
bat'ter-y (bắt’er-i), two or more pieces of artillery in the field. bay'o-net (bā'ô-nět), a dagger fitted on the muzzle of a musket. bay ou (bi oo), an inlet from a gulf, lake, or large river.

Beau Se-jour' (bo-sa-zhoor'), a French fort upon the neck of land connecting Acadia and the mainland. had just been taken by the British, p. 206.

"beard the li-on," defy.


Beautiful Gate, an entrance to the temple in Jerusalem. See Acts III

2 and John X-7.

Beautiful River, the Ohio.

beck (běk), call.

bee'tling (be'tling), projecting: jutting


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be-nef'i-cence (bê-něf'i-sens), goodness or charity.

be-nign' (bê-nīn'), of a kind disposi tion.

be-nig'nant (bê-nig nănt), kind. be-seech' (bê-sech), entreat.

be-stead' (bê-stěd'), put in peril. bes'tial (běs' chal), beastly; vile. be-stow' (bê-stō'), give; grant. be-troth'al (be-troth'ǎl), contract to anyone for a marriage. bev'er-age (běv'ẽr-âj), drink.

bick'er (bik'er), move quickly with a pattering noise, p. 44.

bier (bēr), a frame on which a corpse is borne to the grave.

big'ot (big'ut), one blindly devoted to his own opinion; narrow-minded. big'ot-ry (big'ŭt-ri), narrow-minded


bi-og'ra-phy (bi-ŏg'rȧ-fi), the written history of a person's life.

birk'ie (bûr'ki). See note, p. 98. blanch (blanch), take the color out of; whiten.

blas' phe-my (blås'fê-mi). impious speech against God or sacred things. blast (blåst), a violent gust of wind.

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"bore the bell," carried off the prize. A bell was formerly used as a prize in races.

bosk'y (bos'ki). woody or bushy. bos'om (booz'um), the breast. Both'ni-a (both'ni-ȧ). Gulf


northern arm of the Baltic Sea between Finland and Sweden. boun'ti-ful (boun'ti-fool), liberal. bourn (börn), a boundary; limit. bow (bou), the forward part of a ship. p. 39 (bo) to rhyme with tow. Bow' doin (bō'd'n), in Brunswick, Maine, college from which Longfellow graduated in 1825.

Boz-zar'is, Mar'co (bo-zăr 'is, Mär' kō). See note, p. 84.

brack'ish (brăk'ish). saltish; distasteful.

Brad'dock (brăd'ŭk), a British general who met defeat and was killed in 1755.

Bra-gan'za (brä-gän'zä), a reigning family of Portugal.

brake (brāk), a fern; a thicket. brawl (brôl). noise; quarrel.

breach (brēch), an opening in; a break.

break'ers (brāk ́erz), waves breaking into foam against the shore.

breech'es (brich'ěz), trousers.

Bret'on (brět'un), a


province of

brig (brig), a two-masted vessel. bri-gade' (bri-gād'), a body of troops larger than a regiment.

brink (brink), verge or edge. Brit'ish Min'is-try, the British Government.

Brit' on (brĭt'un), a native of England.

broad' side' (brôd' sid'), the side of a ship above the water line, from bow to quarter.

broad' sword' (brôd sōrd'), a sword with a broad blade and cutting edge. Brook Farm, a farm near Boston, where an experiment in agriculture and education was tried by a group of literary people.

Bruns' wick (brunz-wik), Duke of Brunswick (Frederick William) was

killed in the engagement described, p. 78. Bru'tus (broo'tus), a Roman politician who joined in the assassination of Caesar.

Buck'holm (bŭk'hōm), p. 174. buff'coat (bŭf'kōt), a military coat made of buff leather. buf'fet (buf'ět), a blow.

bulk head' (bŭlk, hěd'), a wall to resist pressure of earth or water. Bun-ker Hill, a hill near Boston where a famous battle was fought. buoy an-cy (bou'ăn-si), lightness. burg'er (bûr'ger), an inhabitant of a borough.

bur'gess-es (bûr'jěs-ěs), citizens of a borough.

Bur-gun di-an (bur-găn’di-ăn),


taining to Burgundy, a province of France on the Rhone river. bus'kin (bus'kin), a covering for the foot and leg, worn by tragic actors.

ca'd (cä'd), Scotch for called. ca'dence (kā'děns), a fall of the voice; rhythm.

Cad mus (kǎd'mus), in Greek legend the founder of Thebes and introducer of the letters of the Greek alphabet. Cae'sar, Julius (sē'zår), (100 B. C.44 B. C.), a famous Roman general, statesman and writer.

