
(which is thought to be OP HIR, (q)) to the Realm of CONGO, (r) and ANGOLA, (s) fartheft South: C c

wards the Muhammedans, eftablifh'd their Religion, and fettled a great Trade there; and the Portuguese lince. Milton follows this Opinion here. All this vaft Tract on the Sea-Coaft is called Caffaria, and the People Caffers, i. e. Infidels, who have no Religion. There being a different People within 10 or 12 Miles of one another, they have continual Wars among themfelves.

(9) Opbir; Heb. Arab. i. e. Abounding in Riches; being a Place where the pureft Gold a

bounded; about which there are many Conjectures among the Learned: Or from Ophir, the Son of Joktan, the Son of Sem, who firit fettled there. There is one of that Name in Arabia, whence King David brought much Gold; another in the Eaft Indies, from which King Solomon and Hiram King of Tyre fetch'd Gold and many other valuable Commodities; which fome now take to be the Iland of Ceilon, where there is an Haven called Hippor, and the Pha nicians, Ophir; others Pegu; Tome Sumatra, Japan, Taprobana, Sofala, &c.

(r) Congo; Ethiop. It is a vaft Country, called by fome Lower Guinea, which has Part of Negroland on the North, Ethiopia on the Eaft, Caffraria on the South, the Ocean and Gainea on the Weft, and lies on the Western Shore of Africa in the


Lower Ethiopia; fo called from the capital City. Others call it Manicongo, i. e. The Province of Congo.

It is very fruitful, well water'd, abounds with all Sorts of very good Fruits, Plants, Herbs, Beafts, Crocodiles, and Serpents; fome of thefe Serpents are fo large, that they_devour a whole Stag at once. Congo is divided into fix Provinces, vix. Bamba, Songo, Sunda, Pango, Patta and Pemba. The Inhabitants were converted to the Chriftian Faith by the Portuguefe, A. D. 1490; but forlook it, because the Plurality of Wives was denied them, as Sir Walter Ralegh fays.

(s) Angola; Ethiop. The ancient and true Name of it was Ambonde, and the People were called Ambondes; 'till one of their Princes, called Mani-Angola, i. e. The Governor of Angola, about 360 Years ago, with the Affiftance of the Portuguese, fubdued many petty neighbouring Kings, and made himself fole Monarch of them. He, for his mighty Acts, was called in their Language Inene, i. e. The Great; and from his Name this Kingdom was called Angola. This Kingdom is fituated between Mala man on the South, Malemba on the Eaft, and Proper Congo on the Weft, near the Line; is well water'd, very fruitful, and po pulous; fo that the King can raife an Army of 100,000 Men. The People on the Sea-Coast are


Or thence, from the Flood of NIGER, (t) to Mount ATLAS, the Kingdoms of ALMANZOR; (u) FEz, (x)

Chriftians, but those in the inland Regions are Heathens.

(t) Niger, or Nigir; Lat. i. e. Black; because it runs thro' a Soil all covered over with Duft, that is black and scorched with the Sun. It is the greatest River on that Side of Africa, rifing out of a Lake of the fame Name in the Country of Medra, of Upper Ethiopia, divides Nigritia (Lat. i. e. The Land of the Blacks) into two Parts, Eaft and Weft, makes a Lake called Borno, paffes by Congo, there it makes another Lake call'd Guar da; and after a Course of 750 German Miles Weftward, falls into the Atlantic Ocean by fix great Streams, near Cape Verd. It overflows its Banks, as the Nile and many other Rivers do, for eight Days in the Month of June, and from the fame natural Caufe. The People of Nigritia are all Pagans.

(u) Almanfor, rather Almanfor; Arab. i. e. The Victor; as Seleucus King of Syria was filed Nicator, Gr. i. e. A Victor. Jofeph Almanzor I. was King of Morocco, who invaded Spain with 60,000 Horfe, and 100,000 Foot, A. D. 1158. He ufurped the Territories of the Spanife Moors, who invited him over, was beaten by the Chriftians, and flain with an Arrow at the Siege of Santaren in Portugal.

