
31st July 1760.

stage, between the Brothers.

One short specimen, extending

through the June and July just over,-specimen distilled faithfully out of that huge jumbling sea of Schöning, and rendered legible, the reader will consent to.

Dialogue of Friedrich and Henri (from their Private Correspondence: June 7th-July 29th, 1760).

Friedrich (June 7th; before his first crossing Elbe: Henri at Sagan; he at Schlettau, scanning the waste of fatal possibilities). • Embarrassing? Not a doubt of that!' "I own, the circumstances "both of us are in are like to turn my head, three or four times a day." 'Loudon aiming for Neisse, don't you think? Fouquet all in the wrong.'-"One has nothing for it but to watch where the likelihood "of the biggest misfortune is, and to run thither with one's whole "strength."


Henri. "I confess I am in great apprehension for Col"berg:"-shall one make thither, think you? Russians, 8,000 as the 'first instalment of them, have arrived; got to Posen under Fermor, 'June 1st:-so the Commandant of Glogau writes me (see enclosed).' Friedrich (June 9th). 'Commandant of Glogau writes impossi'bilities: Russians are not on march yet, nor will be for above a ' week.'

I cross Elbe, the 15th. I am compelled to undertake something "of decisive nature, and leave the rest to chance. For desperate dis"orders desperate remedies. My bed is not one of roses. Heaven "aid us: for human prudence finds itself fall short in situations so "cruel and desperate as ours. 2911

Henri. Hm, hm, ha' (Nothing but carefully-collected rumours, and wire-drawn auguries from them, on the part of Henri; very intense inspection of the chicken-bowels,-hardly ever without a shake of the head).

Friedrich (June 26th; has heard of the Fouquet disaster). 0 "Yesterday my heart was torn to pieces" (news of Landshut, Fouquet's downfall there), "and I felt too sad to be in a state for writing you

a sensible Letter; but today, when I have come to myself a little "again, I will send you my reflections. After what has happened to "Fouquet, it is certain Loudon can have no other design but on "Breslau" (he designs Glatz first of all): "it will be the grand point, "therefore, especially if the Russians too are bending thither, to save "that Capital of Silesia. Surely the Turks must be in motion :—if so, we are saved; if not so, we are lost! Today I have taken this "Camp of Döbritz, in order to be more collected, and in condition to "fight well, should occasion rise,—and in case all this that is said and “written to me about the Turks is true” (which nothing of it was), "to be able to profit by it when the time comes.

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11 Schöning, ii. 313 (Meissen Camp, 7th June 1760'); ib. ii. 317 ('9th June'). 12 Ib. ii. 341 (Gross-Döbritz, 26th June 1760').

31st July 1760.

Henri (simultaneously, June 26th: Henry is forward from Sagan, through Frankfurt, and got settled at Landsberg, where he remains through the rest of the Dialogue). 'Tottleben, with his Cos

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sacks, scouring about, got a check from us,—nothing like enough.' By all my accounts, Soltikof, with the gross of the Russians, is marching for Posen. The other rumours and symptoms agree in indicating "a separate Corps, under Fermor, who is to join Tottleben, and besiege Colberg: if both these Corps, the Colberg and the Posen one, "act in concert, my embarrassment will be extreme.” "I have

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just had news of what has befallen General Fouquet. Before this stroke, your affairs were desperate enough; now I see but too well "what we have to look for. "13 (How comforting!)

Friedrich. "Would to God your prayers for the swift capture of "Dresden had been heard; but unfortunately I must tell you, this "stroke has failed me." * "Dresden has been reduced to ashes, "third part of the Altstadt lying burnt ;-contrary to my intentions: 'my orders were, To spare the City, and play the Artillery against "the works. My Minister Graf von Finck will have told you what "occasioned its being set on fire."14


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Henri (July 26th; Dresden Siege gone awry).



"I am to keep the Russians from Frankfurt, to cover Glogau, and prevent a "" besieging of Breslau ! All that forms an overwhelming problem ;--"which I, with my whole heart, will give up to somebody abler for it "than I am. 9915

Friedrich (29th July; quits the Trenches of Dresden this night). "I have seen with pain that you represent everything to your"self on the black side. I beg you, in the name of God, my dearest "Brother, don't take things up in their blackest and worst shape:"it is this that throws your mind into such an indecision, which is so "lamentable. Adopt a resolution rather, what resolution you like, "but stand by it, and execute it with your whole strength. I conjure you, take a fixed resolution; better a bad than none at all." "What is possible to man, I will do; neither care nor consideration "nor effort shall be spared, to secure the result of my plans. The rest depends on circumstances. Amid such a number of enemies, one "cannot always do what one will, but must let them prescribe."16

