
Robert Browning.


1812, 7. Mai, geb. zu Camberwell bei London. 1829-30, University College, London.

1846, 12. Sept., Heirat mit Elizabeth Barrett. 1846-61, Italien.

1861, 29. Juni, † Elizabeth Barrett Browning. 1861-89, London.

1889, 12. Dez., gestorben in Venedig.

Werke in Buchform.

1833. Pauline.

1835. Paracelsus [Dramat. Gedicht].

1837. Strafford [Drama].

1840. Sordello.

1841. Bells and Pomegranates, I: Pippa Passes [Lyr. Drama].

1842. BP. II: King Victor and King Charles [Drama].

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1843. BP. IV: The Return of the Druses [Drama].

BP. V: A Blot in the 'Scutcheon [Drama].

1844. BP. VI: Colombe's Birthday [Drama].

1845. BP. VII: Dramatic Romances and Lyrics.

1846. BP. VIII: Luria [Drama]; A Soul's Tragedy [Dramat. Skizze].

1850. Christmas-Eve and Easter-Day.

1855. Men and Women. In 2 vols. 1864. Dramatis Persona.

1868-69. The Ring and the Book. In 4 vols. 1871. Balaustion's Adventure.

Prince Hohenstiel-Schwangau.

1872. Fifine at the Fair.

1873. Red Cotton Night-Cap Country. 1875. Aristophanes' Apology.

The Inn Album.

1876. Pacchiarotto, with other Poems.

1877. The Agamemnon of Eschylus [Übersetzung]. 1878. La Saisiaz. The two Poets of Croisic.

1879. Dramatic Idyls.

1880. Dramatic Idyls, Second Series.

1883. Jocoseria.

1884. Ferishtah's Fancies.

1887. Parleyings with Certain People of Importance in

their Day.

1889, 12. Dez. [Tit. 1890]. Asolando.


der Werke und Einzeldrucke in Zeitschriften etc.

F. Furnivall: A Bibliography of R. B. 1833-81:

The Browning Society's Papers 1881-84, Pts. 1 and 2. J. P. Anderson, im Anhang zu Sharp's Life of R. B. 1890. D. Campbell, im Anhang zu Mrs. Orr's Handbook, 6th Ed. 1892. T. J. Wise, in: Literary Anecdotes of the Nineteenth Century, by Dr. Robertson Nicoll and T. J. Wise, vol. I., 1895 [20/-]. Eine kürzere aber ausreichende Bibliographie auch im Anhang zur zweibändigen Ausgabe bei Smith, Elder & Co.


The Letters of R. B. and Eliz. B. B. 1845–46. [Ed. by R. B.] 2 vols. 1899 [21/-].

Letters to Various Correspondents, ed. by T. J. Wise. 2 vols. 1895-96 [Privatdruck].

Mrs. Sutherland Orr, Life and Letters of R. B. 1891 [12/6]. R. B. and Alfred Domett. Ed. by F. G. Kenyon 1906 [5/-].


Uniform Edition, in 17 vols. [à 5/-].

London, Smith, Elder & Co. 1888–89 u. ö.

The Complete Works, in 2 vols.


Edited and annotated by A. Birrell and F. G. Kenyon.
ebd. 1896 u. ö.

Complete Works. Edited with Introductions and Notes by Charlotte Porter and Helen A. Clarke. 12 vols. New York and Boston, Crowell & Co. 1898.

Biographien und literarische Studien.

W. J. Alexander, An Introduction to the Poetry of R. B. 1889.

E. Berdoe, The Browning Cyclopædia. 1891. 4th Ed. 1902, New Ed. 1906 [10/6].

A Guide to the Study of the Works of R. B., with copious explanatory Notes and References on all difficult Passages. -, B. and the Christian Faith. 1896 [5].


—, B.'s Message to his Time: his Religion, Philosophy, Science. 4th Ed. 1897 [26].

--, A Browning Primer 1904 [1/-].

Stopford A. Brooke, The Poetry of R. Br. Sec. Ed. 1905 [5/-].

The Browning Society's Papers, London 1881-84 [10/-].

The Boston Browning Society's Papers 1886–97, selected.


Browning Studies, being Select Papers by Members of the Br. Society, ed. by Berdoe. 1895. [716].

