

W. J. Bowen, principal at Stockwell, will begin a "review term" March 22.

P. P. Stults, O. T. Sewell, and Miss Jaquesse will hold a summer normal at Mt. Vernon.

The Bloomer Normal will open at Mishawaka May 31, for a term of ten weeks. Z. B. Leonard, principal.

UNION CHRISTIAN COLLEGE, at Merom, Ind., is reported as doing excellent work, and is well patronized.

A normal under the direction of T. J. Shea will open at Lexingtonspring term March 31, summer term June 4.

Supt. J. W. Nourse, assisted by W. F. L. Sanders and A. H. Kennedy, will open a normal May 31 and closing July 23, at Rockport.

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An 8-week normal will open at New Marion, July 5, to be instructed by Phillmer Day, Chas. N. Peak, W. W. Norman, and A. R. Beach. J. H. Ashabranner and E. B. Walker, of New Albany, will open a normal at New Philadelphia-spring term April 7 and summer term June 23d.

ST. JOSEPH Co.--Supt. Moon's report shows the schools in this county to be equal to the best. Perhaps no county in the state is better organized.

A BEARING Orange Grove,-twenty car-loads,-has been transported from California to Chicago, and is now on exhibition in the Exposition building.

The annual normal term of Antioch College will open at Yellow Springs, Ohio, July 5, Prof. F. H. Tufts, formerly Supt. of schools at Aurora, Ind., is one of the instructors.

QUERY. Please solve: "A man bought a horse for $90.00, and sold him for $100. He then bought the horse back again for $95.00, and then sold him again for $100; how much did he make in both transactions?"

It will pay every reader of this paper to send 16 cents in stamps to the Jos. Dixon Crucible Co., Jersey City, N. J., for samples of lead pencils. By mentioning this paper they will receive pencils worth double the money.

THE BARTHOLOMEW CO. teachers held a county association March 6th. The attendance was not large but the exercises were good. The county superintendent having been unexpectedly called out of the state, J. L. Rose took charge of the meeting.

THE SOUTHERN INDIANA TEACHERS' ASSOCIATION, which met at Vincennes March 25 and 26, was the largest and best session ever held. The papers were equal to those of any session of the State Association, and the interest all that could be desired. The minutes, together with some of the addresses, will hereafter appear in the Journal.

ARBOR DAY.-It is recommended that each township provide for celebrating an Arbor Day in the fall and in the spring, at such time as may be most convenient, by planting trees and shrubs about the school houses. The contributions and assistance of the patrons should be secured, and the occasion should be improved to awaken the interest of the patrons in the schools, and to increase the attendance of pupils. A Friday afternoon may properly be devoted to this work, and November 13th and April 9th are suggested as the dates for this year. Suitable literary exercises should be given by the pupils, with the naming of trees after favorite authors or persons distinguished for services to education. Much good was accomplished by the Arbor Day celebrations last year, and it seems desirable that the work should be continued. The benefits of beautifying the school grounds can not be overestimated.


The Department of Superintendence of the National Educational Association assembled at Washington, D. C., in the last week of FebIndiana was represented by S. S. Parr and by Mr. H. M. Skinner, of the Department of Public Instruction, who read a paper on the "Growth and Benefits of Reading Circles," and participated in the general discussions. The chief topic of interest was the Blair Educational Bill, to which the superintendents generally gave their support. Congressman Willis, of Kentucky, addressed the convention, and exposed the fallacy of those who contend that the government can aid education by gifts of lands, but can not constitutionally appropriate money for the purpose. Mr. Skinner followed, supplementing Mr. Willis's speech by reviewing the history and growth of the Indiana Common School Fund, which is far greater in amount than the Congressional Township (land) Fund. This Common School Fund had for its nucleus the "Surplus Revenue " apportioned to Indiana in the general Treasury distribution under President Jackson. The State received of this Treasury money, in 1836, $860,254.00. The Legislature the next year set apart $573,502.96 as part of a permanent school fund. This was augmented by the State's profits on its shares in the State Bank, by the bank tax, and by other and minor sources of revenue, and to-day it amounts to nearly seven millions of dollars.

That the public schools of the State have been endowed by Treasury money was deemed a sufficient answer to the objection "It can not be done." Senator Blair personally expressed to the speaker his thanks for the opportune statement of this precedent in Indiana.


The Board of Managers of the State Teachers' Reading Circle was in session March 20th, this being the first meeting of the new board. In the absence of the President, Hubert M. Skinner, Deputy Supt. of Public Instruction, called the meeting to order. Present were R. G. Boone, Joseph Carhart, Emma Mont. McRae, Mrs. R. A. Moffitt, of Rushville, Mattie C. Dennis. Reports were submitted showing the work of the Reading Circle to have been extremely satisfactory in almost every part of the state. The resignation of J. C. Macpherson was presented and referred to a committee. Mrs. McRae and Mr. Boone were appointed a Committee on Supplementary Reading. Mrs. McRae and Messrs. Boone, Skinner and Carhart, were appointed a Committee on Examination Questions. Mrs. Dennis, Mr. Carhart and Mr. Boone were appointed a Committee to Address the County Superintendents' Convention in June. Mrs. Moffitt, Mrs. McRae and Mr. Skinner were selected to constitute a permanent Committee on Finance. The apportionment of work in the institutes was referred to this committee.

