
be desired, simply through the agency of the officers of the State Paper Department. No one who examines the Indexes or Calendars to the New York papers can fail to perceive the great value which they possess, independent of the papers to which they refer --verifying dates, giving facts, and furnishing many items of information highly important in themselves.

When the subject was first brought to the notice of the Legis. lature, the presence of Mr. J. R. Broadhead in London, as the agent of New York, afforded many facilities for the successful prosecution of the measure proposed; and now, although the agency of Mr. Brodhead has closed, his residence there in the character of Secretary of Legation will prove highly serviceable from his intimate acquaintance with the various depositories, as well as with the officers of the different departments; and I am confident the State may rely upon Mr. Brodhead's active co-ope ration, should his supervision be solicited.

Associated with this matter is the kindred one of obtaining copies of Historical documents referring to our State in the posses sion of other States of the Union, and especially New York. The close connection that at different periods existed between the provinces of New York and New Jersey caused, necessarily, a mutual interest in many political papers; and a number of this charter are included in the documents procured by Mr. Brodhead, which I have had the pleasure to examine. There were, also, previously in the Secretary of State's Office, at Albany, translations of several papers connected with the occupancy by the Dutch of, what is now, New Jersey, possessing considerable interest. The liberality of the State of New York allowing free access to these documents, copies for the State Library could be obtained at no cost save the time occupied in selecting and the expense of copying. The obtainment of these papers might be connected with the other proposed measure, or be adopted alone as the Legislature may deem advisable.

I fear I may already have encroached too much upon your time, but I cannot close my letter without calling your attention to another matter, which was brought to the notice of the Legis. lature at its last session by the Executive Committee of the Historical Society-I allude to the Criminal Statistics of the State. As Chairman of the Committee on Statistics of the Society, I endeavored a year or more since to enlist the interest of gentlemen in various parts of the State to obtain full returns from every county calculated to show the relative proportion of crime in dif ferent communities—at different periods—and under different cir

cumstances, but with the exception of the interesting report from the Keeper of the State Prison, made two winters ago, very little success attended my exertions, owing principally to the fact, that no regular system was observed in the different counties in recording the information required. In one county, for example, it was found that no record book was kept at the Jail; the commitments were put away in the keeper's desk to remain there frequently only until a piece of waste paper was required, and it was impossible to tell who had been prisoners for a few months back. In other counties, such books of record as had been kept, were considered the private property of the officers, and had been carried away by them when removed from office; and I believe there is scarcely a county in the State where there is any general record that will present in a convenient form the judicial statistics of either past or present times. The States of Massachusetts, New York and others, following the example of all the nations of Europe, have for several years had full returns made, by the various county officers, of all the details requisite to form an intelligent opinion of the relative increase or decrease of crime, and it is difficult to discover how legislators can judge of the efficiency of modifications of their laws, or philanthropists of their measures of reform, unless accurate returns are from time to time obtained from the officers of the State connected with the legal tribunals.

I should judge the Legislature could impose upon the various county officers the duty of making such returns to the Secretary of State, embracing all the items of information desired-forms for which may be obtained from the States I have named, or be prescribed by the Secretary.

Limited in extent as is New Jersey, she might be made a model State, in all things requiring system and order; and especially in the important matter of placing our citizens in possession of every kind of information relating to her resources, the condition of her population, the statistics of mortality, crime, education, &c., the compactness of her territory would ensure success to a degree far beyond what is obtained in large States, were it properly undertaken.

Hoping that your influence may be exerted in every proper way to obtain the ends in view, I remain, sir,

With much respect, yours,


&c., &c., &c.,



[Copied from the original letter-book of Logan in his own hand writing, in the possession of the Historical Society of Pennsylvania, and presented by Edward Armstrong, Esq., of Philadel· phia.]

"COLL. Cox:

"Discoursing with W. Trent concerning thy affairs and those of Jersey, he desired me to give thee some acco' of ye late act of Assembly, for dividing that Province between ye Eastern and Western Propriet's wh. I must at present doe very briefly.

Dr. Johnston procured a Clause to be inserted in ye Revenue Act of N York Sbre 1717 allowing 300 lb on ye part of that Govin for dividing ye Province from N Jersey, also an act last Winter at Amboy for running ye Same Line on ye part of Jersey, but no way could be then found to raise the money. Another act was proposed for dividing ye Jerseys in which Provision should be made for defraying ye charges of both, but this was like to prove very intricate.

