


A danger where least suspected, 55
Adoption, is it identical with pardon? 494, 628
Africa, South, Dr. Livingstone's "Missionary

Travels and Researches" in, reviewed, 33,
138, 250-pages in the history of: the rain-
maker, 231; pacific influence of Christian
teachers, 506-first corn-mill for, 284-intro-
duction of Methodism into, 897
America, British. Rev. F. A. West requested
to visit the two Affiliated Conferences, 821-
introduction of Methodism into Nova-Scotia,
897; into Canada, 898. See also under RELI-

America, (United States of,) the religious press in,
on the late financial crisis, 47-Expedition of,
to Japan, 266, 338, 427-Methodist Episcopal
Church in, and its Indian Missions, 269, 1941
-revival of religion in, 501, 836-a Lapland-
er's ideas about, 706-obligation of, to Irish
Methodism, 809-response of the Methodist
Episcopal Church in, to the appeal from Ire-
land, 817-pioneers of Methodism in, and
the results of their labours, 897-Bible Society
of, 1128. See also under RELIGIOUS INTELLI-

Angels, the ministry of, 684-work relating to,
noticed, 637

Anselm, story of his spiritual life, 66
Australasia, introduction of Methodism into,


Bailie, Mr. and Mrs. Charles, of South Africa,
mentioned, 761

Band-meetings, referred to, 1038
Bereavement, words of comfort for the hour of, 330
Bible, the, free from the erroneous science of
other ancient writings, 318-works relating to
the, noticed, 453, 632, 633, 634, 1123-new
translations of, into English, noticed, 631, 632,
725, 1121-contributions of the, to science, 638
-meeting in New-Zealand to commemorate the
translation of the, into Maori, 850-distribution
of the, in Abyssinia, 849-principles of interpre-
tation peculiar to the, 975-Fiji version of,
preparing, 1044. See also under India.
Bible Society, British and Foreign, anniversary
of the, 539-references to the, 749, 900, 947,
980, 981, 982, 1045, 1128, 1130
Birth-day exercise, 1085

Bishops, the seven, acquittal of, 159
Black, Rev. W., of Nova-Scotia, mentioned, 897
Blantyre, two worthies of, mentioned, 34
Book hawking Associations, Reports of, 1076
Book Room, Wesleyan-Methodist, publications
of the, noticed, 983

Boyd, Hugh Stuart, Esq., Dr. Clarke's challenge
to, 302

Brahman, rebuke from a, to a professing Chris-
tian, 881

Brighton, Popish appearance of St. Paul's
church at, 1097

British Association for the Advancement of
Science: Opening address of the President,
999, 1086

Bunting, Dr. Jabez, Dr. Guthrie's visit to, 66
-death of, 670; referred to, 818, 819, 836-
Conference obituary of, 843-Rev. T. Jack-
son's funeral sermon for, noticed, 1035
Butterfield, Rev. W., outline of a marriage-
sermon by, 583

Calvin, quoted, 688, 880

Calvinism, references to, 65, 168, 194, 633
Canterbury, antiquities of, 577-early Methodism
in, 577, 675

Ceylon, Rev. B. Clough's labours in, 101-Chris-
tian instruction in Government schools of,
established, 347. See also under RELIGIOUS

Charles I., reign of, reviewed, 153-execution of,
a crime, 228

Charles II., reign of, characterized, 155

Children, facts relating to the conversion of, 25,

China, references to, 352, 898, 942, 982.' See
Christ, the temptation of, 56, 161-love of, to
His people, 199-the bread of life, 309, 405--
historic incidents connected with the birth of,

Christian Scriptures, the, and the Oriental
mind, 43

Church, the ecclesiastical arrangements of a

may be too perfect, 438-worthless character
of a, when the Holy Spirit has forsaken its
ordinances, 441-the prosperity of a, may be
endangered by accounting that as the work of
the Holy Spirit which is not His work, 442-
that church has the greatest elements of pros-
perity which has the greatest number of con-
verted members, 444-causes of a church's
want of success, 521

Church, a, when does it die? 49, 527
Church, the, and the synagogue, fanciful resem-
blance between, 65

Church of England, parties in, at the Reform-
ation, 152-Missions of, in India, 177-appear-
ances of the "coming" Methodism in the,
447-anniversary of the Missionary Society of,
540-Evangelical party in, brought into exist
ence by Methodist influence, 899-Book-
hawking Associations of, 1076. See also

Church of Rome. See Popery.

