
Milton's picture, 801. His 'Pa-
lamon and Arcite,' 802.
Dubois, Edward, esq. his satire,
entitled My Pocket Book,' 65 n.
Dubost, M., painter, 171. His
'Beauty and the Beast,' 171 n.
Duelling, 59 n., 652.
'Duet, between Campbell and Eleusis, Bay of, 819.
Bowles,' 893.

case of Wat Tyler,' 397 n.,
and Cain,' 505 n. His impar-
tiality, 767.
Electioneering, 775.

Duff, Miss Mary (afterwards Mrs.
R.Cockburn) Lord Byron's boyish
attachment for, xii. 43 n., 842.
Duigenan, Dr., 815, 817.
Dulwich, xii.

Dumourier, General, 592.
Dunbar, battle of, 136 n.

Duncan, Admiral, 593.
Dunciad, the, 55.

Dupaty, the President, 163.

Elegy on Newstead Abbey,' 28.
'Elegy on the Recovery of Lady
*,' 903.


Elgin, Lord, 65, 85 n., 96, 187,

189. 6 Epigram or,' 864.
Elgin marbles, 96, 187 n., 190 n.
'Eliza, Lines to,' 26.

Elizabeth, Queen, 145. Her avarice,

· Ellen, Lines to,' imitated from Ca-
tullus, 5.

Ellice, Mr. xxviii.

[ocr errors]

Epistle to Augusta,' 879.
Epitaphs:-'on a Friend,' 4; on
Virgil and Tibullus, by Domi-
tius Marsus, translated,' 5; on
John Adams, of Southwell, car-
rier, who died of drunkenness,'
845; 'for myself,'854; *Substitute
for an,' ib.; for Joseph Blackett,
late poet and shoe-maker,' 857;
'for William Pitt,' 897; "for
Lord Castlereagh,' 902; on Lady
Milbanke's dog Trim,' 905.
Epitaphs, remarks on, 4.
Erasmus, his Naufragium,' 619 x.
Eratostratus, 190.

Eros and Anteros, 290.
Erse language, 700.

Elliston, Robert William, comedian, Erskine, Lord, 750.

349 n., 351 n.

[blocks in formation]

Escurial, the, 75 n.
Este, family of, 271, 272.
Etiquette, 672, 676.
Etna, 698, 135.

Eton College, 46.

Euboea, bay of, 263.

Eucrates, 136.

Endorsement to the Deed of Sepa-Euclid, 22.
ration, in April, 1816,' 878.
England, 311, 797.
English Bards and Scotch Review-
ers, 48.
See also, xxxii. 822.
English look,' 663.

English system of education, 599 n.
English women, 741.

Eblis, Oriental Prince of Darkness, Enigma, 'On the Letter I.,' 908.

Eboli, Princess of, epigram on her
losing an eye, 834.
Eccelin, 226 n.
'Eclectic,' 642.
'Eclectic Review,' its strictures on

Hours of Idleness,' 182. Its
character of 'Don Juan,' 781.
Economy, 721.
Eddleston (Cambridge chorister),
23 n., 842. Lines on a corne-
lian given to Lord Byron by,' 23.
Edgeworth, Maria, 595.
Edinburgh, 56, 57.
'Edinburgh Review,' xv. 45, 48,
614,784. Its 'Critique' on 'Hours
of Idleness,' 45. Strictures on
its remarks on the literature of
modern Greece, 102.
Education, English system of, 599 n.
Edward I, xi. n.
Edward III., xi. n. 3.
Edward the Black Prince, 36 n.
His tomb, 725.
Egeria, 140, 166.
Egeria, Fountain of, 140.
Egeria, Grotto of, 140, 166.
Egripo (the Negropont), 214.
Ehrenbreitstein, 118.
Eighers, the, 119 n.
Eivan, 123 n.

Ekenhead, Mr., 626, 853 n.
Elba, Isle of. 569.

Eldon, Earl of, xvii. 867. Anecdote
of, 60 n. His judgment, in the

Enniskillen, 814.

