
call upon the reader for his execration of their authors. To the several extracts I shall give my own observations, made at the time; and, then, the reader, with present events before him, will be enabled to judge between me and these prostituted writers; and, which is of more importance, he will be put upon his guard against the future abusive language of these foolish and wicked men.

Article from the MORNING POST of the 3d of September, 1810, and my observations thereon.

short, the country is his. He is completely |ING POST and the COURTER; and shall then the sovereign of it, and may, of course, cede it whenever he chooses. But, the curious thing here is, that we cede this French island to the king of Sweden and his successors, ACCORDING TO THE "ORDER OF SUCCESSION ESTA"BLISHED IN SWEDEN UNDER “ DATE OF THE 26TH OF SEPTEM"BER, 1810." That is to say, we cede it, this French island, which poor Louis XVIII. yet claims, to the Crown Prince, Bernadotte, who was, a few years ago, a revolutionist in France, and who has since been promoted and exalted by Buonaparté ! Come forth, John Bowles! Come, I say, "General Bernadotte has been elected and tell us what you have to say to this. "Crown Prince of Sweden. This has Far be it from me to find fault with this obviously been the effect of the deepest recognition, this full and ample recogni-" and most infamous intrigue. The Arch tion, of the right of Bernadotte to the "Tyrant was in the first instance disposed Swedish Crown. He was chosen by the "to support the pretensions of the King of people of Sweden, who liked him better" Denmark; but having ascertained that than they did our old friend and ally, the there was an understanding upon the subking of Sweden, who paid us a visit, and "ject between his Danish Majesty and the who is now somewhere upon the Conti-"Emperor of Russia, he suddenly withdrew Far be it from me to disapprove of "his patronage, changed his system, and, this recognition of our new friend" instead of the King of Denmark, put CHARLES JEAN, this Frenchman, in "forward his General, Bernadotte, as the whom we now see the legitimate heir to "most proper person to succeed to the the Swedish Crown and dominions. I," throne of Sweden. This infamous salelfor iny part, like to see our ministers ced-" lite of the common tyrant of the Contiing a part of the old French dominions to "nent, has in consequence of the balefut this man, who so ably assisted in the af-" influence thus exercised, carried his elecfairs of Republican France. I like to see "tion; but can it be possible that the them thus bestow the former territories of "once noble and proudly independent the House of Bourbon. I say, that I think "Swedes will permit so base and unprinthe Swedes acted wisely in choosing thiscipled an upstart to ascend the throne worthy man as the successor to their" formerly occupied by the great and ilCrown; I say, he is an able, an excellent "lustrious Gustavus Vasa, and the other man, and that I am charmed at the close"heroes who have so gloriously and legiconnexion which we are forming with him."timately filled the throne of Sweden? His success in the world cannot fail to" If so, then, indeed, will the Swedish naprove a powerful stimulus to other enter- "tion prove itself unworthy of any sentiprising young men. Our ministers act "ment of compassion or respect, and be wisely and justly in yielding reward to such distinguished merit; and I, for one, most entirely approve of this article of the treaty.

justly consigned to the contempt and "execration of mankind. But, notwith"standing the temporary success of this "artful expedient of the Corsican to pro"mote his own ambitious and infamous "views, it is scarce to be imagined that "the noble and intrepid Swedes, who

But, what will now be said, by those inipudent and corrupt creatures, who wrote against Bernadotte, in 1810, when he was chosen Crown Prince of Sweden? And look with reverence to the valiant and who, though we were then at peace with "patriotic deeds of their ancestors, can Sweden, abused the worthy old king like" submit to such a degradation as to yield a common thief? What will they NOW" obedience to a miscreant who has raised SAY? Say what they will now, the pub-" himself from obscurity by his devotion lic shall hear what they said then; for, it "only to the most infamous and detestable is necessary, for example sake, that such tyrant that ever cursed the earth. Our men should be exposed. To this end I" high opinion of the hardy and spishall insert a few extracts from the MORN-" rited character of the Swedes, induces

