Brief Remarks on the Character and Composition of the Russian Army and a Sketch of the Campaigns in Poland in the Years 1806 and 1807Egerton, 1810 |
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advanced guard Aller armistice arms arrived artillery attack battalions batteries battle of Eylau battle of Friedland bayonet Beningzen Bernadotte bridge brigade Bulletin Buonaparte Buxhowden cannonade cavalry charged chasseurs Colonel columns commanded corps of Marshal Cossacks Cossaques cuirassiers Dantzic detachment division dragoons Duke of Berg enemy enemy's field of battle fire force French Army Friedland garrison Grand Duke Güttstadt head-quarters Heilsberg honour horse hussars Kaminskoy King of Prussia Kœnigsberg left wing Lestocq Liebstadt Lieutenant-General light infantry loss Majesty the Emperor Majesty the King manœuvre Marshal Davoust Marshal Lefebvre Marshal Ney Marshal Soult ment military Mohrungen morning movement Narew night o'clock obliged officers Ostrolenka Passarge passed pieces of cannon Platow Poland position possession Prince Bragration prisoners Pultusk rear rear-guard regiment retired retreat right bank right wing river road Russian army sians siege soldiers squadrons taken Tilsitz tion took town treaty troops victory village Vistula Warsaw whilst wood