Ennui, the best of friends and
opiate draughts,' 646 n.
growth of English root,' 751.
Enthusiasm, a moral inebriety,'
745. How excited, 122 n.
Envy, 672, 829.
Epaminondas, his disinterestedness,


Ephesus, ruins of, 143, 713.
Epic poem, definition of an, 612.
Recipe for, 612 n.
Epicurus, philosophy of, 606 n. 635.
Epigrams:-on Moore's Operatic
Farce, or Farcical Opera,' 857;
'from the French,' 861; on Lord
Elgin,' 864; from Martial,' 888;
'from the French of Rulhières,'
895; on my Wedding Day,'
897; on Cobbett's digging up
Tom Paine's Bones,' ib.; on some
Brother Poets,' ib.; "The world
is a bundle of hay,' ib.; on my
thirty-third Birth-day,' 901; ‘on
my Wedding,' ib.; on Queen
Caroline,' ib.; on the Brasiers'
Company having resolved to pre-
sent an Address to Queen Ca-
roline,' 902; on Lord Castle-
reagh,' ib.
Epirus, 67, 89.

Epistle, a female, described, 751.
Epistle to a Friend, in answer to
some Lines exhorting the author
to banish care,' 857.

Eugene, Prince, 262, 347.
Eumæus, 807.
Eunapius, 290 n.

Euphues (Barry Cornwall), 731.
Euripides, translation from his
Medea, ‘Έρωτες ὑπὲρ, 21.
Eurotas, 93.
Eusebius, 165.

Eustace's Classical Tour in Italy,'
strictures on, 160, 170.
'Euthanasia,-When Time, or soon
or late,' 860.
Eutropius, the eunuch, and minis-
ter of Arcadius, character of,
591 n.

Euxine, or Black Sea, description
of, 662, 825.
Evander, 826.
Evening described, 129, 273, 646.
Evil, origin of, 522, 522 n.
Exile, 71, 111, 476, 617.
Expectation, 242, 605.
Experience, 309, 739, 894. The

chief philosopher,' 761.
Eyes, 202 n., 600, 717, 766.


Fainting, sensation of, 626.
Faintness, the last mortal birth of
pain,' 894.
Fairy, 289.

Falconer, his 'Shipwreck,' 94 m.,
824, 827.

Faliero, Marino, doge of Venice,
347, 392.
Faliero family, 350, 389.
Falkland (Lucius Cary), Viscount,
29, 59.

Fame, 94, 112, 115, 116, 125,
615, 659, 693, 699, 700, 714,
741, 760, 803, 902.

Family, a, 641.

Fanal, the, 100, 102.

Fancy, 648.

Fano, 350.

'Fare thee well,' 875.

'Farewell to the Muse,' 844.
'Farewell! if ever fondest prayer,'

'Farewell to Malta,' 857.
Farmers, 714.

Fashionable world, 631, 730, 753.
Fate, 115, 663, 743.
"Father of Light! great God of
Heaven,' 39.
Faublas, 513 n., 788.
Faunus. Lucius, 164, 165.
'Faust,' Goethe's, 296 n., 299 n.
'Faustus,' Marlow's, 300.
Fauvel, M. (French consul at
Athens), 96, 99.

Faux pas, in England, 757.
'Fazio,' Milman's tragedy of, 351 n.
Fazzioli, the Venetian, xxv. 311 n.

Fea, the Abate, 164 n.
Fear, 770, 778.

'Features,' 670.
Feelings, innate, 649.
Feinagle, Professor, his Mnemonics,

Felicaja, his 'O Italia, Italia,' trans-

lated, 131 n.
Female fickleness, 760.
Female accomplishments, 739.
Female friendship, 759.
Fénélon, 690.

Fenton, the poet, 828.

Ferdinand, Duke of Brunswick, 592.
Ferdinand VII. of Spain, 77 n., 816.
Fermanagh, 814.
Ferney, 124.

'Florence' (Mrs. Spencer Smith),
xviii. 87. Stanzas to,' 852, 853.
Foligno, 134 n.
Fontainebleau, abdication of Napo-
leon at, 868 n.
Fontenelle, 105.
Foppery, 803.

Forbes, Lady Elizabeth, xx.
Forbes, Sir W., 152 n.
Fornarina, the, xxiv.
Forsyth, Joseph, esq., his 'Italy,'
143 n.