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"us most fondly to hope that a more any effect at all? The way to have writ"worthy line of conduct will, in the ten, upon such an occasion, having the au"present crisis of their fate, be pursued thor's sentiments (if, indeed, a madman "by them. Though some of the Nobles can be said to have any sentiments); the "have been cajoled by arts, or seduced by way to have proceeded, in such a case, "bribery, the people, we trust, will not was, to show, by fair statement and reason, submit to the horrible and insufferable that it was a great degradation for the "degradation of having their legitimate Swedes to submit to Bernadotte, and that "race of Sovereigns entirely set aside, his becoming their king would be injurious "and replaced by the most base upstart to them. To have shown this, to have dynasty that ever disgraced the meanest proved this, might have done good; but, to and most abject nations of the universe. heap upon Bernadotte and his master loads "Besides, it is so evidently the interest of of sheer abuse, could not possibly do any "Russia to prevent Sweden from falling good, and might do harm. Put all these fu"into such a state of degradation, that ab rious phrases together: the infamous in61 ject as the Emperor ALEXANDER seems triguer, the arch tyrant, the infamous sa❝ to have become, it is hardly possible for tellite, the base upstart, the subtle, unprin"him not to rouse from his disgraceful cipled, vile, perfidious, base, detestable, intorpor, now that his enemy, who has de-famous miscreant: put them all together, "ceived him so long, is approaching his and what do they weigh with any man who "very threshold. If he be not wholly reads for the sake of obtaining infotma"besotted by the artifices of the subtle ty- tion; for the sake of acquiring the means rant, or terrified by his menaces, he will of forming a right judgment upon poli" at once shake off the degrading yoke, tical occurrences? With such a man they “ and bid defiance to the perfidious Corsi- weigh not as a feather; nor is it possible The fate of Spain and Holland is for them to answer any other purpose, now before the Russians and the Swedes, than that of feeding the passions, of grati"and presents an awful and lamentable fying the vindictive appetite, of those who warning to both. The infatuated ALEX- live but to hate and to injure, and who ANDER may learn from the treatment would fain kill with curses those whom which the Royal Family of Spain suffer- their stilettos cannot reach; no other purแ ed, after all the sacrifices which had pose than this, and the one other purpose "been made to BUONAPARTE, what trea- of flattering, by imitation, the taste of the chery he has to expect from so vile and rabble in high life as well as in low, and, "perfidious a tyrant; while this new proof if possible, of keeping that rabble a rabble "of the unprincipled ambition of the Cor- still; diverting their minds from the ab"sican may be hoped to operate alike for-jects, on which they ought to be fixed, cibly on Sweden and Russia, and con- namely, the causes and the consequences of "vince them that THEIR ONLY SECU-this great event; of filling their mouths "RITY IS IN A SINCERE AND CLOSE "ALLIANCE WITH GREAT BRI“TAIN, UNDER WHOSE PROTECT"ING WINGS THEY ARE SURE TO "EXPERIENCE A PROMPT AND "EFFECTUAL SHELTER."-Now, reader, first look at the language of this article; look at the terms and the epithets, which I have distinguished by italic characlers, and say, if, as an Englishman, you do not feel shame, that such language as this, such abuse as this, such self-degrading abuse, should appear in an English print. This print is, too, called "the Morning "Post and Fashionable World:" a pretty specimen, truly, of the taste of those who are called people of fashion in England. Is there any man of sense, who does not perceive, that every article of this; every such publication that appears in this country, must do the country harm, if it has


with imprecations upon Napoleon, instead of pointing out for their timely reflection, what new dangers may, from this event, arise to their country. This, however, is what I shall endeavour to do, after I have made some remarks on what this shamefully abusive writer says about the conduct of the Swedes, upon this occa sion. The Swedes are flattered with lofty descriptions of the noble conduct of their fore-fathers, and great hope is expressed that they will not now submit to what is called the horrible and insufferable des gradation of having the race of their sovereigns changed; but, if they should so submit, they are plainly told, that they will be unworthy of respect or compas sion, and will be justly consigned to the execration of mankind. Verily, there is nothing original in this, for it has been said of every nation that the French have

