
The Romans made it a fixed rule never to send addressed, he was pleased to send me a copy of or receive ambassadors, to treat of peace with it, and of another written to her on the same third their enemies, while their affairs were in an adverse of July. It is probable that, after the loss of such or disastrous situation. There was a generosity a companion, a review of their epistolary corresand magnanimity in this, becoming freemen. It pondence brought to his recollection the enquiries flowed from that temper and those principles which I had made, and the subsequent conversation, alone can preserve the freedom of a people. It though years had elapsed. These letters I preis a pleasure to find our Americans of the same sent to the public, but not without permission, temper. It is a good symptom, foreboding a good believing that they will be read with much interest on the forty-third anniversary of the grand event which they announced.


If you imagine that I expect this declaration will ward off calamities from this country, you are mistaken. A bloody conflict we are destined to endure. This has been my opinion from the beginning. You will certainly remember my decid. ed opinion was, at the first congress, when we found that we could not agree upon an immediate nonexportation, that the contest could not be settled

without bloodshed, and that if hostilities should once commence, they would terminate in an incura.

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PHILADELPHIA, July 3, 1776. Your favor of June 17, dated at Plymouth, was handed me yesterday by the post. I was much pleased to find that you had taken a journey to Plymouth to see your friends, in the long absence of one whom you may wish to see. The excursion will be an amusement, and will serve your health. How happy would it have made me to have taken

ble animosity between the two countries. Every this journey with you!
political event since the 19th of April, 1775, has
confirmed me in this opinion.

I was informed, a day or two before the receipt of your letter, that you was gone to Plymouth, by Miss. P. who was obliging enough to inform me, in your absence, of the particulars of the expedition to the Lower Harbor, against the men of war.— Her narration is executed with a precision and perspicuity which would have become the pen of an accomplished historian.

If you imagine that I flatter myself with happiness and halcyon days, after a separation from Great Britain, you are mistaken again. I don't expect that our new governments will be so quiet as I could wish, nor that happy harmony, confidence, and affection, between the colonies, that every good American ought to study, labor, and pray for, for a long time. But freedom is a counterbalance I am very glad you had so good an opportunity for poverty, discord, and war, and more. It is your of seeing one of our little American men of war. hard lot and mine to be called into life, at such a Many ideas, new to you, must have presented time;-yet even these times have their pleasures. themselves in such a scene; and you will in future I am your friend and servant, better understand the relations of a sea engageMr. Chase.


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I rejoice extremely in Dr. Bulfinch's petition for leave to open an Hospital. But I hope the business will be done upon a larger scale. I hope that one Hospital will be licensed in every county, if not in every town. I am happy to find you resolved to be with the children in the first class. Mr. W. and Mrs. Q. are cleverly through innoculation in this city.

Mr. Editor-Some years ago, having seen in your paper a brilliant paragraph from a letter of the bon, John Adams to a friend-not, however, for the first time, it having appeared before on many a fourth of July-I was curious to learn from its venerable author who was that friend, and also such anecdotes concerning the subject of the let ter, as he might be willing to communicate. He gratified my curiosity, with his accustomed energy, on a transaction in which he had taken so dis The information you give me of our friend's retinguished a part. After the death of Mrs. Adams, fusing his appointment, has given me much pain, the accomplished friend to whom the letter was grief, and anxiety. I believe I shall be obliged to

I have one favor to ask, and that is, that in your future letters you would acknowledge the receipt of all those you may receive from me, and mention their dates; by this means I shall know if any of mine niscarry.


follow his example. I have not fortune enough to of affliction produces refinement in states as well support my family, and, what is of more importance, as individuals. And the new governments we are to support the dignity of that exalted station. It assuming in every part, will require a purification is too high and lifted up for me, who delight in from our vices, and an augmentation of our virtues, nothing so much as retreat, solitude, silence, and or they will be no blessings. The people will have obscurity. In private life, no one has a right to unbounded power; and the people are extremely censure me for following my own inclinations in addicted to corruption and venality, as well as retirement, in simplicity, and frugality; but in pub. the great. I am not without apprehensions from lic life every man has a right to remark as he pleases; this quarter; but I must submit all my hopes and fears to an overruling Providence, in which, unfashionable as it may be, I firmly believe.

at least he thinks so.

Yesterday the greatest question was decided which ever was debated in America; and a greater, perhaps, never was or will be decided among men. A resolution was passed, without one dissenting colony:



PHILADELPHIA, July 3, 1776. Had a declaration of independence been made seven months ago, it would have been attended "That these United Colonies are, and of right with many great and glorious effects. We might, ought to be, free and independent states; and, as before this hour, have formed alliances with foreign free and independent states, they have, and of states. We should have mastered Quebec, and right ought to have, full power to make war, con- been in possession of Canada. clude peace, establish commerce, and to do all other acts and things which other states may rightfully do."