A special committee, consisting of Mrs. Moffitt and Mr. Boone, was instructed to investigate the state of the Reading Circle in Jennings county, dissensions having arisen there, and take discretionary meas


The annual election of officers was held, with the following result: R. G. Boone, President; Hubert M. Skinner, Secretary and Treasurer. Supt. W. H. Elson, of Parke county, was elected to fill the vacancy occasioned by the resignation of Mr. Macpherson till the next meeting of the State Association.

The President was instructed to represent the Reading Circle at the next meeting of the State Teachers' Association. Reports were received concerning the meeting of educators at Washington and the New Orleans Exhibition. Mrs. Dennis and Mr. Carhart were directed to consider the work and expense of the bureau.

The board then adjourned to meet again in five weeks, at which time the course of study for the ensuing year will be arranged.

D. Driscoll has just closed a successful school at Poseyville. He, with others, will open a 9-week normal April 19th. Mr. D. expects to enter the Junior class at the State University next fall.

FRENCH.-Prof. Arthur Jaillet, teacher of French in the Indianapolis high-school, thinks that many teachers would be interested in some short French exercises, and submits the following. Please translate and send the translation to Prof. Jaillet, who will select the best. translation for publication in the Journal.

“Quand j'avais sept ans, dit Benjamin Franklin, mes amis, un jour de fête, remplirent mes poches de sous. J'allais directement à une Boutique où l'on vendait des jouets; mais charmè du son d' un sifflet que je vis, en chemin, dans les mains d' un autre garçon, je lui offrais tout mon argent en échange. Je revins alors chez nous, et je sifflai par toute la maisons fort content de mon sifflet, mais incommodant toute la famille. Me, frères, mes sœurs et mes cousins, apprenant le marchè que j'avais fait, me dirent que j'avais donnè pour mon sifflet quatre fois plus qu'il ne valait. Ceci me fit penser à toutes les bonnes choses que j'aurais put acheter avec le reste de l'argent. Ils se moquèrent de moi à cause de ma sotise que j'en pleurai de dèpit, et la reflection me donna plus de chagrin que le sifflet ne m'avait donnè de plaisir.

Ceci toutefois, m'a ètè utile par la suite, l'impression m'en étant restée dans l'esprit : de façon que souvent, lorsque j'étais tenté d'acheter quelque nhose qui ne m'était pas nécéssaire, je me dissais: Ne donne pas trop pour le sifflet; et j'épargnais mon argent. En observant les actions des hommes, je crois en avoir rencontre un grand nombre, un très grand nombre qui donnaient trop pour leur sifflet."


HISTORY.-Corner stone laid July 4, 1848; capstone laid December

[blocks in formation]

This diagram indicates the height of a number of the highest historic

buildings as compared with the recently completed obelisk at Washington. A glance shows that the latter is, when compared with these, the tallest tower of all history.


"Our matchless obelisk stands proudly before us to-day, and we hail it with the exultations of a united and glorious nation. It may or may not be proof against the cavils of critics, but nothing of human construction is proof against the casualties of time. The storms of winter must blow and beat upon it. The action of the elements must soil and discolor it. The lightnings of heaven may scar and blacken it. An earthquake may shake its foundations. Some mighty tornado or resistless cyclone may rend its massive blocks asunder and hurl huge fragments to the ground. But the character which it commemorates and illustrates is secure. It will remain unchanged and unchangeable in all its consummate purity and splendor, and will more and more command the homage of succeeding ages in all regions of the earth. God be praised, that character is ours forever!”—Memorial address of Robert C. Winthrop, delivered at the dedication of the monument, Feb. 21, 1885.



Subject: "Culture of the Sensibilities." - pp. 455-472

I. TERMS TO BE STUDIED: 1. Misanthrope. 2. Zest. 3. Vulgarity vs. Wit. 4. Delicacy of Perception. 5. Prudential Motives

6. Resentment vs. Retaliation.

II. ITEMS OF PROFESSIONAL INTEREST: I. "Moral action (especially of the young), is largely dependent upon the feelings." "Our curricula of studies are filled with branches to give activity to the intellect; what branches are given for the education of the sensibilities?" (Brooks, pp. 454, 459.)

2. Relation of Feeling to Thought: In education it is better to inspire the heart with a noble sentiment than to teach the mind a truth of science." (Brooks, p. 456.)

3. The uses of Fable and Fiction in the culture of moral ideas.


The feeling of Novelty as a means of education.

5. Culture of the Patriotic Sentiment: (a) "The noblest motive is the public good."—Virgil. (b) "Vagabond and rogue are convertible terms."-Southey.

6. Relation of Over-feeding to Intemperance.

7. Desire of Esteem as a motive to right action.

III. SPECIAL REFERENCES: 1. Read the history of Michael Angelo and the Sistine Chapel. (See any standard general encyclopedia.) 2. What historical fact concerning the Normans is referred to on page 457?

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