

attempts; but terror soon quelled these partial efforts, after | reigned triumphant; and one of Monteverde's officers, Cothose concerned were destroyed by the cruellest kinds of lonel Suasola, cut off the ears of a great number of patriots, death. The first decisive movement of the revolutionists and had them stuck in his soldiers' caps for cockades. It was made on a solemn Catholic festival, Maunday Thursday, was now, on reflecting upon these atrocities, that Bolivar the day preceding Good Friday, April 19, 1810, when the became a more enthusiastic convert to the patriot cause, captain-general of Caracas was arrested and deposed, and and, with his cousin Ribas, proceeded from the island of a supreme junta or congress assembled to organize a new Curaçoa to Carthagena, in order to raise a liberating army. government for the state of Venezuela. (See in Outline There, by the influence of Manuel Torrices, the republican of the Revolution the Declaration of Independence.) On president of New Granada, about 300 men were fitted out, the 20th of the following July or August, the same was done and Castillo, the president's cousin, having joined with 500 at Bogota, the capital of New Granada, which formed for more, in January, 1813, Bolivar, as commander-in-chief, itself a separate republican government; but it does not and Ribas as major-general, undertook to drive the Spanish appear at all certain that Bolivar had any share in these royalists from Tenerife, on the river Magdalena. Having first insurrections, though it is positively asserted in several succeeded at Tenerife, he advanced in December to Momaccounts that he was one of the principal actors. On the pox, in January, 1813, to Ocana, and in February to Cucontrary it seems to be evident that he at first regarded the cuta, whence he expelled the Spanish commander Correa, project as impracticable; or, as some assert, he disapproved and attracted great notice by surmounting every difficulty, of the plans then adopted by the revolutionists, who still dispersing the enemy, and gaining several hundred volunpartially retained a veneration for the adorable Ferdinand,' teers, provisions, and money. With this encouragement he for even after the establishment of the independent legis- planned an expedition for the relief of Venezuela, after first lature at Caracas, he does not appear to have held any ap- proceeding to Bogota, where the congress of New Granada pointment, though importuned to do so by some of its mem-received him well, and added largely to his means. By conbers, especially by his cousin, Don Felix Ribas. tinual recruits from the towns through which he passed, his army increased to more than 2000, whom he marched along the Andes by Tunja and Pamplona, entered Venezuela, defeated the royalists at Grita, Merida, and various other places, and took possession of the whole province of Varinas. Castillo, who in slow and cautious formality was totally different from Bolivar, denounced as rashness and madness his precipitous decision, his rapid forced marches and daring expedients. He therefore separated and led away his troops to Tunja near Bogota: but the whole country rising and joining the ranks of Bolivar he was enabled to divide his army; Ribas led one division, himself the other, and both, by forced marches along different roads advanced rapidly on Caracas. The revolutionary spirit was, previous to this time, confined to very few but the almost incredible cruelties of the officers of Monteverde had driven thousands to desperation and revenge; and hence arose, on the part of the patriots, the manifesto of guerra á muerte, war to death. În justice to Bolivar, it is requisite to relate the circumstances which occasioned this dreadful expedient. A detachment under Colonel Bricena having been taken prisoners, Don Tisear, the governor of Varinas, caused the Colonel, with sixteen of his companions and several patriot citizens, to be deliberately shot. This, in addition to numerous similar instances, and the report that the patriots showed mercy to prisoners and the royalists vengeance, by which the wavering and timid were induced to prefer enlisting against Bolivar, determined him to proclaim that the executioners who entitle themselves our enemies, have beheaded thousands of our brethren: our fathers, children, friends they have buried alive in the subterranean dungeons and vaults of our country: they have immolated the president and commandant of Popayan, with all their captive companions they have perpetrated in Varinas a horrid butchery of our fellow-soldiers made prisoners of war, and of many peaceful citizens: these victims shall be avenged-the executioners shall be exterminated-our oppressors compel us to a mortal struggle-they shall disappear from America-the war shall be unto death! The date of this manifesto is Merida, June 8th, 1813. It is said by General Holstein, that Bolivar himself never signed it. At Lostaguanes Monteverde was routed, and obliged to take refuge in Puerto Cabello; and on August 4th, 1813, the liberating army entered the city of Caracas, the capital of Venezuela. The joy of the people exceeded all bounds: it was certainly the most gratifying event in Bolivar's military career. Greeted by shouting thousands, artillery, bells, and music, the liberator was drawn into the city in a triumphal car by twelve beau tiful young ladies of the first families of Caracas, dressed in white, and adorned with the patriot colours; while others crowned him with laurel, and strewed his way with flowers. All the prisons were thrown open, and hundreds came out pale and emaciated to thank him for their liberation. The royalists throughout the province capitulated, and the triumph was complete. Even General Holstein, the bitter enemy of Bolivar, says, in speaking of this event, he deserves great praise for his perseverance, and for the conception of such an undertaking, in which he sacrificed a considerable part of his fortune to furnish the troops with the means of following him. Marino, who had recently raised an army in Cumana, and

