
26 Anno Regni decimo nono Manner before directed, every Perfon fo offending, being thereof lawfully convicted before any Two or more of his Majefty's Juftices of the Peace, or before any other Judge compethe Penalty. tent of the Place, fhall be difabled from thenceforth to hold fuch Office or Offices, and shall forfeit the fame; and fhall be adjudged incapable to bear any Office, civil or military, in that Part of Great Britain called Scotland, for the Space of One Year from and after the Date of fuch Conviction.

And be it enacted by the AuJudges, &.thority aforefaid, That in cafe not doing their any of the said Judges, or MaDuty in the Premiffes, giftrates, fhall be guilty of any wilful Neglect or Omiffion of the Penalty. their Duty in the Premiffes, they fhall forfeit the Sum of Fifty Pound Sterling, toties quoties; one Moiety thereof to the Informer, the other to be difpofedof for the Ufe of the Poor of the


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the Parish where the Offender fhall be refident for the Time being, to be recovered by fummary Complaint before the Court of Seffion, or by Profecution before the Court of Jufticiary at Edinburgh, or at the Circuit Courts of Jufticiary.


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