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pockets drawn and ornamented with white satin ribband, have an exceedingly elegant and novel effect, and are much to be preferred to the ridicule so long in vogue.

For the Opera, blue or white satin short pelisses, trimmed with dead silver or gold, with massy gold chains and bracelets, brooched with emeralds or amethysts, and crosses to correspond; and gold or silver bands or nets for the hair, which is dressed in full, large, round curls over the face, and divided on one side by a diamond, pearl, or ornamental comb.

Hair knots are just introduced, in embroidered lace, with gold or silver thread, forming a light rosette, to be disposed among the hair according to fancy.

Short dresses, or draperies of coloured net worn over white satin, embroidered with coloured silk, silver, or gold thread, form very pretty full, or dancing dresses.

Long sleeves are as general as ever; the neck is always shaded by lace or satin tippets, trimmed with gold.

In respect to jewellery, the most fashionable combs are made in gold set with lope de pêrle; bands for the hair are made in the same, set in


found it impossible to render them polite. An ordinance was therefore published according to their notions of breeding, which, as it is a curiosity, we shall give our readers :

1. The person at whose house the assembly is to be kept, shall signify the same by hang. ing out a bill, or by giving some other public notice, by way of advertisement, to persons of both sexes,

2. The assembly shall not be opened sooner than four or five o'clock in the afternou, nor continue longer than ten at night.

3. The master of the house shall not be obliged to meet his guests, or conduct them out, or to keep them company; but though he is exempt from all this, he is to find them chairs, candle, liquor, and all other necessaries the company may ask for; he is likewise to provide them with cards, dice, and every necessary for gaming.

4. There shall be no fixed hour for coming or going away, it is enough for a person to appear in the assembly.

5. Every one shall be free to sit, walk, or gaine as he pleases, nor shall any one go. about to hinder him, or take exceptions at gold, as are necklaces, bracelets, brooches, and what he does, upon pain of emptying the great earrings. Garnet rings are much admired, set || eagle (a pint bowl full of brandy). It shall iu gold after the antique. Watches are worn likewise be sufficient, at entering or retiring, very small, thickly and richly embossed; in to salute the company. short, nothing is admitted to be novel in jewellery that was not worn some hundred years back.

6. Persons of distinction, noblemen, su perior officers, merchants, and tradesmen of note, head workmen, especially carpenters, and persons employed in chancery, are to have

The prevailing colours are lavender, faded violet, silver grey, purple, pluin, and crim-liberty to enter the assemblies, as likewise their



When Catharina Alexowna was made Empress of Russia, the women were in a state of bondage, but she undertook to introduce mixed assemblies, as in other parts of Europe; she altered the women's dress by substituting the fashions of England; instead of furs, she' brought in the use of tafeta and damask, and cornets and commodes instead of caps of sable. The women now found themselves no longer shut up in separate apartments, but saw company, visited each other, and were present at every entertainment.

But as laws to this effect were directed to a savage people, it is amusing enough, the manner in which the ordinances run. Assemblies were quite unknown among them, the Czarina was satisfied with introducing them, for she

wives and children.

7. A particular place shall be assigned the footmen, except those of the house, that there may be room enough in the apartments designed for the assembly.

8. No ladies are to get drunk upon any pretence whatsoever, nor shall gentlemen be drunk before nine.

9. Ladies who play at forfeitures, questions, and commands, &c. shall not be noisy or riot. ous; no gentleman shall attempt to force a kiss, and no person shall offer to strike a woman in the assembly, under pain of future exclusion.

Such are the statutes upon this occasion, which in their very appearance, carry an air of ridicule and satire. But politeness must enter every country by degrees, and these rules resemble the breeding of a clown, aukward, but sincere,

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