He accepted however soon afterwards the proposition to proceed to England, for the purpose of soliciting the British Cabinet to aid the cause of the independent party, and, with Don Luis Mendez, arrived in London in June, 1810. Finding that the English government professed to maintain a strict neutrality, Bolivar, who himself paid the expenses of the mission, after a short stay in England, left his companion, and returned in disgust to Caracas. Upon the appearance of Miranda as commander-in-chief of the patriot army in 1811, the declaration of independence was boldly maintained by military force the tri-coloured flag was hoisted, and the Spanish standard cut down and destroyed. Bolivar was appointed colonel in the independent army, and governor of Puerto Cabello, the strongest fortress in Venezuela. The patriots were successful until the following year, 1812, when an earthquake destroyed, in the cities of Caracas, La Guayra, and Merida, about 20,000 persons; and as it happened on the very day and hour in which the revolution had broken out two years before, the clergy seized upon the accident to benefit, by a powerful effort, the cause of the royalists-representing the awful calamity as a just visitation upon the revolutionists. Priests, monks, and friars were stationed in the streets, vociferating in the midst of credulous multitudes trembling with fear, while the royalist troops under Monteverde were getting possession of the whole province. About 1200 royalist prisoners of war, who were confined in the fortress of Puerto Cabello, having shortly after broken loose, murdered some of the garrison, and by the treachery of the officer on guard, taken possession of the citadel, Bolivar, being unable to regain it by storm without destroying the town, embarked in the night, and on the 1st of July, 1812, returned by sea to his estate near Caracas. General Miranda, on learning at Vittoria that this very important place, with all its stores of ammunition and provisions, was deserted, capitulated in despair to Monteverde the royalist general, and prepared to leave the country, when he was unexpectedly arrested by a party of patriot leaders, of whom one was Bolivar himself; by him Miranda was accused of being a traitor and secretly allied with the British Cabinet, and being delivered with nine or ten hundred of his soldiers to Monteverde, was sent in irons to Spain, where he died in a dungeon. For this conduct Bolivar and his compatriots have been severely reproached with treachery and ingratitude. There were how ever many circumstances which appear to justify a suspicion of Miranda's collusion with the English Cabinet. He had been long resident in London, was patronized and paid by the English, was in constant intercourse with the English officers stationed at the neighbouring islands, and was about to depart in the vessel of an English captain. He had also made himself disliked by his contempt of the natives and preference of foreigners. Bolivar received from Monteverde, as an especial favour, a passport to Curaçoa, where, with his cousin Ribas, he remained during the autumn of 1812. Venezuela was now again entirely in the hands of the royalists, and deeds of revolting ferocity and plunder reduced the whole country to a frightful state of misery: on pretexts the most trivial, old men, women, and children were arrested, maimed, and massacred as rebels. According to General Holstein, friars and military butchers

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from whom the royalist general escaped only by being caught
in the arms and carried off upon the horse of a brawny
Capuchin who was fighting at his side, had assumed the
name of Dictator and Liberator of the Eastern provinces of
Venezuela. The same title was adopted by Bolivar for those
of the West. At this time he was in possession of un-
limited power; but he did not prevent the prevalence of
popular dissatisfaction, which the conduct of his officers had
excited; and though on his entry into Caracas he proclaimed
that no royalist should in any way be injured, still, an
arbitrary and burdensome military government, necessary
perhaps to correct the effects of previous anarchy, induced
many to emigrate to the neighbouring islands for the sake
of greater security. The legislative, executive, and judicial
powers being united in the person of the dictator, occa-
sioned great offence to the democratical party, and sus-
picions arose that the primary object of the liberator was his
own aggrandisement. A consciousness of this opinion in-
duced him, in the congress assembled at Caracas, Jan. 1,
1814, to declare, 'I have consented to accept and keep the
supreme power to save you from anarchy: citizens, I am not
the sovereign; your representatives will give you laws; the
revenues of the government are not the property of those
who govern. Judge now yourselves if I have sought to
elevate myself; if I have not sacrificed my life to constitute
you a nation: I desire that you will permit me to resign
the office I hold: my only request is that you will leave me
the honour of combating your enemies.' His retention of
the dictatorial power was however agreed upon, for a great
enthusiasm still prevailed in his favour, in consequence of
the royalists beginning again to rally their forces and arm
the negro slaves: a desperate expedient by which they were
much assisted in raising a numerous army.