Elizabeth Cary, Browning, Poet and Man. 1899.
G. K. Chesterton, R. Br. 1903 [2/-].

B. Cooke, An Introduction to R. B. A Criticism of the
Purpose and Method of his Earlier Works.


G. W. Cooke, A Guide-Book to the Works of R. B.

1891 [10/6].

H. Corson, An Introduction to the Study of B.'s Poetry 1888. 1896 [7/6].

Susan Cunnington, Studies in B. 1905 [1/6].

Esther Defries, A Br. Primer 1892. Seventh Ed. 1905 [1/6].

J. Douglas, R. B. 1903 [1-].

[The Bookman Biographies; with numerous illustrations.] E. Dowden, R. B. 1904 [4/6].

D. Duff, An Exposition of B.'s Sordello. 1906 [10/6]. J. Flew, Studies in B.

1904 [2/6].

Fotheringham, Studies of the Mind and Art of R. B. 4th Ed., revised, 1900. [2/6].

E. Frey, Ein Essay über die Dramen R. Br.'s (Programm). Winterthur, 1893 [2 M.].

E. Gosse, R. Br., Personalia. 1890 [4/6].

C. H. Herford, R. Br. 1905 [216].

J. A. Hutton, Guidance from Br. in Matters of Faith. 1903 [2/6].

H. Jones, B. as a Philosophical and Religious Teacher. 1891. New Edition 1896 [6/-].

W. Kingsland, R. B., Chief Poet of the Age 1887.
New Edition 1890 [2/6].

Mrs. P. Leake, The Ethics of B.'s Poems 1897.
Marion Little, Essays on R. B. 1899 [3/6].

Minnie Machen, The Bible in Br. 1903 [6/6].

F. Marzials, R. B. 1905 [1/-].

Jeanie Morison, An Outline Analysis of Sordello. 1889 [3/-].

Ethel Naish, B. and Dogma. 1906 [4/-].

J. T. Nettleship, R. B., Essays and Thoughts. 1868. 1901 [5/6].

Mrs. Sutherland Orr, A Handbook to the Works of
R. B. 1885. Sixth Edition 1892 (u. ö.) [6/-].
Life and Letters of R. B. 1891 [12/6].

T. Parrot, An Examination of the Non-dramatic Poems in Br.'s 1st and 2nd Periods. Leipzig, Diss. 1893. Jiriczek, Englische Dichter.


A. C. Pigou, R. B. as a Religious Teacher. 1901 [2/6]. Charlotte Porter and Helen Clark, R. Br. Study Programmes, with a General Introduction. 1900 [7/6]. W. F. Revell, B.'s Criticism of Life. 1892 [2/6]. Mrs. A. Ritchie, Records of Tennyson, Ruskin and [R. and E.] Browning. 1892 [5/-].

W. Sharp, Life of R. B. 1890 (u. ö.) [1/6].

A. Symons, An Introduction to the Study of B. 1886 [2/6].

Hugh Walker, The Greater Victorian Poets. 1895 [7/6]. [Tennyson, R. Browning, M. Arnold.]

R. G. Watkin, R. Br. and the English Preraphaelites.
Diss. Breslau 1905.

A. Waugh, R. Br. 1900 [2/6].

Mary Wilson, A Primer on Br. 1891 [2/6].


elten hat ein großer Dichter so lange auf öffentliche Anerkennung warten müssen wie R. Browning, selten aber auch es seinen Lesern so schwer gemacht, seine Bedeutung zu erkennen. Die Unverständlichkeit seiner Dichtung ist sprichwörtlich geworden. Sie ist nicht immer unüberwindlich, oft aber so groß, daß man nur erraten kann, was der Dichter sagen will. Die Schwierigkeit liegt nicht in Verworrenheit der Gedanken oder der Sprache sondern in der ungewöhnlichen Methode Brownings, seine Gedanken dem Leser zu vermitteln. Sie ist die subjektivste, deren sich ein Dichter je bedient hat. Ein bewußtes Streben nach einer objektiven Kunstform, die seine Ideen möglichst plastisch und vollkommen verkörpert, ist Browning im allgemeinen fremd. Er will sich über seelische Probleme, die ihn interessieren, aussprechen und wählt als die ihm gemäßeste Form der Aussprache die dichterische. Ein tief eindringender

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