subdued, from the year 1793 to the pre- " attack upon Sweden is about to be justly sent day. It is quite useless, however, to "punished by the same power who instiabuse the Swedes; and I dare say, that if "gated her to forget all that was due to the Swedes were to hear this abuse, they honour and justice. The struggle in would not find it very difficult to discover" Finland was for a time glorious, and it that it arose from causes, very different in- must have been successful if the populadeed from that of a regard for either their" tion of Sweden had exhibited any thing of honour or their happiness. Indeed this" their ancient spirit. But they unhappily pretended anxiety for the welfare of the "listened to those drivellers who, under Swedes has in it something full as shame-"the pretence of being advocates of peace ful perhaps even as the abuse which has " and humanity, covered the cowardice of been just noticed. "their hearts or the baseness of their intentions. To obtain this peace they re

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Articles from the COURIER of the 28th Sep-" linquished the sword, which alone could tember, and the MORNING POST of the "have obtained it on honourable grounds, 12th of October, 1810, followed by my "and they entered into a compromise with Observations, to which I beg the reader's" their enemies. For peace they gave not allention, as applicable to present cir- their territory only; but their loyalty, v.cumstances. 19 "their oaths, and their morals. They ex "pelled their Sovereign, they gave their "fealty lo an usurper a puppet at the beck "of foreigners. But with their character "they lost the freedom of commerce, and their independence; and as it happens with "individuals, who, when they have once overstepped the line of rectitude, are "carried onward to the commission of crimes of which they once thought "themselves incapable, so it has proved with Sweden. The Crown Prince being " removed by disease or murder, a petty "General of Buonaparte's is proposed to "them. A base fear on the one hand,




"It was reported this morning that the King of Sweden is no more.It is a "matter of indifference whether the report "be true or not. The moment of his ele❝vation to the throne of the monarch who was to him in double trust' as sovereign and as kinsman, was the moment "of his disgrace-the moment that gave "him Bernadotte as successor, was the 66 moment of his dethronement.-A mo"narch more criminal, with less motives" to be so more sillily ambitious, with66 out any of those incitements, and objects that render ambition, if not less guilty, " at least more alluring, is not to be found" and bribes on the other, prevail, and in the annals of history.- What "Sweden sinks into a province of France. "deeper misery could Sweden have expe- "Now begin her miseries. Her connexion rienced by the most disastrous warfare, with this country, where her principal "than she has experienced by the peace, "commercial market lies, will be at the mer“that has given her a French General for су of her enemy; contributions and con❝ her sovereign ? Under the gallant Gus-"scriptions will succeed one another in tavus she would have had the consola- "dreadful succession; her laws, her crown, ❝tion, under all her misfortunes, of know- "her trade, are now in the hands of a ca“ing that she was fighting in a good cause," pricious tyrant, and may be altered at "that defeat was without disgrace, and his will, and transferred at his pleasure; misfortune without dishonour.-But she "and the people who refused to fight for "has made peace to have none of the sta"themselves under the standard of their bility and repose of peace--she has "made peace without experiencing any ❝ diminution of the burdens and priva4tions of war. She has surrendered her "lawful Monarch into the hands of Buona"parté, not to procure forbearance, but to javite dishonour- not to escape his power, but to fix his foot more firmly" on her yielding and suppliant neck. "What a picture of national degradation does Sweden present! It is but a short "time ago we beheld her engaged in an Ahonourable contest with the invaders of 4 her soil; with Russia, whose iniquitous


lawful Prince, must now fight for the "aggrandizement of a foreign power, "under the direction of a foreign Gene"ral. Thus it has proved with every "other power, and Sweden now only adds her testimony to what was before suffi"ciently apparent that those who cringe at danger shall bow to degradation.

