現代日本俳句選集Makoto Ueda University of Toronto Press, 1976 - 265 ページ |
検索結果1-3 / 7
74 ページ
... 泣く児と啼く鶏との朝 Chikara / ippai / ni / naku / ko / to / naku / niwatori / to / no / asa Strength | full - capacity | at | crying | child | and | crowing | rooster | and | ' s | morning Awaiting the ball , maidens ' arms form a ...
... 泣く児と啼く鶏との朝 Chikara / ippai / ni / naku / ko / to / naku / niwatori / to / no / asa Strength | full - capacity | at | crying | child | and | crowing | rooster | and | ' s | morning Awaiting the ball , maidens ' arms form a ...
92 ページ
... naku / aruki - keri Winter - hornet's | place - for - death | non - existent | walks - keri 水すまし水に跳て水鉄の如し Mizusumashi / mizu / ni / hanete / mizu / tetsu - no / gotoshi Water - spiderwater | on | bouncing | water | steel's ...
... naku / aruki - keri Winter - hornet's | place - for - death | non - existent | walks - keri 水すまし水に跳て水鉄の如し Mizusumashi / mizu / ni / hanete / mizu / tetsu - no / gotoshi Water - spiderwater | on | bouncing | water | steel's ...
225 ページ
... 泣く父母よりはるかなるものを呼び Shimoyo ko wa / naku / fubo / yori / harukanaru / mono / o / yobi Frosty - night | child | as - for | cries | parents | more - than | far - away | thing | ( acc . ) | calling 雪の中鴉のむくろ目をあけゐる ...
... 泣く父母よりはるかなるものを呼び Shimoyo ko wa / naku / fubo / yori / harukanaru / mono / o / yobi Frosty - night | child | as - for | cries | parents | more - than | far - away | thing | ( acc . ) | calling 雪の中鴉のむくろ目をあけゐる ...
他の版 - すべて表示
5-7-5 syllable pattern aki-no Akikaze as-for autumn Autumn-wind Bashō beauty began writing bloom born in Tokyo Bōsha Buddhist Buson's butterfly chrysanthemums cicadas Cuckoo Cuckoo group darkness essays eyes fall father flower grass haikai haiku magazine haiku poets haiku writers hana Hekigodō hito hokku horse Iida Dakotsu ishi Japanese haiku JAPANESE PARTICLES kage Kakio kana Kijō Kusa Kusatao Kyoshi literary literature MAKOTO UEDA Matsuo Bashō me-no mizu modern haiku modern Japanese mono moon moonlight mountain naka naki naku naru Natsume Sōseki night nomin Ogiwara Seisensui Ozaki Hōsai peony plum blossoms poem poet's poetic poetry return to Japan Sanki season word Seisensui Seishi shadow Shiki shite Shūōshi smell snow Sōjō spider spring Staggerbush stone Takahama Kyoshi there-is Tokyo University Tōta traditional traditionalist translation tree verse form volumes of haiku waga wind winter Wintry gusts writing haiku written wrote Yamaguchi Seishi yori young yuki