Church of Scotland, disruption of, 421
Church of Scotland, Free, debt of, to Hugh
Miller, 422-references to, 554, 566, 1135
Clarke, Dr. Adam, Dr. Etheridge's "Life" of,
reviewed, 289-Dr. Clarke quoted, on Eccle-
siastes and the character of Solomon, 911,
1022, 1027; his opinions noticed, 1093, 1094
Coke, Dr., mentioned, 97-100, 386, 562, 900
Comets, the two, (of 1618 and 1858,) 1116
Communion with the Tri-une God, 623
Conder, Mr. Josiah, and the Mill-yard church, 49
Conference, Wesleyan, in Dublin, 817-in Hull,
818-Annual Address of the, 833
Confessional, the, in the Church of England:

Scottish Episcopal, Puseyism in,

stealthy advances. Relation of Methodism to
the Established Church, 1004-inquiry how the
attempt to Romanize the Church originated,
1006-the most common conjecture stated,
but dissented from, 1006-our own conjecture,
1007-note on the Catholic Emancipation Act,
1008-progressive development of Tractarian-
ism, 1017-institutions springing out of the
movement; viz., Cuddesdon College, 1018;
St. Augustine's College, Canterbury, 1019;
London Church Union, 1019; Protestant
nunneries, 1019; Protestant guilds, 1020-
auricular confession, 1020

Is the confessional openly and without
rebuke recommended and practised in the
Church of England? 1096-pamphlets in
favour of the practice, 1096-1099-the Rev.
W. Gresley's "Ordinance of Confession"
reviewed, 1100--1116

Congregationalism, referred to, 65

Coral-reefs, how formed, 134

Cromwell, Oliver, rule of, 155


Apostolic Preaching, a sermon, by the Rev. R.
Young, 779

Christ the Bread of Life, a sermon, by the
Rev. A. Barrett, 309, 405

Christ's Love to His People, by the Rev. H. W.
Williams, 199

Docs Regeneration imply perfect Holiness? 206
Essay on the Witness of the Spirit, by the Rev.
R. Wrench, 492

Fidelity, and its Reward, a sermon, on the
death of Mrs. I. Whittaker, by the Rev. 1.
Price, 107

Grace and Glory, 1070

recognised as the Author of the work, 332-
His jealousy illustrated by the punishment of
Moses and Aaron, 332; and by other events
recorded in Scripture, 333-how far these
principles may affect the success of human
agencies, 334-the aim of the true Minister of
Christ is the conversion of his hearers, 334-
under what conditions the Holy Spirit is most
likely to work with and by such a Minister,

Human means may be too perfect, 438-
Methodism traced from its Divine commence-
ment to its present beautiful organization, 439
-danger lest its Author should be less
thought of now, 439-where the industry
which provides the most efficient means is only
exceeded by the earnestness that seeks the
interposition of the Supreme Power, all is
safe, 440-worthlessness of a church after the
Holy Spirit has forsaken its ordinances, 441-
if one church can be more dependent on the
Spirit's grace than another, that church is our
own, 441-whatever may tend to grieve the
Holy Spirit should be narrowly watched, 442-
this principle applied to Methodism, 443-Mr.
Wesley's way of building up a church, 444-
his character, his works, and his century of
Methodism form a monument that is impe-
rishable, 445-thoughts on the "coming
Methodism, 446-appearances of the new dis-
pensation in the Established Church, 447-
caution to Methodists, 448-the foregoing
remarks not suggested by any fear for Me-
thodism, 449

Causes of the want of suceess in a church,
521-is the success of Methodism equal to its
means? and if not, why? 523-(note on the
substitution of the name "Wesleyans" for
"Methodists," 524)-suggestions on "special
services," 529-remarks on sectarian phraseo-
logy, 532

