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Russia, adopts gold standard, 1,
357; secures rights in China, 2,
222, 223; consents to "open door
policy, 224; march to Peking, 244;
seizes bank, 253; invites nations
to peace conference, 373.
Ryan, Abram J., 2, 369.

Sagasta, Praxédes Mateo, 1, 385;
becomes Prime Minister of Spain,
2, 4; 126.

Salisbury, Lord, 2, 129; 131-32; 223.
Sampson, William T., ordered to
blockade Cuban ports, 2, 41;
urge's attack on Havana, 42;
"bottles up" Spanish fleet at
Santiago, 43; orders to fleet, 45;
destroys Spanish fleet, 45-47;
his message to the Navy Depart-
ment, 47-48; appointed Com-
missioner to superintend the eva-
cuation of Cuba by Spain, 194.
Sanborn, Leslie L., 1, 82.

Sanford, Alva, McKinley's first
teacher, 1, 8.

Santiago, conditions in January,

1898, 1, 397; Cervera's fleet block-
aded in harbor of, 2, 43; city in-
fested by army, 44; Spanish fleet
destroyed, 45-47; surrender of,
49-50; 57; sickness at close of
campaign, 78-80; 134.
Saxton, James A., father of Mrs.
McKinley, 1, 65-67.
Scammon, E. Parker, second colonel

of 23d Ohio Volunteers, 1, 26.
Schley, Winfield S., 2, 194.
Schurman, Jacob G., appointed
chairman of first Philippine Com-
mission, 2, 173.
Schwan, Theodore, 2, 74.
Scott, Henry T., 2, 302.
Sectionalism, 1, 210-27; disappear-
ance of, 2, 264-65.
Serrano, Marshall, 1, 384, 385.
Shafter, William R., commands
expedition to Cuba, 2, 43, 44;
invests Santiago, 44; his message
to the War Department, 47; rec-
ommends favorable terms for
surrender of Spanish general, 49,
50; receives surrender of Santiago,
57; reports on removal of troops

to high ground, 80; receives
"round robin," 81; 345.
Shealer, Jacob, rescues McKinley
from drowning, 1, 9.
Shepard, Elliott F., 1, 287.
Sheridan, Philip H., in Shenandoah
Valley, 1, 47; his army at Cedar
Creek, 51; his meeting with Mc-
Kinley, 52; approves promotion
of McKinley, 53.
Sherman, John, 1, 70; votes for
Tariff Bill of 1883, 140-41; report
on silver, 203, 206; leads in repeal
of Sherman Law, 209; supported
as presidential candidate by Mc-
Kinley, 247; nominated by Gar-
field, 248; supported in 1884 by
Foraker and Hanna, 251; en-
dorsed by Ohio State Republican
Convention, 1887 and 1888, 259,
260; his vote in the Republican Na-
tional Convention of 1888, 260–64;
criticism of his appointment to
Cabinet of McKinley, 328; accepts
offer, 328; desires appointment of
Hanna, as his successor in U.S.
Senate, 333; his activity in politi-
cal life, 333; his failing strength,
335; retirement, 336; report on
Hawaii, 377; letter to Woodford,
2,18; resigns secretaryship, 68; 366.
Silver, coinage discontinued, 1, 195;
Bland Bill of 1877 passed, 196;
Bland-Allison Bill, 197; McKin-
ley's position on, 197; "crime" of
1873, 201; increased production,
202; efforts to reinstate as circu-
latory medium, 203–09; Sherman
law repealed, 209; folly of Law of
1890, 296; free silver sentiment
in 1896, 310; opposed by Re-
publican National Convention,
311-14; speech of W. J. Bryan,
322; "campaign of education,"
323; results of fear of free coinage,
343; free-silver forces in Fifty-
fifth Congress, 349; balance of
power held by Silver Senators,
351; efforts to secure international
agreement, 353-57: efforts to
make bonds payable in silver, 358;
passing of free-silver issue, 2, 262-
64; the issue reinstated, 284-85.

Smith, Joseph P., 1, 305.

Stockton, Dr. Charles G., 2, 319.
Smith, Charles Emory, succeeds Supreme Court of the United
Gary as Postmaster-General, 1, States, decisions on Porto Rico,
339; on quality of McKinley's
oratory, 2, 355.
South, suppresses negro vote by
"grandfather" clauses, 1, 225.
South Carolina, nullification, 1,
105; 107.