You will, perhaps, wonder how such a declaration would have influenced our affairs in Canada; but, if I could write with freedom, I could easily You will see, in a few days, a declaration, setting convince you that it would, and explain to you the forth the causes which have impelled us to this manner how. Many gentlemen in high stations, revolution, and the reasons which will justify it and of great influence, have been duped, by the in the sight of God and man. A plan of confedera-ministerial bubble of commissioners, to treat; and, tion will be taken up in a few days. in real, sincere expectation of this event, which they so fondly wished, they have been slow and languid in promoting measures for the reduction of that province. Others there are in the colonies, who really wished that our enterprize in Canada would be defeated; that the colonies might be

When I look back to the year 1761, and recollect the argument concerning writs of assistance, in the superior court, which I have hitherto considered as the commencement of the controversy between Great Britain and America, and run through the whole period from that time to this, brought into danger and distress between two and recollect the series of political events, the fires, and be thus induced to submit. Others really chain of causes and effects, I am surprised at the wished to defeat the expedition to Canada, lest suddenness as well as greatness of this revolution.

the conquest of it should elevate the minds of the people too much to hearken to those terms of reBritain has been filled with folly, and America conciliation which they believed would be offered with wisdom; at least this is my judgment-time us. These jarring views, wishes, and designs, oc. must determine. It is the will of Heaven that casioned an opposition to many salutary measures the two countries should be sundered forever. It which were proposed for the support of that exmay be the will of Heaven that America shall suf-pedition, and caused obstructions, embarrassments, fer calamities still more wasting, and distresses and studied delays, which have finally lost us the still more dreadful. If this is to be the case, it province. will have this good effect at least, it will inspire us with many virtues which we have not, and cor. rect many errors, follies, and vices, which threaten to disturb, dishonor, and destroy us. The furnace

All these causes, however, in conjunction, would not have disappointed us, if it had not been for a misfortune which could not have been foreseen, and perhaps could not have been prevented-I mean' *Office of chief justice of the superior court of the prevalence of the small-pox among our troops. Massachusetts, to which Mr. Adams had been This fatal pestilence completed our destruction. It appointed, but which he declined, preferring his seat in the old congress, to which he had been is a frown of Providence upon us, which we ought T. D. to lay to heart.


But, on the other hand, the delay of this declara- [An extract of one of them has been published in tion to this time has many great advantages at the newspapers. Once on a time, upon my stony tending it. The hopes of reconciliation, which field bill, you interrogated me concerning that were fondly entertained by multitudes of honest extract, in so particular a manner, that I thought and well meaning, though short-sighted and mis- you felt a tincture of pyrrhonism concerning its taken people, have been gradually, and at last authenticity. If you have still any doubts, I will totally, extinguished. Time has been given for show you the original letters, in my hand writing, the whole people maturely to consider the great whenever you will do me the honor of a visit to question of independence, and to ripen their judg. Quincy. In those days, my principal correspondent ment, dissipate their fears, and allure their hopes, was my wife, who was then surrounded by many by discussing it in newspapers and pamphlets- of the principal politicians of the age, such as by debating it in assemblies, conventions, com- general James Warren, of Plymouth, and bis lady; mittees of safety and inspection-in town and Dr. Cotton Tufts, of Weymouth; my brother Richcounty meetings, as well as in private conversa-ard Cranch, of Braintree, and gen. Joseph Palmer, of tions; so that the whole people, in every colony, Germantown, and many others, who were constantly have now adopted it as their own act. This will enquiring of her the news from congress. Whatcement the union, and avoid those heats, and per- ever related merely to public affairs, she read to haps convulsions, which might have been occasion- them, or suffered them to read. ed by such a declaration six months ago.

I am, sir, with perfect esteem and sincere affection, your friend and humble servant, Judge DAWES.




Mr. Niles.-The following scrap of history is

But the day is past. The second day of July, 1776, will be a memorable epocha in the history of America. I am apt to believe that it will be celebrated by succeeding generations, as the great Anniversary Festival. It ought to be commemorated, as the day of deliverance, by solemn acts of devotion to God Almighty. It ought to be solem-recorded on a head stone at the grave of colonel nized with pomp, shews, games, sports, guns, bells, LEDYARD, half a mile S. E. of Fort Griswold, or bon-fires and illuminations, from one end of the Groton, Con. as a public monument of the characcontinent to the other, from this time forward for-ter of the cause, the actors and the act. Col. Ledyard was run through with his own sword, by a You will think me transported with enthusiasm; British captain to whom he had surrendered it, and but I am not. I am well aware of the toil, and most of the garrison were murdered after they had blood, and treasure, that it will cost us to main-grounded their arms.


tain this declaration, and support and defend these states. Yet, through all the gloom, I can see the rays of light and glory; I can see that the end is more than worth all the means, and that posterity will triumph, although you and I may rue, which I hope we shall not.