Last summer those of East Jersey finding that ye head of Rackaway came much nearer to Allametunck than that we call'd Passyack, insisted that Rackaway was ye true branch of Passyack intended in thy fathers agreement and by this they would cutt off from the Western Prop's all Weppenunck Neck. We then insisted on it that Pepock not Allametunck was ye true branch of Rariton This brought the agreement itself into question and we soon found as it had long been suspected that it had no sufficient foundation in ye Law to be built upon. We therefore had recourse to ye Division of ye Quinquepartite Deed as ye true and only legal Boundary since by it all ye Prop' of both Divisions had purchased. Those of E. Jersey insisted on an equal Division and endeavour'd to prove this was alwayes intended and that in L" Neil Campbells time all ye principal Proprietors had agreed on both sides to recede from the quinquepartite Division for which they really had a great deal more to shew than any of our side expected. We however insisted strenuously on that Line as both our and their Right and would by no means recede from it.

But as they had for about 30 y" been broke in upon, it was in vain to propose it to the Assembly unless all ye settlers and Purchasers on both sides should be secured. It was therefore agreed that all ye Lands taken up by ye Eastern Proprietors on ye west side of ye Line should be still held on ye same right in ye same

manner as if they had been taken up in the Eastern Division provided they did not exceed ye quantity that ye Western Prop's had taken up on ye East side of ye Line. The same provision was made for the Lands of the Western Prop's and when the quantities taken on ye wrong sides of ye Lines respectively by the Prop of both Divisions were compared, ye surplusage, after two y'rs allowed on both sides to buy rights, is to be taken off from ye unsettled Lands of the 2d and 3d Dividends on ye Eastern side and from ye like Lands of the 4th Dividend on ye Western side or out of ye unsurvey'd Lands on either side if such can be found of value. Thus both sides are to have ye exact quantity they first purchased, and all ye settlers on both sides are made easy.

This act cost me a months attendance at Amboy in feb and march last, but none was a happier Instrum' in obtaining it than Dr. Johnston who has lately purchased a whole Propriety in West Jersey. The Commiss's of N. York and N. Jersey are now actually out upon that Partition Line, and when the Northern point on Delaware is fixed in Discovering of which there is a very good brass Instrum" with able artists employed we shall easily find how ye other Line between the two Divisions is to run. By ye inclosed Print thou will see who are the managers to raise the money &c for ye Western Division. The CommissTM for running the Line on their part are Jos. Kirkbride and Jno. Reading (ye old man is deceased) on ye Eastern side. Dr. Johnston and Geo. Willocks are appointed who w J. Alexander and Jacob Taylor on our part and Capt Jerrat for N York are now actually upon ye work.


Tho this Division will not I believe prove so advantageous to us as that of thy ffather and R Barclay, could we have got Pepeck and Whippenunck Neck without any dispute yet we all believe at p'sent we shall be no Losers by it, but shall have this great advantage that ye Titles of Land will be much better settled and their prices will considerably advance.

I admire in ye mean time that no body appears here in thy be. half to take care of thy affairs if there were any such they would have all due regard shewn them by ye Council of Prop' who still continue much ye same. Pray order the Pay for thy three Propieties at 50 1 each for the first paymt, for tho' we have very full Power we would not use any rigorous measures.

Having this oportunity I must mention another affair in which thy name has suffered much-it is thine and P. Sonman's Releases of those old irregular surveys in the first Letting Purchase. Yours

and mine were all [delivered?] together to J. Basse to be [recorded?] When called on for them he produced mine but could not find yours, being threatened to be sued by those to whom the Release was given, he excuses himself by alledging that they were privately taken out of ye Office, of which he has made affidavit. It can be abundantly proved that they were executed and deliv'd to him, and I need not mention what further construction must be put on it by all men if they be not produced. I hope they will be found for ye reputation of all concerned. Pray excuse the hurry of this. I sett about it just as thy bro' Trent informed me he was sealing up. If I can serve thy just interest in anything acquaint me with it and I shall readily serve thee as Thy real well wishing frd

Philada 27th June 1719

Pr Simmons to Lond."

J. L."



From the American Phil. Society.-Proceedings of the Society from July, 1846, to March, 1847, (Vol. IV., Nos. 36, 37.) From the Maine Historical Society.-Volume 2d of their Collections.

From Major Jas. D. Graham, U. S. A.

A map of Cape Cod, including the townships of Provincetown and Turo, with a chart of Cape Cod Harbor, &c., &c., &c., in 4 sheets; from surveys executed during portions of the years 1833, '34 and '35.

A printed report (from the Congressional documents) upon the surveys, &c., for the construction of the above mentioned map. A map, in 5 sheets, shewing the survey and demarcation of the boundary between the United States and the Republic of Texas, from the mouth of the river Sabine, to Logan's Ferry, near the 32d degree of North Latitude.

A map, on 1 small sheet, shewing the continuation of said bounda ry from Logan's Ferry, to the intersection of the river Sabine, with the parallel of 32 deg. of North Latitude.

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