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An uncomfortable little Gentleman; but full of faculty, if one can manage to get good of it! Here, what might have preceded all the above, and been preface to it, is a pretty passage from him; a glimpse he has had of Sans-Souci, before setting-out on those gloomy marchings and cunctatory hagglings. Henri writes (at Torgau, April 26th, just back from Berlin and farewell of friends):

13 Schöning, ii. 339 ('Landsberg, 26th June 1760').

14 Ib. ii, 361 (2d-3d July').

15 Ib. ii. 369-371 (Landsberg, 26th July').

16 Ib. ii. 370-2 ('Leubnitz, before Dresden, 29th July 1760').

31st July 1760.

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"I mean to march the day after tomorrow. I took arrange"ments with General Fouquet" (about that long fine-spun Chain of Posts, where we are to do such service?)—“ the Black "Hussars cannot be here till tomorrow, otherwise I should "have marched a day sooner. My Brother" (poor little invalid Ferdinand) "charged me to lay him at your feet. "found him weak and thin, more so than formerly. Returning hither, the day before yesterday, I passed through Pots"dam; I went to Sans-Souci" (April 24th, 1760):—"all is green there; the Garden embellished, and seemed to me excellently kept. Though these details cannot occupy you "at present, I thought it would give you pleasure to hear of "them for a moment."17 Ah, yes; all is so green and blessedly silent there: sight of the lost Paradise, actually it, visible for a moment yonder, far away, while one goes whirling in this manner on the illimitable wracking winds !—

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Here finally, from a distant part of the War-Theatre, is another Note; which we will read while Friedrich is at Schieritz. At no other place so properly; the very date of it, chief date (July 31st), being by accident synchronous with Schieritz:

Duke Ferdinand's Battle of Warburg (31st July 1760).

Duke Ferdinand has opened his difficult Campaign; and especially, —just while that Siege of Dresden blazed and ended,—has had three sharp Fights, which were then very loud in the Gazettes, along with it. Three once famous Actions; which unexpectedly had little or no result, and are very much forgotten now. So that bare enumeration of them is nearly all we are permitted here. Pitt has furnished 7,000 new English, this Campaign,-there are now 20,000 English in all, and a Duke Ferdinand raised to 70,000 men. Surely, under good omens, thinks Pitt; and still more think the Gazetteers, judging by appearances. Yes: but if Broglio have 130,000, what will it come to? Broglio is two to one; and has, before this, proved himself a considerable Captain.

Fight first is that of Korbach (July 10th): of Broglio, namely, who has got across the River Ohm in Hessen (to Ferdinand's great disgust with the General Imhof in command there), and is streaming on to seize the Diemel River, and menace Hanover; of Broglio, in successive sections, at a certain "Pass of Korbach," versus the Hereditary Prince (Erbprinz of Brunswick), who is waiting for him there in one good section, and who beautifully hurls back one and another of the Broglio sections; but cannot hurl back the whole Broglio Army, all marching 17 Schöning, ii. 263 ('Torgau, 26th April 1760').

31st July 1760.

by sections that way; and has to retire, back-foremost, fencing sharply, still in a diligently handsome manner, though with loss. 18 That is the Battle of Korbach, fought July 10th,-while Lacy streamed through Dresden, panting to be at Plauen Chasm, safe at last.

Fight second (July 16th) was a kind of revenge on the Erbprinz's part: Affair of Emsdorf, six days after, in the same neighbourhood; beautiful too, said the Gazetteers; but of result still more insignificant. Hearing of a considerable French Brigade posted not far off, at that Village of Emsdorf, to guard Broglio's meal-carts there, the indignant Erbprinz shoots-off for that; light of foot,-English horse mainly, and Hill Scots (Berg-Schotten so called, who have a fine free stride, in summer weather) ;-dashes-in upon said Brigade (Dragoons of Bauffremont and other picked men), who stood firmly on the defensive; but were cut up, in an amazing manner, root and branch, after a fierce struggle, and as it were brought home in one's pocket. To the admiration of "Elliot's

military circles,—especially of messrooms and the junior sort.

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light horse" (part of the new 7,000), "what a regiment! Unparal"leled for willingness, and audacity of fence; lost 125 killed,"—in fact, the loss chiefly fell on Elliot. 19 The Berg-Schotten too,—I think it was here that these kilted fellows, who had marched with such a stride, "came home mostly riding:" poor Bauffremont Dragoons being entirely cut up, or pocketed as prisoners, and their horses ridden in this unexpected manner! But we must not linger,-hardly even on Warburg, which was the third and greatest; and has still points of memorability, though now so obliterated.

