... and warping we need not speak, as they are much the same to the observer's and therefore to the reader's eye, as the preparation of yarns for carpets in Kendal, and of silk for ribbons in Coventry. While the washing and drying, and the dyeing and... Health, Husbandry, and Handicraft - 501 ページHarriet Martineau 著 - 1861 - 583 ページ全文表示 - この書籍について
 | George R. Graham, Edgar Allan Poe - 1852 - 696 ページ
...Coventry. While the washing and drying, and the dyeing and drying again, are proceeding, the higher labor of preparing the pattern is advancing. But how much...shawl border; let the threads be counted, and the colors, and the twists and turnings of the pattern, and then let it be remembered that the general... | |
 | John Holmes Agnew, Walter Hilliard Bidwell, Henry T. Steele - 1852 - 610 ページ
...Coventry. While the washing and drying, and the dyeing and drying again are proceeding, the higher labor of preparing the pattern is advancing. But how much...shawl border; let the threads be counted, and the colors, and the twists and turnings of the pattern ; and then let it be remembered that ;he general... | |
 | 1852 - 654 ページ
...Coventry. While the washing and drying, and tho dyeing and drying agayi are proceeding, tho higher labor of preparing the pattern is advancing. But how much...fortitude even to witness the mighty task of composing and proparing the pattern of an elaborate shawl. Ix,-t the reader study any three square inches of a good... | |
 | 1852 - 700 ページ
...Coventry. While the washing and drying, and the dyeing and drying again, are proceeding, the higher labor of preparing the pattern is advancing. But how much of the lower kind of work can be done during Ihe slow elaboration of the higher? It really requires some patience and fortitude even to witness... | |
 | 1858 - 648 ページ
...and drying again are proceeding, the higher labor of preparing the pattern is advancing. But how mnch of the lower kind of work can be done during the slow elaboration of the higher 1 It really requires some patience and fortitude even to witness the mighty task of composing and preparing... | |
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