
tered into a formal engagement to settle and distant promises. Besides, as if it was them every three months. The Military not sufficiént to violate the most positive Gonvention ensured to the Emperor, till a treaties, new proceedings took place to ennew arrangement with Prussia, possession lighten Prussia respecting the Emperor's of the fortresses of Glogau, Stettin, and intentions, and what she had a right to exCustrin; but the provisioning of the first of pect from him. The King seeing one part those places was, from the date of signing of his provinces invaded, and the other methat convention, to have been at the ex- naced, without being able to rely upon the pense of France; and the others, from the assistance of the French armies, obliged to day on which the King should have fulfilled reinforce his own, and the ordinary way his new engagements respecting the dis- being tedious and insufficient, his Majesty charge of the contribution. The King, in addressed an appeal to the young Prussians acquiescing in this article, had already gi- who wished to range themselves under his ven France proofs of his condescension, in colours. This awakened in every heart the renouncing the stipulations of 1808; ac- desire of serving the country. A great numcording to which Glogau was to be given up ber of volunteers were preparing to leave to Prussia, as soon as half the contribution Berlin for Breslau, when it pleased the should be paid. The new treaty was not Viceroy to interdict all recruiting, and the better observed by France than that which departure of the volunteers, in the provinpreceded it. The provisioning of Glogau, ces occupied by the French troops. This and that of the other fortresses, caused by prohibition was issued in the most perempthe Convention, and the discharge of tory manner, and without acquainting the the contributions already realized in the King with it. Any attempt so directly month of May last year, notwithstanding aimed at the rights of Sovereignty, excited the most pressing representations, remain in the heart of his Majesty, and those of at the expense of Prussia to this day. The his faithful subjects, a just indignation." Convention stipulated nothing respecting At the same time, and whilst the fortresses the fortresses of Pillau and Spandau; they, on the Oder ought for a long time to have in consequence, were to remain occupied by been provisioned at the expense of France, Prussian troops; the French troops, how- after the Emperor had formally declared in ever, entered them by a sort of military an audience given to Hatzfeldt, that he had surprise, and maintained themselves in interdicted the French authorities from mak- . them.- -Whilst the weight of Prussia's ing any kind of requisitions in the States of expenses was indefinitely augmented- the King, the Governors of these fortresses whilst she proved, that, after having paid received orders to take by main force, for a her contribution, her advances were enor- circle of ten leagues, every thing which mous-all kinds of assistance were persist- was requisite for their defence and provisioned in being refused her: all her demands ing. This arbitrary and unjust order, and were answered by a contemptuous silence, which they did not even take the trouble of and incessantly demanding fresh sacrifices: acquainting the King, was executed in all the inconceivable efforts of a burdened na its extent, in defiance of the sacred title of tion appeared to be considered as nothing. property, and with details of violence which At the end of the preceding year, the ad- it would be difficult to depict. Notwithvances by Prussia amounted to 94,000,000 standing all the reasons which the King had of francs. The accounts were in as good for breaking with France, he yet wished to order as they could be, considering the try the effect of negotiations. He informed constant refusal of the French Authorities the Emperor Napoleon, that he would send to settle them agreeably to the treaty. His a confidential person to the Emperor of Majesty never ceased to represent, through Russia, in order to engage him to acknowhis agents, that it became urgent to do jus-ledge the neutrality of that part of Silesia tice to his demands, that his exhausted which France had acknowledged. It was States could no longer support the French the only means which remained to the King, armies. The King, for the moment, con- abandoned, at least, for a moment, by fined himself to demanding an account re- France, for having a sure asylum, and not specting these advances, candidly declaring being placed in the cruel situation of leavthat he could not answer for events in case ing his States. The Emperor haughtily of a refusal. This language, equally just pronounced against this step, and did not as clear; these demands, founded on the even deign to explain himself upon the promost sacred titles, remained without re-positions which accompanied that overture. ply, and only produced vague assurances In such a state of things, the King's deci