Fortitude, 115, 129, 232, 234, 759.
Fortune, 115, 137, 312, 381, 653,

663, 803.

'Forty-parson power,' 721.
Forum, the Roman, 139.
Foscari, the Two; an Historical
Tragedy, 463.

Foscari family, 463-465 n.
Foscolo, Ugo, 307 n., 259 n., 799
n. His account of Pulci's Mor-
gante,' 324-326.

Fox, Right Hon. Charles James,
36, 572 n., 882 n. 'Lines on
the death of,' 24. Saying of, 567
n. His grave, 567 n.
Fox-hunt, an English, 754.
Fragment,' a, 4.

Fragment,' written after the mar-
riage of Miss Chaworth, 8.
'Fragment,' in prose, 818.
'Fragment of an Epistle to Thomas
Moore, 871.

'Fragment,' a, 886.
France, 192, 569.

[blocks in formation]

Gail, M., 101.
Galiguani, M., 351 n.
Galileo, 159. His tomb in Santa
Croce, 133.
Galiongee, 217.
Gallantry, 801.

Galt, John, esq., xviii. 193, 206 n.,
795 n.
His character of 'Don
Juan,' 788. Critical Notes by,

Gamba, Count, xxvii-xxx. 646 n.,
904 n.

Gamesters, 753 n., 756 n.
Gaming, 735, 753.

Gandia, Duke of, interesting parti-
culars of his death, 252 n.
Ganymede, 656 n.

Garcilasso de la Vega, 603.
Garrick, 58, 862. Sheridan's Mo-
nologue on, 880 n.

Francesca of Rimini; from the Garter, order of the, 68.

'Inferno' of Dante, 899.
Francis I. of France, 597 n.

Francis Maria II., Duke of Rovero,


Ferrara, 130, 272 n., 302 n. Cer- Francis, Miss Eliza, 804.

tosa cemetery at, 4 n.

Ferrata Grotta, 169.

Francis, Sir Philip, the probable
author of Junius,' 405.

[merged small][ocr errors][merged small]

Few years have pass'd since thou Franciscan Convent at Athens, 101, Gelon, 381.
and 1,' 846.

[blocks in formation]
[ocr errors]

First Kiss of Love,' 8.

First Love, 605, 633.
Fitzgerald, Lord Edward, 'Sonnet
on the repeal of his forfeiture,' 896.
Fitzgerald, William Thomas, esq.,
poetaster, 49, 186, 800.
Fitzpatrick, General, 194.
Flaminius, the Consul, 162, 163.
Flaminius Vacca, 163, 166.
Flavian Amphitheatre, 168.
Fletcher, William (Lord Byron's
valet), xxvi. xxx.71n.,261n.,851.
Florence, 132, 133, 162, 308, 335.

856 n.

Franconia, 556.

'Frankenstein,' Mrs. Shelley's,818n.
Frankfort, 193, 543, 563.

Gemma, the wife of Dante, 336 n.


neva, xxiii. 119 n., 278 n. Lake
of, 123 n., 798.
'Genevra, Sonnets to,' 866.

Franklin, Benjamin, 406, 569, 571, | Genlis, Madame de, 193.

629 n.
Frascati, 169.

Fraser, Mrs., 857.

Frederick the Second, 36 n., 588 n.
His flight from Molwitz, 700.
'Free to confess,' the phrase, 775.
Free press in Greece, 104.
Free-will, 522 n.
Freedom, 93, 138, 724, 727.
Freiber, Dr. xxx.
French Chambers, 572.
Frere, Right Hon. John Hookham,

62 n.

Genoa, xxix. 151, 347.
Genseric, 226 n.
Gentility, 718.

Gentlemen farmers,' 714.
Geoffry of Monmouth, 769.
George I., 222 n., 733 n.
George III., 192, 398-408.
George IV., 574 n., 709,714, 733,
742, 868 n., 897, 898. Sonnet
to, on the repeal of Lord Edward
Fitzgerald's forfeiture,' 896.
Georgia, 683 n.

Georgians, beauty of the, 684.
Whistle-Georgics,' a finer poem than the
'Eneid,' 828.
Geramb, Baron, 396 n.
Germany and the Germans, 724.
'Gertrude of Wyoming,' 182 n.

