
Extra, beyond; as, extraordinary, beyond ordinary.

In, (ig, il, im, ir,) not, before an adjective; in, or into before a verb; as ignoble, not noble; illegal, not lawful; immerse, to plunge into; irresponsible, not responsible; irradiate, to pour rays into; imprudent, not prudent.

Inter, among; as, interpose, to place between.
Intro, within; as, introduce, to lead within.
Non, not; as, nonsense, not sense.

Ob, (oc, of, op), against; as, oppose, to place against; obtrude, to thrust against; occlude, to shut against.

Per, (pel), through; as, pellucid, shining through ; pervade, to pass through.

Post, after; as, postpone, to place after.

Pre, before; as, precede, to go before.

Preter, beyond; as, preternatural, beyond natural. Pro, forth; as, project, to throw forward.

Re, retro, back; as, recede, to go back; retrospect, a looking back.

Se, apart; as, separate, to place apart.

Sub, (suc, suf, sug, sup, sur, sus,) under or after; as, subscribe, to write under; succeed, to come after; support, to bear under; sustain, to hold under; subaqueous, under water.

Subter, beneath; as, subterfluent, running under. Super, over, upon; as, supernumerary, over the number.

Trans, across; as, transport, to carry over.

Ultra, beyond; as, ultraliberal, extremely liberal.

Exercise 8.

Explain the following words :

Emit, prefer, intercede, excavate, retrograde, subterfuge, antediluvian, subway, opposition, suggestion, countermand, predict, subordinate, reduce, extradition, perspire, nondescript, preordain, produce, remit, superintend, contravene, collusion, coheir, abstract, resurrection, submarine, bisect, benefit, equidistant, inelegant, biped, translate, ultramontane, suppress, import, surplus, disjoin, infuse, immaterial, extract, assign, dissent, include, intersperse, conclude, supervene, subject, return.

§ 3. Greek Prefixes.

A, an, without; as, apathy, want of feeling; anarchy, want of rule.

Amphi, both ways; as, amphibious, living both on land and water.

Anti, against; as, antichristian, against Christianity.

Apo, from or away; as, apogee, from the earth. Arch, first or chief; as, archdruid, the chief Druid.

Dia, through; as, diagonal, passing through from corner to corner.

En, em, in or on; as, engrave, to carve on; emboss, to stamp on.

Epi, upon; as, epitaph, upon a tomb.

Ex, out of; as, exogen, growing from without.
Hyper, over; as, hypercritical, over-critical.
Hemi, half; as, hemistich, half a verse.

Para, beside, against, by itself; as, parallel, side by side; paradox, against the usual opinion.

Peri, round about; as, perimeter, the measure round.

Syn, (sy, syl, sym), with, together; as, sympathy, feeling with; synod, a coming together; syllable, a number of letters taken together.

Exercise 9.

Explain the following words :

Atheist, epigram, antipathy, syntax, anonymous, parody, dialogue, antipodes, symmetry, emphasis, system, periphery, epidemic, antagonist, archbishop, enharmonic, exodus, hemisphere, apostle, archdeacon, diameter.

§ 4. Derivative Nouns.

I. Nouns of Saxon origin are derived from other nouns, from adjectives, and from verbs, by the following prefixes and suffixes..

[blocks in formation]

1. Signifying the agent, or a person generally.

[blocks in formation]

as, beg, beggar.
as, dote, dotard.

as, sail, sailor.

as, brag, braggart.

as, pun, pun, punster.




*Nouns of this formation have generally an opprobrious



Ier :*

as, mountain, mountaineer.
as, brigade, brigadier.

Ess; (fem.) as, shepherd, shepherdess.
Yer:t as, law, lawyer.



[blocks in formation]

* Nouns in eer or ier are generally military terms, and of

French origin.

+ The termination yer marks a person who carries on some trade or professsion.

These are sometimes called gerundive nouns, from their resemblance to the gerunds in Latin.

[blocks in formation]

Form Nouns denoting the agent, doer, or person generally, from :

Sing, lie, drink, trick, grenade, bow, poet, chariot, log, act, game, dig, lease, cow, duke, saw, cannon, grant, cut, bombard, deacon, song, run.

Form Abstract Nouns, from :

Wise, leak, warm, son, baby, martyr, hardy, banish, worth, knight, serf, kin, brave, rook, recover, red, ride, long, thrall, heal, judge, mile, weak, fine, steal, coin, write, embroider, merry, broad, cook, pilot, slow, soldier, read, sing, dance.

Form Diminutives, from ;

Goose, tart, seed, owl, bull, eagle, pack, man, year, Peter, fat, arm, couple, lance, fear, ring, suck, leaf.

* Nouns in ling are sometimes derived from adjectives; as, first, firstling.

+ Generally with a change in the vowel-sound.

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