sion could not long remain doubtful. He had for years sacrificed every thing for the preservation of his political existence: now France compromised that existence, and did nothing to protect it. Russia can aggravate his misfortunes, and generously offers to protect him. The King cannot hesitate :faithful to his principles and his duties, he joins his arms to those of the Emperor Alexander, changing his system without changing his object. He hopes, in breaking with France, and attaching himself to Russia, to obtain, by an honourable peace, or by force of arms, the only object of his wishes the independence of his people the benefits which will result from it, and the inheritance of his fathers, the half of which has been ravished from him. The King will adhere, with all his power, to every proposition conformable to the common interests of the Sovereigns of Europe. He is earnestly desirous that they may lead to a state of things, in which treaties may no longer be simple truces-where power becomes the guarantee of justice, and where each returning with his natural rights, may no longer be tormented in all the points of his existence, by the abuse of power. This is, M. Le Duc, what I am charged to state for your Excellency's information. Be pleased to give an account of it to his Majesty the Emperor. Europe has seen with astonishment the long resignation of a nation distinguished in the annals of history by its brilliant courage, and its noble perseverance. Now, directed by the most sacred motives, there is no person among us, who is not determined to sacrifice every consideration to the great interests of his throne, the country, and the independence of Europe; no one who will not think himself happy in perishing for this noble end, and in defending his house.I have orders immediately to proceed to the King, my august Master, with Prince Hatzfeldt, his Privy Councillor of State Begnelin, and the persons attached to these different missions. I have the honour to beg your Excellency to forward me the necessary passports for this purpose.I hasten to renew to you, at the same time, the assurance of my most high consideration.



Paris, April 1, 1813. M. Baron, I have laid before His Imperial and Royal Majesty, the Note which you did me the honour of addressing to me

on the 27th of March.- -What is most deserving of serious consideration may be reduced to what follows.--That Prussia solicited and concluded an alliance with France in 1812, because the French armies had approached nearer to the Prussian States than the Russian armies.———Prussia declares in 1813, that she violates her treaties, because the Russian armies have approached nearer to her States than the French armies. Posterity will judge, whether such conduct be faithful, and worthy of a great Prince, conformable to equity and sound policy.--It will always do justice to the perseverance of your Cabinet in its principles. In 1792, when France was inwardly agitated by a Revolution, and from without, attacked by a formidable enemy, appeared like to sink, Prussia made war on her.――Three years afterwards, and at the moment when France was triumphant over the coalesced powers, Prussia abandoned her allies, she left the side of the combination together with its fortune, and the King of Prussia was the first of the Sovereigns who had taken up arms against France, that acknowledged the Republic.-Four years had scarcely elapsed (in 1799), when France felt the vicissitudes of war; some battles had been lost in Switzerland and Italy; the Duke of York had landed in Holland, and the Republic was threatened both from the North and the South; Fortune had changed, and Prussia had changed with her.- -But the English were driven from Holland; the Russians were beaten at Zurich; victory again came under our colours in Italy, and Prussia became the Friend of France. In 1805, Austria took up arms: she carried her arms to the Danube; she took possession of Bavaria; whilst the Russian troops passed the Niemen, and advanced towards the Vistula.-The union of three great powers, and their immense preparations appeared to presage nought but defeat to France. Prussia could not hesitate an instant; she armed herself; she signed the treaty of Berlin; and the manes of Frederic the Second were called upon to witness the eternal hatred which she vowed against France. When her Minister, sent to His Majesty to dictate the law to him, had arrived in Moravia, the Russians had just lost the battle of Austerlitz, and it was owing to the generosity of the French that they were allowed to return into their own country. Prussia immediately tore the treaty of Berlin, concluded only six weeks

junction at Breslau of men designated as chiefs of the disturbers, and as the principal instigators of the war of 1806; the daily communications established between your Court and the head-quarters of the enemy, had for a long time left no doubt of the resolutions of your Court; when, Maron, I received your note of the 27th of March, and it has therefore caused no surprise. Prussia wishes, it is said, to recover the inheritance of her ancestors: but we may ask her, if, when she speaks of losses which her false policy has caused her to suffer, she has likewise made some ac


before, abjured the celebrated oath of Potsdam; betrayed Russia as she had betrayed France; and entered into fresh engagements with us. But from these eternal Huctuations in politics, proceeded a real anarchy in the public opinion in Prussia; an exultation took place in men's minds which the Prussian Government were not able to direct; they supported it, and, in 1806, declared war against France, at a moment when it was their best interest to keep up a good understanding with her, Prussia being entirely conquered, saw herself, above her own hopes, admitted to sign, at Tilsit, a peace by which she re-quisitions to put into the scale: if, among ceived every thing, and gave nothing,In 1809, the war with Austria broke out: Prussia was again going to change her system; but the first military events leaving no doubts of the definitive result of the campaign, Prussia was governed by prudence, and did not dare to declare herself. -In 1811, the preparations made by Russia threatening Europe with a new war, the geographical situation of Prussia did not permit her to remain an indifferent spectatress of the events which were about taking place and you, M. le Baron, were charged so early as the month of March in the same year, to solicit the alliance of France; and it is useless for me to recall to your remembrance what passed at that period. It is useless for me to repeat either your reiterated instances or your warm solicitudes.His Majesty, remembering what was past, at first hesitated what part he should take, But he thought that the King of Prussia, enlightened by experience, was at length become sensible of the versatile policy of your Cabinet. He felt himself obliged for the steps which it had taken at St. Petersburgh to prevent the rupture. It was, besides, contrary to his justice and his heart to declare war, merely for the considerations of political convenience. He yielded to his personal sentiments towards your Sovereign, and consented to make an alliance with him. So long as the chances of war were favourable to us, your Court shewed itself faithful, but scarcely had the premature rigours of the winter attacked our armies on the Niemen, when the defection of General D'Yorck rewakened suspicions but too well founded. The equivocal conduct of your Court in so weighty a circumstance; the departure of the King for Breslau; the treachery of General Bulow, who opened to the enemy the passage of the Nether Oder; the public Ordinances, to excite a turbulent and factious youth to take up arms; the

