
trăn sẽ-tur-ẽ trib'ū-tā-rē

right-e-ous-ness rit'ye-us-nes trans-fer-a-ble trans fĕr-ă-bl sal-a-man-der sălă măn dur trans-i-to-ry sal-u-ta-ry săl'lü-tă-rē trib-u-ta-ry sanc-ti-mo-ny sänk'te-mo-ně tris-yl-la-ble sanct-u-a-ry sänkt'yu-a re tri-te-la-ry sang-ui-na-ry sang'gwe-na-re ul-ti-mate-ly sea-son-a-ble sẽzn-a-bl un-du-la ry sec-con-da-ry sek'kun dă rẻ ut-ter-a-ble

sed en-ta-ry sem-i-na-ry

sed'den-tă-rē vac-il-lan-cy sẽm'ê-nă re val-u-a-ble sem-i-qua-ver sein'ine-kwa-vr va-ri-a-ble sep-ar-a-ble sep păr-a-bl va-ri-e-gate

sept-u-a-gint sept'yu-a-jent veg-e-ta-ble ser-vice-a-ble ser vis-a-bl veg-e-ta-tive sev-en-ti-eth sev'v'n-te éth ve-he-ment-ly slov-en-li-ness sluv'věn-le-nes ven-er-a-ble so-ci-a-ble sō hē-a-bl

sol-i-ta-ry sŏl'le-tǎ-ré

sov-er-eign-ty sŭv'ĕr-in-tē




tris'sil la-bl
tū tē-lă rē
vǎl'ū ǎ-bl
vā iĕ-ǎ-bl
vā rē-a-gāie

věj ́ē-tā-tiv
ve ́hë-měnt-le
vi bră-tur-ē
vizh ́un-a-rē


spec-u-la-tive spĕk'kū-lă-tiv vul-ner-a-ble vūl'nur-ǎ-bl spec-u-la-tor spēk'ku-la-tur war-rant-a-ble wor ́rănt-ă-bl


The battle of Bunker Hill, continued.

7. At the foot of the hill, the British halted, and, from their well stowed knapsacks, made a quiet dinner:-Many of them, however, denied for the last time. The Americans had toiled

excessively through the night and the day, fasting; nor would they be relieved. The redoubt which they had raised, they were the best qualifiedto defend;-they had the merit of the labour, and they wanted the honour of the victory:--nor would they dine until their work was done.

8. As the enemy formed and advanced, the American drums beat to arms: the spade was immediately exchanged for the musk

et; Gen. Putnam appeared at the head of the troops and led them into action. He bade them hold their fire, until the British came so near as to show the white of their eyes; then to aim below their waists.-to look well to the handsome coats, and remember that one officer was worth a hundred privates.

9. The invading force, with unwavering step, advanced within five rods of the embankment, when the Americans simultaneously poured upon them an unbroken sheet of leaden death, which swept them away like stubble, and sent a mingled crowd of commanders and commanded, to their long account in another

world. The broken ranks retreated in confusion down the hill, while the huzza of victory re-echoed through the patriot lines, among whom, not a hair had been brought to the ground.


10. Under cover of the hill, the British drew up afresh, and, over the dead bodies of their comrads, returned to the attack. They were now allowed to approach still nearer to the embankAnon the fatal order came, and it was faithfully obeyed. Both officers and men, fell in promiscuous heaps, and the shrieks and groans of the dying and wounded, rent the air, while the survivors retreated again in dismay, and left the Americans to taste a second time, the sweets of victory.

11. But their triumph was short;--their cause was hopeless,-and they knew it. Their ammunition was expended, their guns were without bayonets, and they had hardly a dozen swords in the field. Yet they fearlessly resolved to defend the works to the last extremity, even with the breech of their muskets, rather than surrender to an enemy, whom they had twice driven in disorder from the summit of the hill.

12. The British, under the direction of general Clinton, who had crossed over to their aid, rallied a third time Stripped of their heavy knapsacks and their outer coats, they advanced to scale the works and fall upon the Americans with fixed bayonets.

13. A few only of the patriot band, had a cartridge of powder left. These were reserved for the last effort, at which they were to be sold for all they would fetch. When the assaulting host might have been reached from the redoubt with a mace staff, the daring few poured upon them their last deadly fire, which wounded their general, broke their ranks, shook their firmness, and, for a moment, diverted their purpose.

14. All the means of defence, were now totally exhausted; and American blood, in the estimation of the heroic Putnam, was too precious to be spilt for nought. He therefore drew off his men in order, and covered their retreat by adventurously throwing himself, on horseback, between his troops and the exasperated foe, who felt that he had but lean revenge for his heavy loss and deep disgrace.


Involution implies the raising of a given root to a given power;--this is done by multiplication.

RULE. Multiply the given root, or number by itself, and that produced by the same number, and so on to the required pow Thus:-


9th power.

(1) What is the 6th power of 2?

Ans. 64.

2X2=4, the 2d power; 4X2=8, the 3d power; 8X2=16, the 4th power; 16X2=32, the 5th power, and 32X2=64, the

6th power. OBS.

The 2d power is called the cube, the 4th power, the biquadrate, &c. What is the 3d power of 4?

square, the 3d

[blocks in formation]

Ans. 4X4X4=64.

