
ton, and continued in that sacred relation for a little more than seven years, when his declining health, combined with circumstances beyond his control, rendered a dissolution of kis connexion expedient; and he took an affectionate farewell of the people of his charge. The feelings he exprest on that occasion, mark the ten derness and piety of his soul; and afford an interesting example of pastoral solicitude and forbearance, worthy to be had in remembrance by those, for whom they were uttered.

As a preacher, Dr. McKean was peculiarly, and I believe universally acceptable. There was an energy, and sometimes an originality, of thought and manner, sanctified by an ha bitual piety, which seldom failed of commanding deep attention. In his addresses to the throne of mercy you might always mark the breathings of a devout and humble soul, deeply imprest with the majesty of God, the Creator, with the dependance of the creature, and earnest in supplication for spiritual gifts.


deed should I select any one quality, which seemed to constitute the most uniform and pervading temper of his mind, it would be his ardent piety; which there is reason to believe followed him through all the various changes of his pilgrimage, sustained him under the sorrows to which, either from bodily infirmity, or from other still more afflicting sources, he was subjected, and was undoubtedly the ground of that cheerful and profound

submission, with which at length in a foreign land, and separated from the dearest friends of his heart, he yielded to the summons of death.

As a scholar, Dr. McKean is entitled to our notice; for his intellectual and scientific attainments gave him an honourable place in our literary circle. He possessed in a high degree the attributes of genius; and this was connected with a characteristic ardour, which gave animation to his studies, and enabled him to collect very various and copious stores of knowledge. While engaged in the active exercise of the ministry he found time to indulge his taste for the abstruser sciences; and afterwards when in the highly honourable station, to which he was called in the University, other studies became his more immediate province, his proficiency kept pace with the ardour of his mind, and his desire of usefulness. In the discharge of this, as of all his other duties, he appeared to act under a deep sense of his responsibility to God, who had lent him all, that he possessed, and with a most benevolent zeal for the benefit of his fellow-creatures. Among his acquisitions should be mentioned his remarkably minute and extensive acquaintance with the civil and ecclesiastical history of this country. His love of this pursuit amounted indeed almost to a passion; for he felt an enthutiastic admiration of the feelings, habits and character of the Fathers of New-England; and few a

mong us entered with more filial reverence into their spirit. No better evidence can be adduced of the literary and professional reputation of Dr. McKean than the number of honourable stations to which, at different periods, he was invited; and which, if accepted, he never failed consciencious ly to discharge. He was ever scrupulously exact in fulfilling his appointed share of duty, from a principle, that no man was entitled to the honour, who would not submit to the labours of a trust; and where an object appeared to him sufficiently important, he was willing to give, not his name only and occasional attendance, but a degree of industry and even of mechanical effort, which minds like his are seldom patient enough to bestow. Indeed, punctuality, exact adherence to a plan prescribed, and perseverance in the accomplishment of what was commenced, were among his peculiar traits. They are qualities which seldom obtain their just estimation, but to which we are greatly indebted for the success of our best institutions; and they were the more remarkable in him from the characteristic enthusiasm with which they were combined.

From this view of his character, it must be evident that we have lost in him a valuable citizen; one of those, who by their energy and zeal, give health and vigour to society, one who had the public welfare much at heart, and was ready to contribute to it his

best services and prayers. We should be unjust also to his many virtues, should we not remember the ardent benevo lence and disinterestedness of his character, his generous hospitality, and his constant readiness, even beyond the extent of his ability, to every act of christian kindness. If there are any without the cir cle of his domestic relations, or of his most familiar friends, who were ever surprised by apparent inequalities of feeling, which they were unable to explain, let it be remembered-because christian candor suggests it-that it is seldom given to minds, ardent as was his, to maintain that equable tenor, which is the natural element of the phlegmatic; that it is one of the hardest offices of religion-though, who will deny that it should be its unwearied effort to regulate the emotions of a peculiarly delicate, and susceptible heart; and that the strength or impetuosity of feeling, which might have been lamented by none so much as himself, was perhaps in this world of imperfection, where even the purest christians find it so difficult to preserve the exact balance of their virtues, inseparable in him from that ardour, which gave spirituality and life to his devotion, and in some remarkable instances, such fondness and enthusiasm to his friendship.