(x) Fez, rather Fefs and Feffa; Arab. i. e. Sprinkled with


Duft fpread out or large: Or from Phaz or Paz, Heb. i. e. Fine Gold; because Gold abounded thereabout. A large wide Kingdom on the Weft of Barbary, having the Mediterranean Sea on the North, the Atlantic Ocean on the Weft, the River Mulvia on the Eaft, Mount Atlas and the River Ommirati on the South, which part it from Morocco. The Country is mountainous and defart; but in fome Places it produces all Manner of Grain, Almonds, Figs, very large Grapes, Cattle, Leopards, the beft Horfes in all Barbary, and the fierceft Lions in all Africa. It belongs to the Emperor of Morocco, is divided into feven Provinces, and is fo called from Fez the capital City, which was fo called from Phuts or Phut, the Son of Ham: For there is the River Phthuth near a River of the fame Name, and another called Sebon. It is about 12 Miles round, and contains many Gardens, Palaces, Mofques, and about 300,000 People; of whom there are about 5000 Jews, and many rich Merchants. The chief Mosque in Fez is a Mile and an half in Compafs, the Roof is 150 Yards long and 80 broad; it hath 30 large Gates, and above 300 Cisterns to wash in. By other Writers this Country is called Lybia.

and SUSA, (y) MOROCCO and ALGIERS, (z) and TREMISEN: (a) From thence he faw EuROPE, and where ROME was to bear Dominion over the rest of the World. Perhaps he also faw in the Spirit, rich MEXICO, (b) the Seat of MONCc 2

(3) Sufa; from Sus, the principal City, and a River of the fame Name; Arab. i. e. A Lil ly. Another Kingdom of Morocco, containing leven Provinces, not well known as yet. It hath Morocco on the North, the Kingdom of Tafilet on the Eaft, the Atlantic Ocean on the Weft, and is not far from Mount Atlas.

(z) Algiers, Arab. i. e. The Iland; on account of a small Ifland oppofite to the Mole. The largest Kingdom in Barbary, about 6000 Miles from Eaft to Weft, and 250 from North to South, upon the Mediterranean Sea, over-against Minorca, and 100 Miles from Sallee. It was the Capital of Mauritania, in the Days of King Juba, and has been fubject to the Romans, Goths, Arabians, &c. The prefent Inhabitants are Moors, who fettled there after their Expulfion out of Spain, A. D. 1492. It is how very rich, and the most noted Pirates in Africa abound there. The English burnt their Ships in 1655 and 1670. The French bombarded their City in 1688. The City is one of the fineft, largeft, ftrongest, richest, and most populous in all Africa: The City is a League about. The Africans call it Muzgunna, from the Bene Muzgunna, i. e. The Sons of Muzgunna, who first founded


it, long before the Romans: The Arabs call it Al-Jezeirat; the Moors, Izeir; the Turks, Jezair; and the Europeans, Alger, Algiers, Algier, &c. It lies in a fpacious Bay close by the Sea, at the Bottom of a fteep Hill. The Mole was begun by Heyradin Barbaroffa, i. e. Red-Beard, a Pyrate, A. D. 1531.

(a) Tremifen, Tremizen, Tremissen, properly Flemizen; Arab. The Arabs call it Marfa, i. e. A Port; and Al-kibir, i. e. The Great; being the Portus magnus of the Ancients; the fineft, fafeft, and largest Harbour in all Africa; but now it is a poor Remnant of a vaft Kingdom. A Kingdom of Barbary, Weft of Algiers, about 300 Miles from Tremia, the Tremia, the capital City, which is very large, populous, and noble. It hath Fex on the Weft, Tunis on the Eaft, and the Mediterranean Sea on the North. The Romans called it Cafarea Mauritania. Some fay this City was the Royal Seat of King Juba, and called Julia. This Kingdom is about 380 Miles long, but not above 25 Miles broad.

(b) Mexico; American, i. e. A Spring or Fountain, which rifes out of a little Hill, called Chapultepes, three Miles from the City, but convey'd in two Pipes upon Arches of Stone and


TEZUME; (c) and Cusco, (d) in PERU, (e) the

Brick Or from Mexiti, the first Founder of it under Mexi their Captain, about A. D. 720: Or from Mexitili, their grand Idol. The firft Name of it was Tenuchitan, i. e. A Fruit out of a Stone; because it was first founded near a great Stone, and Tree bearing sweet Fruit, called Nuchtli; and by the Spa niards, Tunas; wherefore Mexico beareth for its Arms, a Tree fpringing out of a Stone. It ftandeth in the Middle of two Lakes, like Venice in the Adriatick Sea, and Mantua a fine City of Italy, in a Lake 5 Miles long; one is fresh, ftanding Water, and full of Fish; the other is faltifh, bitter, ebbeth and floweth, but hath no Kind of Fish: One of them is 15 Miles long, and as much broad; the other is 45 Miles in Circuit: It was taken, plunder'd and burnt by the cruel Hernando Cortez, Aug. 13. A.D. 1521, in the 140th Year from the Foundation of the Royal Seat there; who murder'd above 1,000,000 of miferable Souls. God punish'd them by this cruel Scourge, for their abominable Idolatry For they had 2000 Gods, to whom they offer'd human Sacrifices; one Time 5000: They facrific'd 20,000 Men ayear; so that in the great Temple, human Blood dafh'd upon the Walls lay congeal'd above a Foot thick. This City giveth Name to the vaft Kingdom of Mexico in North America, and to the whole Northern Continent of it, which is about 23,000


