
than we have been for pretty nearly a name of representatives of the people. hundred years past. Their present But the French have been cheated out state arises, not from their having made of the thing; and if we were to suffer

a revolution in July 1830, but from their ourselves to be cheated out of the thing not having made it. From their having too, the reform would certainly add to our been amused and cheated; from their degradation and misery, and we should having, by base intrigues, been prevailed have to pay more than we do now for upon to suffer the old thing still to exist, troops and gendarmerie. But we mean with the mere change of the name of not to be cheated out of the thing; if the man; from their not having be- we have the name, we mean to have the lieved me, who told them from the out-thing also; we mean that the reformed set, that that LOUIS PHILIPPE was parliament shall take off the burthens there to keep the nest warm for the that are squeezing us to the earth; we house of BOURBON, and not for the pur- mean to give our members instructions pose of giving them freedom and light- to pass laws that shall give us cheap ening their burdens. The brave peo-government, and that shall render miliple of Paris shed their blood for the tary force and gendarmerie unnecessary deliverance of their country from the to keep the peace of the country; we yoke of the Bourbons; but they suffered mean that general misery and its offthemselves to be amused with profes- spring, general crime, shall cease; we sions and symbols, while the yoke was mean that men shall no longer be set again preparing to put upon their necks. to draw wagons and carts, and be put To make the cases analagous, our re-up at auction; we mean that our earnform must be a sham reform; the mem- ings shall no longer be swallowed up by bers must still, in effect, be chosen by the aristocracy and not by the people, the people must become bewitched with the aristocracy; they must fall in love with those who rejected the bill of 1831; they must be ready to fall upon their bellies at the approach of a bishop, and look upon his benediction as communicating health, meat, drink, and clothing. All these must take place before the people of England, like the people of France, will be rendered more miserable by the change.

the idlers, but that skill, care, vigilance, activity, and toil shall enjoy their reward; we mean, in short, that England shall again be what England was. This is what we mean; this is what we shall instruct our representatives to effect, and therefore the argument which the reporther gives to Strathfield is not worth a straw. But once more look at his dilemma: once more observe how this opposition to the bill stultifies itself: the bill is bad, because it will make the people all-powerful; because it will O no! STRATHFIELDSAY may be well make the members obey the instructions assured that the people will never give directly given them by the people; and instructions to their "demagogues" to it is also bad because it will enable the add to the military force in order to government to add to the burdens of keep themselves down. STRATHFIELD the people by the means of additional is, by this reporther, made to assert, soldiers and gendarmerie! so that it that if this bill pass, England will have will at one and the same time create an a government founded on the all-predominant democracy, and an irsovereignty of the people; and that, risistible military despotism! What a "like the government of France, which devil of a bill you have got for us, Lord "is founded on the sovereignty of the GREY! people, the Government must have a So much for the apprehensions which monstrous military force to preserve the reporther represents Strathfieldsay "the peace of the country."' The to entertain with regard to the addimistake here is, in asserting that France tional expenses and additional force has a governmeot founded on the which the Reform Bill will occasion. sovereignty of the people. It has it not. And now, let me refer to the reporther's It has the name; and we have now the account of what he says was said by


