her firm and equal manner of pitching and sustaining her notes, the certainty and precision of her distances, the emphatic pointing of her recitativo, the unequalled compass, mellifluence, and flexibility of her voice, its swelling volume and electric transitions-these bring with them so many claims to our admiration and applause, that the severest critic, while he has them in his contemplation, must almost be induced to retract his censure, and join in the general claims of her praise. We most cordially join it; and if we cannot discover perfection where we find so much to admire, it only resolves itself into what has so long been known-that perfection and human nature are in themselves incongruous.



(Continued from Vol. III. Page 231.)

HAVING paid my respects to the Duchess of Chertsey, to avoid any further persecution from the disappointed Baronet, who I perceived approaching through a parterre of exotics, I turned into a wood which seemed extending its perfumed foliage to invite me to its shade. The boughs were laden with festoons of intermingling wreaths, where roses and lilies twisted their fragrant branches in rich assemblage. Lady Castledowne obeyed the impulse of my arm, and hastening through the delightful thicket, we emerged, on the opposite side, before the marble portico of a Turkish pavilion; our ears were here saluted by sweet music, and ascending the steps, we beheld a very gay


The Persian Ambassador, for whose reception this eastern temple had been decorated with every luxury that wealth could summon from the Levant, was seated on a raised platform of embroidered velvet; a beautiful groupe of young girls, dressed with the grace of hourii, danced before him; while the spectators, men in the costume of Bond-street, and ladies in that of St. James's, still reminded us that we were in the land of mode and whim.

The beaur around laughed at the admiration with which the houest Persian regarded the light steps of the pretty rustics; and the belles, impatient at the attention which his Excellency paid to any thing else than themselves, so crowded round the dancers that, despairing of room to complete their evolutions, they ceased at once, making a profound salam.

“Charmante! charmante!" exclaimed the Persian, clapping his hands.

"Not so charming an object as one I can tell you of!" cried a lady, drawing towards his Excellency, and affecting to whisper in his ear, but speaking loud enough for all present to be her auditors. "Where?" asked the Ambassador, look ing around.

"Stupid!" exclaimed a very handsome woman just before him. "These heathens, my dear Lady Castledowne," said she, turning to my friend, "have no eyes for any thing but follies."


"Unfortunately for the charming objects in this room," replied her Ladyship, 'they disagree with the prejudices of an eastern lover; he can see nothing to admire in a woman after she is turned twenty."

"Now forty, with us, is the meridian of female charms!" said a voice from behind; and looking round, I beheld Sir Bingham Courtown; he bowed to the lady as he spoke, who colouring violently, forced a laugh, and exclaimed:-" Nobody minds your nonsense, Sir Bingham."


I fear you teach that cruel sentiment to your daughter," returned the persecuting Baronet; "once or twice have I tried to breathe my admiration of her beauties in her ear, and as often has she turned on me with a blush and smile as sweet as her mother's, and exclaimed, nonsense!"

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Let us leave that disagreeable man," whispered the beauty of forty to Lady Castledowne, and moved towards the other end of the pavilion. I was preparing to follow, glad to get out of the way of my rejected lover, whose persecution I also dreaded, but hastily putting forth his hand, he prevented me by taking mine, and holding it fast:-" Come, lovely Hymenæa," said he, "although you have extinguished the hope I was coxcomb enough to cherish, do not also annihilate our acquaintance! allow me to enjoy your conversation, if I may not your smiles and sighs; I can esteem when I am forbidden to love!"

There was a frankness and good nature in this that pleased me; I believe I then gave him one of the most gracious looks he had ever received from me, and said, I should be happy to continue our acquaintance on the terms he now proposed; he

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