Miles round. It fuffered much by an Inundation of the Lake, A. D. 1629, whereby 40,000 People perish'd, and by another in 1634. But now it is the richeft, nobleft, and moft pepulous City in all North America, confifting of 70,000 Houses, befides ftately Charches, Courts of Judicature, Colleges, Palaces, &c. The People are of the Communion of the Church of Rome, the reft Pagans.

(c) Montezume, Motezume, Molezuma, or Molencama ; American, i. e. A furly Prince; the 2d of that Name, and 9th King of Mexico; one of the mightiest Emperors upon Earth; he had 2000 tributary Kings; his Topac, i. e. Palace, was moft magnificent and immenfely rich, his Attendance and Grandeur incredibly noble; 'till Ferdinand Cortez with gooo Spaniards, affifted with the People of Thafcala, (A


i. e. A Land of Bread, or A Lady of Bread, from Tecal, i. e. a Lady, and Tefcal, i. e. a Cake or Bread) vanquifh'd his Army, confifting of 350,000 Men, from A. D. 1518 to 1521, and have poffefs'd Mexico ever fince.

(d) Cufco, or Cuzco; Amer. A vast Country of South America, from the capital and Royal City of their Inge or Yucas, i. e. Kings. The City stands in a Plain ainong Hills, in a fine Air, a pleafant and fruitful Land, and is as beautiful as any City in Exrope: The Walls were built of four-fquare Stone with wonder


richer Seat of ATABALIPA; (f) and GUIANA, (g) Cc 3

ful Art and Labour; tho' they had not an Iron Tool, but grinded them upon others, and covered them with Plates of folid Gold and Silver. It was divided into Hanan Cufco, i. e. the Higher Cufco; and Harin Cufco, i. e. the Lower Cufco; and fo vaftly rich, that Francis Pizar dus, who fack'd it, got fuch incredible Treafures, that the 5th Part, which fell to the King of Spain, came to 400,000 Florins; for all the Gold and Silver of Peru was carried thither; but fince then it is very much impaired in every Refpect. It was ruined by an Earthquake, A. D. 1650.

(e) Peru or Perou; Amer. i. e. a Fisherman or Seaman; because the Spaniards asked one of the Natives the Name of the Country, who aníwered Perou, which fignifies fo much in their Language. All the South of America, from the Streights of Magellan to the Ifthmus of Darien or Panama, about 4000 Miles in Length, and 17,000 in Compafs, is called Peru; which is a large Peninfula, like Africa. Here, a particular Kingdom of it, the best of them all, and vaftly rich in Gold, Silver, and Diamonds. This is bounded on the North with Terra Firma, on the Eaft with the Country of the Amazons, and Rio de la Plata; on the South with Chili, and on the Weft with the South Sea; 1400 Miles in Length, and a


bout 400 in Breadth. It was
dilcovered by Columbus, A. D.
1496. By Alaufa, by Velpuci-
us; and conquered by Francis
Pizarro, A. D. 1525.
fince that Time it is very much
decay'd and ruinous.

(f) Atabalipa, or Atabaliba ; Amer. The laft and one of the moft magnificent and peaceable, Emperors of Peru. Francis PiJarrus, with 150

Foot and a few

Horfe, conquered him with 25,000 Men, and many Millions of miferable People; but after the Prince had given him a Houfe full of refined Gold and Silver, valued at 15 Millions, to fave his Life, the cruel Villain ftrangled him, contrary to his Faith and Promife, A. D. 1533. ruvian Emperors had been at Cusco for 400 Years; therefore all these immenfe Riches were amaffed therein; fo that the Royal Palace, the Temple of the Sun, the Walls and Houses were covered with Gold and Silver; their Pots and other Utenfils were of the fame Metal; which Milton takes Notice of here.

The Seat of the Pe

(g) Guiana, Gujana, or Guaiana; Amer. A large Country of South America, under the Line, well watered, and the moft fruitful and beautiful Place in the World; they have an everlafting Spring; and count a Man dies young, if he does not


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