South Mountain, battle of, 1, 34.
Spain, revolution of 1868, 1, 385,
386; unable to end war, 2, 2; cost
of war to, 3; change of administra-
tion, 4; new offer, of autonomy,
etc., to Cuba, 6; failure of, 7; ac-
cepts resignation of De Lome, II;
proposes to maintain sovereignty
over Cuba, 16; Pres. McKinley's
appeal for peace, 19-24; answer
of Spain, 23, 24; grants armistice
too late, 24; breaks diplomatic re-
lations with U.S., 34, 35; fleet of,
38, 41, 42; loss of fleet at Manila,
41; loss of fleet at Santiago, 45,
46; relinquishes sovereignty over
Cuba and cedes Porto Rico, the
Philippines, and Guam to the
U.S., 122-23; attitude of Europe
toward, 128-36.
Spanish-American War, burden im-
posed on War Department, 1,
337; message of intervention sent
to Congress, 2, 29, 30; resolution
of Congress, 31-34; declaration of
war, 35; bill for war revenue, 36;
increase of army and navy, 36, 37,
38; orders to navy, 39; Dewey's
victory at Manila, 40; Samp-
son's blockade of Santiago, 43;
Spanish fleet destroyed, 45-47;
surrender of Santiago, 49–51; end
of the war, 57-75.
Specie payments, resumption of,
1, 194-95; 198; 203.
Spooner, John C., 1, 172; favors

Panama route for canal, 374; 375;
supports McKinley in Senate, 2,
28; assists in preparation of Platt
Amendment, 211; 280.
Springer, William M., 1, 141.
Stevens, John L., 1, 376.
Stevenson, Adlai E., commissioner

on international bimetallism, 1,356.

Taft, William Howard, meets Presi-
dent McKinley, 2, 174-75; of-
fered position as chairman of
Second Philippine Commission,
175-77; accepts, 178; becomes
first governor-general, 179; mis-
sion to Rome, 180; provisional
governor of Cuba, 215; quoted,
348; incident related by, 363.
Tariff, the, 1, 86-193; early tariff
between States, 86, 87; Madison's
resolution of 1789, 88; "infant
industries," 88; question of con-
stitutionality, 90; first step in
development of Protective Tariff,
90; Hamilton's "Report on Man-
ufactures," 90-94; Clay's "Amer-
ican System," 94; change of con-
ditions in 1808, 94; duties doubled
in 1812, 95; effect of Treaty of
Ghent, 95, 96; Act of 1816, 97-99;
relief bills of 1818, 99; Bill of 1820,
100; Clay's American System,
100-102; Act of 1824, 100-02; es-
sence of Protection policy, 101;
Act of 1828, 103-05; Act of
1832, 105; compromises of 1833,
106; Walker Tariff of 1846, 108;

incidental protection" of Civil
War, 108; Act of 1875, 109; con-
ditions in 1876, 111; principles of
Protection defined by McKinley,
114-28; Mills Bill of 1888, 118;
Wood Bill of 1878, 131-34; Com-
mission established, 139; presents
report, 140; Tariff of 1883, 141;
Morrison Bill reported, 142; de-
feated, 145; President Cleveland's
attitude, 148; the Mills Bill, 149-
51; McKinley Bill, 156-93; Ad-
ministrative Tariff Bill, 159-61;
Tin plate, 169-73; opposition to
McKinley Bill, 180-81; results of,
181; President Harrison's sum-
mary of benefits of, 181-85; Sen-
ate Committee report on cost of
living, 190; criticisms of McKin-
ley Bill answered, 191-93; re-

sponsibility of, for conditions in
1893, 293; results of anticipated
free-trade, 294; Wilson-Gorman
Tariff of 1894, 297; in Republican
National Convention of 1896, 310;
Tariff of 1894 fails to provide
revenue, 343; deficiency of rev-
enues not caused by McKinley
Tariff, 344 n.; Protective Tariff
legislation recommended by Mc-
Kinley, 348; the Dingley Tariff,
350-52; effect of the Dingley
Law, 2, 263; industry resumed,
295; reciprocity arrangements,

Taylor, Ezra B., 1, 228.

Taylor, Henry C., urges attack on
Havana, 2, 42.