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Those who survived saved themselves by embracing the British soldiers in such a manner that they could not bayonet them. The wounded were put into a waggon and precipitated down the steep hill which elevates the fort above the river.



"Colonel commandant of the garrisoned posts of

The following letter was not intended for pub- "New London and Groton, who, after a gallant delication, but we cannot resist a desire we feel-for "fence, was, with a large part of the brave garrison, reasons which will be obvious to the reader-to" inhumanly massacred by British troops in fort Grisrecord the document in our files; and apologize to "wold, September 6th, 1781, Ætat, suæ 43. By a our fellow-citizens for the liberty we have taken. QUINCY, February 16, 1819.

"judicious and faithful discharge of the various "duties of his station, he rendered most essential Respected and beloved judge Dawes: "services to his country, and stood confessed Inclosed are copies of two letters written by the unshaken patriot, and intrepid hero. He lived me to my wife, one in the morning, the other in" the pattern of magnanimity, courtesy and humanithe evening of the 3d July, 1776, the day after "ty: He fell the victim ungenerous of rage and the vote of independence was passed in congress." cruelty!"

"There is a white stone inscribed-SACRED TO THE that on the Groton side being commanded by lieut. MEMORY of captain JNO. WILLIAMS, who fell col. Eyre, and that on the New London side by the

gloriously fighting for the liberty of his country in fort Griswold, September, 6th 1781, in the 43. year of his age."

"On another stone is the inscription—SACRED TO THE MEMORY of lieut. EBENEZER AVERY, who fell gloriously fighting in defence of fort Griswold and American freedom, September 6th, 1781, in the 42d year of his age."

general, who met no great trouble. Fort Trumbull and the redoubt, which were intended to cover the harbor and town, not being tenable, were evacuated as he approached, and the few men in them crossed the river to fort Griswold, on GrotonHill. Arnold proceeded to the town without being otherwise opposed than by the scattered fire of small parties that had hastily collected. Orders were sent by the general to Eyre for attacking fort Griswold, that so the possession of it might To complete the history of this horrible transac prevent the escape of the American shipping. The tion, and further to disseminate a knowledge of militia, to the amount of 157, collected for its the infamy of Arnold and give up the butcher.defence, but so hastily as not to be fully furnished ing traitor to the execration of posterity-we with fire arms and other weapons. As the assailants extract the following account of the massacre approached, a firing commenced, and the flag-staff from Gordon's history, New-York edit. vol. III. page 249.*


"The return of gen. Arnold to New-York from Virginia, did not fix him in a state of inactivity. He was sent on an enterprize against New London, with a sufficient land and marine force.-The embarkation having passed over from Long Island shore in the night, the troops were landed in two detachments on each side of the harbor, at ten o'clock in the morning of the 6th of September;

was soon shot down, from whence the neighboring spectators inferred, that the place had surrendered, till the continuance of the firing convinced them to the contrary. The garrison defended themselves with the greatest resolution and bravery; Eyre was wounded near the works, and major Montgomery was killed immediately after, so that the command devolved on major Broomfield. The British at one time staggered; but the fort being out of repair, could not be maintained by a handful of men against so superior a num ber as that which assaulted it. After an action of

*In speeking of Arnold, it may be useful to observe that WASHINGTON offered to exchange Andre for him, which sir Henry Clinton declined. Never about 40 minutes, the resolution of the royal were the sympathies of the American people so troops carried the place by the point of the much misled as in the case of the unfortunate bayonet. The Americans had not more than half Andre. He was engaged in a most vile business

the meanest that can be imagined for an honorable a dozen killed before the enemy entered the fort, man, the perfection of an act of corruption and trea. when a severe execution took place, though resistance son, and justly merited his fate; if he had had ceased. The British officer enquired, on his enterten thousand lives, they were all justly forfeited

by the laws of honor as well as to those of war, ing the fort, who commanded? colonel Ledyard and every principle of self preservation. Had he answered-"I did, sir, but you do now;" and prenot been put to death, the great WASHINGTON, sented him his sword. The colonel was immehimself, would at least have merited a dismissal

from the command of the revolutionary army. But diately run through and killed. The slain were it is well known that the private feelings of the 73; the wounded between 30 and 40, and about illustrious father of his country were greatly 40 were carried off prisoners. Soon after reducing excited in favor of that unlucky young man-I say

