
body. What will government say to this desertion rannical acts of the ministry and parliament of Briof one among many of their warmest friends?-Ittain, hath diffused itself so universally throughout seems as if the cause was such, that no honest man this province, that the people, even to its most excould appear in it.

From the New-York Journal.

tended frontiers, are indefatigable in training them. selves to military discipline. The aged, as weil as the young, daily march out under the banners of liberty, and discover a determined resolution to NEWPORT May 22, 1775. The people of New Jersey have taken possession maintain her cause even until death. In the town of the treasury of that province, in which was the of Reading, in Berks county, there had been some amount of between twenty and thirty thousand time past three companies formed, and very for. pounds; which money is to be appropriated to the ward in their exercise; since, however, we are well payment of the troops now raised in that province, informed, a fourth company have associated under

for the defence of the liberties of America.


the name of the Old Man's company. It consists of about eighty Germans, of the age of forty and upwards. Many of them have been in the military

A great number of governor Hutchinson's let-service in Germany. The person who, at their first ters have lately fallen into the hands of our people assembling, led them to the field, is 97 years of A correspondent at Roxbury has favored us with age, has been 40 years in the regular service, and the following extract from one of them to general in 17 pitched battles, and the drummer is 84. In Gage, then at New York, dated at Boston, July 20, lieu of a cockade, they wear in their hats a black 1770. "It appears to me to be a matter of great crape, as expressive of their sorrow for the mournimportance to his majesty's general service, and to ful events which have occasioned them, at their the real interest of the colonies, that the discord late time of life, to take arms against our brethren, beginning between New York and us should be en-in order to preserve that liberty which they left couraged: I wrote some time ago to Mr. C- their native country to enjoy. upon this subject, but he rather declined concern. ing himself in it; he certainly has a strange aver sion, which nothing but the confederacy against Great Britain could have conquered: this has too much the appearance of Machiavelian policy; but it is justifiable, as it has the most obvious tendency to save the colonies ruining themselves, as well as preventing them destroying the mother country. If Pennsylvania could be brought to take part with New York, I think the business would be done. I

must beg the favor of you not to let this letter come under any other than your own observation."

PHILADELPHIA, June 9, 1775. The following paragraphs are taken from the Pennsylvania Mercury:

In the assembly of Pennsylvania, June 29, 1775.— The house taking into consideration, that many of the good people of this province are conscientiously scrupulous of bearing arms, do hereby earnestly recommend to the associators for the defence of their country, and others, that they bear a tender and brotherly regard towards this class of their fellow subjects and countrymen; and to these conscientious people it is also recommended, that they cheerfully assist, in proportion to their abilities, such persons as cannot spend both time and substance in the service of their country without great injury to themselves and families.

Extract of a letter from Philadelphia, dated July 10, The ladies in Bristol township have evidenced a 1775, from a gentleman of consideration and fortune. laudable regard to the interest of their country. "Travel through whatever part of this country At their own expense, they have furnished the regiment of that county with a suit of colours and you will, you see the inhabitants training, making firelocks, casting mortars, shells and shot, and drums, and are now making a collection to supply making saltpetre, in order to keep the gunpowder muskets to such of the men as are not able to sup-mills at work during the next autumn and winter. ply themselves. We hear the lady, who was ap pointed to present the colors to the regiment, gave in charge to the soldiers, never to desert the colors of the ladies, if they ever wished that the ladies should list under their banners.

Nothing, indeed, is attended to but preparing to make a defence that will astonish the whole world, and hurl destruction on those who, to preserve themselves in office, have advised measures so fatal both to Britain and America. At least two hun

The spirit of opposition to the arbitrary and ty-dred thousand men are now in arms, and well train

ed, ready to march whenever wanted for the sup

The king is too just and too generous not to beport of American freedom and property. In short, lieve, that the votes I have given in parliament a spirit of enthusiasm for war is gone forth, that have been given according to the dictates of my has driven away the fear of death; and magazines conscience. Whether I have erred or not, the of provisions and ammunition, by order of the states course of future events must determine. In the general of America, (or the twelve United Colonies) mean time, if I were capable of such duplicity, as are directed to be made in all proper places, against to be any way concerned in enforcing those measures of which I have so publicly and solemnly ex the next campaign." pressed my disapprobation, I should ill deserve what I am most ambitious of obtaining, the esteem and favorable opinion of my sovereign.