governor, had fallen into the hands of the royalists. But the governor of Carthagena, Colonel Castillo, who had formerly withdrawn from Bolivar's command, having refused to furnish some supplies, and after issuing defamatory manifestos, having poisoned the neighbouring wells, the troops of Bolivar, in resentment of this conduct, were engaged in reducing Carthagena; when, in April, 1815, in the midst of this unfortunate civil strife, which occasioned the greatest injury to the patriot cause, the arrival was suddenly announced of General Morillo from Spain, with an army of 12,000 Spaniards. The peace of 1814 with France had enabled the Spanish government to make a vigorous effort to regain the revolted colonies. Bolivar, disgusted with the calumnies and perverseness of Castillo, retired in May, 1815, to Jamaica, leaving Morillo to overrun the whole country. It appears that, being in despair of his country's ability at that moment to make any successful resistance, he determined to wait for a time more favourable. During his absence Morillo continued to ravage the two republics with fire and sword: at Bogota 500 inhabitants, and at Zimiti, a town sixty miles south of that city, 1500 were shot and hanged. While at Kingston in Jamaica, Bolivar employed himself in writing a defence of his conduct in the civil war of New Granada, and issued several spirited exhortations to the patriots, for which his assassination was attempted by the royalist party; and the Spaniard who undertook it for the reward of 50,000 dollars and perfect absolution, employed a negro who stabbed to the heart his secretary, who accidentally occupied the hammock in which he usually slept. The island of Hayti became his next asylum. By the president Petion he was supplied with four negro battalions, in addition to a body of several hundred patriot emigrants; and in May, 1816, was enabled, in conjunction with Brion, the commander of the republican naval forces, to land in the island of Margarita, where General Arismendi had again assembled the independent forces. With these various recruits, in July he appeared in Cumana, where he was suddenly surrounded by the royalists, and defeated with great slaughter at Ocumare; after he had proclaimed the cessation of the war to death, and that no one should be injured for having deserted to the royalist ranks. He now took ship to the Dutch island Buen Ayre, and thence proceeded to Hayti. In the following December he re-appeared in Margarita, whence, having issued a proclamation convoking the patriots of Venezuela to a general congress, he sailed to Barcelona and collected a force sufficient to repel Morillo, then advancing upon him with a powerful army. A battle of three days ended in the defeat and disorderly flight of Morillo, who was surprised in retreating, and again defeated by the ferocious Llaneros of General Paez. Bolivar, being now again recognized as supreme chief and captain general, fixed his headquarters, in 1817, at Angostura, on the Orinoco. With an army of-5000, half infantry, he marched thence to the westward, a distance of 600 miles in a month, to attack the fortress of Calabozo, where Morillo was collecting his forces. After numerous and obstinate battles, which are individually too unimportant to be named in the present outline, the republican party obtained a decided superiority; being greatly assisted by some foreign mercenary volunteers, of whom there were at this time in Venezuela about 3000 from Holland, Ireland, and England. On the 15th February, 1819, a solemn installation of the congress of the Venezuelan Republic was made at Angostura, which has also the name of San Tome. The oration of Bolivar before the assembly was translated and published at the time in London, and may be found reprinted in the appendix to the memoirs of Gen. Miller; it is an excellent specimen of that impassioned and lofty eloquence in which his ardent temperament and enthusiastic imagination led him to indulge, and to which the stately phraseology of the Spanish language is so well adapted: indeed, much of the turgid extravagance of Bolivar's style, for which he is censured, is attributable to the idiom of his mother tongue, which abounds in hyperbole. However, his bad taste as a rhetorician is more than compensated by the philanthropy and good sense of most of his moral and political opinions; for instance, popular education ought to be the first concern of the congress; morals and knowledge are the cardinal points of republican prosperity, and morals and knowledge are what we most want. The devoted earnestness in which, at all times, Bolivar urged the importance of moral and mental reform, can be appreciated only by reflecting upon the profligacy and barbarous

