

ADDING to the word of God, condemned, 248.

"After this the judgment," sense of that expression, 202, 203, 268.
All men, salvation of, infallibly proved from the Bible, 23-54. God
the Creator of, 23; the Father of, 24; the Lord or owner of,
24, 247; committed to Christ's care, 24, 25; God wills to
save them, 25, 26; objects of God's love, 27; the pleasure
of God to save them, 28; purpose of God to save them, 29;
God has promised to save them, 30-32; hath made solemn
oath to their salvation, 33; the death of Christ designed to
save them, 34-36; the prophets testify to salvation of all,
36-42; Jesus testifies thereto, 43, 44; Peter also, 44; Paul
also, 45-52; John also, 52-54.

All things, restitution of, 36, 37.

Anabaptists of Germany, Universalists, 11.

"Anathema Maranatha," meaning of, 184 - 186.

Angels, sense of term, 104, 189, 215.

which kept not their first estate, 215.

Anxiety occasioned by Christ, was not produced by his preaching
endless misery, 258.

Apostasy of alleged Universalists, adduced against the truth of their
doctrine, 259.

Apprehensions general of the church, said to be opposed to Univer-
salism, 252, answer to that objection, 252, 253.
Armies sent by God against Jerusalem, 167, 168
Articles XLII. specially condemn Universalism, 11.
XXXIX. condemnation omitted, 11.

Atonement, universal, said not to prove universal salvation, 266.

Barbauld, Rev. Rochemont, a Universalist, 12.

Mrs. Anna Lætitia, a Universalist, 12.

Beast spoken of in Apocalypse, not in a future state, 220-222,
236, 237.

"Before God," meaning of that expression, 241.

Belief, not to be managed at pleasure, 251.

Better resurrection explained, 207, 208.

Better to fall into the hands of God, than into the hands of man,

206, 207.

Bible creed, 18-22.

Bible infallibly teaches Universalism, 23-54.

Blasphemy against the Holy Ghost, 97-101, 134, 135.

Book of life, meaning of, 243.

Books were opened, how to be understood, 241.

Born again, 157 - 159.

Bottomless pit here on earth, 239.
Broad road, meaning of, 84, 85.
Brown, James, D.D., a Universalist, 12.
Rev. John, a Universalist, 12.

Burnet, Dr. T., a Universalist, 12.

Burning, a figure of the destruction of the Jews, 77.

Burn up the chaff, meaning of, 79.

Capital punishments of the Jews, how distinguished, 214.

Celebration of the Lord's Supper, 343, proposed form of, 343-346.
Character of God, as held by Universalists, may be safely imitated,
288, 289.

Cheyne, Dr. George, a Universalist, 12.

Christ, all men committed to his care, 24; death of, 34-36; his
prayer considered, 168, 169; his solicitude for the salvation of
men, 253; how to be reconciled with Universalism, 254–257.
Christian religion, Lord's Supper, a striking proof of, 333, 334.
Christians saved, every one of them, at the destruction of Jerusa-
lem, 213.

Churches, necessity of organization of, 324, 325, 337, 338.
Church government, form of, 341–343.

Clement, of Alexandria, a Universalist, 8.

Coming of Christ in his glory, 124, 125, 185, 186, 189-192.
as a thief in the night, 111.

Communion of the Lord's Supper, [See Lord's Supper.]
Confidence in God enjoined by Christ, 43, 258.
Constitution of a Universalist Society, 301-303.
of a Christian church, 340-343.

Consuming fire, metaphor put for God's judgments, 209.
Conversion, meaning of term, 109. *

Coppin, Richard, a Universalist, 12.

Corruptions of the Lord's Supper, 319-324.

Council, Matt. v. 22, meaning of, 83.

Fifth General, condemned Universalism, 10.

Creed, a Bible form, 18-22.

Cruelty, not to be charged on God, 111.

Current of Scripture, said to be in favor of eternal punishment, 272,
shown to be incorrect, 272, 273.

"Damnation of hell," sense of, page 118, does not necessarily imply
endless misery, 161.

Damnation, signifies judgment, 184, 195, is in this world, 195.

Damned, meaning of the term, 143, 194.

Daniel's description of the destruction of Jerusalem, 76.

Darkness, sense of that phrase, 88, not endless, 88.

Darkness, outer, sense of phrase, 117, 118.

Day, meaning of term, 176.

of destruction and wrath, 60, 179–181.

of the Lord, meaning of phrase, 85, 86, 206, 216, 217.

that burned as an oven,


of judgment, meaning of, 89, 90, 96, 179, 216, 217, said to be
denied by Universalists, 267; they do not deny the scrip-
tural account of a day of judgment, 268.

