
Chose rare! on se trouva au grand complet. Quelle plus imposante réunion! En avant de tous, Jupiter et Junon; Jupiter, un globe sous les pieds, tient d'une main sur ses genoux son tonnerre tout pacifique pour l'instant, et de l'autre flatte et apaise son aigle, qui, la serre en avant, les ailes demiouvertes, menace de l'œil et du bec le paon de la reine des dieux. Rangés en cercle, les autres dieux et déesses sont reconnaissables à leurs attributs: Hercule, à sa peau de lion, à sa massue; Apollon, à sa lyre; Neptune, à sou trident; Mars, à son casque; Janus, à son double visage; Diane, à son croissant; Minerve, à sa lance à sa cuirasse; aux derniers rangs se voient l'Hymen et autres divinités de moindre importance. La mesure est mise aux voix et adoptée à l'unanimité. Mercure, en exécution du vœu général, gratifie Psyché d'une ample tasse d'ambroisie, et l'Amour présente à tout le cercle sa douce moitié, tout fier d'avoir, avant la noce, déformé une jolie taille.

Extraordinary even! What a most imposing assembly is seen at this august meeting! In front of all, Jupiter and Juno; Jupiter, a globe under is feet sustains with one hand upon his knees, his thunder quite at rest for a short time, and with the other caresses and appeases his eagle, who with one claw forward, and wings half extended, menaces with eye and beak the peacock of the Queen of the Gods. Ranged round in circle, the other Gods and Goddesses are distinguishable by their attributes: Hercules has his lion's skin, and his club; Appollo, his lyre; Neptune, his trident; Mars, his helmet; Janus, his double face; Diana, her crescent; Minerva, her lance and cuirass; in the hinder ranks are seen Hymen and other Divinities of less importance. The measure his put to the voice, and adopted unanimously. Mercury in accordance with the general wish gratifies Psyche with a large cup of ambrosia, and Cupid presents his better half to the whole assembly, quite proud of having before marriage spoiled a very pretty shape.

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