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ブックス Between the setting of the sun and the rising of the moon, the great dial may rest... の書籍検索結果
" Between the setting of the sun and the rising of the moon, the great dial may rest ; but only then may it refuse to show the hours. "
Health, Husbandry, and Handicraft - 488 ページ
Harriet Martineau 著 - 1861 - 583 ページ
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The New Monthly Magazine and Humorist

1843 - 588 ページ
...Mrs. Courtenay did not reveal it in words, for during the time, short in that climate, which passed between the setting of the sun, and the rising of the moon in its brilliancy with its host of attendant stars, she only betrayed this restless feeling by occasional...

The Spirit of the East: Illustrated in a Journal of Travels Through ..., 第 1 巻

David Urquhart - 1838 - 506 ページ
...Highlander wears his little knife for hamstringing deer. There was scarcely an interval of darkness between the setting of the sun and the rising of the moon, so brilliant were the stars ; and when the orb of Diana arose, the rays she shot might even have made...

The Recreation

1843 - 378 ページ
...nothing for it but to proceed downwards to the monastery. There was scarcely an interval of darkness between the setting of the sun and the rising of the moon, so brilliant were the stars ; and when the orb of Diana arose, the rays she shot, might even have made...

The Recreation: A Gift-book for Young Readers

1843 - 346 ページ
...nothing for it but to proceed downwards to the monastery. There was scarcely an interval of darkness between the setting of the sun and the rising of the moon, so brilliant were the stars ; and when the orb of Diana arose, the rays she shot might even have made...

The St. Peterburg English Review, 第 5 巻

S. Warrand - 1843 - 574 ページ
...Mrs. Courtenay did not reveal it in words, for during the time, short in that climate, which passed between the setting of the sun and the rising of the moon in its brilliancy with its host of attendant stars, she only betrayed this restless feeling by occasional...

The North American Miscellany and Dollar Magazine, 第 3〜4 巻

1852 - 348 ページ
...learned much more than the time of day by measuring the sharp line of shadow drawn on the glaring sands of the desert, by the mute and immovable Pyramid of...then may it refuse to show the hours. From making dkls, in imitation of these natural ones, to making clocks, in which the circumstance of the shadow...

The North American Miscellany and Dollar Magazine, 第 3〜4 巻

1852 - 342 ページ
...learned much more than the time of day by measuring the sharp line of shadow drawn on the glaring sands of the desert, by the mute and immovable Pyramid of...Between the setting of the sun and the rising of the mpon, the great dial may rest ; but only then may it refuse to show the hours. From making dials, in...

Wanderings in India: And Other Sketches of Life in Hindostan, 第 2 巻

John Lang - 1859 - 420 ページ
...hour for me to come to the purdah behind which she sat ; and the Brahmins had told her that it must be between the setting of the sun and the rising of the moon, which was then near her full ; in other words, between half-past five and half-past six o'clock. This...

Wanderings in India: And Other Sketches of Life in Hindostan, 第 2 巻

John Lang - 1861 - 478 ページ
...hour for me to come to the purdah behind which she sat ; and the Brahmins had told her that it must be between the setting of the sun and the rising of the moon, which was then near her full ; in other words, between half-past five and half-past six o'clock. This...

An Anglo-Indian Dictionary: A Glossary of Indian Terms Used in English, and ...

George Clifford Whitworth, Whitworth, George Clifford, d. 1917 - 1885 - 410 ページ
...fortnight from the full moon to the new moon, in which period there is a daily lengthening time of darkness between the setting of the sun and the rising of the moon. See £uklapaksh. Krita. [Sanskrit, from kri, to do.] Accomplished, performed ; the side of the die...

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