From a time remote beyond computation, the sheep of Cashmere have been cherished on their hills, and the goats of Thibet on their plains, and the camels of Tartary on their steppes, to furnish material for the choicest shawls. From time immemorial, the... Health, Husbandry, and Handicraft - 498 ページHarriet Martineau 著 - 1861 - 583 ページ全文表示 - この書籍について
 | 1852 - 700 ページ
...hang on ladies' shoulders in Hyde Park, and where beauties most do congregate in Paris and Vienna. and the goats of Thibet on their plains, and the camels...palm-tree, where the whimsical patterns grow like the •wildflower springing from the soil. For thousands of years have Eastern potentates made presents... | |
 | 1852 - 654 ページ
...have been cherished on their hills, and the goats of Thibet on their plains, and the camels of lartary on their steppes, to furnish material for the choicest...from the soil. For thousands of years have Eastern poten- : tates made presents of shawls to distinguished strangers, together with diamonds and pearls.... | |
 | 1858 - 638 ページ
...the goats of Thibet on their plains, and the camels of Tartary on their steppes, to furnish materials for the choicest shawls. From time immemorial, the...looms, in those primitive pits under the palm-tree 1858.] [November, where the whimsical patterns grow, like the wild-flower springing from the soil.... | |
 | Katherine Morris Lester, Bess Viola Oerke, Helen Westermann - 2004 - 612 ページ
...immemorial the patterns which we know so well have been handed down as a half-sacred tradition from a Hindu ancestry which puts even Welsh pedigrees to and art, been glittering in Indian looms. For thousands of years have Eastern potentates made presents of shawls to distinguished strangers together... | |
 | 1858 - 648 ページ
...knotted round the loins like a sash ; in yet 397 another, it is swathed round the body like a skirt. Wherever worn at all, it is the pet article of dress....palm-tree where the whimsical patterns grow, like the wild-flower springing from the soil. For thousands of years have eastern potentates made presents of... | |
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