unlucky, because if he had succeeded he would the fort, the soldiers loaded a waggon with the have been praised and rewarded for his gallantry, wounded, as said, by order of their officers, and dexterity, &c. He failed-and instead of being a set the waggon off from the top of the hill, which hero became a culprit, in the estimation of every reflecting man. No personal accomplishments or is long and very steep; the waggon went a conprivate character can palliate a public act of siderable distance with great force, till it was shame-they rather aggravate the offence; and an

agency in an act of villainy entitles the agent to suddenly stopt by an apple tree, which gave the the villain's fare. Yet he was treated with all faint and bleeding men so terrible a shock that part possible courtesy and kindness, and had all the of them died instantly. About fifteen vessels, with intercourse with his friends which the nature of his effects of the inhabitants, retreated up the river,

condition admitted of. How different the conduct

of the British to captain Nathan Hale-an Ameri- notwithstanding the reduction of the fort, and can, whose character, in any and every light, was four others remained in the harbor unhurt; a num. comparable with that of Andre, a sketch of whose case may be found in the WEEKLY REGISTER, Vol. ber were burnt by the fire's communicating from 11. page 129.] EDITOR. the stores when in flames. Sixty dwelling houses

and 84 stores were burned, including those on of civil society and constitutional protection, to both sides of the harbor and in New London. The wit, liberties and life. burning of the town was intentional and not accidental. The loss that the Americans sustained in this destruction was very great; for there were large quantities of naval stores, of European goods, of East and West India commodities, and of provi sions in the several stores. The British had two commissioned officers and 46 privates killed; eight officers (some of whom are since dead) with 135 non-commissioned and privates wounded."

Petition of the native Americans residing in London to his Britannic majesty, in 1774.


Messrs. EDITOns:-Having recently been employed in searching for old records, I met with a manuscript copy of the following petition of a number of native Americans, who were then in London, to his Britannic majesty, in the year 1774. If you think it sufficiently interesting to publish, you are at liberty to do it. Among the number of signers is the late Arthur Lee, of Virginia, a gentleman whose life and character seem to be but little known at the present day, although he was one of the firmest patriots of the revolution, and his services, though not conspicuous, yet were eminently beneficial to the cause he had espoused.

It will be remem. re', that the bills there alluded to are the last of the series of those acts of the British parliament which produced a crisis, and were the immediate cause of the war of the revolution:

To the king's most excellent majesty. The petition of several natives of America, most humbly sheweth:

That your petitioners, being your majesty's most faithful subjects, are obliged to implore your gracious interposition, to protect them in the enjoyment of those privileges which are the right of all your people.

Your petitioners most humbly represent to your majesty, that, to destroy or assume their chartered rights, without a full and fair hearing, with legal proof of forfeiture, and the abrogating of their most valuable laws, which had duly received the solemn confirmation of your majesty's royal predecessore, and were thence deemed unchangeable, without the consent of the people, is such a proceeding as renders the enjoyment of every privilege they possess totally uncertain and precarious. That an exemption of the soldiery from being tried in the Massachusetts-Bay, for murder or other felony, committed upon your majesty's subjects there, is such an encouragement to licentiousness and incentive to outrage, as must subject your majesty's liege people to continued danger.

Your petitioners and their countrymen have been ever most zealously attached to your majesty's per. son and family. It is therefore with inexpressible affliction that they see an attempt, in these proceedings against them, to change the principle of obedience to government, from the love of the subject towards their sovereign, founded on the opi nion of his wisdom, justice and benevolence, into the dread of absolute power and laws of extreme rigor, unsupportable to a free people.

Should the bills above-mentioned receive your royal sanction, your majesty's faithful subjects will be overwhelmed with grief and despair.

It is therefore our most earnest prayer that your majesty will be graciously pleased to suspend your royal assent to the said bills.

And your petitioners, &c.

William Lee,
Stephen Sayre,
Arthur Lee,
Edmund Jenings,

Joshua Johnson,
Daniel Bowley,
Benjamin Franklin,
Thomas Buston,
Edward Bancroft,
Thomas Bromfield,

Your majesty's petitioners have already seen, with unspeakable grief, their earnest prayers rejected, and heavy penalties inflicted, even on the innocent among their countrymen, to the subversion of every principle of justice, without their being heard. By this alarming procedure all property was rendered John Boylston, insecure; and they now see in two bills (for altering John Ellis, the government of the Massachusetts-Bay, and John Williams, the impartial administration of justice there) the John Alleyne, intended subversion of the two other grand objects Ralph Irard,

William H. Gibbs,
William Blake,
Isaac Motte,
Henry Lawrence,
Thomas Pinckney,
John T. Grimpke,
Jacob Reade,
Philip Neyle,

Edward Fenwicke,
Edward Fenwicke, jr.

John Peroneauf,

William Middleton,

William Middleton, jr.
Ralph Irard, jr.

William Heyward.

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