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ブックス ARTICLE VI Meetings. — The Society shall hold its annual meetings at the time and... の書籍検索結果
" ARTICLE VI Meetings. — The Society shall hold its annual meetings at the time and place of the Department of Superintendence of the National Education Association. Other meetings may be held when authorized by the Society or by the Executive Committee. "
Yearbook of the National Society for the Study of Education - 61 ページ
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Transactions of the State Agricultural Society of Michigan: With Reports of ...

Michigan State Agricultural Society - 1854 - 1088 ページ
...Society and submit the same for their consideration at the first annual meeting in January next. SEC. 11. This Constitution may be amended at any annual meeting by a vote of two thirds of the members present. SEC. 12. No officer of this Society shall receive any compensation...

Northwestern Medical and Surgical Journal, 第 13 巻

1856 - 586 ページ
...make an annual contribution to the fund of the Society, of not less than one dollar. ART. VII. The Constitution may be amended at any annual meeting, by a vote of two-thirds of its members present, in favor of such amendment : Provided, that notice of such proposed alteration...

American Bee Journal, 第 12〜13 巻

1876 - 624 ページ
...by the Executive Committee at any time on requisition of five of the Vice-Presidents. ARTICLE 11— AMENDMENTS. This constitution may be amended at any annual meeting, by a two-thirds vote of all the members in attendance. Adopted at meeting at Cleveland, Ohio, Dec., 1871....

The Legal Condition of Women in Massachusetts

Samuel Edmund Sewall - 1870 - 28 ページ
...and shall have a central office at such place as the Executive Committee may determine. ARTICLE V. This Constitution may be amended at any annual meeting by a vote of three-fifths of the delegates present therein. ADDITIONAL CLAUSES. Any person may become a member of...

Minutes of the Annual Meeting of the Presbyterian and Congregational ...

Presbyterian and Congregational Convention of Wisconsin - 1871 - 764 ページ
...Society shall hold an annual meeting in connection with the meeting of th.- State Convention. AUTIl.'IK VII. AMENDMENTS. This Constitution may be amended at any Annual Meeting by vote of two-thirds of the members present, notice of the proposed amendment having been given at a...

Proceedings of the ... Convocation, 第 12 巻、第 1875 部

University of the State of New York - 1875 - 306 ページ
...by the Convocation shall manage the affairs of the Union until the first annual meeting. ARTICLE vn. This Constitution may be amended at any annual meeting by a vote of two-thirds of the members present. BY-LAWS. Two Contestants — one Gentleman and one Lady — may be chosen by each...

Minutes of the Annual Session

General Congregational Association of Iowa - 1906 - 1214 ページ
...State Executive Committee shall be a member of the Board of Oversight. ARTICLE VIII. These articles may be amended at any annual meeting by a vote of two-thirds of the members present ARTICLE IX. This Society shall have all the rights and powers conferred upon such...

Report of the Commissioner of Agriculture for the Year ...

United States. Department of Agriculture - 1876 - 672 ページ
...executive board shall direct, for any succeeding year, not exceeding «5. 11. These articles of association may be amended at any annual meeting by a vote of two-thirds of tho members present voting. An elegant trade-room is fitted up and furnished at Little Falls, which...

Report of the Secretary of Agriculture ...

United States. Department of Agriculture - 1876 - 664 ページ
...executive board shall direct, for any succeeding year, not exceeding $5. 11. These articles of association may be amended at any annual meeting by a vote of two-thirds of the members present voting. An elegant trade-room is fitted up and furnished at Little Falls, which...

History of Woman Suffrage: 1861-1876

Elizabeth Cady Stanton, Susan Brownell Anthony, Matilda Joslyn Gage - 1881 - 1018 ページ
...and shall have a central office at such place as the Executive Committee may determine. ABTICLE v. | This Constitution may be amended at any annual meeting, by a vote of three-fifths of the delegates present therein. ABTICLE VI. Any person may become a member of the American...

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