Writes half the 'Needy
Knife-grinder, 82n. His
craft,' 305 n., 788.
Fribourg, 278 n.
Friday, supposed unluckiness of, 62.
Friends, 148, 719, 756, 759.

[blocks in formation]

well's, 68.

Gesner, his Death of Abel,' 506.Good Night,' the, 71. Lord Max-
Ghibellines, the, 161, 334 n., 336.
Ghost, the Newstead, 771 n.
Ghosts, 222 n., 267, 408 n., 768-

772, 778.

Glaffar, Pacha of Argyro-Castro,
his fate, 218 n.
Giant's Staircase, 350.
'Giant's Grave,' visit to the, 662.
Giaour, the; a Fragment of a
Turkish Tale, 195. See also
xxiii. xxxii. 198 n., 210 n.
Gibbon, Edward, esq., 124, 881 n.
His remark on public schools,
599 n. His acacia, 888 n.
Gibraltar, straits of, 86.
Giffard, Lees, esq., LL.D., 779.
Gifford, William, esq., 48, 61,
62, 185 n., 294 n., 347 n., 359 n.,
674 n., 800.

Gilchrist, Octavius, 821, 824,

[ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small]
[ocr errors]

Goose, Mother, 58.

Goose, royal game of, 740.
Gordon, the duchess of, xv.
Gordon, Sir Cosmo, his Remarks

on Don Juan,' 786.
Gordon, Lord Alexander, xv.
Gordon, Lord George, 192 n.
Gordon, Charles, esq. xiii.
Gordons of Gight, xi. 26 n.
Gottenburg, 192.

Goza, the island of Calypso, 87.
Gracchus, Tiberius, 720, 721 n.
Grafton, Duke of, 404.

Graham, Edward, esq., 656 n.
Grahame, James, 50 n., 63. His
'Sabbath Walks' and 'Biblical
Pictures,' 54.

Guariglia, Signor, 656 n.
Guarini, his Pastor Fido,' 301.
Guelfs, the, 161, 334 n., 336.
Guesclin, Du, Constable of France,

Guiccioli, Count, xxvi. xxvii. 334 я.
Guiccioli (Theresa, Gamba), Coun-
tess, xiii. xxvi.-xxix. 32, 324.,
333 n., 429 n., 432 n., 606 ≈.
661 n., 786, 895, 904 я. Dedi-
cation of the Prophecy of Dante'
to, 333.

[ocr errors]

Guido, his Aurora, 755.
Guildhall of London, 574.
Guinguené, P. L., 325 n.
Gulley, Mr. John, the pugilist in
1835 M. P. for Pontefract), 826,

Gunpowder, 583, 701.

Gurney, Hudson, esq., his 'Cupid
and Psyche,' 643.

Grainger, his 'Ode to Solitude,' 825. Gurney, William Brodie, short-hand
Granada, 75, 889.

Granby, Marquis of, 592.

writer, 611.

Gustavus, his death at Lutzen, 569.

[blocks in formation]

828. His 'Odes,' 801.

'Greatest living poets,' 731.

Halifax, 831.

Greece, xiv. xvii. xviii. xxviii-Hall, Captain Basil, his interview

xxx. xxxii. 79, 85, 93, 94, 181,

196, 197, 210, 235 n., 264, 570,
644, 904.

Greek war-song, · Δεύτε παῖδες,

105. Translation of,' 854.
Greeks, character of the Modern,
100, 101, 102. Some account
of their literature, 104–111.
Greenwood, Mr., scene-painter, 58n.
Gregorio Demetrius, 105.
Gregson, the pugilist, 837.
Grenvilles, the, 733.
Greville, Colonel, 59.
Grey, Hon. Mr. Charles (after wards
Earl Grey), 572 n., 742.
Grey, Lady Jane, 94 n.
Grief, 719.

