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ブックス ... study, which year may be concurrent with teaching experience; and five years'... の書籍検索結果
" ... study, which year may be concurrent with teaching experience; and five years' satisfactory experience in teaching in secondary schools or in colleges, three of which shall have been in the New York City high schools. b) Graduation from a college or... "
Yearbook of the National Society for the Study of Education - 35 ページ
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Yearbook of the National Society for the Study of Education, 第 7〜8 巻

National Society for the Study of Education - 1908 - 330 ページ
...qualifications : a) Graduation from a college or university recognized by the Regents of the University of the State of New York, and one year's satisfactory...year may be concurrent with teaching experience; and five years' satisfactory experience in teaching in secondary schools or in colleges, three of which...

The Relation of Superintendents and Principals to the Training and ..., 第 7 巻

Charles Doak Lowry - 1908
...subjects, or stenography and type-writing, satisfactory experience in business, not to exceed three years, may be accepted year for year in lieu of any part of the required experience in teaching. d) Graduation upon completion of a satisfactory high-school course, or an equivalent...

Manual of the Board of Education of the City and County of New York

New York (N.Y.). Board of Education - 1914 - 458 ページ
...subdivision 17 of Section 65. (As amended December 23, 1903; January 24, 1906, and November 12. IQI ~v;\r year's satisfactory post-graduate study, which year may be concurrent with teaching experience; and five years' satisfactory experience in teaching in secondary schools or in colleges, three of which...

The School Journal, 第 67 巻

1903 - 766 ページ
...license to teach commercial subjects, satisfactory experience in business, not to exceed four years, may be accepted year for year in lieu of any part of the required experience in teaching. All documents submitted as evidence of scholarship, training, or experience...

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