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ブックス If by some strange chance not a vestige of us descended to the remote future save... の書籍検索結果
" If by some strange chance not a vestige of us descended to the remote future save a pile of our schoolbooks or some college examination papers, we may imagine how puzzled an antiquary of the period would be on finding in them no indication that the learners... "
Yearbook of the National Society for the Study of Education - 56 ページ
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The Eclectic Magazine of Foreign Literature, Science, and Art, 第 48 巻

1859 - 620 ページ
...third great division of human activities — a division for which no preparation whatever is made. If by some strange chance not a vestige of us descended to the remote future, save a pile of our school-books or some college examination papers, we may imagine how puzzled an antiquary of the period...

Eclectic Magazine, and Monthly Edition of the Living Age, 第 48 巻

John Holmes Agnew, Walter Hilliard Bidwell, Henry T. Steele - 1859 - 618 ページ
...third great division of human activities — a division for which no preparation whatever is made. If by some strange chance not a vestige of us descended to the remote future, save a pile of our school-books or some college examination papers, we may imagine how puzzled an antiquary of the period...

Education: Intellectual, Moral, and Physical

Herbert Spencer - 1860 - 328 ページ
...third great division of human activities — a division for which no preparation whatever is made. If by some strange chance not a vestige of us descended to the remote future save a pile of our school-books or some college examination papers, we may imagine how puzzled an antiquary of the period...

Education: Intellectual, Moral, and Physical

Herbert Spencer - 1861 - 244 ページ
...descended to the remote future save a pile of our school-books or some college examination-papers, we may imagine how puzzled an antiquary of the period would be on finding in them no sign that the learners were ever likely to be parents. " This must have been the curriculum for their...

The Lady's Friend, 第 4 巻

Mrs. Henry Peterson - 1864 - 910 ページ
...strange chance not a vestige of ne descended to tho remote future «ave a pile of our school-book's or some college examination papers, we may imagine...indication that the learners were ever likely to be parent«. ' This must have been the curriculum for their celibates,' we may fancy him concluding. '...

Pacific Medical and Surgical Journal and Western Lancet, 第 7 巻

1864 - 394 ページ
...from Spencer's work on Education contain so much common sense that I cannot avoid quoting them : " If by some strange chance not a vestige of us descended to the remote future save a pile of our school-books or some college examination papers, we may imagine how puzzled an antiquary of the period...

Domestic Problems: Work and Culture in the Household, and the Schoolmaster's ...

Abby Morton Diaz - 1875 - 232 ページ
...common sense has very respectable learning and wisdom on its side. A celebrated writer and thinker says, "If by some strange chance not a vestige of us descended to the remote future, save a pile of our school-books, or some college examination papers, we may imagine how puzzled an antiquary of the period...

The Popular Science Monthly, 第 23 巻

1883 - 904 ページ
...writer on education must have had Dr. Dix's plan in view in penning the following well-known passage : " If by some strange chance not a vestige of us descended to the remote future save a pile of our school-books or some college examination-papers, we may imagine how puzzled an antiquary of the period...

What Knowledge is of Most Worth

Herbert Spencer - 1884 - 130 ページ
...division of human activities — a division for which no \ i 40 EDUCATION. preparation whatever is made. If by some strange chance not a vestige of us descended to the remote future save a pile of our schoolbooks or some college examination papers, we may imagine how puzzled an antiquary of the period...

How to be Happy Though Married

Edward John Hardy - 1886 - 332 ページ
...and woman, but it is entirely neglected. " If by some strange chance," says Mr. Herbert Spencer, " not a vestige of us descended to the remote future save a pile of our school-books or some college examinationpapers, we may imagine how puzzled an antiquary of the period...

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