The Synod of New York and Philadelphia, pub lished a pastoral letter, which was read in the churches under their care on Thursday, June 29, My request therefore to your lordship is this, 1775, being the day of the general fast. This let-that after having laid those circumstances before ter begins with intreating all ranks of people to the king, you will assure his majesty, that he has acknowledge their sins, and turn from the errors not a subject who is more ready than I am with of their ways; and "as the whole continent, with the utmost cheerfulness to sacrifice his life and hardly any exception, seem determined to defend fortune in support of the safety, honor, and digni their rights by force of arms, it becomes the pecuty of his majesty's crown and person. But the liar duty of those who profess a willingness to very same principles which have inspired me with hazard their lives in the cause of liberty, to be these unalterable sentiments of duty and affection prepared for death, which to many must be a cer-to his majesty, will not suffer me to be instrumentain, and to every one is a possible or probable tal in depriving any part of his people of those lievent. It is well known to you, (otherwise it would berties which form the best security for their fi be imprudent thus publicly to profess) that we delity and obedience to his government. As I canhave not been instrumental in inflaming the minds of not, without reproach from my own conscience, the people, or urging them to acts of violence and consent to bear arms against my fellow subjects in disorder. Perhaps no instance can be given on so America, in what, to my weak discernment, is not interesting a subject, in which political sentiments a clear cause; and as it seems now to be finally rehave been so long and so fully kept from the pul- solved, that the 22d regiment is to go upon Ame pit, and even malice itself has not charged us with rican service, I desire your lordship to lay me in laboring for the press; but things are now come the most dutiful manner at his majesty's feet, and to such a height, that we do not wish to conceal humbly beg that I may be permitted to retire. our opinions as men. Suffer us therefore to exhort you, by assuring you, that there is no army so formidable as those who are superior to the seat of death. Let therefore every one who, from ge nerosity of spirit, or benevolence of heart, offers himself as a champion in his country's cause, be persuaded to reverence the Lord of Hosts, and walk in the fear of the Prince of the kings of the earth, and then he may, with the most unshaken firmness, expect the issue even in death or victory."


The following is a copy of lord Effingham's resignation of his commission in the British army.

To LORD BARRINGTON, secretary at war.

MY LORD: I beg the favor of your lordship to lay before his majesty the peculiar embarrassment of my present situation.

Your lordship is no stranger to the conduct which I have observed in the unhappy disputes with our American colonies.

Your lordship will also be so obliging to entreat, that as I wave what the custom of the service would entitle me to the right of selling what I bought, I may be allowed to retain my rank in the army, that whenever the envy or ambition of foreign powers should require it, I may be enabled to serve his majesty and my country in that way, in which alone I can expect to serve them with any degree of effect.

Your lordship will easily conceive the regret and mortification I feel at being necessiated to quit the military profession, which has been that of my ancestors for many generations, to which I have been bred almost from my infancy, to which I have devoted the study of my life; and to perfect myself in which, I have sought instruction and service in whatever part of the world they were to be found.

I have delayed this to the last moment, lest any wrong construction should be given to a conduct which is influenced only by the purest motives. I

complain of nothing; I love my profession, and mon hall assembled, with the most unfeigned res

should think it highly blameable to quit any course of life, in which I might be useful to the public, so long as my constitutional principles, and my notions of honor, permitted me to continue in it.

I have the honor to be, with great respect, your lordship's most obedient, and most humble servant,

Adelphi Buildings, April 12, 1775.


pect, beg leave to offer to your lordship the just tribute of our thanks for your noble and spirited, though hitherto ineffectual exertions in the cause of liberty and of your country, fully evinced in tional proceedings of a corrupt administration. your opposition to the oppressive and unconstitu

"With equal grief and indignation, we have for years beheld repeated innovations on the free constitution of these realms, and daily invasions of the DUBLIN, August 25, 1775. dearest rights and immunities of the subject. We At Guildhall, Dublin, the 17th of July, 1775, being have seen with astonishment popery established by quarter-day of the Guild of merchants of the said law in one, and encouraged in every part of the city, the following resolutions were agreed to: empire, in the reign of a Protestant prince; and despotism and arbitrary power promoted by every “Resolved, unanimously, That the sincere thanks insidious machination and open violence, by the of this Guild be presented to the right honorable servants of the crown, in the reign of a monarch the earl of EFFINGHAM, in testimony of our appro-who, from the throne, declared he glorified in being bation of his public conduct, particularly exempli-a Briton born; and whose family was called to the fred in his refusing to draw that sword which had throne of these kingdoms to protect the Protestant been employed to the honor of his country, against religion, and preserve that constitution inviolate, the lives and liberties of his fellow subjects in for which our ancestors so freely bled, and for the America; and honestly and spiritedly resigning a invading of which, a tyrant was expelled the throne. commission which he could no longer hold consistent with the principles of a true Englishman, or of a real friend to the interest of Britain."