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BOSCAWEN. This man, whose title is Upon the supposition, however, of its that of Earl of FALMOUTH, seems to having been said, let me, in the first be still haunted with apprehensions place, ask Boscawen what authority he ABOUT ME. In opposing the last bill, had for saying that Lord Radnor once there were four of the noble persons intended to put me into parliament for who argued that the bill must be bad, Downton? Next, why he deems it unbecause it would be likely that in its fortunate for me not to be likely to be operation it would put me into Parlia-put into Parliament? Next, upon what ment. The reporther gives to this ground he asserts, that the people, if BOSCAWEN, upon this occasion, the fol- left to choose for themselves, would lowing words:-"As the noble Earl scarcely elect me? Ah! Boscawen, Bosnever made a speech without referring cawen! You either never said this, or "to his borough of Downton, he would you do not mean it. You mean the "take the liberty of saying, that if the contrary; and I believe, and am tho"noble Lord was really one of those roughly convinced, that if I were not in patriots who were prepared, as he existence, this Reform Bill would pass "said, to sacrifice everything to their without any creation of Peers; and now country, that would be a very unfor- it is evident that it will not pass without "tunate thing for Cobbett, whom the such creation. And don't pass it, then! "noble Earl once intended to put into Don't pass it, I say! and I can tell yon "Parliament for Downton, but whom this, that a large part of the people do "the people would scarcely elect, if left not care a straw now whether you pass "to choose for themselves. The noble it or not! "Lord ought not to object so much to "nomination, if he thought that it "would be for the good of the country "that Cobbett should have a seat in "Parliament."

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The meaning of this is, that if Lord RADNOR lose his power of nominating members, it will be an unfortunate thing for COBBETT, because, if the people be left to themselves, they will scarcely elect the said COBBETT; and that the loss of the borough must be regretted by Lord RADNOR too, if he think it for the good of the country that COBBETT should be in Parliament; because, by losing the borough, he would lose the power of putting the said COBBETT in Parliament. This reporther must have been drunk, I think. In CANNING'S time nearly the whole of the set were regularly drunk twice a day. That was the glorious time for gentlemen of the press." I was told, that, meet them when you would, they were blubbering drunk, and did so smell of gin! Of late they have been more sober I believe, those of them that survived Canning's drenching: but still this reporther of BOSCAWEN must have shipped a pretty smart cargo of gin; for the man never could, I think, have said this.

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But, BOSCAWEN, if the people, being left to choose for themselves, will scarcely choose me, what becomes of all the arguments about the letting of demagogues into Parliament? BOSCAWEN, have you read my Manchester Lectures? If you have not, read them right away; and then you will know, to the weight of a hair, what you have to expect at my hands, at any rate. The word demayogue means, a man who stands forward in behalf of the people; though that corrupt pensioner JOHNSON, whose image is stuck up in St. Paul's, whence it will be removed, I trust, to leave a pedestal for that of Major CARTWRIGHT, calls a demagogue "a ringleader of the rabble." In the proper sense of the word, I am the greatest of all English demagogues. I have been lecturing on politics, I have been maintaining my Manchester propositions, in every great town in the north, as far as the northern confines of Yorkshire, with the exception I believe of Liverpool and Bradford, and I have everywhere maintained, that unless those propositions be acted upon to the full extent, a reform of the Parliament will be a delusion and a mockery. Every-where I have been received with every mark of approbation. In most of

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the places where I have resided for young men. During my last tour, scores, more than a day, I have been at the and I might say, many hundreds of house of some person of considerable young men, sometimes twenty at a property, who deemed it a favour to time, have crowded round me as I have have me for a guest. Two or three been going out of the lecturing-places, words with my name, written by my-one saying, as he shook my hand, "That self, have been begged, as a valuable is the hand that wrote the GRAMMAR; present, by more than a hundred per- another, "That is the hand that wrote sons. No mark of disapprobation have the PROTESTANT REFORMATION;" anI received, during the whole of more other, "That is the hand that wrote the than half a hundred lectures that I have ADVICE TO YOUNG MEN." This was given. I travelled, during my absence the case, more or less, at every place in the north, including the journey where I was. In hundreds of cases, thither and back, nine hundred and the young men came on purpose to the eighty odd miles. Altogether, I stood inn or house where I was. Nor was upon my legs, speaking, upwards of a this confined to the buoyant spirits of hundred and thirty hours; that is to Lancashire and Yorkshire, where the say, more than five days and five nights; heart seems always upon the lips; but during the same time, I wrote and sent I found it the same every-where. And, to London manuscript for thirteen Re- observe, I am no clap-trap orator; gisters; and I came home and set to am no flatterer; I every-where even work at my gardening, on the very ridiculed the outcry against the Corn afternoon of my arrival. Say or think Bill, unless prayed for in conjuncwhat you will, BOSCAWEN, this is the tion with an abolition of tithes, and a stuff of which a member of Parliament repeal of the hop and the malt tax. ought to be made up. And, do you think then, Boscawen, that there is nobody but me? The country is full of men, and of knowledge and education too, resolutely bent upon the changing of this system.