Glenbervie (Sylvester Douglas), first
Lord, his Ricciardetto,' 339 n.
Glennie, Dr. (Lord Byron's precep-
tor), xii. xiii. 589 n.
Glory, 645, 690, 698, 725.
Gloucester, late Duke of, 194.
Gneisenau, General, 702.
Godoy, Don Manuel, 77, 77 n.
Goethe, 644, his 'Kennst du das
Land,' etc. imitated, 210 n. His
'Faust,' 296 n. His remarks on
'Manfred,' 299 n. Dedication of
'Marino Faliero' to, 349 n. His Grillparzer, his Sappho,' 429 n.,
'Werther,' ib. Lord Byron's let-Grimaldi, the clown, xvi.

ter to, ib. Dedication of Sarda-Grimm, Baron, his 'Correspon-
napalus' to, 429. His Mephis- dence,' 834.
topheles,' 743. His character of
'Don Juan,' 791.

Gold, 735.

Golden fleece, 641.

Goldoni, his comedies, 107 n.
Goldsmith, Oliver, his anticipated
definition of the Lake school of
poetry, 800.

Gondola described, 309.
Gondoliers, songs of the Venetian,
127, 148, 605.

Grindenwald, the, 119 n.

Gritti, Count, his sketch of a Ve-
netian noble, 386 n.
Grolée, 278 n.

Grongar Hill,' Dyer's, 827.
Gropius, the Sieur, 96.
Grose, 700.
Grosvenor, Earl (in 1832 created
Marquis of Westminster), 177 n.
Guadiana, the river, 75.
Gualandra hills, 162.

with Napoleon, 567.

Hallam, Henry, esq., his review of
Payne Knight's Taste,' 57, 66.
'His Middle Ages,' 737.
Hamburg, 192, 535.
Hamilton, Mr., 103.
Hammond, Mr., 316 n.
Hampstead, 79.

Hands, small, distinctive of birth,
652 n., 672.

Hannibal, 133, 134, 162, 579 m.
Hanover, 192.

Hanson, John, esq. (Lord Byron's
solicitor), xxxi. 881 n.
Happiness, was born a twin,' 632.

Horace's art of, 671. 'An art
on which the artists greatly vary,'


Hardinge, George, esq., 750.
Harley, Lady Charlotte (the ‘lanthe'
to whom the first and second can-
tos of Childe Harold' are deci
cated), 69.
Harmodius, 113, 570. Song ou,
113 n., 570 n.
Harmony,' German colony in Ame-
rica so called, 763.
Harpe, La, 571.
Harrow, xi. xiii. xxviii. 10,11,12 ..
31 n., 36 n., 135 n., 840, 842
Lines on a change of masters at,'
10. 'On a distant view of the

village and school of,' 11. "Writ-
ten beneath an elm in the church-
yard of,' 45. 'On revisiting,' 845.
Harrowgate, 24.

Hartz Mountains, 490.
Harvey, Dr., 175 n.

Hastings, Warren, 881 n.

Hatred, 743.

[ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small]

Havard, Billy, story of his tragedy, Hoare, Rev. Charles James, 64.


Hawke, Admiral Lord, 592.
Hawke (Edward Harvey), third
Lord, 10.

Hayley, William, esq., 63. Advice
to, 50 n. His Triumphs of
Temper,' 54, 773, 800.
Hazlitt, William, 130n. His charge
of inconsistency against Lord By-
ron, 592 n. His character of 'Don
Juan,' 786. His style, 899 n.
Headfort, the Marchioness of, xvi. n.
Health, 632, 703.

Hearer, a good one, 755.
Hearing, second, superstition of,

[blocks in formation]

translated, 5. Lord Byron's early
dislike to, 135. The scholar
of love,' 635. His 'Nil admi-
rari,' 671, 745. Quoted, 668,
749, 753, 758.

Byron before ten years old, 195 n.Horæ Ionicæ,' 63 n.
History, 116, 698.
Horistan, John of, 3.
Horistan Castle, xi. n. 3n.
Horn, Cape, 193.
Hortensius, 681.
Horton, Right Hon. Robert Wilmot
(now Sir Robert), 597 n.
Horton, Mrs. (now Lady) Wilmot,
254 n.


Hoste, Sir Wm., 386 n.

Houdetot, Comtesse de, 120 n.
Hougoumont, 115n.
Houris, 201 n., 708.
Hours of Idleness. Critique of the
'Edinburgh Review' upon, 45.
See also xv.

House of Lords, xiv. xvi. 60 n. 811.
Houson, Miss, 'Lines addressed
to,' 13.