Cai'us Ma'ri-us (kā'yŭs mā'rē-üs). See note, p. 334.

ca-lam’i-ty (kă-lăm’i-ti), misfortune;


cal' en-der (kǎl'en-der), one


business it is to press cloth or paper between cylindrical rollers. cal'um-ny (kǎl'um-ni), slander. "Calvin's creed." Calvin was a cele

brated reformer whose doctrines are noted for their severity. Cam'er-on (kăm'ĕr-on). See note, p. 78.

can'did (kăn' did), frank; open. Can'no-bie Lee (kǎn'oō-bē lē), a lea or large open space in Scotland. can'non-ade/ (kǎn'un-ād), a discharging of cannon.

ca-pac i-ty (kȧ-păs'i-ti), power. "cap and bells," the tokens or signs of a jester or clown, therefore, foolish pleasures.

Cape Pal'mas (päl'mäs), a promontory on the coast of Liberia, western Africa.

ca'per (kā'per), "cutting a caper,"

to leap about in a frolicsome man

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Car'thage (kär'thaj), an ancient city in northern Africa. Its wars with Rome are known as the Punic Wars. case'ment (kās'měnt), a hinged window sash.

cas'u-al (kǎzh'u-ǎl), happening without regularity.

cath'o-lic (kath'ō-lik), liberal. caul'dron (kôl'drůn), a large kettle. cause' way (kôz'wā), raised road over wet ground.

cav'al-cade/ (kǎv'ǎl-kād), a procession of persons on horseback. ce-les'tial (sê-lěs' chǎl), heavenly, divine.

cen'o-taph (sĕn'ô-tȧf), a


to one buried elsewhere. cen'ser (sen'ser), a vessel in which incense is burned.

cen'sor-ship (sen'sŏr-ship), office or power to examine papers for the press and suppress what is thought harmful.

cen'sure (sen'shûr), blame. cen'tu-ry-cir-cled

(sĕn'tû-ri-sûr 'k'ld), having a hundred circles, indicating its age.

ces-sa'tion (sĕ-să'shŭn), pause, stop. ces'tus (ses'tus), girdle.

chaise (shaz), a two-wheeled carriage. chal'ice (chǎl'is), a cup. Chalk-ley's Journal. Thomas Chalkley was a traveling Quaker preacher. His journal, published in 1747, told of his many wonderful experiences. Cham'bered Nau'ti-lus (cham'berd nô'ti-lus), a shellfish belonging to the highest class of mollusks. chan'cel (chan'sěl), that part of a church containing the altar. chan’ti-cleer (chănti-kler), a cock, so called from his clear voice in crowing.

cha'os (kā-os), disorder.

cha-ot'ic (kå-ot'ik), confused. chap'let (chap'lět), wreath. char' ac-ter-ize (kår'ǎk-tĕr-iz),


scribe. chasm (kǎz'm), deep opening, gap. Chat'ta-hoo/ chee (chặt’ahoo chế), a river in Georgia which forms part of its western boundary. chaunt (chant), song, especially one that is solemn and slow. Cheap'side (chep'sid), the central east-and-west street of London, formerly a market. "Chepe" is the old English word for market. Cher'so-nese (kûr'sô-nēz), Athenians who had colonized the peninsula between the Hellespont and the Gulf of Melos. Miltiades ruled over them.

chi-mer'i-cal (ki-měr 'i-kǎl), fantastic.


chiv'al-ry (shiv'ǎl-ri), manners of knighthood, courtesy.

chowder (chou'der), a dish made of fresh fish or clams, biscuit, etc., stewed together.

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churl'ish (chûr'lish), rough, ill bred. ci'de-vant/ (se'dē-vän), former. circuit (sûr' kit), a regular journey from place to place; the district journeyed over.

cir cum-scribe (sûr'kům-skrīb′), inclose, encircle.

cit' a-del (sit'ȧ-děl), fortress. "civ'il feuds" (siv'il fūds), quarrels within one's own country. clam'or (klăm'er), an outcry; uproar. clan (klǎn). See note, p. 93.

clang (klăng), strike together so as to produce a ringing metallic sound. clan'gor (klǎn'ger), a sharp, harsh, ringing sound.

clap' board (klǎp'bōrd), a narrow

board, thicker at one edge than at the other, for weatherboarding houses.

cleave (klev), cling; open or crack. cleft (klěft), crack, crevice. clem'ent (klĕm'ĕnt), mild.

cler'gy (klûr'ji), a body of ministers of the gospel.

cloud-ves'ture (kloud-věs'tûr), clothing of clouds.

Co-che'cho (kō-che'chō), Indian name for Dover, N. H.

cocked' hat (kokt), a hat with the brim turned up.

co-he’sion (ki-he’zhăn), close union. co'hort (kō'hôrt), in the ancient Roman army, a body of about 500 soldiers.

coil (koil), p. 103 trouble; the body. co-in ci-dence (kô-in' si-děns), a happening at the same time. co-los' sal (kô-los'ǎl), of enormous size.