At Flores and other places the patriots were surprised,
and all put to the sword. The royalist generals Boves,
Rosette, and Morales, in committing the greatest cruelties,
and destroying even women and children, appeared to
emulate the ferocity of the first invaders. The first two,
throughout a march of 400 miles, from the Orinoco to
Ocumare, with an army of slaves and vagabonds, murdered
every individual who refused to join them; and General
Puy, a negro assassin and robber, having on two occasions
arrested and murdered many hundreds of the patriot inha-
bitants of Varinas, Bolivar, in revenge, and for the sake, it is
said, of deterring the enemy from the repetition of such
atrocities, ordered about 800 Spaniards in La Guayra and
Caracas, to be arrested and shot, which accordingly, on the
14th February, 1814, was done, and immediately was reta-
liated by the royalists, who shot several hundreds of patriot
prisoners in Puerto Cabello. This appears to be the only
recorded instance of the patriot army's resorting to the
savage expedient so continually practised by the royalist
commanders; and afterwards, at Ocumare, in July, 1816, it
was formally proclaimed by Bolivar that no Spaniard
shall be put to death except in battle: the war of death
shall cease.' After several sanguinary conflicts, in which
the patriots were victorious, Bolivar was beaten on the 14th
of June, 1814, at La Puerta, between Cura and S. Juan
Los Morros, where he lost 1500 men, in consequence of
over-confidence, and the dividing of his army: again, on
the 17th of August, at his estate of San Mateo, where the
infernal division of Boves, a legion of negro cavalry with
black crape on their lances, rushing with hideous shouts
from an ambush, scattered his remaining forces, and, but
for the fleetness of his horse, would have taken him prisoner.
His cousin Ribas was seized and shot, and his head was
stuck on the walls of Caracas. Bolivar's beautiful family-
mansion was burnt to the ground, and he was ultimately
compelled, in September, to leave the Spanish generals
again in complete possession of all the provinces of Vene-
zuela; when thousands of the patriot army deserted to their
ranks. The two dictators, Bolivar and Marino, repaired as
fugitives to Carthagena. They were received with great
respect by the republican congress of New Granada, then
assembled, in consequence of civil dissension, at Tunja, a
small town about sixty miles north of Bogota. Bolivar
was commissioned to compel the revolted province of Cun-
dinamarca to join that republic. With 2000 men he
marched, in December, 1814, upon the city of Bogota,
which, after the outworks were stormed for two days, capi-
tulated, and became the seat of congress. He was then
employed to attack the fortified town of Santa Martha,
which, in consequence of the imbecility of Labuta, the


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ignorance of his countrymen. The strange combination of democratic and monarchical principles must astonish every one who examines this exposition of Bolivar's theory, of government, which on the one hand asserts the social equality and universal brotherhood of man, and on the other as solemnly and fervently advises the adoption of a government system, in which the sovereign power is centred in one presiding individual. This advice of course created much distrust of Bolivar's republican professions; but the moral condition of his countrymen, and the state of exasperated factions, may well be allowed to account for the recommendation of a strong government,' without resorting to the uncharitable imputation of tyrannical designs: for he asserts that inexorable necessity alone could have imposed upon me the terrible and dangerous charge of supreme chief: I feel to breathe again in returning to you this authority, which I have endeavoured to maintain in the midst of the most horrible troubles that can afflict a social body.' His authority as supreme chief, though resigned into the hands of the congress, was continued to him under the title of President, until the more violent commotions of society should subside, and the enemy be utterly expelled. In the same year he marched to the assistance of General Santander, in New Granada, and in July arrived at Tunja, which, after a daring and well-planned engagement on the neighbouring heights of the Andes, he took from the royalists; and, on the 7th of August, a decisive victory at Bojaca, in addition to several others, at once gave him possession of the whole of New Granada. Sanano, the viceroy reinstated by Morillo, precipitately fled; and Bolivar entered Bogota in triumph, amid the most joyful acclamations of the inhabitants, who hailed him as their liberator: the congress appointed him president and captain-general of that republic, and supplied him with men, money, and munitions, sufficient to ensure the complete expulsion of the Spanish troops. At Angostura, during his absence, the popularity of General Arismendi had gained him many adherents, and occasioned, in the Venezuelan congress, the formation of a party who encouraged suspicions of Bolivar's ultimate object. Intelligence of this dissension had no sooner reached Bogota, than Bolivar, apprehensive of the ruinous consequence of disunion, hurried away with 3000 chosen soldiers, and by his presence in Angostura iminediately restored tranquillity. Those who desired a central system of government, for the sake of union and strength while the enemy still contended, made his entry into the city a magnificent triumph, and Arismendi was sent into exile. A general congress from the provinces of Venezuela and New Granada was summoned, and December 17, 1819, the decree was passed by which these two republics were united under the name of Colombia: the office of president was given of course to Bolivar.