Those who were conversant with Dr. McKean, will not fail to remember his various colloquial powers, which combined with his affectionate

and social spirit, gave a charm to his familiar intercourse. He could readily impart of the stores, which his reading or observation had collected, and, sometimes in the freedom of conversation, surprised his most intimate friends by an eloquence, which he probably never exceeded in his most e laborate compositions.

It is unnecessary to attempt any delineation here of his domestic virtues; though upon this part of his character there could be no danger of falling into exaggerated praise His friends know for themselves; and it is not permitted to intrude into the sanctuary of private grief-how tender, how faithful and exemplary he was in all the relations, by which God had united them; what an husband and parent, son, and brother and friend death has separated from them. It is enough, that God's pitying eye is upon them, and that the hand, that has chastened, is mighty to sustain.

How frequent, how mournful have of late been the ravages of death! not individuals and families alone, but our whole community has been called to tears. For behold the faithful fail from among us, and the Lord of Hosts hath taken away from Jerusalem the stay and the staff. But

we are always ready to attach more than becomes us to the services of a fellow-mortal.— We rely on wisdom, that be.. ing human, must err-on virtue, that can be made perfect only in Heaven; and God, the sovereign disposer, not seldom withdraws from us the frail objects of our dependence

utter a

to teach us his own sufficiency. He instructs us, that He is in no need of the services of even the best or wisest of his creatures; that all they possess is from Him, and that with all the powers, that distinguish them, they do not breathe a wish, or prayer, or execute a design, but in dependence on Him. He will accomplish his grand purposes, as well in the moral as in the natural world without them. At the same time we rejoice in the fair hopes and promises of the Gospel ; we believe that though withdrawn from us, they are welcomed to a purer and nobler sphere. We miss them in the places, they have filled and adorned on earth, in the scenes consecrated by their labours and friendship; but their immortal spirits with all their graces have ascended to God, and are cherished with a Father's love in the regions of perfect knowledge and virtue.


"Tell us, ye troublers of mankind,
Who glory in your trade,
And through the carnage cover'd field
In fancied greatness wade;
Have you not felt at times remorse
Attendant on your ruthless course?

"Love and grow wiser; learn in time
That war in deed is guilt;
That God approves not him by whom
A brother's blood is spilt,

But inquisition strict will make
Of those who thus his office také."



THE following passages are from a Letter written by Baron de Vastey, one of the black nobility of Haytian abstract of which has been given in a late English paper. To show that the blacks are not naturally inferior to the whites the author gives examples of the former barbarity of the Europeans :

66 Every body knows (says our author) that the Greeks so celebrated for the polish of their taste, were in a state of the grossest ignorance and barbarity, living like the beasts, upon herbs and acorns, till civilized by colonies from Egypt; while the rest of Europe was yet unknown, and its inhabitants were certainly as barbarous, as ignorant, and as brutal as those of Benin, Zanguebar, and of Monomotopa can possibly be at the present day.

"At a later period the Gauls, like other Europeans, were still idolaters, plunged in the deepest abyss of ignorance, following barbarous and superstitious customs; yet the world was now nearly 4000 years old, and the people of Europe had not been able to acquire a single spark of knowledge; in vain did a narrow border of civilization skirt its southern shores, the light was unable to penetrate the dark forests of Gaul, and the stupidity of the boorish inhabitants. The Ethiopians, Egyptians, Carthagenians, Greeks and Romans filled the world with the fame of their wisdom, their laws, and their government; while the Gauls lay yet buried in pristine ignorance. Immense forests, lofty mountains, the interruption of lakes and rivers, the rigor of cold climates, and the barbarity of people, impeded the introduction of. learning into the north of Europe, while different causes yet of a singular nature, prevented the civilization of Southern Africa.

66 Among the Gauls, the most solemn of all the Druidical ceremonies, was the gathering the misletoe of the oak. I will now relate some of the principal maxims of the druids on Vol. VI. No, 6.


this subject, as preserved by tradi tion, never having been committed to writing :

'The misletoe should be gathered with great solemnity, and always if possible on the tenth day of the moon ; a golden sickle should be kept for cutting it.'