those acquisitions, there be none which she
owes to her faithless policy? It is, that she
owes Silesia to the abandonment of a French
army in the walls of Prague; and all her
acquisitions in Germany, to the violation of
the laws and interests of the Germanic
Body. -Prussia talks of her desire of ob-
taining a peace founded on a solid basis; but
how is it possible to reckon on a solid peace
with a power which believes herself justi-
fied when she breaks her engagements ac-
cording to the caprices of fortune.-
Majesty prefers a declared enemy to a friend
always ready to abandon him.I will
not carry these observations any farther; I
shall content myself with asking, what
would an enlightened Statesman, and a
friend to his country, have done, who, in
thought, placing himself at the helm of af-
fairs of Prussia, from the day when the re-
volution in France broke out, would have
conducted himself according to the princi-
ples of a sound and moral policy.At
present, M. Baron, what remains for
Prussia? She has done nothing for Europe;
she has done nothing for her ancient Ally;
she will do nothing for peace,
A power,
whose treaties are only conditional, cannot
be an useful mediator; she guarantees no-
thing; she is nothing but a subject of dis-
cussion; she is not even a barrier. The
finger of Providence has shewn itself in the
events of this winter; it has produced them
to unmask false friends, and mark the faith-
ful ones; it has given his Majesty power
sufficient to ensure the triumph of the one,
and the chastisement of the others.
have the honour to transmit
you the
ports which you have requested of me.




LONDON, Foreign Office, April 10, 1813. Dispatches of which the following are Co

pies, have been received by Viscount | placed a soldier within its walls; and has, Castlereagh, His Majesty's Principal Se- in every instance, treated the Poles with cretary of State for Foreign Affairs, from the utmost clemency and indulgence.General Viscount Cathcart, K. T. His The Austrian auxiliary force, in conseMajesty's Ambassador Extraordinary and quence of an unlimited armistice, are graPlenipotentiary to the Court of Russia. dually retiring to the Gallician frontier.

Imperial Head-quarters, Kalisch, March 6, 1813. Referring to my dispatch from St. Petersburgh, by the messenger Lyell, I have now the honour to acquaint your Lordship, that having begun my journey, upon the Emperor's invitation to join him at headquarters on the 12th of February, I reached Riga in forty-eight hours, and arrived in this town before day-break on the 2d of March. The Emperor received me in his accustomed most gracious manner, and, in an audience immediately after the parade, was pleased to state the outline of his recent operations.In the first place, the result of his Imperial Majesty's communications to the Court of Berlin, made on his first arrival at Wilna, has been the conclusion of a treaty of peace and alliance, offensive and defensive, with that power. The Plenipotentiaries are Marshal Prince Kutusoff Smolensko, and the Chancellor Baron Hardenberg.In pursuance of this renovation of amicable relations, the most active combined military operations are already in progress.This day a report has been received of the actual occupation of Berlin by the forces of his Imperial Majesty, under the Aid-de-Camp-General Chernicheff.The head-quarters of the Russian army are established in this central position, to give the necessary time for receiving recruits and convalescents, who are daily arriving, and for supplying necessaries to troops who have been engaged in a campaign of an unexampled and uninterrupted series of military operations and marches for eleven months.This pause will, however, be of short duration. Nothing can be more striking than the contrast between the march of the Russian army, and the conciliatory proceedings of the Emperor, with that of Buonaparte, and the troops under the French Generals.- -The most rigid and correct discipline has been observed in the Duchy, as well as in Prussia.

