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Had it not been that she reckoned on seeing Cupid again, and being able to soften him, (even were it necessary to exchange the litle of wife, for that of servant) Psyche would have desired death. But that was not what Venus wished; cruel to excess, she reserved a long series of reviving tortures, for her slave. She purposed ensnaring her in a circle of difficult and dangerous enterprises, from which, she hoped she would not extricate herself. Thence, what pretences for new persecutions! She began by ordering to be brought into one of the courts of her domain, both wheat, barley, millet, poppy seeds, peas, and lentils, all mixed and confounded with each other. Then Psyche was called, and Venus commanded her to pick out, and separate each sort, « A little patience only is wanting, said she, << and this work will be finished before night. » So saying, she sets out for a wedding feast, thinking it quite certain that she could not be obeyed; but she did not reckon on a little country ant, which took pity on so much youth, candour and charms, so cruelly tormented. She gave notice to the ant tribe, and the heap was instantly attacked; very soon, had you but seen it, the whole surface was in a ferment at all points, changes its form, diminishes, disappears six feet deep, under the efforts of thousands of workmen, who carry it off piece-meal. When Venus entered, with an insulting gesture, with rony on her tongue, we may judge both of her surprise, as also, that of Psyche. « They have found means, says the immortal, and to the misfortune of the protector and the protected, to come to thy aid, but I will set that to rights. » Then Psyche kneeling received by way of favour, a morsel of black bread for supper, which she wetted with her tears. They say, that before she retired, Cytherea waited a quarter of an hour in the anti-chamber, not willing to lose any of the sobs and sighs, more agreeable to her ear, than the sweetest melody.

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