But, Boscawen, though I very well know that the certainty of my being a member of a reformed Parliament, if I choose; though I know that your assurance of this is a sort of criterion of You! You, indeed, talk of your Bibles the danger which you apprehend from and your schools! You talk of teaching the Reform Bill, do you think that I the people! It is I who have taught should come alone; that there are no the people. I have created a mass of other such men; that there are not young men hostile to corruption of endued with the same or with every sort. "The education of the equally efficient powers, and having country," indeed. You want the eduyouth into the bargain? Let us have cation of the country represented; the bill that will create men I warrant I know a tailor, and a journeyyou. There are men enough; and the man-tailor too, living in a country people of England will have the sense town, where he has always lived, to perceive, that it is not title and for- more really learned, a more able tune that they want to represent them; writer, possessed of more real knowbut talent, knowledge, and courage; a ledge as to public affairs, than fortylove of the honour of their country; nine out of every fifty of the members men who see in every labourer their of parliament that I have ever known countryman, and who take to themselves or heard of. I have seen letters from a share of the disgrace of seeing him him that ought to put to the blush the robbed of the fruit of his toil. Expe- far greater part of those who call themrience has now taught the people of selves gentlemen, whether as to gramEngland, that, to be restored to their mar, language, or sentiment. liberties and happiness, they must rely If the Peers were wise they would upon one another; and though you do take this great change into considernot know it, the country every-where ation; a change wrought entirely by teems with clever and well-educated myself; and the more efficient for that;

because it has been uniform; because ance-man, dead-weight-man, or any taxit has made such great numbers of eater, or any one closely related to a young men sober, learned, full of know-tax-eater. Those who would elect a ledge, and thinking precisely alike. It person thus dependent on taxation, would require but a very little sagacity would deserve the most degrading to perceive, that against the operation slavery to the end of their lives. As to of a cause like this, there is no pro-rich men, there is no positive objection; tection for ignorance or corruption, but the riches rather tend to disqualify however surrounded by power. This is than otherwise, unless they be accomthe great cause that has been at work panied with tried devotion to the cause to defeat all the schemes of Scotch of the people. It is very curious, that, quackery. These schemes are the sub-during the last debate on the bill in the ject of laughter all over the country. House of Commons, GEORGE ROSE (the There is no delusion that can now exist son of the notorious old GEORGE) used without being immediately detected. as an argument against the bill, that BROUGHAM and VAUX may send forth, the people would not elect rich mereven under official franks, his book chants and manufacturers; and in proof of "Useful Knowledge." It will pro- of this, he mentioned the practice in duce no effect except upon the risible America, where, he said, it was very faculties of the readers, none of whom will go through many pages. In short, I have taught the whole country, and of that teaching this monstrous system, against which I have so long been at war, now feels the effects.

difficult for a rich merchant to get elected; and that was the reason, he said, that the commercial affairs of the United States were conducted so badly! Thank you, GEORGE, for this argument. The United States had, at the end of But, Boscawen, if you be so sure, the revolutionary war, no such thing as that the people, if left to choose for a three-mast ship. They have now a themselves, will not choose me, you mercantile tonnage very nearly equal to must believe that they will not choose that of England herself. A nation so any men like me; that they will choose prosperous; a nation where the peace young lords and squires and dead-is so well preserved; a nation where weight people, who abound as the the working millions are so well off, this sands by the sea. Well, then, you world does not contain, and has never being sincere in that opinion, what contained; and if such be the effect of danger is there in passing the Reform rejecting rich men as law-makers, let Bill The house will be constituted us, for God's sake, try the experiment ! as it now is: no demagogues will find We have had rich men to make laws their way into it: some rich merchants for us; and these poor legislators have, and manufacturers may; but they will in the course of forty years, actually be for upholding the system, rather created a nation to rival us. Therefore, than pulling it down; so that, you BoscAWEN, hug not yourself in the hope being sincere in your opinion, and being sure that to pass the bill will give great and general satisfaction, it would really appear to be a sort of madness to oppose the passing of this bill, or to endeavour to mutilate it in any degree what