Suggestions to Ministers on pulpit-delivery,
610-suggestions to church-officers and private
members who take part in religious meetings,
612-remarks on the practice of advertising
subjects of discourse, 616 [reference to, by the
Rev. S. Waddy, 745]-conclusion, 621
Drummond, Mr. P., of Stirling, exertion of, in
the cause of religious literature, 985
Drunkenness, prevalence of, în England, 992

"Edinburgh Review," the, early hostility of, to
Methodism, 1031

Historic Incidents connected with the Birth of Education, Christian, for India, 345-Wesleyan,

Christ, 1064

"I will be as the Dew unto Israel," a sermon,

by the Rev. John Rigg, 587

Paraphrase of the Lord's Prayer, 692
Principles of Interpretation peculiar to Scrip-
ture, 975

Sonship to God under the Mediatorial Econo-
my, by the Rev. H. W. Williams, 628
The Ministry of Angels, 684
The Spirit's Message to the Churches, a
sermon, by the Rev. R. Young, 10
The Temptation of our Lord, 56, 161
"Thou wilt not leave My Soul in Hell," 876
Three Days in the Desert, 970
Does our Success correspond with our Agency?
Conversion cannot be effected without the
agency of the Holy Spirit, 331-He will be

543, 820-educational movement of the day,


Eternal Sunship, Dr. Clarke's error respecting
the, 300

Fathers, early, not trustworthy, 65-appeals to,
at the second Council of Nicæa, 66-opinions
of, on guardian angels, 688, 691
Feast, of the Lord's Supper, a blessing in the,

Fitzhardinge, Earl, dying testimony of, 127
France, mighty influence of, political and social,
151-the first French Revolution compared
with the Revolution of 1688 in England, 152,
214-later French Revolutions, 228. See also

Generosity, Christian, example of, 909
Geology, work on, noticed, 67-facts and lessons
of, 129-the geologist of Cromarty, 323, 42--
references to, 639, 1089, 1091

Gilbert, Nathaniel, Esq., of Antigua, mentioned,


Punishment of Directors of the Royal
British Bank: attempt to assassinate Napoleon
III. fall of Lord Palmerston's Ministry:
taking of Canton: preparations to transfer
the government of India from the East India
Company to the Crown: Lord Ellenborough,
Lord Canning, Sir John and Sir Henry
Lawrence, General Havelock: telegrams from
the seat of insurrection: arrangements of
Missionary Societies for încreasing their Mis-
sionaries in India, 350-355

Views of Sir John Lawrence on the govern-
ment of India: China: Japan: state of the
Turkish empire: prosecution of M. de
Montalembert in France: revision of the
English Liturgy: Puseyism in the Scottish
Episcopal Church, 1125-1127

God's coffer, a short sermon for merchants,

Gomersal, Sunday-school and chapel in, 1059
Grace and glory, connexion between, 1070
Greek of the New Testament, characteristics of,

Gresley's (Rev. William) "Ordinance of Con-
fession," reviewed, 1096

Haldane, James and Robert, mentioned,


Hall, Mr., of Bristol, mentioned, 7
Hanover, anecdotes of the King of, 210
Harris, Rev. Dr., death of, mentioned, 426
Harris, Rev. Howell, introduction of Methodism
into Wales by, 896

Heresies of the first age, on the nature of Christ,

Home-Missionary movement, Wesleyan, progress
of the, 820

Home-Missionary Vocation of Methodism : its
primary and its present aspects. Remarkable
individuals often raised up at a critical time for
the preservation of the truth and service of the
church, 890-languishing state of Christianity
in England when the Wesleys were converted
and sent forth, 891-Methodism developed into
a Home-Missionary system, 892-its theology,
its ministry, its Circuit-organization, its lay-
agency, its finance, its connexional principle,
and its constitution are all Home-Missionary,
892-894-the general revival which attended its
successive operations glanced at, 894-its ready
application as a church-system to other coun-
tries, where it immediately became Home-
Missionary, shown in Wales, in Ireland, in
Scotland, in the United States, (with, in each
case, the results,) 896, 897; in the West Indies,
Nova-Scotia, South Africa, New South Wales,
Van Diemen's Land, New-Zealand, the Friendly
and Fiji Islands, Canada, (with the results,)
897, 898; and in China, (where the results will
appear in due time,) 898-Methodism thus
realizing its founder's grand conception of a
whole-world parish, 899-intimate connexion
of this Home-Missionary movement with the
great religious institutions of the day, 899-