"But while we contemplate with horror the universal ruin and devastation in which the empire is nearly involved by the wicked devices of evil men, "Resolved, That the sincere thanks of this Guild we with pleasure survey the steady, incorruptible, be presented to the right honorable JOHN WILKES, and patriotic virtues which adorn you and shield lord mayor of the city of London, for the essential us; while we boast of such a noble band of patriservices which he has rendered his king and coun-ots, while we see united in the cause of freedom try, by his strenuous efforts in the cause of free-such a number of the true hereditary guardians of dom; and for his able, spirited, and judicious de- liberty, and of the principles of the glorious revofence of the right of the people to petition the lution, we cannot, we will not despair of seeing


There was to the last resolution a single negative given by a Stotchman, who has an employment in our stamp office.

once more the valuable constitution of these countries restored to its primitive purity.

"Permit us therefore, to offer your lordship our warmest, our most grateful acknowledgements as "Resolved unanimously, That an address of thanks Protestants, for your steady opposition to the esfrom the Guild be presented to the several peers, tablishment of popery and slavery in Canada; as who (in support of our constitution, and in opposi- freemen, for your manly and spirited opposition to tion to a weak and wicked administration) protest the several restraining bills; and your noble efforts ed against the American, restraining bills."-And in the support of American liberty, and in the cause the following gentlemen were appointed, with the of our suffering and much oppressed brethren and masters and wardens, a committee to prepare the fellow subjects there; and we have the fullest reliance on your steady perseverance in the same principles which have so strongly endeared you, not only to us, but to every real friend of the British empire and its constituents."


James Napper Tandy, | Samuel Gamble,
Henry Hawison,

Sir Edw. Newenham,

John Pere,

Samuel Stephens,
Hugh Crothers.

Who prepared the following: "We, the masters, wardens, and brethren of the Guild of merchants in the city of Dublin, in com.

In testimony whereof, we have caused the seal of our corporation to be hereunto affixed, this 17th day of July, in the year of our Lord, 1775.


Midsummer Assembly, July 21, 1775.

Given at the head quarters at Cambridge, this

"Resolved, That the thanks of the sheriffs and 10th day of July, 1775.

commons be presented to lord Effingham, for having chosen gloriously to resign his commission, ra


ther than imbrue his hands in the blood of his in-Extract of a letter from Charlestown, South Caroli

nocent and oppressed fellow subjects."

na, August 5, 1775.

"Be assured, peace will never be firmly estab lished between Great Britain and America, until

the latter receives an ample recognition of her

Which being enclosed to his lordship by the proper officer, the following answer was received: SIR: "I have been favored with your letter of rights, and a full satisfaction for the blood that has the 21st of July last, enclosing the copy of a reso- or may be shed. The inhabitants of this vast conlution of the sheriffs and commons of the city of tinent would give up all their sea-coast towns, reDublin.

"Next to the testimony of a man's own conscience, is, in my opinion, his greatest happiness to have the approbation of the wise and honest among his fellow subjects.

tire into the interior country, and contentedly subsist on the bare necessaries of life, rather than submit to the implicit subjugation of a British parliament. But don't apprehend they will suffer this distress like docile animals. No: depend, they will protect their property to the last extremity, "The former of these can, I think, be no other and although they have hitherto acted only on the way enjoyed, than by a strict adherence to those defensive, believe me, unless there is an evident principles, which, at the revolution, established prospect of accommodation this winter, hostilities our civil and religious liberties; and it is easy, sir, will commence on their part, by and, with the asfor you to conceive, but beyond my abilities to ex-sistance of a foreign power, and with a spirit that press what I felt, at my conduct's being judged, will alarm all Europe. And then farewell to Great by so independent and respectable an assembly as Britain." the sheriffs and commons of the city of Dublin, deserving of the latter.

"I am, with truth and respect, sir, your most obedient humble servant, EFFINGHAM.

The Holmes, Aug. 14, 1775.

NEW YORK, July 31, 1775. Instructions for the officers of the several regiments of the Massachusetts Bay forces, who are immediately to go upon the recruiting service.

Fragment of a speech made in the general congress of America, by one of the delegates in 1775-author unknown. From Almon's Remembrancer.

The great God, sir, who is the searcher of all things, will witness for me, that I have spoken to you, from the bottom and purity of my heart. We have heard that this is an arduous consideration. And surely, sir, we have consider ed it earnestly. I may think of every gentlemen here, as I know of You are not to enlist any deserter from the min-myself, that, for seven years past, this question has isterial army, nor any stroller, negro, or vagabond, filled the day with anxious thought, and the night or person suspected of being an enemy to the li- with care. The God to whom we appeal, must berty of America, nor any under eighteen years of judge us. If the grievances, of which we comage.

As the cause is the best than can engage men of courage and principle to take up arms, so it is expected that none but such will be accepted by the recruiting officer; the pay, provision, &c. being so ample, it is not doubted but the officers sent upon this service, will without delay, complete their respective corps, and march the men forthwith to the camp.