Teller, Henry M., introduces resolu-
tion to make bonds payable in
silver, 1, 358; offers amendment
disclaiming purpose of U.S. to
claim sovereignty in Cuba, 2, 33;
amendment adopted, 34.
Teller, Resolution, the, 2, 195; 206.
Thoman, Leroy D., 1, 84.
Thurston, John M., 1, 309; second
nomination of McKinley, 315.
Tientsin, Boxers in, 2, 225; capture
of, 229; allies march from, 244;
looting in, 245.

Tilden, Samuel J., 1, 210-12.
Titus, Robert C., 2, 386.
Topete, Admiral, 1, 385.
Toral, General, surrender of San-
tiago, 2, 49-50; 57.

Trusts, control of, 2, 299-300.
Tuan, Prince, made a member of
the Tsung-li-Yamen, 2, 225; pun-
ishment of, 261.

Tucker, John Randolph, 1, 137.

Underwood, John W. H., 1, 139.
Upham, Samuel F., 2, 109.

Walker, John G., chairman of Canal
Commission, 1, 369, 371; reports
to President, 371; reverses recom-
mendation, 374-

Walker, Robert L., makes assign-
ment in bankruptcy, 1, 288; its
results, 289-92.

Wallace, Jonathan H., contests
McKinley's seat in Congress, 1,
84; 229-32.

Warwick, John G., 1, 85; 267.
Wasdin, Dr. Eugene, 2, 317, 319.
Washburn, W. D., 2, 269.
Washington, George, approves first
Tariff Act, 1, 90; endorses Hamil-
ton's "Report on Manufactures,"
93; 102; 308; his "Farewell Ad-
dress" quoted, 2, 192; his injunc-
tions regarded, 221; 335; 353-
Watson, John C., proposed demon-
stration of fleet against Spain, 2,
57; 58; expedition abandoned,
Webster, Daniel, favors agricul-
tural development of U.S., 1, 92;
opposes Tariff of 1816, 99; ridicules
Clay's "American System," 101;
quoted, 201.

Weinert, Albert, 2, 389.
West, William H., 1, 250, 251.
Weyler, General, arrives in Havana,
1, 390; his "concentration" or-
ders, 390-92; arrests Dr. Ruiz,
395; recalled, 397; 2, 4; his sup-
porters oppose concessions, 7.
Wheeler, Benjamin Ide, 2, 374, 392.
Wheeler, Joseph, appointed major-

general, 1, 219; at Santiago, 2, 44;
interview with President, 264.
White, Truman C., 2, 385, 388.
Whittaker, Cadet, 1, 224.
Wildman, Rounseville, letter to
Department of State, 2, 142-43;
reply, 144; his opinion of Aguin-
aldo, 156.

Virginius, affair of, the, 1, 386; 2, 2. Wiley, Aquila, 1, 84.

Wade, James F., 2, 194.
Wainwright, Richard, 2, 47.
Waldersee, Count von, proposed as
commander-in-chief of forces in

Wilson, James, appointed Secre-
tary of Agriculture, 1, 339; views
on Philippines, 2, 62; 365.
Wilson, James H., 2, 14.
Wilson, William L., 1, 297.

China, 2, 245; discussion regard-Wolcott, Edward O., presents let-

ing, 246-50; arrives in China, 253.

ter to President on international

bimetallism, 1, 354; chairman of
Commission to visit Europe, 355;
his proposals to English Govern-
ment, 356.

Wood, Fernando, 1, 122; intro-
duces Tariff Bill, 131; defeat of,
Wood, Leonard, military governor
of Cuba, 2, 207; instructions from
administration, 208–211.
Woodford, Stewart L., appointed
Minister to Spain, 2, 5; letter to
President regarding appropria-
tion for defense, 13, 14; letter of
Feb. 26, 1898, 17; disappointed

at failure to obtain peace, 23;
continues negotiations, 24; leaves
Spain, 35.

Woodruff, Timothy L., 2, 269; 280.
Woodworth, L. D., 1, 80.
Worcester, Dean C., 2, 173; 178.
Wordsworth, William, quoted, 2,334.
Wright, Hotatio G., 1, 51.
Wright, Luke I., 2, 178.
Wu Ting-fang, 2, 240, 241.

Young, Lafayette, 2, 282.
Young, S. B. M., 2, 44.
Youngstown, Ohio, enlistment of
soldiers at, 1, 23.

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