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'Warburg,' says my Note on this latter, 'is a pleasant little Hes'sian Town, some twenty-five miles west of Cassel, standing on the ' north or left bank of the Diemel, among fruitful knolls and hollows. The famous "Battle of Warburg,"-if you try to inquire in the Town itself, from your brief railway-station, it is much if some intelligent ' inhabitant, at last, remembers to have heard of it! The thing went 'thus: Chevalier du Muy, who is Broglio's Rear-guard or Reserve, 30,000 foot and horse, with his back to the Diemel, and eight bridges across it in case of accident, has his right flank leaning on Warburg, ' and his left on a Village of Ossendorf, some two miles to north-west ' of that. Broglio, Prince Xavier of Saxony, especially Duke Ferdin' and, are all vehemently and mysteriously moving about, since that 'Fight of Korbach; Broglio intent to have Cassel besieged, Du Muy 'keeping the Diemel for him; Ferdinand eager to have the Diemel 'back from Du Muy and him.

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'Two days ago (July 29th), the Erbprinz crossed over into these neighbourhoods, with a strong Vanguard, nearly equal to Du Muy; and, after studious reconnoitering and survey had, means, this morn

18 Mauvillon, ii. 105.

19 Ib. ii. 109 (Prisoners got 'were 2,661, including General and Officers 179,' with all their furnitures whatsoever, 400 horses, 8 cannon,' &c.).

31st July 1760.

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ing (July 31st), to knock him over the Diemel again, if he can. 'time to be lost; Broglio near and in such force. Duke Ferdinand too, quitting Broglio for a moment, is on march this way; crossed the Diemel, about midnight, some ten miles farther down, or eastward; 'will thence bend southward, at his best speed, to support the Erbprinz, if necessary, and beset the Diemel when got;--Erbprinz not, however, in any wise, to wait for him; such the pressure from Broglio ' and others. A most busy swift-going scene that morning;-hardly 'worth such describing at this date of time.


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'The Erbprinz, who is still rather to north-eastward, that is to rightward, not directly frontward, of Du Muy's lines; and whose plan ' of attack is still dark to Du Muy, commences' (about 8 A. M., I should guess) by launching his British Legion so-called,—which is a compo'site body, of Free-Corps nature, British some of it ("Colonel Beck'with's people," for example), not British by much the most of it, but an aggregate of wild strikers, given to plunder too :-by launching 'his British Legion upon Warburg Town, there to take charge of Du Muy's right wing. Which Legion, "with great rapidity, not only. pitched the French all out, but clean plundered the poor Town;" and ' is a sad sore on Du Muy's right, who cannot get it attended to, in the ' ominous aspects elsewhere visible. For the Erbprinz, who is a strategic creature, comes on, in the style of Friedrich, not straight towards 'Du Muy, but sweeps out in two columns round northward; privately 'intending upon Du Muy's left wing and front-left wing, right wing (by British Legion), and front, all three ;-and is well aided by a mist ' which now fell, and which hung on the higher ground, and covered his march, for an hour or more. This mist had not begun when he saw, on the knoll-tops, far off on the right, but indisputable as he 'flattered himself, -something of Ferdinand emerging! Saw this; and pours along, we can suppose, with still better step and temper. And bursts, pretty simultaneously, upon Du Muy's right wing and left wing, coercing his front the while; squelches both these wings furiously together; forces the coerced centre, mostly horse, to plunge 'back into the Diemel, and swim. Horse could swim; but many of 'the Foot, who tried, got drowned. And, on the whole, Du Muy is

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a good deal wrecked' (1,500 killed, 2,000 prisoners, not to speak of cannon and flags), ‘and, but for his eight bridges, would have been totally ruined.

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'The fight was uncommonly furious, especially on Du Muy's left; ""Maxwell's Brigade” going at it, with the finest bayonet-practice, 'musketry, artillery-practice; obstinate as bears. On Du Muy's right, 'the British Legion, left wing, British too by name, had a much easier 'job. But the fight generally was of hot and stubborn kind, for hours, perhaps two or more;-and some say, would not have ended so triumphantly, had it not been for Duke Ferdinand's Vanguard, Lord Granby and the English Horse; who, warned by the noise ahead, 'pushed on at the top of their speed, and got in before the death.

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