Co-man’ches (kỗ-măn’chếz), a tribe of Indians noted for their warlike character.

come'ly (kumʼlĭ), pleasing. com'ment (kom'ent), meditate upon; a remark or criticism. com-mission-er (ko-mish'un-er)


officer having charge of some department of public service. com-mod'i-ty (ko-mŏd'i-ti), goods,

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combination, make-up.

com-po'sure (kŏm-pō'zhûr), calm. com pre-hend/ (kom' pré-hĕnd), understand.

com'pre-hension (kõmʼí 1’pre-hěn/shin), perception, understanding. com'pre-hensive (xăm’pre-hěn siv), including much.

com-pressed' (kom-prěst') pressed together.

com-prise' (kom-priz'), include. com'pro-mise (kom’prô-miz),


agreement in which all parties concerned give up something.

con cave (kon 'kav), hollow and curved in.

con-ceal' (kon-sēl'), hide from observation.

con-cede' (kon-sēd'), grant or allow. con-ceive' (kon-sev'), understand; think.

con-cen'ter (kon-sen'ter), bring to, or

meet in a common center; condense. con'cen-trate (kon'sĕn-trāt), bring to, or meet in a common center; condense. con-centric (kon-sen'trik), having a common center.

con-cep' tion (kon-sěp'shun), formation in the mind of an image or notion.

con-cil'i-ate (kon-sil'i-āt), reconcile, pacify. con-clu'sive ing; final.

(kon-kloo'siv), convinc

con cord (kŏn'kôrd), state of agreement; harmony.

con-currence (kon-kur'ĕns), agreement in opinion.

con-duce' (kon-dūs') lead or tend. con-found' (kon-found') confuse; blend.

con-geal' (kon-jel'), freeze; thicken. con gre-gate (kon ́grẻ-gāt), assemble. con-jure (kon-joor), call on solemnly.

con'jure (kun'jer), call forth or expel by magic arts.

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con jur-ing book (kŭn'jer-ing), a copy of Cornelius Agrippa's "Magic," printed in 1657. con-nu' bi-al (ko-nū'bi-ǎl), pertaining to marriage.


Con script Fathers (kon'skript), translation of a certain form used in addressing the senate of ancient Rome. con'se-crate hallow.

(kon' sê-krāt), dedicate,


con-serv'a-tive (kon-sûr' vȧ-tľv), posed to change; safe. con-sign' (kon-sin'), intrust; deliver.

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con /vo-lut’ed (kön/vô-lūt’ěd), rolled together, one part upon another. con-vulse' (kon-vuls') contract violently and irregularly. coof (koof). See note p. 98. coot (koot), a kind of duck. co'pi-ous (ko'pi-us), plentiful. cop'pice (kop'is), a grove of small growth.

cor'bel (kôr'běl), a bracket. cord'age (kôr'daj), anything made of rope or cord.



more certain, confirm.

cor-rupt' (ko-rupt'),

good to bad.

corse (kôrs), a corpse.


change from

corse let (kors let), breastplate.. Cor'si-ca (kôr'si-kå), an island in the

Mediterranean, belonging to France, the birthplace of Napoleon. Cos'sacks (kos'ǎks), a military people inhabiting the steppes of Russia. coun'cil (koun'sil), assembly or meeting, assembly for advice. counsel (koun'sěl), interchange of opinions; advise.

coun'te-nance (koun'ti-năns), appearance of the face, the features. coun'ter-feit (koun'ter-fit), that which resembles another thing; carry on a deception. counter-part' copy, duplicate. Cou'reur-de-bois' (koo'rûr, de-bwä'), a class of men, French by birth, who, through long association with



the Indians were only half-civilized. Their chief occupation was conducting the canoes of the traders along the lakes and rivers of the interior. cou'ri-er (kōō'ri-ĕr), a messenger. Court of St. James, the official name of the British court. St. James's Palace was formerly the royal residence.

cour'te-ous (kûr'tê-ŭs), polite. cour'te-sy (kûr'tê-si), good breeding. cove (kov), a small inlet or bay. cov'ert-ly (kuv'ert-ii), secretly. cov'et (kův'ět), long for. craft (kråft), art or skill; a vessel. crag (kråg), steep, rugged rock. Craig'ie House (krāg'i), the house in Cambridge in which Longfellow lived from 1836 until his death. During the Revolution, it had been Washington's headquarters.

crane (krān), an iron arm fastened to a fireplace and used for supporting kettles over the fire. cran'ny (krǎn'i), a chink. crank (krǎnk), top-heavy. (krā'v'n), coward;

cra' ven hearted.


craw (krô), crop or stomach. cre-den' tials (krê-děn'shǎlz), testimonies of the bearer's right to recognition.

cred'i-tor (krěd'ĭ-ter), one to whom money is due.

cred' u-lous (krěd'ù-lŭs), apt to believe on slight evidence.