Mr. Colquhoun's testimony on this point cited,

Home and Foreign Missions not antagonistic,
990-favourable change effected in this country
within the last hundred years, in Sabbath
observance, în philanthropy, in morals, and in
religion, 990, 991-still the national character
is fearfully dark, exhibiting unparalleled drunk-
enness, 992; millions of uneducated children,
993; vast numbers of irreligious and demoral-
ized adults, 993-important statistics, showing
the moral state of the general population, 993;
the inadequacy of Methodist operations, 994;
how large a tract of country lies altogether
untouched by Methodist agencies, 994-let
Methodism have a fair chance with the masses,
and, much as it has told on them already, it
will tell yet more effectively, 995-Methodist
Home-Missions have a very important relation
to the church and chapel provision of the
country, 995-they also have relation to indi-
vidual responsibility, 996

"Honesty is the best policy:" a recent example
in proof, 622

Hora Biblica. No. LX. "The last words of
David," 52-No. LXI. The Gospel according
to St. Mark, 319-No. LXII. Koheleth, his
description of old age, 910, 1020; last days of
King Solomon, 1093

Howard, John, mentioned, 901

Huguenots, loss of France by the extermination
of the, 214

Huntingdon, Lady, mentioned, 899

Independency and Methodism in contrast, 894
India, proposal to write the languages of, in the
English character, 69-extract from **State-
ment on the Formation of a Christian Verna-
cular Education Society" for, 345-reinforce-
ment of the Wesleyan Mission in by the Rev,
J. Crowther and five junior brethren, with a
narrative of their shipwreck, 385, 388-labours
of the Rev. J. Lynch in, 385, 840-proposed ex-
tension of the Wesleyan Mission in, 402, 557—
works relating to, noticed, viz., Rev. W.
Campbell's, 170; Rev. R. Caldwell's, 69, 396;
Rev. R. D. Griffith's, 399, 400-Brahmanism in,
undermined by European science, 319-petition
of the Committee of the Wesleyan Missionary
Society to the House of Commons on Christi-
anity in, 731-a Brahman's testimony in favour
of Missionaries in, 882, 824, 885-references to
the mutiny in, 354, 391, 401, 542, 543, 356–
other references to, 539, 540, 541, 558, 563, 743,
746, 749, 750, 755, 982

India, the Army, and the Bible: The rebellion:
Lords Ellenborough and Canning: Lord Stan-
ley's appointment as President of the Board of
Control unsatisfactory: large number of Wes-
leyan recruits: gift of the Bible to each soldier
on enlisting, withdrawn by order of General
Peel: order to the opposite effect issued by
the Admiralty, 640-642

Ingham, Rev. B., mentioned, 894
Inward light and outward revelation, 66
Ireland, Missionary tour in the north of: Rapid
journey from London to Dublin, 797-Gideon
Ouseley; Curran; O'Connell, 798-Irish tan-
guage and literature, 799-college of Maynooth;
Dangan castle; birth-place of the Duke of
Wellington, 800-Laracor; Dean Swift; menu-