Hobbes, Thomas, 582. His fear
of ghosts, 768.
Hobhouse, Rt. Hon. Sir J. C. Bart.,
xvii. xx. xxiii. xxx. His 'Journey
through Albania' quoted, 83 n.,
88 n., 90 n., 188 n., 656 n.,
662 n., 676 n. His Lines on
Bowles's Pope, 55 n., 822. De-Hotspur, 701 n.
dication to him of the fourth canto
of Childe Harold,' 125.
"Historical Notes to the fourth
Canto of Childe Harold,' 147.
Dedication to him of the Siege
of Corinth,' 260. His Epistle
to a young Nobleman in love,'
849. Epigram to,' 888. 'Lines
to, on his Imprisonment in New-
gate,' ib. See also, 48, 171, 177,
287 n., 846 n., 854n.
Hoche, General, 118 n., 593.
'Hock and soda water,' 615 n., 633.
Hockheim, taking of, 118 n.
Hodgson, Rev. Francis, xvii. 64.
His Friends,' 802. His charac-
ter of Pope, 803. 'Lines to,
written on board the Lisbon
packet,' 851. Epistle to, in
answer to some lines exhorting
Lord Byron to banish care,' 857.
Hogg, James, the Ettrick shepherd,
616 n., 804.


Howard, Hon. Frederick, 61 n. 114.
Howe, Admiral Lord, 592.
Hoyle, games of, 645.
Hoyle, Rev. Charles, 64, 801.
Hubert, St. xx.
Hucknall-Tokard, the village and
church of, xxxi. 4 n., 71 n.
Huddersfield, 817.

Hudibras,' 179.
Hughes, the dramatist, 828.
Humane Society, 606.
Humboldt, 660.
Hume, David, 505 n.
Hunger, 622, 631.

Holbein, his 'Dance of Death,' 763. Hunt, John, 679.
Hole, Rev. Richard, 801.
Holford, Miss, 804, 892.
Holland, 724.

Holland, Lord, 50 n., 57, 862 n.

Dedication of the 'Bride of Aby-
dos' to, 210. His character of
Voltaire, 678.

Hunt, Leigh, xxviii. xxxiii. 799,
840, 866. His 'Byron and some
of his Contemporaries,' 409 n,
773 n., 786. Mr. Moore's verses
on, 410 n. His 'Rimini,' 840.
Hunt, the Orator, 412, 888.
Hunter, Mr. xiii.

[merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small]

after absence, 638.
hearts, there is no,' 641.
Homer, his Odyssey,' 638.
graphy of, 656, 806. 'Iliad,' 697,
758, 801. His catalogue of ships,

Honorius, the Emperor, 168.
Honorius, St., 73.

Highgate, 80. Burlesque oath ad- Hook, Theodore, esq., 58.

ministered at, 80 n.

'Highland welcome,' 681.
Highlands of Scotland, xii. 2, 26,

27 n. 580, 772.

Hill, Thomas, esq., the patron of

Hope, Thomas, esq., 85 n., 171 n.
Hoppner, R. B., Esq., 316n. His
account of Lord Byron's mode of
life at Venice, 795 n. 'Lines on
the birth of his son,' 893.

Hymettus, 94, 187, 766, 825.
Hypochondriacism, 836.
Hypocrisy, 721, 734.


Ianthe (Lady Charlotte Harley), de-
dication of Childe Harold' to,
69. Some account of, 69 n.
Ibrahim Pacha, 96.
Ida, mount, 99, 135, 656 n.
Ida of Athens,' 98.
Identity of Byron with his charac-
ters, 70 n., 224, 226 n., 593 n.,
594 n., 723 n., 791, 795.
I enter thy garden of roses,' 855.

[merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small]

Milan, 157.

Incantation, the, 286.

Incledon, Charles, singer, 794.
Inconstancy, 635.

Indifference, 745, 766, 801.
Indigestion, 712, 714, 726.
Indolence, 307 n.
Indus, the river, 190.
'Inez, Stanzas to,' 81.
Infidelity, female, 636, 741.

In law an infant, and in years a
boy,' 15.

Innocence, 523, 524, 685, 757.
Innovation, progress of, 775.

Jenner, Dr., 606.

