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ブックス I speak from experience here. For thirty years my business has lain in my study.... の書籍検索結果
" I speak from experience here. For thirty years my business has lain in my study. The practice of early rising was, I am confident, the grand preservative of health, through many years of hard work — the hours gained being given, not to book or pen,... "
Health, Husbandry, and Handicraft - 122 ページ
Harriet Martineau 著 - 1861 - 583 ページ
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The Popular lecturer [afterw.] Pitman's Popular lecturer (and ..., 第 4〜6 巻

Henry Pitman - 1308 ページ
...many years of hard work — the hours gained being given not to book or pen, but to activity. I row at six, Summer and Winter, and (after cold bathing)...I never returned without being glad that I went. I need not detail the pleasures of the Summer mornings. In Winter there was either a fragment of gibbous...

Once a Week, 第 2 巻

Eneas Sweetland Dallas - 1860 - 642 ページ
...circulation by a walk ; and I will add, by what some people would call an unpleasant one. I s¡,eak from experience here. For thirty years my business...I never returned without being glad that I went. I need not detail the pleasures of the summer mornings. In winter, there was either a fragment of gibbous...

The Harbinger of health

Andrew Jackson Davis - 1861 - 574 ページ
...health. Early Rising Triumphant. Miss Martineau is a great advocate of Early .Rising. She says : " I speak from experience here. For thirty years my...I never returned without being glad that I went. I need not detail the pleasures of the summer mornings. In winter, there was either a fragment of gibbous...

The Band of Hope Record, 第 1〜2 巻

1862 - 1096 ページ
...experience here. For thirty years my business has lain in my study. The practice of early rising was, 1 am confident, the grand preservative of health, through...I never returned without being glad that I went. I need not detail the pleasure of the summer mornings. In winter there was either a fragment of gibbous...

The Harbinger of health

Andrew Jackson Davis - 1879 - 458 ページ
...from experience here. For thirty years my business has lain in my study. The practice of Early Kising was, I am confident, the grand preservative of health,...I never returned without being glad that I went. I need not detail the pleasures of the summer mornings. In winter, there was either a fragment of gibbous...

The Lay Preacher, 第 6〜7 巻

1882 - 594 ページ
...RISING. — A well-known authoress, a great advocate of getting •up early in the morning, says : " I speak from experience here. For thirty years my...I never returned without being glad that I went. I need not detail the pleasures of the summer mornings. In winter, there was either a fragment of gibbous...

The Scot's Magazine, 第 5 巻

1890 - 492 ページ
...business has lain in my study. The practice of early rising was, I am confident, the grand preservation of health, through many years of hard work — the...activity. I rose at six, summer and winter ; and (after cold-bathing) went out for a walk in all weathers. In the coldest season, on the rainiest morning,...

The Harbinger of Health, Containing Medical Prescriptions for the Human Body ...

Andrew J. Davis - 1996 - 438 ページ
...is a great advocate of Early Riling. She says : " I speak from experience here, • For thirty year* my business has lain in my study. The practice of...I never returned without being glad that I went* I need not detail the pleasures of the summer mornings. In winter, there was either a fragment of gibbons...

Once a Week, 第 2 巻

Eneas Sweetland Dallas - 1860 - 642 ページ
...an unpleasant one. I speak from experience here. For thirty years my business has lain in my stndy. The practice of early rising was, I am confident,...the coldest season, on the rainiest morning, I never rcturued without being glad that I went. I need not detail the pleasures of the summer mornings. In...

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