that the people are now ready to throw themselves prostrate before title and wealth. Let us have the bill again, I say, and we will let you see what we will do with it; and if you will not let us have the bill, why, then, we will

do as well as we can without it; but if we have it, it shall be of some use to us I warrant you.

It becomes me, however, to be frank, and to tell you, that the people, aye even in the counties, will not always choose Now, as to the question, whether this men for their title or their wealth; and bill will pass a second reading, I can that it must be a base set of people in- form no judgment; whether new Peers deed who will elect a placeman, pen-will be made, so as to ensure the final sioner, sinecurist, grantee, retired allow passing of the bill without mutila

tion, I can form no judgment neither; | I saw every prospect of a great extension but this I know well, that, if Lord GREY of the cultivation of the corn. I am now be authorised to make the Peers and do about to repeat my instructions for raisnot make them, so as to cause the billing the corn; and I address myself to to pass; and if he suffer the bill to be you in particular, because you have the rejected without plainly stating to the misfortune to have to do with the FOOLnation that the king has not authorised LIAR, who has been making all the him to make the Peers; that, in either of efforts that his beastly stupidity would these cases, the public will and must permit him to make for the purpose 'of believe, that he has all this time been preventing the working people from contriving how he should cause his own benefiting from this, as ARTHUR YOUNG bill to be defeated. I cannot believe calls it," the greatest blessing that God that such will be the result. I will just ever gave to man." It is curious enough add, that to suffer the ten-pound clause that the FOOL-LIAR should so cordially to be made less favourable to the peo- pull with the PARSONS in this affair; for ple, would be an abandonment of the I have heard of several of them who have bill; a specific giving-up of the rights told the working people that the corn of the people. I trust that no such thing was good for nothing; and I know one will take place: from the language of of the latter, who had fatted a pig upon Lord GREY I should conclude that he the corn, hold up a piece of the bacon has full power to make the requisite to the parson, saying, "Is't good for number of Peers. Having that power he will certainly use it; and then all will be well; and, if the bill pass unmutilated, I trust that the people will receive it with a resolution to give it a fair trial; and that the enfranchised towns will immediately set to work to deliberate and determine on the course which they shall pursue with regard to the fixing upon proper candidates. WM. COBBETT.

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nought!" However, I will first give you my instructions for the raising of the corn, and then the FOOL-LIAR shall yield us some sport, and we will find out, if we can, where that" patrimony" is of which he told you he had "just received the rents," when he was called upon to pay for "the medals."

Before I proceed further, however, I ought to notice, that when I returned home the other day, I found numerous parcels of corn from different counties, and amongst the rest, one parcel grown in Westmoreland. So that I have now received fine well-ripened corn from every county in England, CORNWALL excepted. The corn which I have now received from SUTTON-VALENCE in Kent, from HIGH-WYCOMBE, Bucks, and three ears that came without any name, wrapped up in wool, are amongst the finest samples that I have seen, and all of them finer than the average of my own corn; and I am very much obliged to all the gentlemen who have taken the pains to send me these samples. I would write to each of them if I had the time; but I have it not. They will have the satisfaction to see their cares and public spirit rewarded by the success of our undertaking; and they will have the pleasure to reflect, that the thing has been accomplished, not only without the aid, but, apparently, solely against the wishes of the Government!

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