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province of Quito, which was liberated by the great victory of General Sucre on the 24th of May, 1822, at Pichincha, one of the mountains of the Chimborazo overlooking the city of Quito. It was still deemed expedient, for the sake of security to the southern frontier of New Granada, to deprive the Spaniards of their possessions in Peru, and General San Martin, the founder of Peruvian independence, having solicited Bolivar to assist in the final struggle, he left the administration of government to the vice-president, General Santander, and putting himself at the head of the Colombian army at Popayan, marched to Pasto, thence to Guayaquil, where, on the 26th of July, 1822, he had an interview with San Martin, and thence embarked his troops for Callao. On the 1st of Sept. he entered Lima. The royalists on his approach evacuated the city: and the inhabitants, with every demonstration of delight, received him, and gave him the command of all the country's resources for the completion of its liberation. A republican constitution was adopted on the 13th of November, 1823, by a congress from the provinces of Northern, or Lower Peru, of which Lima is the capital. Bolivar, in the following December, marched from Lima with 5000 Colombians, to Pativilca and Huaras. The congress, unable to govern, in February, 1824, dissolved itself, and appointed him dictator; an act, says Gen. Miller, of unquestionable wisdom, when the country could be saved from party insurrection and the national enemy only by the energy and promptitude of military dictation. An active dissentient faction at Lima declared that Colombia, in sending her army into Peru, had designs of territorial aggrandisement, and that Bolivar was actuated solely by sinister views of ambition. San Martin had been similarly taunted, and having said in his address of September 20th, 1822, I am disgusted with hearing that I wish to make myself a sovereign, retired to Europe. The reply of Bolivar was, Your chiefs, your internal enemies, have calumniated Colombia, her brave men, and myself. The congress has confided to me the odious office of dictator; but I declare that after the enemy is vanquished, my authority shall cease-that you shall be governed by your own laws, and your own magistrates, and that, in returning with my fellow soldiers to Colombia, I will leave to you perfect liberty, and not take away from Peru even a grain of her sand." His army, consisting now of 6000 Colombians under Gen. Sucre, and 4000 Peruvians under Gen. Miller, advanced in July from Huaras towards Pasco. In a tedious passage of the Andes, the greatest hardships and dangers were endured, and by no one with greater fortitude than Bolivar: the cavalry having sometimes to stand throughout the night upon the snow-path of a precipice without any room to lie down or to turn, while the thermometer was several degrees below the freezing point. On the 2nd of August, Bolivar reviewed and harangued his army on the lofty table-land between Rancas and Pasco upon the margin of the Lake of Reyes, and on the 6th came in sight of the Spanish columns in a valley below, called the Plains of Junin. His cavalry, with their reins fastened on their knees, to enable them to wield with both hands their lances, fourteen feet in length, rushed down upon the royalists with such impetuous fury, that many who were struck were lifted two or three feet out of their saddles. After this victory the main army was left under Sucre and Miller; and Bolivar with a detachment proceeded to Lima; where, on the 22nd of December, he summoned a congress which re-organised the government, continued to the liberator the authority of dictator, and, in acknowledgment of his services, urged the acceptance of a million of dollars, which he refused, with the assurance that the honour of receiving their confidence was the only reward he desired. Before the senate, on the opening of this ses sion of congress, he declared, I would that all Europe and America knew the horror I feel at irresponsible power, under what name soever it is exercised. In the mean time the Generals Sucre and Miller, on the 9th of December, won the great victory of Ayacucho, when the royalists were defeated with irreparable loss of men and means. Thus ended the revolutionary war of the Spanish American colonies, in which, for the possession of national independence, at least 100,000 lives were sacrificed. On 10th February, 1825, the congress was again convoked by Bolivar, who resigned the dictatorship in the following words: I felicitate Peru on being delivered from that which, of all things on earth, is most dreadful-war, by the victory of Ayacucho-and despotism, by this my resignation. He set out in company with Generals Sucre and Miller, on the 10th of the following

In November, 1820, after numerous advantages gained by the liberating army, an armistice for six months was agreed upon; in negociating which at Truxillo, it is said that Morillo twice passed the night in the same chamber with Bolivar. He appeared in fact to be weary of hopeless slaughter, and in January, 1821, returned worn out to Spain, leaving the command to General La Torre. Previous to his departure he said to Bolivar's deputies, My name will probably pass to posterity branded with cruelty and tyranny; but let it be remembered, that had I completely obeyed the orders of my government, this country would remain an uninhabited desert. For a full description of the despotism and ferocity of the Spanish royalists, see the two first chapters of the Memoirs of Gen. Miller. On the 21st, or, according to others, the 24th or 26th of June, 1821, General La Torre was totally defeated by Bolivar at Carabobo, near the city of Valencia, when the royalists lost above 6000 men, with all their artillery and baggage. It appears that Bolivar at first was far from being confident of the result, and that the victory was secured by the intrepidity of a body of English and Irish volunteers. This decisive battle concluded the war in Venezuela. The remnant of Spanish troops who escaped to the fortress of Puerto Cabello were compelled to surrender to General Paez. Bolivar the third time entered the city of Caracas in triumph, but the principal inhabitants having emigrated during the war, the streets presented a scene of desolation and misery, with groups only of ragged mendicants, who at once cried welcome and implored relief. A republican constitution was drawn up, and adopted on the 20th of August, 1821, decreeing that its arrangements should continue until 1834. Colombia was now cleared of the royalist troops, except the