Creeks (krēkz), a powerful confeder

ation of Indians who occupied the greater part of Alabama and Georgia. cres' cent (kres'ĕnt), the increasing moon; anything shaped like a new moon; emblem of the Turkish Empire.

crest (krěst), upper curve of a horse's neck.

crev'ice (krěv'ĭs), a narrow crack. cri'er (kri'er), one who gives notice by proclamation.

cri-te'ri-on (krī-tē'ri-ŭn), standard of judging.

crit'ic (krit'fk), one skilled in judging.

crit'i-cal (krit'ĭ-kǎl), decisive; impor


Crois'ic-kese (kroiz'ĭ-kēz), an inhabitant of Croisic, a small fishingvillage near the mouth of the Loire. Here Browning wrote Herve Riel. Crom'well, Oliver (1599-1658), commander-in-chief of the parliamentary forces in the struggle with Charles I of England.

cro'nies (krō'niz), intimate companions.

cross (kros), emblem of the Roman Catholic church.

croupe (kroop), the place on the horse behind the saddle.

cru'ci-fix (kroo'si-fiks), a represent

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de-ci'sive (dê-si siv), positive, final. de-co'rum (dê-kō'rům), proper conduct.

de-cree' (dê-krē'), law; decision given by a court or umpire.

de-crep'it (dê-krěp'it), worn out with age.

deem'ing (dem'ing), thinking. de-faced (dê-fast'), disfigured, marred. de-fer' (dê-fûr'), postpone; yield to the wishes of another. def'er-ence (děf'er-ĕns), respect. de-fi'ance (dé-fi'ăns), disposition to resist.

de-file' (dê-fil'), pass between hills. de-flow' er (dé-flou'ĕr), deprive of flowers; take away the beauty of. de-fy' (dê-fi'), dare.

de-gen'er-ate (dê-jĕn'ĕr-āt), grow

worse or meaner.

de'i-ties (de'i-tiz), heathen gods. del'e-gate (děl'ê-gāt), send as one's representative.

de-lib'er-ate (dê-lib'er-ât), not hasty; (dê-lib'er-āt), weigh in one's mind. de-lin'e-ate (dê-lin'ê-ât), represent by sketch; describe. de-lir'i-ous (dê-lir 'ĭ-us),

wild with feeling. De'los (de los), the smallest island of the Cyclades, according to legend originally a floating island and the birthplace of Apollo.

del'uge (děl'új), flood.

de-lu'sion (dê-lu'zhŭn), deception for want of knowledge.

de-lu'sive (dê-lû'siv), deceptive. de-mean'or (dê-mēn'er), behavior. de'mon (de mon), evil spirit.

de-mo'ni-ac (dê-mō'ni-ǎk), like a de


de-note'ment (dê-not'měnt), sign or indication.

de-plor' a-bly (de-plōr'å-bli), grievously. de-pos 'i-to-ries (dé-poz'i-tô-riz), place where anything is stored for keeping. de-prav'i-ty (dė-prăv'i-ti), corrup

tion, wickedness.

de-ri'sion (dê-rĭzh'un), insult.

de-scent' (dê-sěnt'), a passing downward.

de-scried' (dê-skrid'), saw, beheld. desert (dězert), solitary; empty. des'ig-nate (děs'ig-nāt), point out. de-sist (de-zist'), stop.

des'o-late-ness (des'ô-lât-něs), state of being desolate or lonely.

de-spair' (dê-spâr'), give up hope. des'per-ate (děs'per-ât),



des'pi-ca-ble (děs'pi-kȧ-b'l), fit to be despised; mean.

de-spond'ent (dê-spon'děnt), low spirited.

des'pot-ism (děs'pot-iz'm), tyranny. des'tined (děs'tind), marked out. des'ti-ny (děs' ti-ni), doom, fate. de-tained' (dê-tand'), kept back or from; delayed.

de-tract' (de-trakt), take away. de-trac'tor (dê-trăk'ter), one who slanders.

de'vi-ate (de'vi-at), go out of the way. de-vice' (dê-vis'), design; invention. de'vi-ous (de'vi-us), wandering. de-void' (de-void'), destitute. dev'o-tee


(děv ô-tē), one wholly

de-vout'ly (dê-vout'li), earnestly. dex-ter'i-ty (děks-těr 1-ti), skill. dex'ter-ous (děks'ter-us), skillful, art. ful.

dif-fuse' (di-füz'), spread.

dight (dīt), adorn.

dig'ni-ties (dig'ni-tiz), honors.

dike (dik), embankment to prevent flooding.

dil'i-gence (dĭl'ĭ-jěns), industry.

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