Fleming's "Plea for the Ways of God to

Man," 263
Fosteriana, 635

ment to Garret Wesley, 801-Charles Wesley's | LITERARY NOTICES, continued.
refusal to be adopted as his heir; town of Trim
and its memories, 802-the hill of Tara, 803-
Methodist chapel and Missionary Meeting in
Trim; Portadown; the pearly Bann; prosperity
of Methodism, 804-the see of Armagh; its
Archbishops, 804-character of Dr. Cullen;
Cardinal Wiseman; the "Redemptorist
Fathers" in Tyrone; Presbyterianism, 805-
Londonderry; its ever-memorable siege; the
principles then involved still struggling for
the mastery, 806-Popery regaining the
ascendant in Ireland, through the expediency-
policy of English Governments; Missionary
Meetings at Londonderry and Coleraine ; Lough
Foyle; a whisky-factory; the Giants' Cause-
way, 807-country between Coleraine and
Belfast the most prosperous, because the most
Protestant, in Ireland; linen-manufacture; the
Scottish colonists; a Methodist funeral-service
in Lisburn churchyard, 808-Lough Neagh;
Methodism in Belfast; value of Irish Method-
ism; Irish evangelization vitally important to
England, 809-Encumbered Estates Com-
mission; colonization; the Cromwellians, 810
-impediments to preaching; bondage of the
people to the Priests; great as are the diffi-
culties, duty is plain, 811

Fowler's "Lecture on the Institutions of
Wesleyan Methodism," 1035

Frame's Christ in Gethsemane," 1028
Ginsburg's Song of Songs," 725
Grindon's "Life: its Nature, Varieties, and
Phenomena," 728

Hardy's "Commerce and Christianity," 451
Henderson's "Book of the Twelve Minor
Prophets," 632

Ireland, Wesleyan Conference in, 817-introduc-
tion of Methodism into, 896-Protestant suc-
cess in, 1130

"It is the only thing worth living for," 127

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Herzog's "Real Encyclopædia," vol. I., 1035
Hubbard's " Wesleyan Sunday-School Tune-
Book," 1034

Hughes's "Mental Furniture," 454

Africa," 265


Impressions of Western

Jackson's "Sermon, occasioned by the Death
of the Rev. Jabez Bunting, D.D.," 1035
Japan Opened, 266

Commentary on the first five
Chapters of Genesis," 634

Lyra Germanica, second series, 635
Methodism and the Masses, 1036
Montgomery, James, "Memoir" of, 635
Muston's" Israel of the Alps," 66

New Publications announced, 639, 640, 1036
Newton's "Pastoral Character of Deity," 166
New-Zealand, the Aboriginal Press in, 640
"Our Father," 455

Owen, Dr. John," Works" ef, 69
Paterson's" Book for every Land," 453-
Pickford, Mrs., "Life and Diary" of, 634
Psalms, the Book of: arranged in Parallelism,
69-a new Metrical Translation of, 166
Ribbans's Peace: a Poem," 455
Schimmelpenninck (Mary Anne) "Life" of, 1123
Seddon, Thomas, "Memoir and Letters" of,

Smith's (Dr. George) "History of Wesleyan
Methodism," vol. II., 1029

Southey's Life of Wesley," 1035

of, 168



Discourses," Hughes's Review

The Church and the Age," 454
Methodism in Barnard-Castle," 454
Stewart, Dugald, "Collected Works" of, 165
Stier's "Words of the Lord Jesus," vols. VII.
and VIII., 449

Stoughton's "Ages of Christendom," 64-
"Pen, Palm, and Pulpit," 170
Sugden, Jonas, "Memorials" of, 451
The Afternoon of Unmarried Life, 1124
The Comforter, 1123

The Commentary wholly Biblical, 1123

The English Harmony of the Four Gospels, 633
The News of the Churches and Journal of
Missions, 170

The Stars and the Angels, 637

Treffry's" Memoirs of the Rev. John Smith,"


Vinet's "Homiletics," 1035
Walker's "Gems of Piety," 454

Wallace's "Doctrinal Retirement," 453

Weiss's " Song of Songs unveiled," 1121

Wight's "Geology and Genesis," 67
Winslow, John W., "Memorials" of, 265
Young's "Southern World," 637
Zwingli, "Life" of, 635

Livingstone, Dr., discoveries of, in South Africa,
33, 138, 250-new expedition of, to the Zam-
besi, 260-a mistake of, noticed, 262-an
omission in his volume, note on, 263-refer-
ences to, 542, 563