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April, to visit the provinces of Southern, or Upper Peru; | an insurrection in favour of a federal instead of the existing and proceeded to Arequipa, Cuzco, La Paz, and Potosi. central government. Another portion of the republic was The whole expedition was one continued scene of triumph determined to adopt the code of Bolivia, so that two-thirds and extravagant exultation; of dinners, balls, bull-fights, of Colombia were in a state of rebellion, that was daily illuminations, triumphal arches, and processions. A sump- increasing, and blood was beginning to flow. The presence tuous banquet was given on the top of the far-famed of the liberator being thus demanded in the north, he deCerro of Potosi, and the liberator, in the enthusiasm ex- parted from Lima, still leaving in Peru bis Colombian cited by the excessive adulation he received, exclaimed forces, and proceeded rapidly to Bogota, where he assumed on that occasion, The value of all the riches that are the extraordinary powers which are authorized by the conburied in the Andes beneath my feet is nothing com- stitution in cases of rebellion; but, at the same time, he pared to the glory of having borne the standard of in- | proposed to reduce the army from 40,000 to 6000; to dimidependence from the sultry banks of the Orinoco, to fix nish the number of civil officers; to reduce the annual it on the frozen peak of this mountain, whose wealth expenses from 14,000,000 dollars to 3,000,000, and to sell has excited the envy and astonishment of the world. the ships of war. In a very impassioned address, he exAfter a month of festivity at Potosi (see vol. ii. of Miller), claimed, Colombians! I am among you-let the scandal of Bolivar, with his military retinue, moved to Chuquisacoa, your violence, and the crime of your disunion cease at once. the capital of these provinces, which had recently become There is but one to blame-I am he-I have too long dedetached from the government of Buenos Ayres. A con- layed my return.' All parties, however conflicting, desired vention of representatives here vied with each other in the appearance of Bolivar. There was still a charm in his rhetorical resolutions of gratitude to Bolivar and Sucre, name, and he was thought to be the only man who could whom they designated Grand Prince and Valiant Duke; save the republic from ruin. Paez himself issued a proclaand having assumed for their country the name of Bolivia, mation from Valencia, calling upon the people to receive they appointed Bolivar perpetual protector, and requested him as the thirsty earth receives the fertilizing dew of him to prepare for them a plan of government. A million of heaven. In the end of December, the liberator arrived at dollars were offered to him, which he accepted, on the con- Puerto Cabello, where he met General Paez; but instead dition that they should be appropriated to the purchase and of imposing any punishment for his rebellion, he confirmed liberation of 1000 negro slaves in Bolivia. In January, him in his command in Venezuela, and issued a proclama1826, he returned to Lima, and on the 25th of the following tion of amnesty to all the insurgents; a course of conduct May, the famous Bolivian code was presented to the con- that was readily taken to be a proof of his having himself gress of Bolivia. A transcript of the whole is given in the instigated the insurrection, in order to furnish a pretext for appendix of the Memoirs of General Miller, and various assuming the power of dictator. An elaborate discussion strictures upon it may be found in the American and Eng- of the particulars of this affair may be found in the 16th lish periodicals named at the head of this article. On the and 21st volumes of the North American Review. It is 22nd of June, the great congress of deputies from Colombia, said that Paez, in exciting insurrectionary tumults, was in Peru, Bolivia, Mexico, and Guatimala was convened at deep collusion with Bolivar; that the introduction of a moPanama. The idea of this Grand Amphictyonic Council narchy was anxiously intended, and that the lenity and arose first in the mind of Bolivar, which often conceived even rewards of Bolivar constitute proof of the plot; but it projects too vast for his means of performance. The object is equally probable that the conduct of Bolivar was dictated in view was the annual assemblage of state representatives by a prudent desire to conciliate the good will rather than to to discuss diplomatic affairs, and decide international dis- irritate the ferocity of a man whose great authority over putes; promote liberal principles, and ensure an union of hordes of savage Llaneros enabled him, as an enemy, to strength in repelling any foreign attack. In the first and produce the greatest mischief. However this may be, on the only session a great profusion of eloquence was displayed to presence of Bolivar all disposition to rebel immediately dislittle purpose, in the philanthropic commendation of poli- appeared; and in February, 1827, he addressed to the senate tical liberality, religious toleration, and the abolition of a letter, in which he states that suspicions of tyrannous slavery. The code of Bolivar was adopted in Bolivia, usurpation rest upon my name, and disturb the hearts of though not without partial dissatisfaction, on the 9th of Colombians. Republicans, jealous of their liberties, regard December, 1826, the anniversary of the battle of Ayacucho, me with a secret dread. I desire to free my fellow-countryand General Sucre was appointed president. It was soon men from all inquietude, and therefore I renounce, again afterwards adopted by the congress of Lima, where Bolivar and again, the presidency of the republic, and entreat the himself was made the president. The prominent principle congress to make me only a private citizen.' The discussion of this constitution is the appointment of a president for of this matter was prolonged by the collision of party life, with the privilege of naming his successor, and the opinions: in June it was finally decided by a majority of assigning to him an irresponsible executive power; and members not to accept the resignation, and Bolivar was yet this apparent institution of absolute monarchy is consequently induced to retain his office. Still a very great accompanied with a declaration of the necessity for a mistrust of his assurances continued to prevail; and twentygeneral and enlightened exercise of the elective privi- four members of the congress had voted for the acceptance lege; asserting that no object is of more importance to of his resignation. In the meantime the Colombian troops a citizen than the election of his legislators, magistrates, in Peru being informed that Bolivar was making arrangejudges, and pastors: none are excluded from being electors ments for the adoption of his code in Colombia, promoted a but those who are vicious, idle, and grossly ignorant; violent insurrection: for though it appears they were satisknowledge and honesty, not money, are what is required fied that Peru should adopt it, they would not permit its for the exercise of popular rights.' It should, in justice to establishment in their own republic. The people of Peru Bolivar, be considered that the society over which he was being equally dissatisfied with their new institutions, on the called to preside, was breaking loose from a despotism of 26th of January, 1827, a complete revolution ensued in the 300 years; and that the excessive ignorance of the great governments of Lima and Bolivia; so that the code of mass of the people required at first, in order to be restrained Bolivar was rejected only six weeks after its adoption. from anarchy and civil war, a government in which almost Another congress elected another president: the troops unlimited power should be centred in the president. It returned to Bolivar in Colombia, and after assurance of should also not be overlooked, that a clause of the code pro- contrition their conduct was forgiven. Before a general vided for its future alteration, when the progress of events assembly of Colombian representatives at Ocana, on the should require it. But the suspicion of a people just libe- 2nd of March, 1828, an address was delivered by Bolivar, rated from arbitrary power imputed to its author the most in which he insisted upon principles similar to those deunworthy designs of usurpation. Universal alarm was veloped in his code; and attributed the unprosperous state excited, especially as the large bodies of Colombian troops, of the republic to the deficiency of the executive power. though unemployed, were still retained in Peru, of which His adherents, including the military, asserted with much Bolivar now was absolute governor for life, in virtue of his appearance of truth, that the people were not prepared to own act, and in consequence, as it was said, of intrigue and appreciate the excellence of institutions purely republican; intimidation. and that, for the sake of greater vigour and promptitude in the governinent, it was requisite to intrust to the president an absolute discretionary power. A majority disapproved of this opinion, especially the vice-president Santander, who declared the proposition of creating Bolivar dictator to be