Dead, small and great, stood before God, 240, 241.
Death, a common meaning of, 85, 164, 224, 233.

of the High Priest, compared with that of Christ, 200.
without mercy, sense of, 204.

sin unto, 214.

the Second, considered, 220-235.

and hell cast into the lake of fire, 241, meaning of, 242.
cannot dissolve our relation to God, 247.

to be no more, 53.

a-detector of the heart, 274.

Deists, Leslie's Short and Easy Method with," 347-381.
Destroy soul and body, meaning of, 92-95; authors who treat on.
this subject, 95.

Destruction of the wicked, 61, 69, 73.

Devil, sense of the term, 132, 133.

Didymus, a Universalist, 9.

Die in your sins, 164, 165.

Diodorus, Bishop of Tarsus, a Universalist, 9.

Disobedience punished under the Gospel, as well as under the

Law, 196.

Doubts alleged against Universalists, 259, 260.

Douglass, Neil, a Universalist, 12.

Doway translation, on sin against the Holy Ghost, 98, 99.

Dust, to sleep in, meaning of, 75; to arise from, &c. 75.

Duties of Universalists, 277-294; do. of members of Universalist
societies, 305-308.

Earbury, a Universalist, 12.

Earth and heaven fled away, 240.*

Elements melt with fervent heat, explained, 244.

Elevation of the host, origin of, 323.

Empty professions of no avail, 87, 126, 127, 128.

End of the wicked, meaning of, 69, 91, 92, 100, 101, 103, 106, 120,
142, 168, 181.

Endless misery, no safety in believing, 251.

Eternal fire, 218, 219.

hell torments overthrown, published, 12.
judgments, 196, 197.

punishment, current of Scripture, said to be in favor of, 272;
that objection shown not to be sustained, 272, 273.

Eternal and everlasting, how used by the Fathers, 13; by the proph-
ets of old, 219.

Evagrius, a Universalist, 9.

Everard, a Universalist, 12.

Everlasting life, 159, 160, [see Life Eternal.]

punishment, never mentioned in connexion with the
resurrection of the dead, 163.

destruction from the presence of the Lord, 191-193.

Evidences of revealed religion, 346.

Example of the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah, 218, 219.

Fabius Marius Victorinus, a Universalist, 9.

Faith, not to be managed at pleasure, 251.

Faith, our duty to make a profession of, 338, 339; what that profes-

sion is, 340.

Fearful looking for of judgment, 204.

thing to fall into the hands of God, sense of that idiom, 206.
"Fear not them which kill the body," 92-96.

Feasts sacred, among the Jews, 318.

Fifth General Council, condemns Universalism, 10.

Fire, a figure of divine judgments, 74, 77, 104, 105, 137, 138, 190, 209,
210, 234, 235, 237.

unquenchable, 79, 137-140.

consuming, put for God's judgments, 209, 210.
and brimstone, 64.

lake of, 220-222, 234, 237, 238:

First death, what it signifies, 225.

Flaming fire, (see Fire.)

Forehead, Father's name upon, meaning of that figure, 338.
Forever, and forever and ever, sense of the terms, 220, 238.
Form of Church Government, 341–343.

Administering the Lord's Supper, 343-346.

Freedom, Religious, established in Massachusetts by Article XI. of
Amendments to Constitution, 295.

Furnace of fire, 104, was the city of Jerusalem, 105.

Galileans, destroyed by Pilate, 144.
Gehenna, passages wherein the word is found, 81; supposed to signi-
fy a place of endless punishment, 81; literal sense of, 82;
formerly a holy place of idol worship, 82; defiled and dis-
graced, 82; made a figure of any great evil, 82, 83; au-
thors who have treated on the word, 84; was not used in
the Saviour's time to signify endless punishment, 93, 94;
described the temporal punishment of the Jews, 118.

General apprehension of church, said to be against Universalism, 252;
answer to that objection, 252, 253.

convention of Universalists, its profession of belief, 18.

Gentiles, fulness of, to be brought in, 119, 165.

received the Gospel gladly, 172.

Gnostics, received Universalism, 9, 10.

God, the Creator of men, 23; the Father of men, 24; Lord or Owner
of men, 24; commits all men to Christ's care, 24; his will to
save all, 25; his nature, 26, 27; his wisdom, 27; his pleasure,
28; his purpose, 29; his promises, 30; his oath, 33; his power,
33, 34; how a consuming fire, 209-211; wills salvation of all,
266; his character, as held by Universalists, may be safely im-
itated, 289.

Gospel, disobedience punished under, as well as under the law, 196.
glorious results of, among men, 244, 245.

Graves, the term never used in connexion with the immortal resur-
rection of the dead, 161, 162.

Great day, judgment of 215-217.

Gregory, Bishop of Nyssa, a decided Universalist, 8.




Hand of God, to fall into, sense of that phrase, 206; better than to fall
into the hands of men, 206, 207.

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