-Thus far the COURIER, and now for his fellow-labourer, of this day, whe does not seem to mince the matter with the Old King of Sweden much more than with Napoleon. We are grave

ly told, in some of the articles from

"Sweden, that the deputies sent to Paris | the very persons, who have all along been, "to announce the election of Bernadotte as and who still are, loudest in their accu"Crown Prince were graciously received, sations against the Jacobins. It is of imas well by Buonaparté as by that Ge-portance to note, that these same persons "neral, both of whom have written now tell us, that it was no low vagabond "complimentary letters on the occasion Republican or Jacobin crew that murdered to the TRAITOROUS KING, and in GUSTAVUS, but that the principal in the "which doubtless they wish his wretched crime was his own brother, then a Royal "Majesty health and long life!-These Duke, and now a King.This is of great "answers gave so much satisfaction to the importance to the cause of truth; and I "King, that all possible honours were in- should like very much to see the fact veri"mediately conferred on the elected Crown fied, on one side or the other, so that there "Prince. Was ever farce so impudently might be no more question upon that subject. "performed, was ever common sense more -Hitherto we have been told to look for "grossly insulted, than in this pretended traitors amongst Jacobins and Levellers; "free election of Bernadotte ?-This instru- but, now, behold! the Morning Post tells "ment of Buonaparte is shortly to set out us, that here is a king, who is a trailor, "for Sweden; and we doubt not that very thereby recognizing the validity of the doc"shortly after his arrival, we shall hear of trine of those, who arraigned CHARLES "the increasing years and infirmities of the First for treason, upon the ground of "the old King, and the illustrious Berna- the sovereignty residing in the nation."dotte will kindly free him from all his Observe, however, it is not I who call the "Royal cares!”, -I do not feel myself king of Sweden a traitor. I merely repeat at liberty to join the Courier in calling the what is asserted by the Morning Post present king of Sweden a "criminal, a silly newspaper, and I repeat it with a dis66 man, an usurper, a puppet ;" and, | belief of its truth. I do it with a view of still less do I feel myself at liberty to pointing it out to observation, and with join the Morning Post in calling him a a desire of seeing the truth ascertained. traitor, and who, on the 9th instant, ac- If what is here asserted be true; if the cused him of being the principal in the as-present king of Sweden be a trailor and sassination of GUSTAVUS, Ankerstrom be- an assassin, it should be known to the ing rather his agent than any thing else.- people of England, to whom it has been asThese are hardish names, and pretty round serted; the facts should be proved to them charges; and they cut, as we shall see, by those who have made the assertions. more ways than one. The assassination If, on the contrary, the accusations be of GUSTAVUS was, as the reader will bear false, they should be retracted, or their in mind, attributed to the Republicans of falsehood exposed; for, it is, I believe, France; not to the French, generally, but something quite new, for sovereigns, who to the French Republicans, or Jacobins, are at peace and amity with us, to be as they were called; and, on this asser- called in our public prints, traitors and astion was founded an argument, made great sassins. This is, I believe, quite new. Lord use of, in England, at the time, against all GEORGE GORDON was put into prison for those persons who were called Republicans a libel on the late good Queen of France. or Jacobins, whether in France or in Eng-A printer was prosecuted for a libel upon land, who were all accused,, in a lump, of the good Emperor or good Empress of a desire at least, to commit assassination, Russia. And, it is fresh in every one's as far as related to kings and their families. memory, that MR. PELTIER (whose trial -This is well worthy of particular atten- I shall notice more at large one of these tion; for the assassination of the king of days) was tried, and was convicted without Sweden, which took place just at the break- the jury's going out of court, and without ing out of the ANTI-JACOBIN war, was one scarcely a moment's hesitation, for having of the great grounds of alarm in England; it made a publication against BUONAPARTE, was one of the principal means, by which when First Consul of France.- -How it the people of England were terrified out of happens, then, that the Morning Post and all their former notions of liberty, and in- the Courier venture to call the present duced to approve of what their forefathers king of Sweden a traitor and an assassin, I would have startled with horror but to should be very glad to know. It may be think of. It is, therefore, of import- said, as to Napoleon, that we are at war ance to attend to what is now said, upon with him; and therefore, may say of him the subject of GUSTAVUS's assassination, by just what we please; but, without examin