His Imperial Majesty, though in possession of the keys of Warsaw, has not

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Regnier's corps, as I conjectured, retired behind the Austrians, by Rawa, to this place; they were here overtaken by General Winzingerode, who attacked them with inferior force, and put them to flight, taking prisoner the Saxon General Rostitz, three colonels, forty-seven other officers, fifteen hundred rank and file, with two colours and seven cannon. The remainder of this corps pursued their retreat in the direction of Glogau, probably not exceeding five or six thousand men. It remains for me to offer my congratulations on the signal success which has hitherto attended the great and unremitting exertions of the Emperor, who, in the course of two months, at this season, has continued the pursuit of the enemy from Wilna to the Oder; and has united to his own zealous endeavours, the decided and hearty support of the King of Prussia, and of the whole population of his dominions, who seem most solicitous to emulate the Russians in patriotic donations, as well as in personal service.—I understand the Polish government, which withdrew from Warsaw under Prince Ponia

towski, went, in the first instance, to Petrikaw, and a part with the Prince are gone to Czentochaw, where it is said some force has been assembled: and I have also understood that the Polish part of Regnier's corps, after the affair of Kalisch, took that direction. A Russian corps is stationed to the southward of Warsaw, to observe their motions.

Imperial Head-Quarters, Kalish, March 26, 1813. My Lord,-In my dispatches of the 6th instant, I had the honour of reporting my arrival at this place, and of detailing to your Lordship the progress which the Emperor had made in his arrangements, and in preparations for the campaign, together with the gigantic steps which had already been taken in carrying on the military operations already begun. These reports in(To be continued.)

Published by R. BAGSHAW, Brydges-Street, Covent-Garden.
LONDON: Printed by J. M'Creery, Black-Horse-Court, Fleet-street.



[Price 1s.


real grounds exist for preferring the charge in a more formal manner, and for bringing the accused, or suspected, person to trial.

SUMMARY OF POLITICS. WESTMINSTER ADDRESS. PARLIAMENTARY REFORM.-On Thursday, the -Very true; and, if the Four Lords had 15th instant, a very numerous meeting was acted in their capacity of Privy Councillors, held in the City of Westminster, at which there would now have been no room to rean Address to Her Royal Highness, the gret what is regretted by all the nation, Princess of Wales, was voted, to be pre- namely, that Lady Douglas cannot have her sented by Sir Francis Burdett and Lord petition granted, and be put on her trial for Cochrane, the two Members for that city. perjury. If she had sworn before the Four -At this meeting the following resolu- Lords as Privy Councillors, they being, in tions were passed; and, I insert them, be that capacity, Magistrates, she might have cause I think it of great consequence that it been prosecuted for perjury; but, it seems, should be known, that the people of Eng- that, by virtue of the King's warrant, or land have not passed over these things with- commission, these four Lords were deprivout perceiving them." Resolved, 1st. ed of that quality, for the time being, which "That it is the undoubted right of every made it perjury for any one to swear falsely "British subject to retain the reputation, before them.It would, perhaps, be "rights, and immunities of innocence, un- thought impertinent in us to inquire, why "til convicted of guilt before a tribunal re- this commission was formed; why the same "cognized by the law, known to the peo- four Lords did not act in their capacity of "ple, and possessing that glorious and in- Privy Councillors; why they were, upon "dispensable attribute of freedom and jus- this particular occasion, made Commis "tice, a trial by Peers; and that this Meet- sioners? This might be thought imperti"ing view with deep regret any attempts nent; but, of one thing we are certain; "to introduce tribunals unknown to the namely, that their being made Commis"Constitution, unauthorized by the law of sioners has, as it has happened, prevented "the land, and therefore possessing no con- Lady Douglas from being liable to be tried "stitutional power to enforce the attend- for perjury.--How hard, reader, was this The witnesses against "ance of witnesses, no power to punish upon the Princess! "persons giving false evidence, or no her might swear just what they pleased, "requisite of a Court of Justice. and without any danger, for they could not "2d. That this Meeting feel the greatest be prosecuted for perjury. What they de"horror at the late nefarious conspi-posed was taken as coming from persons on racy against the Honour and the Life "of Her Royal Highness the Princess "of Wales; and fully convinced, from document before the Public, of Her "Royal Highness's innocence, do resolve -She was acquitted by the Four "that a loyal and humble Address be pre"sented to Her Royal Highness, expressive Lords of the charge of High Treason; but, "of their happiness at her complete triumph they left her touched with minor offences. ❝ over her enemies."--To be sure, it is And, was it not hard, that she should have necessary, that the nation should express its been thus left upon the evidence of persons, opinion upon that tribunal, which was who, from the nature of the tribunal, had formed in 1806. SIR SAMUEL ROMILLY not the restraint of the fear of prosecution stated, in the House of Commons, that it for perjury hanging over their heads?was legal and customary for the King to re- It is greatly to be lamented, that this was fer matters relating to a charge of High not perceived by either of the two "Great Treason to certain of his Privy Councillors," Law Lords" before the Commissioners in order for them to ascertain, whether any proceeded to act; for, if either of them had U

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their oaths; but, in this case, they were oaths without responsibility, as it now appears; yet, if the evidence had been of sufficient weight, it would, in all human pro bability, have sent the Princess to trial for her life.

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