'Jephtha's Daughter,' 255.
Jerdan, William, esq., 780.
Jerningham, Mr., 66.
Jerome, St., 598.

Jerreed, exercise of the, 213 n.
Jersey, Earl of, xx. 316 n.
Jersey, Countess of, 871 n. Con-
dolatory Address to, on the Princ
Regent returning her picture,

Jerusalem, 335. 'On the day o
the destruction of, by Titus,' 258
Jervis, Admiral, 593.

Inscription on the monument of a Jesus Christ, 680, 761.

[merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small]

Jews, 573, 574, 622, 668, 733.
Joan of Arc, 52, 184 n.
Joannina, 89 n., 99.
Job, 702, 756.

John Bull, 506 n., 694, 734, 897
His 'Letter to Lord Byron,' 788.
613 n.

John o'Groat's house, 100, 816.
John, King of England, 573.
Johnson, Dr., 743. His remark on
clever children, xii. His opinion
of blank verse, 173 n., 802. His
'Irene,' 176. His opinion of the
Beggar's Opera,' 178 n. His re-
mark on 'good intentions,' 401n.
His tribute to Cognac, 576 n.
His Life of Milton,' 645. His
'Vanity of Human Wishes, '648 n.
His belief in ghosts, 769. His
'Lives of the Poets,' 830 n. His
'London,' 834. His melancholy,
836. His prologue, on opening
Drury Lane theatre, 862 n.
Jonson, Ben, anecdote of, 591 n.
Joubert, General, 593.

Journal de Trévoux,' 344.

[blocks in formation]

Kallinikus, Torgeraus, 104.
Kamareses, John, 105.
Kamschatka, 193.
Kant, Professor, 724.
Kaye, Sir Richard, 29 n.
Kean, Edward, tragedian, effect of
his Sir Giles Overreach on Lord
Byron, xxii. 58 n. Byron's en-
thusiastic admiration of, 351 r.
Keats, John, xvi. 732, 803. Account
of, 803 n. 'Elegy on,' 902.
Keith, Lord, 874.
Kemble, John Philip, esq., 58 n..
351 n. His tomb, 124 r. His
Coriolanus, 351 n.
Kendal, Duchess of, 223 n.
Kennedy, Dr., his 'Conversations
on Religion with Lord Byron in
Cephalonia,' xxix. 257n., 296n.,
631 n., 791, 877 n.
Kenney, James, the dramatist, 58.
Kent, Duke of, 194.
Kent, Mr., his taste in gardening
formed by Pope, 839.
Keppel, Admiral, 592.
Keratia, 207 n.

Kibitka,' 713.
Kidd, Captain, strange story related
to Lord Byron by, 851 n.
Kings, 702, 713.
King's Bench, 729.
Kinnaird, Lord, 316 n., 711.
Kinnaird, Hon. Douglas, xxx. 254,

396 n., 593 n., 903 n. Dedica-
tion of 'Marino Faliero' to, 349 m.
Kirkby Mallory, xxii.
Kitchiner, Dr., his remedy for sea-
sickness, 617 n.

Knatchbull, Sir Edward, xxxi.

'I would I were a careless child,' 44. Journal of a Soldier in Spain, 711 n. Knight-errantry, 743.


Jackall, 271, 713.

Jackson, John, the professor of pugi-
lism, xvi. 183, 331 n., 728.
Jackson, J. G., esq., his description
of Fez, 653 n.

[blocks in formation]

Knight, Galley, esq., 892.

Knight, Payne, 57 n.
Knowledge, 519, 686.

Juliet, 14, her tomb, xxiii. 571 n. Knowlles, Richard, his 'History of

Julio Romano, 163.

Julius Caesar, his character, 137,
166,491,700. His laurel wreath,
142, 496. The suitor of love, 635.
Julius II., Pope, 340 n.

Jacobson, Mr., 902 n.
'Jacqueline,' Mr. Rogers's, 62 n., Julius III., Pope, 163.
Jungfrau, the, 135, 287 n., 289 n.

242 n.

the Turks,' 195 n. 675.
Königsberg, 724.
Koran, 201 n.

Kosciusko, General, 569, 724.
Kotzebue, 193.
Koutousow, General (afterwards
Prince of Smolensko), 704.

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