ing into this doctrine, we may observe, that land is the principal commercial market of it cannot apply to the case before us, as we Sweden; but, then what we get from Sweare not at war with the present king of den is of use to us, and, indeed, is indisSweden; though, it must be confessed, that pensable to us. From Sweden and the if such publications go on, it is impossible rest of the Baltic we get our naval stores that war should not take place. The king and part of our bread-corn; and, if this of Sweden must have his feelings as well source is stopped up, as to the former at as other men; he cannot fail to be inform- least, must it not injure us full as much as ed of these attacks upon him; he has it will injure Sweden? Yet these flaming seen how our law seizes hold of the as- writers can see no injury likely to arise to sailants of other sovereigns; and, if he us. It is all injury to Sweden, and, which sees himself thus attacked with impu- is not a little singular, they keep saying nity to the assailants, it is, I should sup- this all the while that they are menacing pose, next to impossible for him to re- Russia with the restoration, which BERNA frain from using the only means, which, DOTTE will, as they say, compel her to in such a case, he has of shewing his re- make of the dominions which she took sentment.- -It may be said, that these from Sweden!They rail against BERpublications can do no harm, because NADOTTE, call him a plunderer, a swindler, Sweden will do every thing she can do a base satellite of Napoleon. They tell to injure us, the moment that the new the Swedes that their miseries are beginCrown Prince arrives in the country.ning, and that they merit these miseries for -This latter may be; but, may not their cowardice. Then, in the very same these terrible accusations against the king article (it is inserted above) they turn of Sweden make him hasten hostile mea- short round to the Emperor of Russia, sures against us? May they not add some whom they accuse of the "iniquitous atlittle matter to the injuries which BERNA-tack" in which Finland was taken from DOTTE is supposed to have in store for the Swedes, and tell him, that he is us? May they not cause the ruin of some "about to be justly punished" for that few merchants and their families? And," iniquitous attack;" and, observe, this act one thing is quite certain, that they can of justice is to be performed by the "plundo no good. It is possible that they may "derer and swindler," BERNADOTTE; this do no harm but that of disgracing the Eng- act of justice is to be inflicted upon the lish press in the eyes of other nations; enemy of Sweden, for an offence committed but, it is impossible that they should, in against Sweden; this act is to make Sweany way whatever, do any good; except, den triumph over her long-settled enemy; indeed, in the way above-mentioned, that and this act is to be the dawn of Sweden's is to say, in clearing the Jacobins of the miseries. charge of having plotted the assassination of GUSTAVUS, and placing that charge upon the head of a Royal Duke, who is Now, most Thinking People, do you not now become a king.- -But, let us nowthink, that it would have been full as well see a little of what is said about the conse-if these writers had followed my advice quences of Bernadotte's election.We and my example? Yet, at the time, I was, are told, by these writers, that they will be and even by very good friends, reproached, fatal to Sweden. "Now begin HER mi- even reproached for what I said in defence series!" exclaims the CoURIER. "Herof the king of Sweden and of the Crown "connexion with this country, where her Prince. I was reproached for speaking "principal commercial market lies, will respectfully of the King and the Prince; I "be at the mercy of HER enemy. He was reproached for saying that the election. does not perceive, or affects not to per- of the latter was an act of wisdom, and perceive, that WE shall share in the injury; fectly constitutional; I was reproached for and that, in some degree, at any rate, OUR calling that right legitimate, which now, miseries are beginning; and that if the con- has been, by our own government, acknownexion of Sweden with England will now ledged to be legitimate. What will these be at the mercy of France, so will the con- prostituted writers say now! What will nexion of England with Sweden. Strange they say for themselves, when they hear perversity! This writer can see that Swe- the man whom they so reviled, on whom den will feel an injury, but he cannot see they poured out such torrents of infamous any injury that we shall receive from the abuse, styled "HIS ROYAL HIGHsame cause.-- It is very true, that Eng-"NESS" by our own government, and

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