
16. 'The fingers of a hand came forth against the wall,

[blocks in formation]

17. When the flannels have been well hang them out to dry.

§ 6. Words nearly alike in sound, differing by the aspiration of the w in the first of each group or pair.

Whales, n. sea animals.
What, pron. that which.

Wheel, n. part of a cart, &c.
When, adv. at what time.
Where, adv. in what place.
Whet, v. to sharpen, urge on.
Whether, pron. which of two.

Whey, n. the thin part of milk.

Wales, n. a country.
Wat, n. the diminutive of

Weal, n. happiness.
Wen, n. a fleshy excrescence.
Were, v. from to be.
Wet, adj. rainy, moist.
Weather, n. state of the air;
v. to escape with difficulty.
Way, n. a road.

1. Edward I. finally conquered, and annexed it to his dominions, and since that time the king of England's eldest son has always been styled Prince of -.

2. are found in great abundance both in the Arctic and Antarctic Oceans.

3. The rebels were headed by

them to Smithfield, 4.' But

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Tyler, who led they met the king. his rude hut by the Danube lay, barbarians all at play.' young

- his

5. Through variety of untried being,




we pass ?'

new scenes and changes must


'He must delight in virtue, And that which he delights in must be happy ; But, or ?'

7.- ourperils are past, shall our gratitudesleep? No, here's to the pilot that the storm.'

8. Smooth and cutting eloquence is like a dagger - with oil.

9. Since the

[ocr errors]

seems likely to continue we shall be unable to go -we intended. 10. He counted them at break of day, But, the sun set,

[ocr errors]

they ?

11. Since Cassius first did me against Cæsar, I have not slept.'

12. "

you ?"



of the twain will ye that I release unto

'Of thee and all thy sons,

and woe in thee is placed. Beware!'

14. Wherefore rejoice?

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home ?

conquest brings he

[ocr errors]

tributaries follow him to Rome,

To grace in captive bonds his chariot


15. Say, Wolsey, that once trod the of glory, And sounded all the depths and shoals of


Found thee a

out of his wreck to rise in.'

16. He was very much troubled by a large growing on his neck.

17. the milkmaid singeth blithe,

And the mower

his scythe.'


[blocks in formation]


4. Since brevity is the soul of -, I will be brief.' 5. "Because it had no root it away." 6. "When they saw the manna, they it was."

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not what

7. Never meddle with that does not concern thee.

8. A land of slaves shall ne'er be mine,
Dash down yon cup of Samian -!'
'But at his nurse's tears,


[blocks in formation]

and roared away your victory.'

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to gather that

10. It is hardly worth it is too far blown, and will soon -. 11. My sentence is for open war. More unexpert, I boast not.'

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12. It is spring in one hemisphere - it is autumn

in the other.

13. And then the schoolboy, with his satchel, Creeping like snail, unwillingly to school.' 14. are you running in such a hurry? 15. They played a game of -to-away the time.

16. The terms and Tory,

have since lost

their contemptuous meaning, were first used as nicknames of the rival parties in the state, about the year 1679.

17. The peruke, a long flowing

covered the shoulders, was introduced into England in the time of Charles II.

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18. Make hay the sun shines. 19. will you take? a glass of 20. Many persons were put to death as the reign of James I.

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21. He is not a better for all the care been bestowed upon him.

22. There is a quaint old saying

[ocr errors]

or red ? during


pithily ex


presses the folly of giving way to drink. When

[merged small][ocr errors]

is in, the

is out.'

§ 7. Words pronounced very nearly, if not exactly alike, but spelled, some with c, others with s.

[blocks in formation]

2. "Lydia was a

[ocr errors]
[ocr errors]

of purple and fine linen.”

3. " all that thou hast, and give to the poor, and thou shalt have treasure in heaven."

4. Newfoundland, Nova Scotia, and New Brunswick, were to Britain in 1713, by the peace of


[merged small][ocr errors]

of the room is white, but the ---Wax

6. Each in his narrow 6

for ever laid,

The rude forefathers of the hamlet sleep.' 7. sown out of season never thrives. 8. "The greater house he overlaid with fine gold."

[ocr errors]
[ocr errors]

with fir, which he

of bees are six-sided, and therefore fit

9. The compactly together.

10. Dominica was to the English by the of Paris in 1763,


11. The is an animal of the polar regions, hunted for the sake of its skin and the oil obtained from its fat.

12. Till thou canst rail the 6

- from off this bond, Thou but offend'st thy lungs to speak so loud.' 13. "Some fell by the way-side, and the fowls came and devoured it up."

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14. The in the basement of the building are very dry and capacious.

with the king's —." with cedar wood, and painted with

15. "The letters were 16. "It is


Cent, n. a coin, an abbrevi- | Scent, n. an odor, a perfume,

ation of the Latin word centum, a hundred.

[blocks in formation]

a track.
Sent, v. from to send.
Sense, n. feeling, under-

Sentry, n. a soldier on guard.
Sensuous, adj. gratifying to
the intellect or taste.
Assent, n. agreement; v. to
Dissent, n. disagreement;
v. to differ from.

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