Loo Choo, Great, the island of, 338

Madeley-Wood, the miner of, 721
Magic lantern, in Central Africa, 144
Microscope, interesting application of the, 1086
Miller, Hugh, of Cromarty, life, writings, and
tragic death of, 323, 420

Missionary enterprise, the highest motive to, 433
Moab, mountains of, described, 1033

Music of young Methodism, observations on the,

Oates, Titus, plot fixed upon Papists by, not
wholly incredible, 156

Orange, Prince of, his descent on England, 159
Ouseley, Rev. Gideon, mentioned, 798

Patriotism and evangelism, 314
Peepul-tree, account of the, 917
Pelagianism, referred to, 299

Peloponnesus, Notes of Study and Travel in the,
by the Rev. W. G. Clark, M.A.: No place of
absorbing interest in the Morea; mode of tra-
velling, 901-the "sacred way;" pass of
Daphne; temple of Apollo; Eleusis; Megara;
temple of Neptune; St. Paul's stadium, 902-
Corinth; the Acro-Corinth; panoramic view,
903-Mycenæ; "cities" of the heroic ages,
904-situation of the "treasuries;" Govern-
ment excavations at Argos; walls of Tiryns,
905-agricultural college; Argos; pass of
Prinus, 906-church of St. Elias; bleak pro-
spect in descending Artemisium into Arcadia ;
Mænalus; site of Mantinea; Tripolitza;
Spartan battle-field; 907-improving state of
the Morea; ruins of Nicli; entire disappear-
ance of Tegea; temple of Athene-Alea; the
Alpheus, 908-Taygetus; the Eurotas, 909

Modern Sparta; a Greek Bishop; site of
ancient Sparta, 1078-Easter observances, 1079
-Mount Taygetus; St. Elias, 1080-walls of
Messene; Epaminondas; fountains; ruins
near Messene; great gate of the old city, 1081
-ancient bridge with a modern arch; temple
of Apollo at Bassæ; plain of Olympia; temple
of Zeus, 1082-the Olympic games, 1083-
Patras; a funeral; St. Andrew's well, 1084-
the Styx; Sicyon, 1084-plain between Sicyon
and Corinth, 1085

Perronet, Rev. V., memoir of, 481-references
to the Perronet family, 577, 578, 579

Piety at home, homily on, by the Rev. E. Nye,

Planets, are they inhabited? 639


An Evening Prayer, by J. Rist, 741
Calvary, 458

Carthagena, by Adeline, 128

Evening Hymn, by Dr. Doddridge, 358

For a wakeful Night, by Pastor Josephsen, 741
Keeping the Heart, 1038

"Let there be Light," 645

Life, Death, and Eternity, 173–supplementary
verses, by Adeline, 268

Monody, at the Village-Grave of a Friend, 1038
Morning Hymn, by Dr. Hawkesworth, 358

POETRY, continued.

Rachel weeping no longer, 929
Sunday Evening, 928
Sunday Morning, 928

The Christian Household, 357

The Crocus, by Mrs. H. B. Stowe, 459

The Dies Ira" of Thomas De Celano, by Dr.

Irons, 741

The Magdalen in the Desert, by Adeline, 72
"The noble Army of Martyrs praise Thee," by

B. Gough, 173

The thrice-spoken Farewell, by Alec, 538
The Voice of the Sea, by B. Gough, 268
The World of Light, 268

Pompeii, reflections upon the ruins of, 437
Poole, Rev. A., Curate of St. Barnabas, referred
to, 1096, 1099, 1111

Popery, Mariolatry of, 724-state of, in Bobe-
mia, 1041-references to, 65, 66. 74, 83, 267,
376, 459, 592, 642, 653, 818, 953, 993, 1045.
See also Confessional, Ireland, Revolutions,
Post-apostolic developments, character of, 66
Prayer, the power of, 23-oratory in, 612
Press, the licentious and the religious, 978, 1074
Puritans, references to the, 152, 153, 155, 216,
221, 225, 228, 297

Puseyism, references to, 158, 376, 805, 809, 810,
995. See also Confessional.

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