In Colombia, his long absence had occasioned the prevalence of much disaffection and party strife. General Paez, who, with his numerous cavalry of wild Llaneros, had done much for the patriot cause, had excited in Venezuela

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'perfectly detestable. The friends of Bolivar finding them-
selves in a minority vacated their seats, by which the
meeting was left without a quorum, and thus became

In consequence of this event, a convention of the civil and
military inhabitants of Bogota resolved to confer upon the
liberator the title of Supreme Chief of Colombia, with abso-
lute power to regulate the whole affairs of government. On
the 20th of June, 1828, he accordingly entered that city in
magnificent state, and assumed an authority which the
contenders for the inviolability of the constitution most
daringly denounced. Shortly afterwards several assassins
broke into his chamber, and two colonels were shot dead in
the struggle, while Bolivar escaped only by leaping head-
long in the dark from the balcony of the window, and lying
concealed under a bridge. Santander, with several military
officers who were convicted of having participated in the
conspiracy, was condemned to death, but eventually suffered
only banishment from Colombia. In 1829 the republic was
disturbed by violent factions: many military leaders were
aspiring to supreme command, and the efforts of Bolivar to
prevent disunion excited insurrections. At the head of one
was General Cordova, who declared that In despair at
the conduct and aims of General Bolivar, who oppresses
the whole republic, I place myself at the head of all true
patriots and freemen to prostrate his ambitious views, and
restore the lost liberties of the nation." Another was
headed by General Paez, protesting that, 'As I drove out
the Spanish tyrants, so, with the same zeal and constancy,
I will free Venezuela from the tyranny of Bolivar, the do-
mestic despot, who has dared to attempt her slavery. Vene.
zuela became afterwards separated from the rest of the
republic; Paez was made her president; and a declaration,
signed by 486 leading men of Caracas, the scene of so many
of Bolivar's splendid triumphs, denounced his ambition,
and rejected his authority. Under these circumstances a
general convention, in January, 1830, was held at Bogota,
in order to frame a new constitution for Colombia. The
proceedings were opened by Bolivar in a solemn address:-
I am taunted,' he said, with aspiring to tyranny; set me,
I beseech you, beyond the reach of that censure: if you per-
sist in electing me the state is ruined: give to another the
presidency, which I now respectfully abdicate. His resig-
nation, as on former occasions, was not accepted; he was
even entreated to retain his authority, and assured that, if
you now abandon us, anarchy will succeed. But he had
finally determined to resign his station: he therefore at
once took leave of public life, and retired to Carthagena,
broken down and exhausted in mind and body. Joachim
Mosquera had been some time before solicited by Bolivar
to become the president; he now accepted the office; but
after a few months he resigned, in despair of controlling the
fierce contentions of the numerous aspirants to power.
Bolivar, who had determined to take leave of his country
and retire to Europe, was again importuned to come for-
ward; but his health now rapidly declined.