'On extraordinary occasions it is proper to sacrifice a man. Future events may be predicted from the falling of the body, the flowing of the blood, or the opening of the wound.?

'Prisoners of war are either to be sacrificed upon the altars, or inclosed in wicker baskets, to be burned in honour of the gods."

All fathers of families are kings in their own houses possessing power of life and death over their wives, children and slaves.'

"Such were the horrid maxims of the Gallic priests; they offered human sacrifices to Esus and Tectates: they slew and burned their prisoners of war in wicker baskets. Fathers of families possessed the dreadful power of life and death over their wives, their children, and their slaves. This degradation, into which the Gauls were sunk, is attested by Caesar, by Tacitus, and by Lucan. It was under the reign of Claudius, in the 50th year of Christ, that these horrible customs were first abolished nor was it till christianity had completely triumphed over Gaulish superstition, that the order of Druids became extinct.

"When a man was to be sacrificed, he was laid upon a large stone, where he was either smothered or crushed to death; sometimes, they were bled, and the impetuosity of the stream was one of the most important omens. The body was next opened to consult the entrails, and to read in the heart the will of the gods, and the good or evil fortune impending. The sad remains were then eitherburned, or hung up in the sacred wood near the temple; blood was sprinkled partly over people and partly over the sacred wood; and the ceremony closed with washing the

images of the gods, the altars, the benches, and the walls of the temple within and without."

He then alludes to the progress already made by the blacks of Hayti, in an eloquent appeal:

"Hail, to thee, happy land! land of my choice! Hail to thee, Hayti, my country! Sole asylum of liberty, where the black man can lift his head to behold and participate in the bounties dispensed by the universal Father of Man.

"We appeal to the testimony of strangers who frequent our ports, and visit the interior, to decide whether we are not organized upon the model of the most civilized nations of Europe? Have we not a firm monarchical government, constitutional charter, law and regulations? Is not justice impartially administered? Are not our troops numerous and orderly; are they not in point of discipline equal to the first in the world? Have we not built impregnable citadels, constituted according to the strictest rules of art, in inaccessible places, where the greatest obstacles were to be surmounted, in completing works worthy of the Romans? Have we not erected palaces and public edifices, which are at once the glory of our country and the admiration of strangers? Have we not manufactures of saltpetre and gunpowder? Is not the mass of our population devoted to agriculture and commerce? Are not our sailors able to cross the vast extent of ocean, and do they not navigate with ease the largest ships along our coasts ?

"We write, we print; while yet in infancy our nation can already boast her writers and her poets, who have defended her cause, and celebrated her glory. There will not indeed be found amongst them the pen of a Voltaire, a Rousseau, or a De Lille; but then we have not, like their nation, been civilized upwards of a thousand years. Have we not, then, every reason not to despair? We have also made essays in the fine arts, and are convinced that proper masters are alone wanting to enable us shortly to produce our Lepoussins, our Lignarus, our Rameaux, and our Gretrys. In a word, experience

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has demonstrated to the world, by the astonishing progress we have made in learning and in civilization, that the capacity of blacks and whites for the acquiring the arts and sciences is equal. Read the history of man; never was a similar prodigy seen in this world. Let the enemies of the blacks show a single instance of a people situated as we found ourselves, who have achieved greater things, and this in less than the quarter of a century. Not only have the Haytians acquired along with their immortal rights the admiration of the universe and of posterity; but they have acquired still stronger claim to glory, by raising themselves from ignorance and slavery to the height of splendor and prosperity, which they have already attained."


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IN rising to propose to you and to this assembly to form yourselves into a Society, auxiliary to that which is called, The London Society for promoting Christianity among the Jews, I would begin with noticing this melancholy fact, that the Jews, though the most interesting of all people, and, under God, the greatest benefactors of the human race, have been long treated by us with neglect and contempt beyond any other people under heaven.

We are happy, however, to find that the Christian world are beginning to awake out of their slumber, and to lay to heart the case of that unhappy people. Indeed, I must say, to the honour of our country, that the exertions made in behalf of the Jewish cause have been extremely liberal: for no sooner was an appea! made to them, than great subscriptions were raised, and a disposition

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