You are not to enlist any person who is not an American born, unless such person has a wife and family, and is a settled resident in this country.

The person you enlist, must be provided with good and complete arms.

plain, did not come upon us unprovoked and unexpected-when our hearts were filled with respectful affection for our parent state, and with loyalty to our king-let slavery, the worst of human ills, be our portion. Nothing less than seven could have shaken such rooted sentiments. Unhap years of insulted complaints and reiterated wrongs, pily for us, submission and slavery are the same; and we have only the melancholy alternative left-of ruin or resistance.

The last petition of this congress to the king, contained all that our unhappy situation could suggest. It represented our grievances; implored

*In 1774, presented last Christmas.

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redress, and professed our readiness to contribute world, the nurse of heroes, the delight of Gods! for the general want, to the utmost of our abilities, through the invigorating operation of unceasing when constitutionally required. wars!-"Per dumna, per cædes,ab ipso duxit spea animumque ferro." How often has Flanders been the theatre of contending powers, conflicting hosts, and blood! Yet what country is more flourishing and fertile? Trace back the history of our parent siate. Whether you view her arraying Angles against Danes; Danes against Saxons; Saxons against

The apparently gracious reception it met with, promised us a due consideration of it; and that consideration relief. But, alas! Sir, it seems at that moment the very reverse was intended. For it now appears, that in a very few days after this specious answer to our agents, a circular letter was privately written by the same secretary of state; to the governors of the colonies, before parliament had been consulted, pronouncing the congress illegal, our grievances pretended, and vainly commanding them to prevent our meeting again. Perhaps, sir, the ministers of a great nation, never before committed an act of such narrow policy and treacherous duplicity. They found parliament, however, prepared to support every one of their


I forbear, sir, entering into a detail of those acts, which, from their atrociousness, must be felt and remembered forever. They are calculated to carry fire and sword, famine and desolation, through these flourishing colonies. They cry, "havoc, and let slip the dogs of war." The extremes of rage. and revenge, against the worst of enemies, could not dictate measures more desperate and destructive.

Normans; the Barons against the usurping princes, or the civil wars of the red and white roses, or

that between the people and the tyrant Stuart—you

see her in a state of almost continual warfare. In

almost every reign, to the commencement of that of Henry the VIIth, her peaceful bosom (in her

poet's phrase) was gored with iron war. It was
in the peaceful reigns of Henry VII. Henry VII.
and Charles II. that she suffered the severest
extremities of tyranny and oppression. But amid
Her civil contentions, she flourished and grew
strong, trained in them, she sent her hardy legions
forth, which planted the standard of England upon
the battlements of Paris; extending her commerce
and her dominion.

"Those noble English, who could entertain
With half their forces, the full power of France,
And let another half, stand laughing by,
All out of work, and cold for action."

The beautiful fabric of her constitutional liberty was reared and cemented in blood. From this

taking deep root in this delightful land, have reared their heads, and spread abroad their branches like the cedars of Lebanon.

There are some people who tremble at the ap-fullness of her strength those scions issued, which proach of war. They fear, that it must put an inevitable stop to the further progress of these colonies; and ruin irretrievably those benefits, which the industry of centuries has called forth, from this once savage land. I may commend the anxiety of these men, without praising their judg-evil-real good? The war, upon which we are to


Why fear we then, to pursue, through apparent.

enter, is just and necessary. “Justum est bellum, ubi
necessarium; et pia arma, quibus nulla, nisi in armis,
relinquitur spes.” It is to protect these regions,
and hazard of our fathers and ourselves, from be-
brought to such beauty through the infinite toil
coming the prey of that more desolating cruel
rule and endless extortion.
spoiler, than war, pestilence, or famine,—absolute

War, like other evils, is often wholesome. The waters that stagnate, corrupt. The storm that works the ocean into rage, renders it salutary Heaven has given us nothing unmixed. The rose is not without the thorn. War calls forth the great virtues and efforts, which would sleep in the gentle bosom of peace. “Paulum sepultæ distat inertia celaia virtus." It opens resources which would be con- Our sufferings have been great-our endurance cealed under the inactivity of tranquil times. It long. Every effort of patience, complaint, and rouses and enlightens. It produces a people of supplication, has been exhausted. They seem only animation, energy, adventure, and greatness. Let to have hardened the hearts of the ministers who us consult history: Did not the Grecian republics oppress us, and double our distresses. Let us prosper amid continual warfare? Their prosperity, therefore consult only how we shall defend our their power, their splendor, grew from the all-ani liberties with dignity and success. Our parent mating spirit of war-did not the cottages of shep-state will then think us worthy of her, when she herds, rise into imperial Rome, the mistress of the'sees that with her liberty we inherit her rigid

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