'This extraordinary man, it would now appear, was a dísinterested patriot, and had consequently been basely requited by the country he had liberated. Since the event of his death, which occurred under circumstances very affecting, his merits as usual have been discovered by the rabble whom he served; and honours are paid to his memory, which, to his living person, were ungratefully denied.' In reviewing the career of Bolivar, his never-ceasing apprehension of the dangers of anarchy will serve to account for much of his inclination to recommend the exercise of absolute power as a means to an end, which even his enemies allow to have been good. The question is, what was the object for which he desired the possession of power? It appears to have been the reduction of conflicting parties to a unity of purpose in establishing republican government. His denunciation of slavery, the liberation of all his patrimonial slaves, nearly a thousand in number, the sacrifice of the whole of his large fortune in the cause of independence, and the generous rewards he bestowed upon its defenders, as well as his liberal views on popular education, cannot leave a doubt of his ultimate object having been the political freedom and moral reformation of his country. It is common to make comparison between Bolivar and Washington; but, in justice to Bolivar, the great difference of circumstances ought to be regarded in forming an estimate of their comparative merits. The liberator of Colombia and Peru had almost every possible disadvantage: he received neither the powerful aid of French allies, nor the intellectual assistance of Jeffersons and Franklins: every thing depended upon his own vigour in the suggestion of means. Further, it is impossible to imagine two nations more completely dissimilar in physical and moral character than the Spanish and English colonies at the time of their respective revolutions. The Anglo-Americans, for the most part, were frugal and industrious, with a general equality of property and education; but the countrymen of Bolivar, one-half Spanish Creoles more or less mixed with the aboriginal race, the other half Indians, Africans, and intermediate colours, formed separate and conflicting castes, equal only in their ignorance and indolent habits a few in possession of immense wealth, even 100,000l. a year, and thousands in a state of mendicity and hunger. The army of Washington, independent of his foreign allies, was composed of local militia, each individual having a home and property more or less to return to: that of Bolivar often consisted chiefly of destitute adventurers, eager only for pay and plunder; ragged creoles, Indians, naked negroes, and cavalry of half-savage Llaneros and Guerrillas mounted on wild horses. The desertion of whole regiments first to one side, then to the other, according to the momentary chance of success, sufficiently shows their degraded moral condition. The generals, too, with whom his command was divided, were principally of the most uncivilized description: Arismendi could neither write nor read; Paez was a brutal mulatto bull-hunter, out of the deserts; and General Bermudez always took the field in a dirty blanket, with a hole in the centre for his head: while envy and fierce ambition were common to them all. The character and habits of such a people and of such an army greatly enhance the merit of the individual who conducts them from an abject state of oppression to independence and social improvement. The task undertaken and completed by Bolivar was the expulsion of Spanish authority, and the secure establishment of republican institutions; but it is doubtless in his character as a military commander rather than as a statesman that his excellence consists. In enterprising promptitude and enthusiasm he differed greatly from Washington, and, on that account, was better qualified to succeed under circumstances essentially different from those in which the North American general was placed. His invincible perseverance in spite of every discouragement and disaster, his ingenuity in devising expedients and raising resources for war, his skill in impressing upon wavering minds a confidence in the final result; the firmness with which he controlled the spirit of faction, and kept together conflicting interests until the termination of the struggle, entitle him to the reputation of a great man. His passive virtues were remarkably great: in the endurance of fatigue, in marches often of more than a thousand miles, both in the torrid heat and desert wilds of the Llanos, and over the frozen summits of the Andes, in hardships and dangers of every description, his fortitude for nearly twenty years is worthy of the highest admiration. Of the sincerity of his pa

In December, 1831, he sent to the people of Colombia a farewell address, in which he vindicates his conduct, and bitterly complains of calumny and ingratitude. Colombians, he says, I have unceasingly and disinterestedly exerted my energies for your welfare; I have abandoned my fortune and my personal tranquillity in your cause: I am the victim of my persecutors, who have now conducted me to my grave-but I pardon them. Colombians! I leave you-my last prayers are offered up for the tranquillity of my country; and if my death will contribute to this desirable end, by a discontinuance of party feeling. I shall descend with feelings of contentment into the tomb that is soon to receive me." A week after the writing of this address he expired at San Pedro, near Carthagena, on Friday the 17th of December, 1831, at the age of forty-eight. It is said that, in his last moments, he conformed to all the rites of the Catholic religion, that he manifested great calmness and resignation, and constantly showed the utmost anxiety for the prosperity of his country.

The reflection that the man who had devoted all his time, his fortune, and his life to the liberation and improvement of his country, had at last sunk beneath the weight of undeserved reproaches, and died broken-hearted, touched the callous hearts of his countrymen with a passionate grief and veneration, which, in every town of Colombia, was exhibited in orations and funeral processions. The United Service Journal,' in noticing this occurrence (vol, for 1831), says,

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