Ans. 1024.

Ans. 46656.

Ans. 81.

What is the 5th power of 4?


What is the cube of 36?

What is the 4th power of 3?

(6) What is the 4th power of 5? (7) What is the 2d power of 64?

Ans. 625.

Ans. 4096.

(8) What is the 6th power of .06? Ans. .000000046656.

(9) What is the 3d power of .025? 10) What is the cube of 3-4?

(11) What is the square of 37.5?

A table of the

Ans. 000015525.

Ans. 39.304. Ans. 1406.25.

[blocks in formation]


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Mentonymy. This is a figure in language founded on the several relations of causes and effects;--Of the sign, and the thing signified; Of the container, and the thing contained, &c. As, he reads Cowper. (Here the cause is put for the effect. Respect grey hairs. (In this case the effect is put for the cause.) 'The kettle boils. (Here the container is used for the thing contained.) He ploughs the deep. (He sails on or over the sea.) RULE. Avoid the use of this figure, in all cases where the relation is any way obscure, or of doubtful or unnatural applica tion. P2

6th power.

[blocks in formation]

Example. On emerging from the bush, every man was ordered to douse his glim, on pain of being run through.

(Here the phrase, douse his glim, implies extinguish his torch, a figure familiar to sailors, but obscure to the generality of readers.)

The young of all ages are ardent, because unnipped by disappointment.

The captain and crew, lent us a helping hand, or two.

OBS. 1. Sometimes a part is put for the whole, or the whole for a part.-A genius for a species, or a species for a ge nius. And something less or more is put for the object, and takes its place by mere reference.

A fleet of twenty sail moved up the bay.

He has often crossed the Atlantic wave.

He descended into hell, (the grave,) and the third day he arose and ascended into heaven, (happiness.)

OBS. 2. The virtues and the vices are often used for the persons who possess them, and the application is made by the mind intuitively.

Cicero speaks of Cataline's army, and the Roman legion in he antithetic style.

On the side of Rome, modesty is engaged; with our enemy, impudence; on our side is chastity; on his, lewdness;-on ours, integrity; on his, deceit;-on ours, piety; on his, profanity; -on ours, honour; on his, baseness:-in a word, equity, temperance, fortitude, prudence, and all the virtues, engage with injustice, luxury, cowardice, rashness, and all the vices.

NOTE. Metonymy is a common figure, and found in almost all spees of composition. It is less frequently employed erroneously than most other figures. It frequently imparts to language a brevity and eauty which are highly pleasing.

[blocks in formation]

ab-ste-mi-ous ǎb'-stê-mē-us af-fir-ma-tive





ǎ-ka ́-she-ǎ a-gil-i-ty

ǎ-kāď ́-dē-mē a-gree-a-ble
ǎk-sĕl'-lur-āte a-lac-ri-ty

ǎk-sent'-yu-äte al-lege-a-ble

ac-cep-ta-ble ǎk-sep ́-tă-bl al-le-vi-ate






ǎl-lěje ǎ-bl
ǎl-lē vē-āte



ǎk-sep ́pē-ĕnt al-le-vi-al


ac.com-pa-ny ǎăk-kum ́pă-ne am-bros-i-a

[ocr errors]


ac-cou-tre-mentǎk-kô't'r-ment a-men-i-ty





ăm-brözh - a


ǎ-měn ́nē-tē

ǎk-kū'za-tiv am-phib-i-ous ǎm-fib ́ē-us

ǎ-sĕr bē-tē

a-nal-o gous


[blocks in formation]



[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]




åd-min'nis-tur an-ni-hi-late

ǎd-mis'sē-bl an-nu-i-ty

a-dor-a-ble ǎ-dōr'ǎ-bl


ad-vent-ur-er ǎd-věnt'yū-rur a-nom-a-lous

[ocr errors][merged small]




a-nom-a-ly ǎ-nom'ă-lē

a-non-y-mus ǎ-non'ē-mus

ad-ver-si-ty ǎd-věr'sē-tē an-tag-o-nist ăn-tăg ô-nist ad-ver-tise-ment ǎd-věr'tiz-ment an-te-ri-our an-tē'rē-ŭr

ǎd-věr bē-ăl

[blocks in formation]

Principles of the American Revolution.

1 When we speak of the glory of our fathers, we mean not that vulgar renown attained by physical strength; nor yet that higher fame, acquired by intellectual powers. Both often exist without lofty thought, pure intent, or generous purpose. But the glory which we celebrate, was of a moral cast:Righteous as to its ends; just as to its means.

2 The American Revolution had its origin, neither in ambition, nor in avarice; neither in envy, nor in passion; but in the nature and relation of things, and in the resulting necessity of a separation from the parent state:-and its progress was limited by that necessity.

3 During the struggle, our fathers displayed great strength of fortitude, and great moderation of purpose. In difficult times, they conducted with wisdom;-in doubtful times, with - firmness;-in perilous times, with courage. Under oppres

sive trials, they stood erect; amidst great temptations, unseduced; in the dark hour of danger, fearless and faithful; and in the bright hour of prosperity, temperate and thoughtful. ;

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